LSI Network Card Ultra160 User Manual

Host Adapters  
O c t o b e r 2 0 0 1  
Version 1.1  
This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The  
information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties  
without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.  
LSI Logic products are not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices,  
or systems. Use of any LSI Logic product in such applications without written  
consent of the appropriate LSI Logic officer is prohibited.  
Document DB15-000183-01, Second Edition (October 2001)  
This document describes the LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters and  
will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of this product  
until rescinded by an update.  
The PCI interface is compatible with the PCI Local Bus Specification,  
Revision 2.1 and 2.2. The SCSI interface is compatible with the ANSI draft  
standard X3T10.11/1142.  
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein  
at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or  
liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein,  
except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or  
use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights,  
copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual property rights of LSI  
Logic or third parties.  
Copyright © 2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.  
The LSI Logic logo design and SDMS are registered trademarks or trademarks  
of LSI Logic Corporation. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks  
of Microsoft Corporation. All other brand and product names may be trademarks  
of their respective companies.  
For a current list of our distributors, sales offices, and design resource  
centers, view our web page located at  
This book is the user’s guide for all LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host  
Adapters. It contains a functional description for the Ultra160 SCSI  
boards as well as physical and electrical specifications.  
This document assumes that you have some familiarity with SCSI  
protocol and related support devices. This document benefits people  
installing and using the various Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter  
This document has the following chapters and appendixes:  
instructions for installing your Ultra160 SCSI host adapter and  
Windows NT or Windows 2000 device driver.  
installation instructions for installing your Ultra160 SCSI host adapter.  
illustrates the various LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
and provides PCI and SCSI interface information.  
definitions of terms used in this book.  
Related Publications  
PCI Storage Device Management System SDMS™ 4.0 User’s Guide,  
Version 1.2, LSI Logic Corporation (only available in PDF format from  
LSI Logic Web Site  
LSI53C1000 PCI to Ultra160 SCSI Controller Technical Manual,  
Version 2.1, LSI Logic Corporation, Order No. S14050.A  
LSI53C1010-33 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction  
Controller Technical Manual, Version 3.2, LSI Logic Corporation,  
Order No. S14025.B  
LSI53C1010-66 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction  
Controller Technical Manual, Version 2.1, LSI Logic Corporation,  
Order No. S14049.A  
Revision Record  
Revision Date  
Contains all Ultra160 SCSI PCI Host Adapters produced by LSI Logic.  
Added LED information in Chapter 3 to ITI6200U3LP board. Changed title  
to Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters and other references to same  
throughout the book.  
Chapter 1  
Quick Installation  
This chapter contains general information about Ultra160 SCSI  
controllers and host adapters. It provides quick host adapter installation  
instructions for experienced computer users and instructions for SCSI  
bus setup. It also provides quick installation instructions for Windows NT  
or Windows 2000 device drivers. This chapter describes these topics:  
1.1 General Description  
LSI Logic provides high-performance, cost-effective Ultra160 SCSI  
controllers and host adapters. The LSI Logic controllers and their  
associated host adapters that support Ultra160 SCSI are:  
Host Adapters  
LSI20160, LSI20160L  
LSI21040, LSI21003, LSI22903, LSI22915A, 6200U3LP  
Installing any of these adapters into your PCI system allows you to  
connect SCSI devices over a SCSI bus. You can use the Ultra160 SCSI  
boards in PCI computer systems with either a standard or Low Profile  
PCI (LPPCI) bracket type.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
For specific information about the Ultra160 SCSI controllers, refer to the  
related publications section in the Preface.  
1.2 Obtaining Windows NT/Windows 2000 Drivers  
Before you begin the Ultra160 SCSI host adapter installation, create a  
Windows NT or Windows 2000 driver diskette by copying the driver files  
from either the LSI Logic SDMS CD-ROM or from the LSI Logic web site  
at If you obtain the driver software from the  
LSI Logic web site, the zipped package that you download contains the  
appropriate files. To obtain the driver software from the SDMS Software  
Device Drivers and Utilities CD-ROM Release 4.x, copy all the files  
starting from the I386 subdirectory through the MINIPORT subdirectory  
(I386/WINNT/MINIPORT) to the root directory of a clean diskette. You will  
use the driver diskette during installation process.  
{CDROM Drive}:\DRIVERS\8XX-1010\WIN2K\ULTRA32K\I386  
Additionally, Channel Marketing provides the driver software on their  
SDMS Software Device Drivers and Utilities CD-ROM, Release 1.x. Copy  
all the files from the Ultra160 subdirectory to the root directory of a  
clean diskette. You will use this SDMS driver diskette during installation.  
{CDROM Drive}:\DRIVERS\8XX-1010\WIN2K\ULTRA160  
Contact the LSI Logic technical support team for LSI Logic Storage I/O  
Components if you have any questions. In the U.S., customers may  
contact us at (719) 533-7230.  
Quick Installation Procedures  
1.3 Quick Host Adapter Installation  
If you are an experienced computer user with prior host adapter  
installation and SCSI bus setup experience, this section may sufficiently  
describe the installation procedure for you. If you prefer more detailed  
instructions and guidance, refer to Section 2.1, “Installing your Ultra160  
To install an LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter, follow these  
Step 1. Ground yourself before handling the host adapter board to  
discharge static electricity.  
Step 2. Remove the host adapter board from its packing and examine  
it for any damage. Retain the packing for future use.  
Step 3. Turn off and unplug your computer and peripherals.  
Step 4. Open your PC cabinet by removing its cover.  
Step 5. Locate the slot for installing PCI plug-in boards.  
Step 6. Insert your Ultra160 SCSI host adapter board into the selected  
PCI (32 or 64 bit) slot.  
Step 7. Connect the internal and external SCSI peripherals.  
Optional: Connect the LED cable on your SCSI host adapter.  
Step 8. Terminate the SCSI bus.  
The SCSI bus requires proper termination and no duplicate  
Step 9. Set the peripheral SCSI IDs. Do not duplicate the SCSI IDs.  
Step 10. Make any configuration changes.  
Step 11. Replace your PC cabinet cover.  
Step 12. Plug in all power cords, turn on the peripherals, and then turn  
on your computer.  
The host adapter installation is complete.  
Quick Host Adapter Installation  
1.4 Quick Windows NT/Windows 2000 Driver Installation  
To load the SYM_U3.SYS miniport driver during a new Windows NT or  
Windows 2000 system installation, you can boot directly from the  
Microsoft installation CD-ROM. The Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000  
drivers are not interchangeable, however the instructions are very similar.  
To install a new Windows NT or Windows 2000 operating system and its  
appropriate device driver, follow these steps:  
Step 1. Have the Windows NT driver diskette or Windows 2000 driver  
diskette available for inserting into the A: drive when prompted.  
Step 2. Boot the computer from the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or  
Windows 2000 CD-ROM.  
Step 3. Press the F6 key when the words Setupisinspectingyour  
computer's hardwareconfiguration appear, or when  
prompted by Windows 2000 for nonsupported drivers.  
Important: You must press the F6 key for the new driver to be  
recognized. Otherwise, the system does not recognize the  
devices controlled by the driver during the Windows setup.  
Step 4. Follow the instructions until a screen displaying the words  
Setup couldnotdetermine thetype of one or moremass  
storage device… appears.  
Step 5. Choose S to Specify Additional Devices.  
Step 6. Follow the prompts and insert the Windows NT Driver Diskette  
or Windows 2000 Driver Diskette when prompted.  
Step 7. Follow the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000  
installation procedure to complete the installation. Microsoft  
provides documentation with their installation CD-ROM.  
Step 8. Install the Windows NT 4.0 Service Packs 5 or higher after  
Windows NT 4.0 has been installed.  
Note: Refer to the PCI Storage Device Management System  
SDMS 4.0 User’s Guide for device driver installation  
instructions that fully support Windows, UNIX, and Netware  
operating systems.  
Quick Installation Procedures  
Chapter 2  
Detailed Host Adapter  
This chapter provides detailed instructions on how to install the LSI Logic  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI host adapters and includes these topics:  
2.1 Installing your Ultra160 SCSI Host Adapter  
This section provides detailed instructions for installing your host adapter  
board and connecting it to your SCSI peripherals. The following  
illustrations depict the LSI21003 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI  
Host Adapter. However, these illustrations are applicable to all boards.  
2.1.1 Selecting a PCI Slot  
Step 1. Ground yourself before removing the host adapter board from  
its package to discharge static electricity.  
Caution: Ground yourself by touching a grounded metal surface  
before handling boards. Static charges on your body can  
damage electronic components. Handle plug-in boards by  
the edge; do not touch board components or gold  
connector contacts. The use of a static ground strap is  
Step 2. Remove your Ultra160 SCSI host adapter from its packing and  
verify it is not damaged.  
Step 3. Turn off and unplug your computer and peripherals.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
Step 4. Remove the cabinet cover on your computer to access the PCI  
Step 5. Locate the PCI slots on your computer.  
Use a 32-bit slot for 32-bit host adapters and a 64-bit slot for  
64-bit host adapters. You may insert a 64-bit host adapter into  
a 32-bit slot if not 64-bit slots are available. Refer to the user’s  
manual supplied with your computer to confirm the location of  
the PCI slots.  
2.1.2 Inserting the Host Adapter  
Perform the following steps to install your Ultra160 SCSI Host Adapter in  
your PC mainboard.  
Step 1. Remove the blank bracket panel on the back of the computer  
aligned with the PCI slot you intend to use.  
Save the bracket screw.  
Step 2. Carefully insert the edge connector J1 of the host adapter into  
the PCI slot.  
Step 3. Make sure the edge connector is properly aligned before  
pressing the board into place. The bracket around connector J3  
should fit where the blank bracket panel was removed.  
Figure 2.1 illustrates the hardware connections. All the  
connectors in this example pertain to the LSI21003. Other  
Ultra160 SCSI host adapters will have different connector  
labels depending on the board design. Refer to Chapter 3,  
“Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics,for more  
Detailed Host Adapter Installation  
Figure 2.1 Hardware Connections for the Host Adapter  
Channel B 68-Pin  
Internal High Density  
SCSI Connector  
Channel A 68-Pin  
Internal High Density  
SCSI Connector  
Channel A 50-Pin  
External High Density  
SCSI Connector  
Busy LED  
Channel A 50-Pin  
Internal Low Density  
SCSI Connector  
Ultra160 SCSI PCI Bus  
Edge Connector  
Note: Notice that the components on a Ultra160 SCSI to PCI host  
adapter face the opposite way from non-PCI adapter  
boards you may have in your system. This is correct. The  
board is keyed to go in only one way.  
Step 4. Secure the bracket with the bracket screw before making the  
internal and external SCSI bus connections. Figure 2.2 shows  
an example of how to insert your host adapter. All LSI Logic  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI host adapters require a PCI slot that  
allows bus master operation.  
Installing your Ultra160 SCSI Host Adapter  
Figure 2.2 Inserting the Host Adapter  
Secure the bracket with the  
bracket screw.  
Bracket around  
connector J3 fits  
where blank  
bracket panel  
was removed.  
32-Bit slots  
If you plug a 64-bit card into a  
32-bit slot, be careful not to  
damage the main board.  
64-Bit slots  
2.2 Connecting SCSI Peripherals  
This section provides information about making internal and external  
SCSI connections.  
2.2.1 Making Internal Wide SCSI Bus Connections  
This section provides step-by-step instructions for making internal SCSI  
bus connections. These steps refer to connectors that are specific to the  
LSI21003. Internal and external connectors can be 50-pin or 68-pin.  
of internal cables.  
If you have only external connections, skip to Section 2.2.2, “Making  
External SCSI Bus Connections,otherwise follow these steps:  
Detailed Host Adapter Installation  
Step 1. Plug the 68-pin connector on the SCSI ribbon cable into the  
internal connector on the host adapter board. Figure 2.3  
illustrates how to make this connection.  
Figure 2.3 Internal SCSI Ribbon Cable to Host Adapter  
(See Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9 for  
examples of internal ribbon cables.)  
Step 2. Plug the 68-pin connector on the other end of the internal SCSI  
ribbon cable into the SCSI connector on the internal SCSI  
device. Figure 2.4 illustrates the chaining of internal SCSI  
If you have more than one internal SCSI device, you must have  
a cable with at least as many connectors as you have devices.  
Note: Daisy chaining devices represent an arrangement of  
devices connected in a series. Any signal transmitted to the  
devices goes to the first device, from the first to the second,  
and so on. Termination occurs on the last internal SCSI  
information on SCSI bus termination.  
Connecting SCSI Peripherals  
Step 3. Plug in any additional internal SCSI devices, as required.  
Figure 2.4 Multiple Internal SCSI Devices Chained Together  
Last Device on Chain–  
Termination Enabled  
J5 Connector–  
Used to connect  
multiple internal  
SCSI devices  
2.2.2 Making External SCSI Bus Connections  
This section provides step-by-step instructions for making external SCSI  
Connectors,page 3-11 for examples of external cables.  
Step 1. Plug the 50-pin connector on one end of a shielded external  
high density cable into the appropriate connector.  
This connector is exposed on the back panel of your computer.  
Step 2. Plug the 50-pin connector on the other end of the shielded  
external SCSI cable into the SCSI connector on your external  
SCSI device.  
Detailed Host Adapter Installation  
Figure 2.5 shows an example of an external SCSI connection  
to a single external SCSI device. If you have the correct cable,  
it matches the external connector. Termination occurs on the  
for more information about SCSI bus termination.  
Figure 2.5 External SCSI Connection to an External SCSI Device  
Step 3. Chain any additional SCSI devices together with shielded  
external SCSI cables.  
Figure 2.6 shows an example of multiple external SCSI devices  
that are chained together.  
Connecting SCSI Peripherals  
Figure 2.6 Multiple External SCSI Devices Chained Together  
Last Device  
on Chain–  
These Devices Do Not  
End Chain–  
Host Adapter  
External Board Connector–  
Plugging in automatically  
enables termination  
2.3 Terminating the SCSI Bus  
The devices making up the SCSI bus are connected serially (chained  
together) with SCSI cables. The first and last physical SCSI devices  
connected on the ends of the SCSI bus must have their terminators  
active. All other SCSI devices on the bus must have their terminators  
removed or disabled. Refer to the peripheral manufacturer’s instructions  
and to the user’s manual for your computer for information on how to  
identify the terminator setting of each device and how to change it.  
To utilize Ultra160 SCSI performance, you must only have LVD devices  
on the bus. Do not mix any SE devices with LVD devices or the entire  
bus will drop to SE speed, limiting bus performance to Ultra SCSI. LVD  
peripheral devices are normally terminated with external terminators, but  
are sometimes set with jumpers or with a switch on the peripheral.  
Detailed Host Adapter Installation  
The Ultra160 SCSI host adapters automatically control SCSI bus  
termination for various bus configurations.  
In one case, you may disable termination by using BIOS software control  
to change the BIOS termination from Automatic to Off.  
In another case where jumpers are provided on the board, you would  
locate the shunts on the board for autotermination override. Termination  
can be disabled by placing a manual shunt over the post. When the  
shunt is off, the terminator is active. When the shunt is on the post, the  
terminator is disabled. Figure 2.7 illustrates how the shunt controls  
Figure 2.7 Autotermination Shunt  
Autotermination enabled (no jumper installed)  
Termination disabled (jumper installed)  
2.3.1 Internal and External SCSI Terminations  
If you are making internal SCSI device connections to your host adapter,  
you must terminate the last internal device on the SCSI bus. If you are  
making external SCSI device connections to your host adapter, you must  
terminate the last external device on the SCSI bus. You must disable the  
termination on all other devices. Termination on your host adapter is  
automatically enabled in this case.  
2.3.2 Setting SCSI IDs  
You must set each SCSI device and the host adapter to a separate SCSI  
ID. The IDs are 0 through 7 for an 8-bit bus and 0 through 15 for a 16-bit  
bus. SCSI ID 7 is the preset host adapter setting, giving it the highest  
priority on the SCSI bus.  
If you plan to boot your computer from a hard disk drive on the SCSI  
bus, that drive should have SCSI ID 0, or the lowest SCSI ID on the bus.  
Normally, you do not change the host adapter SCSI ID setting. If you  
wish to do so, refer to the PCI Storage Device Management System  
SDMS 4.0 User’s Guide, which explains how to set your host adapter ID  
using the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility.  
Terminating the SCSI Bus  
The peripheral device SCSI IDs are usually set with jumpers or with a  
switch on the peripheral. Refer to the peripheral manufacturer’s  
instructions and to the user’s manual for your computer to determine the  
ID of each device and how to change it. No duplication of SCSI IDs is  
allowed on a SCSI bus. To set your SCSI IDs, follow these steps:  
Step 1. Determine the SCSI ID of each device on the SCSI bus.  
Step 2. Make any necessary changes to the SCSI IDs and record the  
IDs for future reference. Correct any duplications at this time.  
Table 2.1 provides a place to keep this record.  
Table 2.1  
SCSI ID Record  
SCSI Device Channel A  
SCSI Device Channel B  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI  
Host Adapter  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI  
Host Adapter  
Detailed Host Adapter Installation  
2.4 Completing the Installation  
Before replacing the cover on your computer, review this installation  
procedure check list. This can save you effort later.  
Verify Installation Procedures  
Host adapter connection in PCI bus slot secure (level)  
Internal SCSI bus connections secure (pin-1 continuity)  
External SCSI bus connections secure  
Proper SCSI bus termination established  
Unique SCSI IDs set and recorded for each device  
Step 1. Replace the cabinet cover on your computer.  
Step 2. Plug in all power cords, turn on the peripherals, and then turn  
on your computer.  
Step 3. Wait for your computer to boot up.  
Step 4. Refer to the LSI Logic PCI Storage Device Management  
System SDMS 4.0 User’s Guide (or the guide for the software  
you will use) to load the driver software for your particular  
operating system and to change the configuration of your host  
adapter, if needed.  
Completing the Installation  
Detailed Host Adapter Installation  
Chapter 3  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI  
Host Adapter  
This chapter describes the LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter  
boards for use in your computer systems. This chapter includes these  
3.1 Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Boards  
The Ultra160 SCSI boards are used in PCI computer systems with either  
a Standard or Low Profile PCI (LPPCI) bracket type. Table 3.1 lists the  
LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Boards.  
Table 3.1  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Boards  
Board Dimensions  
Single Channel Ultra160 SCSI, 32-bit, 33 MHz Standard  
4.721 x 2.536 inches  
119.913 x 64.414 mm  
Single Channel Ultra160 SCSI, 32-bit, 33 MHz Low Profile 4.721 x 2.536 inches  
119.913 x 64.414 mm  
Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI, 64-bit, 33 MHz  
Low Profile 6.60 x 2.53 inches  
167.64 x 64.262 mm  
Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI, 64-bit, 66 MHz  
8.5 x 3.80 inches  
215.9 x 96.52 mm  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
Table 3.1  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Boards (Cont.)  
Board Dimensions  
ITI6200U3LP Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Low Profile PCI  
Low Profile 6.6 x 2.5 inches  
167.64 x 63.5 mm  
Legacy Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI,  
32-bit, 33 MHz  
7.5 x 2.5 inches  
190.5 x 63.5 mm  
Legacy Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI,  
64-bit/33 MHz or 32-bit/33 MHz  
8.5 x 3.80 inches  
215.9 x 96.52 mm  
3.2 Host Adapter Characteristics  
Table 3.2 shows the general characteristics for all Ultra160 SCSI to PCI  
Host Adapters.  
Table 3.2  
Host Adapter Characteristics  
Ultra160 SCSI  
EEPROM Signaling Data Transfers  
16-bit SE Up to 160 Mbytes/s as well as Plug n Play  
or LVD Fast, Ultra, and Ultra2  
TERMPWR with  
Scatter/Gather auto resetting  
interfaces speeds; Synchronous offsets Activity LED  
up to 62.  
circuit breaker  
1. For BIOS (boot ROM)  
2. For BIOS configuration storage  
The following sections provide the pertinent details and features of each  
LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI host adapters. Along with these features,  
an example of each board’s mechanical drawing is provided to illustrate  
the main connectors, the LSI Logic controller, and the termination speed  
supported by these connections. Footnotes below the drawing specify  
the function of each connector.  
The Subsystem ID and Subsystem Vendor ID for the Ultra160 SCSI host  
adapters are provided in the notes below each mechanical drawing.  
During system initialization, the system loads the ID numbers into the  
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID registers of the embedded  
LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI controllers.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.1 LSI20160 Host Adapter  
The LSI20160 PCI to Single Channel Ultra160 SCSI Host Adapter  
(Figure 3.1) provides one Ultra160 SCSI channel. The LSI20160 board  
supports Low Voltage Differential (LVD) and Single-Ended (SE) SCSI.  
The SCSI interface is made through connectors J2 and J4.  
The LSI20160 has these features:  
One Ultra160 SCSI channel  
Two connectors  
One external 68-pin VHDCI connection  
One internal 68-pin high density connection  
LVD/SE SCSI termination for the external connection; LVD SCSI only  
for internal connection  
Figure 3.1 LSI20160 Mechanical Drawing  
J3 LED  
Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD only  
Channel AI  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J1: PCI 32-bit universal type board edge connector.  
J2: 68-pin VHDCI connector for external SCSI connection.  
J4: 68-pin high density internal SCSI connection.  
J3: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector.  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 1000.  
Subsystem ID is 1060.  
Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.2 LSI20160L Host Adapter  
The LSI20160L PCI to Single Channel Ultra160 SCSI Low Profile PCI  
Host Adapter (Figure 3.2) provides one Ultra160 SCSI channel. The  
LSI20160L board supports Low Voltage Differential (LVD) and Single-  
Ended (SE) SCSI. The LSI20160L board is the LPPCI board with a low  
profile bracket. The SCSI interface is made through connectors J2 and  
The LSI20160L has these features:  
One Ultra160 SCSI channel  
Two connectors  
One external 68-pin VHDCI connection  
One internal 68-pin high density connection  
LVD/SE termination  
Figure 3.2 LSI20160L Mechanical Drawing  
J3 LED  
Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD only  
Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J1T - PCI  
J1: PCI 32-bit, universal type board edge connector.  
J2: 68-pin VHDCI connector for external SCSI connection.  
J4: 68-pin high density internal SCSI connection.  
J3: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector.  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 1000.  
Subsystem ID is 1060.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.3 LSI22903 Host Adapter  
The LSI Logic LSI22903 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Low Profile  
PCI Host Adapter (Figure 3.3) provides two independent Ultra160 SCSI  
channels. The LSI22903 board is a LPPCI board with a low profile  
bracket. The SCSI interface is made through connector J2 for channel A  
and J4 for channel B.  
The LSI22903 has these features:  
Two independent Ultra160 SCSI channels  
Two connectors  
One external 68-pin VHDCI connection  
One internal 68-pin high density connection  
LVD/SE termination for external Channel A  
LVD termination for internal Channel B  
Figure 3.3 LSI22903 Mechanical Drawing  
Channel B  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD only  
J3 LED  
Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J1T - PCI  
J1: PCI 64-bit, universal type board edge connector.  
J2: 68-pin very high density external connector for channel A.  
J4: 68-pin high density internal connector for channel B.  
J3: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector.  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 1000.  
Subsystem ID is 1020.  
Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.4 LSI22915A Host Adapter  
The LSI22915A PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Host Adapter  
(Figure 3.4) provides two separate Ultra160 SCSI channels. Both  
channel A and channel B of the LSI22915A support LVD and SE as a  
SCSI solution for your computer. The SCSI interface is made through  
connector J1 or J3 for channel A and J4 or J7 for channel B.  
The LSI22915A has these features:  
Two separate Ultra160 SCSI channels  
Four connectors  
Two external 68-pin VHDCI connections  
Two internal 68-pin high density connections  
LVD/SE termination for both channels  
Figure 3.4 LSI22915A Mechanical Drawing  
J4 Channel B  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J3 Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
Channel B  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J6 - PCI  
J6: PCI 64-bit, universal type board edge connector.  
J3 and J4: 68-pin high density shielded right-angle internal connectors.  
J1 and J7: 68-pin VHDCI shielded right-angle external connector.  
HDR1 and HDR2: Remote Activity Indicator Connection for channel A and channel B.  
HDR3 and HDR5: Disable Termination for channel A and channel B  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 1000; Subsystem ID is 1010.  
Refer to Figure 3.5 (ITI6200U3LP) for LVD Status Indicator information.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.5 ITI6200U3LP Host Adapter  
The ITI6200U3LP (Figure 3.5) is an Ultra160 SCSI Low Profile PCI Host  
Adapter that provides high performance (160 Mbytes/s per channel).  
The ITI6200U3LP has these features:  
Three connectors  
Two external 68-pin VHDCI connections  
One internal 68-pin high density connection  
LVD/SE termination for both channels  
Figure 3.5 ITI6200U3LP Mechanical Drawing  
Channel A LED  
J4 Channel B  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE only  
Channel A and Channel B (Side by Side)  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
Channel B LED  
J6 - PCI  
J6: PCI 64-bit, universal type board edge connector.  
J1: 68-pin VHDCI shielded right-angle external channel A and channel B  
J4: 68-pin high density internal connector for channel B.  
HDR3: Disable termination when installed for channel A.  
HDR5: Disable termination when installed for channel B.  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 13E9.  
Subsystem ID is 1300.  
The LVD status indicators for the LSI22915A and ITI6200U3LP are:  
LVD Status Indicator  
Act. (Activity)  
Term. (Termination) On = Terminating  
LVD (Mode) On = LVD; Off = SE; Blink = (error)  
On = Bus Busy  
Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.6 LSI21003 Host Adapter  
The LSI21003 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI host adapter  
(Figure 3.6) provides 16-bit LVD and SE SCSI solutions for your  
computer. Channel A supports only the SE mode, while channel B  
supports LVD and SE modes of operation.  
The LSI21003 host adapter has these features:  
Ultra SCSI Wide SE for channel A to 40 Mbytes/s per data transfer;  
Ultra160 SCSI for channel B to 160 Mbytes/s per data transfer  
Four connectors  
One external 50-pin high density connection  
Two internal 68-pin high density connections  
One internal 50-pin low density legacy connection for channel A  
Channel A is SE only with autosense termination  
Channel B is SE or LVD with termination permanently enabled  
Figure 3.6 LSI21003 Mechanical Drawing  
J6 LED  
J5 Channel B - Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J2 Channel A - Ultra SCSI Wide SE  
J4 Channel A - Ultra SCSI Wide SE  
A Terminators  
B Terminators  
Channel A  
Ultra SCSI  
Wide SE  
J1 - PCI  
J1: PCI 32-bit, universal type board edge connector.  
J2 and J5: 68-pin high density shielded latching right-angle internal connectors.  
J3: 50-pin high density shielded right-angle external connector.  
J4: 50-pin low density shrouded vertical internal connector.  
J6: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector.  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 1000.  
Subsystem ID is 1050.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.2.7 LSI21040 Host Adapter  
The LSI21040 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI host adapter  
(Figure 3.7) provides 16-bit LVD and SE solutions for your computer.  
Channel A supports LVD/SE modes of operation, while channel B  
supports only the SE mode.  
The LSI21040 board has these features:  
Ultra160 SCSI for channel A to 160 Mbytes/s per data transfer; Ultra  
SCSI SE for channel B to 40 Mbytes/s per data transfer  
Four connectors  
One external 68-pin high density connection  
Two internal 68-pin high density connections  
One internal 50-pin low density legacy connections for channel B  
LVD/SE termination on channel A automatically; SE termination on  
channel B automatically  
Figure 3.7 LSI21040 Mechanical Drawing  
Channel A - Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J2 Channel B - Ultra Wide SCSI SE  
J5 Channel B - Ultra, Fast, and SCSI-1 SE  
Channel A  
Ultra160 SCSI LVD/SE  
J1T - PCI  
J1: PCI 64-bit, universal type board edge connector.  
J2 and J4: 68-pin high density shielded latching right-angle internal connectors.  
J3: 68-pin high density shielded right-angle external connector.  
J5: 50-pin low density shrouded vertical internal connector.  
J6: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector.  
Subsystem Vendor ID is 1000.  
Subsystem ID is 1040.  
Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.3 Cabling SCSI Devices  
The cable provided in your host adapter kit is matched to the host  
adapter board and its operation. The Ultra160 SCSI cable also has  
built-in multimode (LVD/SE) termination because most Ultra160 hard disk  
drives are not made with on-board LVD termination.  
Table 3.3 lists standard cable specifications.  
Table 3.3  
STA Term  
Cable Specifications  
Maximum Bus Length, Meters  
Maximum Devices  
Ultra SCSI  
see note  
see note  
Wide Ultra SCSI  
Ultra2 SCSI  
Wide Ultra2 SCSI  
see note  
see note  
see note  
1. This parameter may be exceeded in point-to-point and engineered  
2. LVD was not defined in the original SCSI standards for this speed. If all  
devices on the bus support LVD, then 12-meter operation is possible at  
this speed. However, if any device on the bus is SE only, then the entire  
bus switches to SE mode, and the distances in the SE column apply.  
3. SE and High Voltage Differential (HVD) are not defined at greater than  
Ultra speeds.  
3.3.1 Internal SCSI Cables  
You can make internal SCSI bus connections to your Ultra160 SCSI host  
adapter with an unshielded, 68- or 50-conductor ribbon cable. Some  
internal cables come with an LVD/SE terminator on one end. This end  
must be farthest from the host adapter. Figures 3.8 through 3.10 provide  
examples of internal cables.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
Figure 3.8 SCSI Cable – 68-Pin High Density with Termination  
Figure 3.9 SCSI Cable – 68-Pin High Density without Termination  
Figure 3.10 SCSI Cable – 50-Pin Low Density  
3.3.2 External SCSI Cables and Connectors  
All external SCSI bus connections to your Ultra160 SCSI host adapter  
are made with shielded cables. Figures 3.11 through 3.13 provide  
examples of external cables. The connectors on this cable are keyed to  
ensure proper pin-1 connection. Refer to Figure 3.14 for examples of  
connectors found on external SCSI cables.  
Cabling SCSI Devices  
Figure 3.11 SCSI Cable – 68-Pin VHDCI  
Figure 3.12 SCSI Cable – 50-Pin High Density  
Figure 3.13 SCSI Cable – 50-Pin Low Density  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
Figure 3.14 External Connectors  
Centronics 50-Pin Male  
High Density 50-Pin Male  
High Density 68-Pin Male  
Very High Density Centronics 68-Pin Male  
DB25 Male  
Note: The DB25 Connector is not a SCSI Standard.  
3.4 Technical Specifications  
The design and implementation of the LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI  
host adapter boards minimize electromagnetic emissions, susceptibility  
to radio frequency energy, and the effects of electrostatic discharge. The  
board carries the CE mark, C-Tick mark, FCC Self-Certification log,  
Canadian Compliance Statement, and meets the requirements of FCC  
and CISPR Class B.  
Ultra160 SCSI boards have specific electrical, thermal, atmospheric, and  
safety characteristics in common.  
Technical Specifications  
3.4.1 Electrical Characteristics  
This section provides the power requirements for standard PCI boards  
and Low Profile PCI Ultra160 SCSI boards. Standard and Low Profile PCI Boards  
Table 3.4 lists the maximum power requirements, which include SCSI  
TERMPWR, under normal operation.  
Table 3.4  
Maximum Power Requirements  
PRSNT2# Power  
Over the  
Operating Range  
Host Adapter  
PCI +5.0 V DC  
PCI +3.3 V DC  
1.3 A, ±5 %  
3.0 A, ±5 %  
3.0 A, ±5 %  
3.0 A, ±5 %  
1.5 A, ±5 %  
1.00 A, ±5 %  
7.5 W  
15 W  
15 W  
7.5 W  
15 W  
7.5 W  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
1.3 A, ±5 %  
1.00 A, ±5 %  
0.40 A, ±5 %  
1.3 A, ±5 %  
0.80 A, ±5 %  
7.5 W  
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C  
0.40 A, ±5 %  
1. Under abnormal conditions, such as a short on SCSI TERMPWR, +5 V current may be higher. At  
temperatures of at least 25 ˚C, a current of 4 A is sustained no longer than 30 seconds before the  
self-resetting TERMPWR short circuit protection device opens.  
2. Under abnormal conditions, such as a short on SCSI TERMPWR, +5 V current may be higher. At  
temperatures of at least 25 ˚C, a current of 8 A is sustained no longer than 0.5 seconds before the  
self-resetting TERMPWR short circuit protection device opens.  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
3.4.2 Thermal, Atmospheric Characteristics  
For all Ultra160 SCSI host adapter boards, the thermal, atmospheric  
characteristics are:  
Temperature range: 0 ˚C to 55 ˚C (dry bulb)  
Relative humidity range: 5% to 90% noncondensing  
Maximum dew point temperature: 32 ˚C  
The following parameters define the storage and transit environment for  
the LSI20160L:  
Temperature range: 45 ˚C to + 105 ˚C (dry bulb)  
Relative humidity range: 5% to 90% noncondensing  
3.4.3 Safety Characteristics  
All LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI to PCI host adapter boards meet or exceed  
the requirements of UL flammability rating 94 V0. Each bare board is  
also marked with the supplier’s name or trademark, type, and UL  
flammability rating. Because these boards are installed in a PCI bus slot,  
all voltages are below the SELV 42.4 V limit.  
Technical Specifications  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapter Characteristics  
Appendix A  
Glossary of Terms and  
The electrical connection required at each end of the SCSI bus,  
composed of active voltage regulation and a set of termination resistors.  
Ultra, Ultra2, and Ultra160 SCSI require active termination.  
Asynchronous Information Protection (AIP) provides error checking for  
asynchronous, nondata phases of the SCSI bus.  
Basic Input/Output System. Software that provides basic read/write  
capability. Usually kept as firmware (ROM based). The system BIOS on  
the mainboard of a computer is used to boot and control the system. The  
SCSI BIOS on your host adapter acts as an extension of the system  
Refers to the way a computer is setup; the combined hardware  
components (computer, monitor, keyboard, and peripheral devices) that  
make up a computer system; or the software settings that allow the  
hardware components to communicate with each other.  
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error detection code used in  
Ultra160 SCSI. Four bytes are transferred with the data to increase the  
reliability of data transfers. CRC is used on the Double Transition (DT)  
Data-In and DT Data-Out phases.  
DMA Bus  
A feature that allows a peripheral to control the flow of data to and from  
system memory by blocks, as opposed to PIO (Programmed I/O) where  
the processor is in control and the flow is by byte.  
Device Driver  
A program that allows a microprocessor (through the operating system)  
to direct the operation of a peripheral device.  
Differential SCSI A hardware configuration for connecting SCSI devices. It uses a pair of  
lines for each signal transfer (as opposed to Single-Ended SCSI which  
references each SCSI signal to a common ground).  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
Domain Validation is a software procedure in which a host queries a  
device to determine its ability to communicate at the negotiated Ultra160  
data rate.  
In Double Transition (DT) Clocking, data is sampled on both the asserting  
and deasserting edge of the REQ/ACK signal. DT clocking may only be  
implemented on an LVD SCSI bus.  
Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. A memory  
chip typically used to store configuration information. See NVRAM.  
External SCSI  
A SCSI device installed outside the computer cabinet. These devices are  
connected in a continuous chain using specific types of shielded cables.  
The computer system in which a SCSI host adapter is installed. It uses  
the SCSI host adapter to transfer information to and from devices  
attached to the SCSI bus.  
Host Adapter  
A circuit board or integrated circuit that provides a SCSI bus connection  
to the computer system.  
Internal SCSI  
A SCSI device installed inside the computer cabinet. These devices are  
connected in a continuous chain using an unshielded ribbon cable.  
Local Bus  
A way to connect peripherals directly to computer memory. It bypasses  
the slower ISA and EISA buses. PCI is a local bus standard.  
A large circuit board that holds RAM, ROM, the microprocessor, custom  
integrated circuits, and other components that make a computer work. It  
also has expansion slots for host adapters and other expansion boards.  
Main Memory  
The part of a computer’s memory which is directly accessible by the CPU  
(usually synonymous with RAM).  
NonVolatile Random Access Memory. Actually an EEPROM  
(Electronically Erasable Read Only Memory chip) used to store  
configuration information. See EEPROM.  
Peripheral Component Interconnect. A local bus specification that allows  
connection of peripherals directly to computer memory. It bypasses the  
slower ISA and EISA buses.  
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations  
A piece of hardware (such as a video monitor, disk drive, printer, or  
CD-ROM) used with a computer and under the computer’s control. SCSI  
peripherals are controlled through a SCSI host adapter.  
The alignment of pin 1 on a SCSI cable connector and the pin-1 position  
on the SCSI connector into which it is inserted. External SCSI cables are  
always keyed to insure proper alignment, but internal SCSI ribbon cables  
sometimes are not keyed.  
Random Access Memory. The computer’s primary working memory in  
which program instructions and data are stored and are accessible to the  
CPU. Information can be written to and read from RAM. The contents of  
RAM are lost when the computer is turned off.  
Read Only Memory. Memory from which information can be read but not  
changed. The contents of ROM are not erased when the computer is  
turned off.  
SCSI Configured AutoMatically. A method to automatically allocate SCSI  
IDs using software when SCAM compliant SCSI devices are attached.  
Small Computer System Interface. A specification for a high-performance  
peripheral bus and command set. The original standard is referred to as  
SCSI Bus  
A host adapter and one or more SCSI peripherals connected by cables  
in a linear chain configuration. The host adapter may exist anywhere on  
the chain, allowing connection of both internal and external SCSI  
devices. A system may have more than one SCSI bus by using multiple  
host adapters.  
SCSI Device  
Any device that conforms to the SCSI standard and is attached to the  
SCSI bus by a SCSI cable. This includes SCSI host adapters and SCSI  
A way to uniquely identify each SCSI device on the SCSI bus. Each  
SCSI bus has eight available SCSI IDs numbered 0 through 7 (or 0  
through 15 for Wide SCSI). The host adapter usually gets the highest ID  
(7 or 15) giving it priority to control the bus.  
Storage Device Management System. An LSI Logic software product that  
manages SCSI system I/O.  
A hardware specification for connecting SCSI devices. It references each  
SCSI signal to a common ground. This is the most common method (as  
opposed to differential SCSI which uses a separate ground for each  
Data Transfer  
One of the ways data is transferred over the SCSI bus. Transfers are  
clocked with fixed frequency pulses. This is faster than asynchronous  
data transfer. Synchronous data transfers are negotiated between the  
SCSI host adapter and each SCSI device.  
Ultra SCSI  
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to  
20 Mbytes/s over an 8-bit SCSI bus and up to 40 Mbytes/s over a 16-bit  
SCSI bus.  
Ultra2 SCSI  
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to  
40 Mbytes/s over an 8-bit SCSI bus, and up to 80 Mbytes/s over a  
16-bit SCSI bus.  
Ultra160 SCSI  
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to  
160 Mbytes/s over a 16-bit SCSI bus.  
Very High Density Cable Interconnect.  
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations  
BIOS software control  
host adapter  
disabling termination 2-9  
brackets 1-1, 2-2  
bus configurations 2-9  
inserting 2-22-4  
installation check list 2-11  
ITI6200U3LP 3-7  
LSI20160 3-3  
LSI20160L 3-4  
LSI21003 3-8  
LSI21040 3-9  
LSI22903 3-5  
LSI22915A 3-6  
specifications 3-10  
electrical 3-14  
safety 3-15  
thermal, atmospheric 3-15  
check list for installation of host adapter 2-11  
completing the installation 2-11  
connecting the SCSI peripherals 2-4  
host adapters  
maximum power requirements 3-14  
supporting Ultra160 SCSI 1-1  
internal SCSI bus connections  
additional internal devices 2-5  
making 2-4  
making external SCSI bus 2-6  
making internal SCSI bus 2-4  
Internal SCSI Terminations 2-9  
daisy chaining devices 2-5  
detailed installation procedure 2-12-11  
jumpers 2-9  
SE and LVD 2-8  
LSI Logic controllers 1-1  
LVD peripheral devices 2-8  
electrical characteristics 3-14  
external SCSI bus connections  
external chaining 2-8  
making 2-6  
manual shunt  
placing over post 2-9  
maximum power requirements 3-14  
miniport driver  
F6 key  
sym_u3.sys 1-4  
pressing during installation process 1-4  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
PCI slot  
UL flammability rating 3-15  
Ultra160 3-1  
selecting 2-1  
peripheral devices 2-10  
preset host adapter setting  
SCSI ID 2-9  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI  
controllers 1-1  
Ultra160 SCSI to PCI host adapters  
board descriptions 3-1  
subsystem/subsystem vendor IDs 3-2  
quick driver installation procedure 1-4  
quick host adapter installation 1-3  
Windows NT 4.0  
service packs 1-4  
Windows NT/WIndows 2000  
safety characteristics 3-15  
SCSI bus  
terminating 2-8  
using software control 2-9  
SCSI cables  
miniport driver 1-4  
Windows NT/Windows 2000  
installing operating system and driver 1-4  
obtaining device drivers 1-2  
SCSI connectors  
external 3-13  
SCSI devices  
cabling 3-10  
setting 2-9  
SCSI peripherals  
connecting 2-8  
SCSI termination  
internal and external 2-9  
service packs  
for Windows NT 4.0 1-4  
cables 3-10  
static ground strap 2-1  
technical specifications 3-133-15  
thermal, atmospheric characteristics 3-15  
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Ultra160 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters  
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