M Systems Flash Disk Pioneers Flash Memory Flash Memory User Manual

White Paper  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash  
for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity  
Written by: Raz Dan and Rochelle Singer  
JANUARY 2003  
91-SR-014-02-8L, REV 1.0  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
of NOR flash and achieving barely adequate reliability, but it has serious limitations: its performance  
is far slower than standard NOR flash.  
NAND flash appeared to be the ideal media for data storage, due to its high-speed erase and write,  
high density (thus high capacity) and small size, as compared with NOR and AND devices. Based on  
these promising characteristics, Toshiba chose NAND flash as the basis on which to implement MLC  
technology. Toshiba’s first MLC NAND product, just introduced in December 2002, offers up to a  
50 percent decrease in die size compared to standard NAND, and about a 70 percent decrease in size,  
compared with competing NOR MLC products.  
However, NAND flash itself is not a perfect media. It contains a large number of randomly scattered  
bad blocks, requires on-the-fly error correction, and uses a non-standard I/O interface, making it  
difficult to integrate. These limitations are dramatically worsened in MLC NAND, along with a  
slower programming time (compared to standard NAND) and a different software interface. The  
combination of these characteristics makes MLC NAND all but unusable as a stand-alone local data  
storage solution.  
M-Systems’ x2 technology, selected by Toshiba to enable their MLC NAND technology, implements  
reliability, performance and media management enhancements to perfect MLC NAND - without the  
need for a full scale controller (e.g., ATA or SCSI). The combination of MLC NAND and x2  
technology in Mobile DiskOnChip G3 brings smartphones, STBs and other embedded systems the  
most cost-effective flash disk.  
Comparing Binary and MLC Flash Technologies  
Basic Flash Technology  
Figure 1 shows the basic structure of a flash memory cell, which is similar to a standard MOS  
transistor. However, unlike a standard transistor, a flash cell must be able to retain charge after  
power removal in order to permanently store data. To accomplish this, a layer called the floating  
gate is added between the substrate and the select gate. The floating gate is isolated from the  
substrate and the select gate by layers of oxide.  
A transistor can be biased (voltage can be applied to the source, drain, gate and substrate) to  
optionally conduct a current between its source and drain. The voltage level at which the transistor  
conducts is called its threshold voltage (VTh). The transistor conducts only if the voltage between the  
select gate and source (VGS) is larger than VTh. Adding/Removing charge to/from the floating gate  
modifies the VTh. To determine if the floating gate is charged, two conditions must be met: a specific  
VGS must be applied to the cell and the circuit must be capable of sensing if the transistor is  
conducting. These are the basic elements needed to implement flash data storage.  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Select Gate  
(Inject electrons)  
(Remove electrons)  
Figure 1: A Basic Flash Cell  
Binary and MLC Technologies  
In flash devices that implement Binary flash technology, there are two possible ranges for VTh. MLC  
technology can have several valid ranges for VTh, instead of just two. The first implementation of  
MLC uses four voltage levels (see Figure 2). Each state is mapped to one of four combinations of  
two bits. Therefore, the cell can store two bits of data.  
Figure 2 also shows some of the complexity caused by the migration from Binary flash to MLC. The  
programming and erase processes become more complicated since the circuits must maintain tighter  
VTh tolerances. This translates into longer program and erase times, and a more complicated read  
Figure 2: Voltage Level Comparison between Binary and Flash Technologies  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
MLC Benefits and Limitations  
MLC high-density design innovations reduce the silicon die size, which is the major element  
contributing to overall device cost. For MLC NAND, this reduction in size and cost is greatest in  
capacities of 256Mbit (32MByte) and higher, where the die can be as small as 50 percent of the size  
required to provide the same capacity Binary flash device. The savings must be measured both in  
dollars and space, particularly for the cell phone market where every millimeter of board real estate  
can have an impact on the size of the end-user product and, ultimately, on market success.  
But these very same high-density design innovations introduce three, major areas of design  
limitations as compared with Binary flash:  
Data reliability  
Flash management  
This section discusses these areas in order to lay the groundwork for understanding how x2  
technology overcomes the associated problems.  
Data Reliability  
As shown in Figure 2, a Binary flash cell must distinguish between 2 voltage states, whereas an MLC  
flash cell must distinguish between 4. Since both Binary and MLC-based devices use a voltage  
window with a similar size, the distance between adjacent voltage levels in MLC is much smaller  
than in Binary flash. This reduced distance has an impact on data reliability. Detecting the voltage  
levels in an MLC flash cell is a more precise and complex task than in a Binary flash cell, subject to  
a higher probability of error that can affect data reliability in both the short and long term.  
Assuming that the probability of all types of errors in Binary flash is on the order of 10-10, the overall  
probability of MLC flash errors is two orders of magnitude worse.  
Long-Term Data Errors  
Flash memory cells must provide long-term data retention capabilities to function reliably as a non-  
volatile memory device. In order to do this, the long-term stability of voltage levels is critical.  
Leakage to/from the floating gate, which tends to slowly change the cell’s voltage level from its  
initial level to a different level after cell programming or erasing, may change the voltage level. This  
new level may incorrectly be interpreted as a different logical value. Due to the smaller distance  
between MLC levels than Binary flash levels, MLC flash cells are more likely to be affected by  
leakage effects and, consequently, more potentially prone to errors.  
Program Disturb Errors  
The program disturb effect, also called over program effect, causes a programming operation on one  
page to induce a change in bit value on another, unrelated page. In Binary flash technology based on  
a 0.16µ manufacturing process, the typical program disturb error rate is on the order of 1 bit error per  
1010 bits programmed. This compares with an error rate on the order of 1 bit error per 108 bits  
programmed with MLC flash technology.  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Read Disturb Errors  
The read disturb effect causes a page read operation to induce a permanent, bit value change in one  
of the read bits. In Binary flash technology based on a 0.16µ manufacturing process, the typical read  
disturb error rate is on the order of 1 bit error per 106 repetitive reads of the page containing the bit.  
Although MLC cells are more prone to such errors, the effect in actual measurements is less severe  
than in program disturb errors. The measured rate is on the order of 1 bit error per approximately 105  
repetitive reads of the page.  
MLC technology requires more time than Binary flash technology for completing the basic flash  
operations of reading a page into the flash buffer, writing a flash buffer into a page, and erasing a  
flash unit. Especially for write operations, raw flash comparisons indicate that MLC performance is  
only 25 percent that of Binary flash. But many factors other than raw flash speed influence  
performance, including: host CPU bus timing issues, error detection and correction, software  
algorithms employed by the device driver, file system overhead, patterns of file access by the user,  
bus cycles and more.  
In fact, from the user’s point of view, raw read or write times are totally irrelevant. What the user  
“feels” is how long it takes from when, for example, a long sequence of write commands is issued to  
the file system, until the requests are completed. To get a “true” measure of these times, the  
measurements should be performed under scenarios that duplicate the real world as closely as  
possible. This implies first filling the disk to almost full capacity, and then performing the  
measurements, taking into account the hidden mechanisms of the software interfacing the flash to the  
user (file system, device driver, etc.).  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Sustained Read  
When comparing sustained read performance values in real-world scenarios for Binary Flash with  
MLC, the gap lessens considerably: MLC performance is 98 percent of Binary flash performance.  
Operations that both Binary flash and MLC require to support a sustained read operation – such as  
running the driver code and the file system code, and accumulating bus cycles to support address,  
command, error correction code and control information – account for closing the gap.  
Sustained Write  
A comparison of sustained write performance for both technologies in real-world scenarios must take  
into account an additional factor: making room for new data when no free space is available. This  
means adding to the calculation the time it takes to erase a flash unit and, depending on the time it  
takes to manage the flash (using M-Systems’ TrueFFS®, for instance, adds 5 percent of the time  
required to write a unit), this time as well. For Binary flash, these calculations result in a sustained  
write performance rate of 250KBytes per second on a low MIPS platform, or 4 µsec per byte for a  
typical mix of files, as compared with 172KBytes per second for MLC. (Note that the number of  
sectors per unit for MLC is twice the corresponding number for Binary flash.) When these figures  
are translated into percentages, MLC sustained write performance is approximately 69 percent of  
Binary flash write performance.  
Write performance greatly varies according to the user’s access patterns, mainly the average file size.  
For large files the rate is much higher (up to approximately 600 KBytes per second); for very small  
files it is much lower. Here, unlike in read operations, the time that is required for file system  
handling is more significant than device driver time, especially when dealing with small files. Bus  
cycle time for writing is practically the same as for reading. All the remaining time is spent on  
software overhead.  
Flash Management  
Because of MLC’s unique architecture, pages can only be written sequentially, whereas in Binary  
flash they can be written randomly within the erase block. MLC also makes partial page  
programming impossible, as opposed to Binary flash technology that enables it. This means that the  
existing translation layers used by TrueFFS to support Binary flash devices, NFTL and INFTL, are  
unusable, since they rely on random page access. Sequential write only and the lack of partial page  
programming impose limitations on MLC that affect reliability as well as performance.  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Overcoming MLC Limitations  
Because MLC technology can potentially bring the industry breakthrough cost and size benefits for  
local data and code storage, M-Systems chose to take on the challenge of perfecting it by providing  
solutions to overcome MLC reliability, performance and flash management limitations.  
x2 technology, customized by M-Systems specifically to meet this challenge, is a combination of  
algorithms, performance-enhancing innovations and flash management capabilities. Developed in  
cooperation with Toshiba, x2 technology is integrated seamlessly into the different modules of M-  
Systems’ Mobile DiskOnChip G3 architecture and fully compatible with its TrueFFS technology for  
flash management. x2 technology includes reliability and performance improvements integrated into  
TrueFFS, the thin controller and the flash media itself, as shown in Figure 3. x2 technology cleverly  
balances software and hardware to keep reliability and performance at their peek while maintaining  
MLC cost and size benefits.  
Figure 3: x2 Technology: Seamless Integration into M-Systems’ Mobile DiskOnChip G3  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Table 1 maps the various features of x2 technology against the three major areas of MLC limitations  
that they overcome. The remainder of this section explains how each feature achieves these  
enhancements in Mobile DiskOnChip G3.  
Table 1: Overcoming MLC Limitations with x2-based Mobile DiskOnChip G3  
Areas of MLC Enhancement  
x2 Technology Feature  
Reliability Performance  
Robust flash management  
Enhanced EDC  
Enhanced ECC  
Efficient bad block  
Thin Controller  
DMA support  
Parallel multiplane access  
Flash Media  
Two parallel planes  
Robust Flash Management  
To overcome MLC flash access and partial programming limitations that affect all three areas of  
MLC limitations, x2 technology uses a specially customized translation layer called Sequential  
Access Flash Translation Layer (SAFTL). SAFTL is incorporated seamlessly into M-Systems’  
TrueFFS. It maps each virtual unit into a chain of physical units, much in the same way that  
translation layers for Binary flash operate. However, unlike traditional translation layers, SAFTL  
does not implement one-to-one simple mapping between the virtual sector offset in the virtual unit  
and its physical location in the physical units. Instead, the data of a virtual sector can be in any  
location within the physical unit chain of its virtual unit. Each physical sector containing data also  
contains the offset of its corresponding virtual sector in its virtual unit.  
SAFTL enables each physical unit to be filled sequentially, as required by MLC flash, starting from  
the first sector to the last. Each write request to the corresponding virtual unit is written to the next  
free physical sector, regardless of the virtual sector number requested to be written. When a physical  
unit is full and a new write request arrives, a new free physical unit is allocated and added to the  
chain. New unit allocation always occurs concurrently with writing a sector, so that sector data and  
unit control data can be written in one operation to improve performance.  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Enhanced EDC and ECC  
The Error Detection Code (EDC) and Error Correction Code (ECC) developed for x2 technology is  
based on M-Systems’ highly effective combination used in previous generation DiskOnChip  
products. This system contains hardware-embedded EDC mechanism to detect errors on-the-fly and  
software-embedded ECC mechanism to reduce silicon size and cost. The combination of hardware  
and software results in the industry’s most cost-effective data reliability for Binary flash. It corrects  
at least 2 errors per page without imposing performance penalties.  
The EDC and ECC enhancements for MLC are capable of correcting up to 4 errors per page, using  
two industry-standard error codes: an extended Hamming code and a BCH (Bose, Chaudhuri and  
Hocquenghem) code.  
The Hamming code can detect 2 errors per page and correct 1 error per page. The BCH code can  
detect 4 errors per page and correct an equal number, with a safety margin that enables it to detect 5  
errors per page with a probability of 99.9 percent. This combination of codes provides an even higher  
rate of coverage than 2 bits per page provide for Binary flash technology.  
It also ensures that the minimal amount of code required is used for detection and correction to  
deliver the required reliability without degrading performance. The entire thin controller occupies  
less than 5 percent of the die size for a 512Mbit device, of which only 15 percent is used for the EDC  
circuit to provide exceptional detection capabilities.  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Efficient Bad Block Handling  
x2 technology handles bad blocks, which can be randomly present in flash media, by enabling  
unaligned block access to two planes. Bad blocks are mapped individually on each plane, as shown  
in Figure 4. Good units can therefore be aligned or unaligned, minimizing the effects of bad blocks  
on the media. Without this capability, a bad block in one plane would cause a good block in the  
second plane to be tagged as a bad block, making it unusable. This customized method of bad block  
handling for two planes enhances data reliability without adversely affecting performance.  
Internal Bus  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Bad Unit  
Aligned Unit  
Aligned Unit  
Aligned Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Bad Unit  
Good Unit  
Good Unit  
Aligned Unit  
Aligned Unit  
Flash Plane 1  
Flash Plane 2  
Figure 4: Unaligned Multiplane Bad Block Access  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
To improve MLC read performance rates, x2 technology incorporates a feature called MultiBurst.  
MultiBurst enables parallel read access from two 16-bit planes to the flash controller, thereby  
achieving the desired output data rate for the host. The host accesses the first word of a page with a  
relatively slow access time, but each subsequent word with a very fast access time. Two cycles of 16  
bits each are sent to the host at a clock rate set by the host rather than limited by flash operation, as  
16-bit Data  
Flash Plane  
16-bit to  
16-bit Data  
Flash Plane  
Internal data transfers  
Data transfer from  
Flash Planes to FIFO  
32-bit Transfer  
32-bit Transfer  
External data transfers  
Data transfer from  
FIFO to Host  
16-bit Transfer  
16-bit Transfer  
16-bit Transfer  
16-bit Transfer  
Figure 5: MultiBurst Operation  
DMA Support  
By enabling DMA operation, x2 technology reduces the CPU overhead. This is a particularly useful  
feature for transferring large files in support of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS). In addition, it  
can be used to enhance overall system performance by reducing boot time. In this case, the DMA  
mechanism is used to quickly transfer large blocks of code from the media into shadow RAM.  
When comparing Mobile DiskOnChip G3 to raw flash products, such as Intel StrataFlash or AMD  
MirrorBit, this capability has at least a threefold benefit: increased performance, easier integration,  
and reduced external part count by allowing direct connection to a DMA controller without  
additional hardware.  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
Parallel Multiplane Access  
As discussed earlier, the MLC flash media is built of two planes that can operate in parallel. This  
architecture is one of the most powerful, x2 technology innovations, doubling read, write and erase  
performance. Two pages on different planes can be concurrently read or written if they have the same  
offset within their respective blocks, even if the blocks are unaligned.  
Power Consumption  
M-Systems’ Mobile DiskOnChip was designed for mobile systems that require very low power  
consumption. Therefore, the design incorporates power management features, such as Deep Power-  
Down mode, which consumes only 10 µA. Since the design is completely static (requiring no free-  
running clocks), it automatically goes into standby mode when not accessed. In addition, TrueFFS  
places Mobile DiskOnChip in Deep Power-Down mode at the end of every sector transfer. This  
design provides for a quick transition from Deep Power-Down mode to operational mode with  
minimal latency to minimize performance penalties.  
Because x2 technology is seamlessly integrated into the existing DiskOnChip technology, power  
consumption levels for Mobile DiskOnChip G3 are equally as low. This is true despite the additional  
benefits of MLC and x2 technology.  
The major improvements in flash NAND devices brought about by MLC technology are: much  
smaller size per bit, and consequently, a greatly reduced silicon size. These advantages come with  
added complexity in both device hardware architecture and device driver software. However, this  
document shows that x2 technology, by cleverly customizing the thin controller, TrueFFS and the  
flash media, provides a flash disk storage device based on MLC NAND that is as reliable and as fast  
as Binary flash devices in common use today.  
Mobile DiskOnChip G3 512Mbit is M-Systems’ first product to implement MLC NAND and x2  
technology. This product meets OEM storage requirements for highly reliable, high performance,  
high-capacity data storage in 2.5G and 3G mobile devices, using a greatly reduced silicon size in a  
the industry’s smallest BGA package, 7x10mm. Mobile DiskOnChip G3 is the most cost-effective  
memory solution available (Table 2). Future products that will use MLC NAND and x2 technology  
include Mobile DiskOnChip G3 in 256Mbit (32MByte) and 1Gbit (128MByte) capacities, as well as  
M-Systems’ highly successful DiskOnKey keychain storage device.  
Table 2: Comparing NAND Flash Alternatives  
Binary NAND  
DiskOnChip G3 MLC  
NAND and x2  
~50% of Binary NAND  
~53% of Binary NAND  
Sustained write  
Occasional random  
Frequent random errors  
Perfect device  
Implementing MLC NAND Flash for Cost-Effective, High-Capacity Memory  
How to Contact Us  
General Information:  
Technical Information:  
M-Systems Inc.  
M-Systems China Ltd.  
8371 Central Ave, Suite A  
Newark CA 94560  
Phone: +1-510-494-2090  
Fax: +1-510-494-5545  
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Nanhu Rd., Lou Hu District  
Shenzhen, China 518001  
Phone: +86-755-2519-4732  
Fax: +86-755-2519-4729  
Europe and Israel  
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Room B, 13 F, No. 133 Sec. 3  
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© 2003 M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers, Ltd. All rights reserved.  
This document is for information use only and is subject to change without prior notice. M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers Ltd. assumes no  
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M-Systems products are not warranted to operate without failure. Accordingly, in any use of the Product in life support systems or other  
applications where failure could cause injury or loss of life, the Product should only be incorporated in systems designed with appropriate and  
sufficient redundancy or backup features.  
Contact your local M-Systems sales office or distributor, or visit our website at www.m-sys.com to obtain the latest specifications before  
placing your order.  
DiskOnChip®, DiskOnChip Millennium®, DiskOnKey® and TrueFFS® are registered trademarks of M-Systems. FFD™ and SuperMAP™  
are trademarks of M-Systems. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective  
owners and are hereby acknowledged.  

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