MartinLogan Speaker CW10 User Manual

u s e r ’ s m a n u a l  
This device complies with part 15  
of the FCC Rules. Operation is  
subject to the following two con-  
ditions: (1) This device may not  
cause harmful interference, and  
(2) this device must accept any  
interference received, including  
interference that may cause unde-  
sired operation.  
Contentsꢀ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 3  
Introductionꢀ&ꢀInstallationꢀinꢀBriefꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 4  
Installation in Brief  
AboutꢀtheꢀControls ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 5  
ConnectionsꢀandꢀControlꢀSettingsꢀꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 6  
Before Connecting the CW10  
Tested to Comply  
with FCC Standards  
2-Channel Mode  
Multi-Channel/LFE Modeꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ 7  
AC Power Connection ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ 8  
Replacing the Fuse  
• Hazardous voltages exist inside—do not  
remove cover.  
Placementꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 9  
• Refer servicing to a qualified technician.  
• To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not  
expose this module to moisture.  
• Unplug subwoofer should any abnormal  
conditions occur.  
Listening Position  
Ask Your Dealer  
Enjoy Yourself  
Installing in a Cabinet  
RoomꢀAcousticsꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 10  
Your Room  
In accordance with the European Union WEEE (Waste  
Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive effective  
August 13, 2005, we would like to notify you that this  
product may contain regulated materials which upon  
disposal, according to the WEEE directive, require special reuse and  
recycling processing.  
HomeꢀTheaterꢀ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 11  
FrequentlyꢀAskedꢀQuestionsꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 12  
Troubleshooting ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 13  
GeneralꢀInformationꢀ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 14  
Warranty and Registration  
For this reason MartinLogan has arranged with our distributors in  
European Union member nations to collect and recycle this product at no  
cost to you. To find your local distributor please contact the dealer from  
whom you purchased this product, email [email protected] or visit  
DimensionalꢀDrawings ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 15  
GlossaryꢀofꢀAudioꢀTermsꢀ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ ꢁ 16  
Please note, only this product itself falls under the WEEE directive.  
When disposing of packaging and other related shipping materials we  
encourage you to recycle these items through the normal channels.  
The lightning bolt flash with arrowhead symbol, within  
an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to  
the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within  
the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magni-  
tude to constitute a risk of electric shock.  
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is  
intended to alert the user to the presence of important  
operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in  
the literature accompanying the appliance.  
WARNING! Do not use your CW10 loudspeakers outside of the country of original sale—voltage requirements  
vary by country. Improper voltage can cause damage that will be potentially expensive to repair. The CW10 is  
shipped to authorized MartinLogan distributors with the correct power supply for use in the country of intended sale.  
IntroduCtIon & InstallatIon In BrIef  
Installation in Brief  
Congratulations! You have invested in one of the  
world's premier subwoofers.  
We know that you are eager to hear your new CW10  
subwoofer, so this section is provided to allow fast and  
easy set up. Once you have it operational, please take  
the time to read, in depth, the rest of the information in  
this manual. It will give you perspective on how to attain  
the greatest possible performance from this most exacting  
subwoofer system.  
The MartinLogan CW10 represents the extension of  
an intensive, dedicated team research program direct-  
ed toward establishing a world class line of reference  
subwoofers using leading-edge technology, without com-  
promising durability, reliability, craftsmanship or aesthetics.  
If you experience any difficulties in setup or operation of  
the CW10, please refer to the Placement, Room Acoustics  
and Connections and Control Settings sections.  
The CW10 subwoofer uses a 10-inch high-excursion driv-  
er to achieve deep, tight, well-defined bass. A proprietary  
amplifier is used to drive the output stage with precision  
and extremely high efficiency. Low-pass filtering and  
phase control have been designed to make integrating the  
CW10 subwoofer with MartinLogan and non-MartinLo-  
gan products both seamless and simple.  
Should you encounter a persistent problem that cannot  
be resolved, please contact your authorized MartinLogan  
dealer. They will provide you with the appropriate technical  
analysis to alleviate the situation.  
The materials in your new CW10 subwoofer are of the  
highest quality and will provide years of enduring enjoy-  
ment and deepening respect. The cabinet is constructed  
from the finest composite material for acoustical integrity  
and is finished with an attractive custom coating.  
Remove your new subwoofer from its packing.  
Ideally, place the CW10 in a corner near the front of  
the room. This is a good place to start. Please see the  
Placement section (page 9) of this manual for more details.  
This User's Manual will explain in detail the operation of  
your CW10 subwoofer and the philosophy applied to its  
design. A clear understanding will insure that you obtain  
maximum performance and pleasure from this most exact-  
ing subwoofer.  
Use the best cables you can. High quality cables, available  
from your specialty dealer, are recommended and will  
give you superior performance.  
Attach your preamplifier/processor outputs through cables  
to the signal input area located on the CW10’s rear  
panel. Please see the Connections and Control Settings  
section (pages 6–8) of this manual for more details.  
Make sure the level knob is set at 'Min'. Plug the CW10  
subwoofer into a wall outlet. Review the AC Power  
Connection section (page 8) of this manual for more details.  
Set the level knob to a medium volume position (12 o'clock).  
Set the power switch to ‘Auto On'.  
Now, you may adjust your system and enjoy!  
Introduction & Installation in Brief  
aBout the Controls  
Figure 1. CW10 controls.  
Setting the level too high will cause the bass to seem bloat-  
ed and is the single most common cause of bad sounding  
subwoofers. A rule of thumb is that the subwoofer should  
not draw attention to itself, but should simply make the sys-  
tems low end seem more extended and accurate.  
When the CW10 is connected in multi-channel mode (via  
its LFE input), the low pass filter is not active and your pro-  
cessor handles the bass management. When connected  
in 2-channel mode via its line level left/right input, the  
low-pass filter is active.  
As a general rule the low pass filter should be set equal  
to approximately 70% of your speaker’s lowest frequency  
response. Remember, this is a general rule. We advise  
that once you try the recommended setting using the for-  
mula above, you should try the surrounding settings to see  
which sounds best.  
The phase control is entirely dependent on the size and  
configuration of your listening environment, the placement  
of the unit, and your seating arrangement. Due to the way  
bass sound waves develop in different rooms, there is  
no rule of thumb for setting phase. For instance, if your  
room has a peak at the subwoofer crossover area, you  
may wish to set the phase so the actual acoustic outputs  
of the subwoofer and main speakers are out of phase.  
Experiment, try different settings and be patient.  
StatusꢀLED (not shown above)  
When the status LED (located on the front bottom of the  
subwoofer) is blue, the subwoofer is on. When the status  
LED is off the subwoofer is in standby mode.  
When the CW10 is connected in multi-channel mode (via  
its LFE input), the crossover switch should be set to 'Bypass  
(LFE In)' so that the low pass filter is not active and your  
processor handles the bass management.  
MasterꢀPowerꢀSwitch (not shown above)  
Located on the back panel of the subwoofer, the Master  
Power switch must be set to 'Auto On' for the subwoofer  
to operate. When set to 'Auto On' the subwoofer will  
automatically enter a power saving mode when no audio  
signal is detected. The subwoofer will automatically come  
out of power saving mode when a signal is detected.  
When connected in 2-channel mode (via its left and right  
inputs), the crossover switch should be set to 'Variable (L&R  
In)' so that the low-pass filter is active.  
About the Controls  
ConneCtIons and Control settIngs  
Before Connecting the CW10  
MartinLogan's engineering and design team developed  
the CW10 for easy setup and system integration. Before  
beginning to connect your CW10, please review the  
controls discussed in the last section. An understanding of  
these will help speed you along as you connect and inte-  
grate your CW10 with your system. All signal connections  
are done on the rear connections panel of the CW10.  
Make certain that all of your connections are tight.  
3 While playing music with bass content, turn the level  
control up until the music has deep extended bass,  
being careful to avoid levels that become overwhelming.  
4 Try the phase control in different settings until the best  
blending is obtained.  
WARNING! Turn your CW10 subwoofer  
to 'Off' before making or breaking any  
signal connections!  
2-Channel Mode  
This setup is recommended if your CW10 will be used  
in a 2-channel system with main speakers playing full  
range. When a signal is connected to the CW10’s left/  
right inputs and the crossover switch is set to 'Variable (L&R  
In), the CW10’s internal low pass filter is active.  
If you will be using your system for both 2-channel and  
multi-channel listening we recommend connecting the  
CW10 as recommended in 'Multi-Channel/LFE Mode'  
on the next page. Some modern receivers and processors  
allow users to route left and right channel low-frequen-  
cy information, in addition to discrete LFE information,  
through the LFE output.  
1 Connect the left and right outputs of your preamplifier  
to the left and right inputs of the CW10 using qual-  
ity RCA interconnects. If your preamplifier only has one  
set of outputs you may need to obtain Y adapters from  
your dealer.  
Figure 2. Signal connection for 2-channel mode.  
Set the crossover switch to 'Variable (L&R In)'.  
Set the 'Low Pass Filter' knob to approximately 70% of  
your loudspeakers lowest frequency response.  
Figure 3. Control settings for 2-channel mode.  
Connections and Control Settings  
Multi-Channel/LFE Mode  
This setup is recommended if your CW10 will be used in  
a dedicated home theater or multi-channel system. When  
a signal is connected to the subwoofer’s LFE input, and the  
crossover switch is set to 'Bypass (LFE In)' the internal low  
pass filter is not active. By following this setup, you will allow  
your processor to handle most of the bass management.  
Pass: 24dB. The optimal setting for these options may vary  
depending on your room and listening preferences.  
4 Adjust the phase control until ideal blending is obtained. If  
you hear no discernible difference leave the phase at 0°.  
5 Follow the instructions in your processor manual to fine-  
tune the subwoofer level  
If you will be using your system for both 2-channel and  
multi-channel listening we recommend using this setup  
and connection method. Some modern receivers and  
processors allow users to route left and right channel  
low-frequency information, in addition to discrete LFE infor-  
mation, through the LFE output.  
1 Connect the LFE output of the processor to the LFE input  
using a quality RCA interconnect.  
Based on the performance of most proces-  
sors, it is recommended that MartinLogan  
center and effects type speakers (i.e. Motif,  
Matinee, Stage, etc.) not be run in large,  
wide, or full range mode. Doing so may  
potentially damage the speaker if the proces-  
sor attempts to drive the speaker beyond its  
rated frequency range. This warning also  
applies to products from other manufacturers.  
It is recommended to run center and effects  
type speakers in limited or narrow mode.  
Some processors have an option to route the LFE  
channel to your main and/or surround speakers.  
We recommend that you do not use this option.  
Figure 4. Signal connection for multi-channel mode.  
Set the crossover switch to 'Bypass (LFE In)'.  
2 Use the bass management section of your processor‘s  
speaker level setup option to set the subwoofer level at an  
appropriate level. Follow the instructions in your processor  
manual to fine-tune the subwoofer level.  
3 If your processor offers the option to setup crossovers for a  
subwoofer, we recommend that you start with the following  
settings—Crossover: 70Hz, High-Pass: 12dB, and Low-  
Figure 5. Control settings for multi-channel mode.  
Connections and Control Settings  
AC Power Connection  
Replacing the Fuse  
The power cord should be firmly inserted into any conve-  
nient AC wall outlet. The CW10 also integrates a signal  
sensing power supply that automatically switches off after  
sensing no music signal for several minutes (this will cause  
the status LED to turn off).  
If the fuse in your CW10 should require changing, turn off  
and unplug your CW10 before removing the fuse. Replace  
the bad fuse with a matching T 1.6A L 250V (T 0.8A L  
250V if you are in a region using 230V).  
Your CW10 subwoofer is wired for the power service sup- Break-In  
plied in the country of original consumer sale. The AC power  
rating applicable to a particular unit is specified both on the  
packing carton and on the serial number plate attached to  
the subwoofer.  
Our custom made woofers require approximately 50 hours  
of break-in at moderate listening levels before their optimal  
performance occurs. This will factor in on any critical listening  
and judgment.  
If you remove your CW10 subwoofer from the country of  
original sale, be certain that AC power supplied in any sub-  
sequent location is suitable before connecting and operating  
the subwoofer. Substantially impaired performance or severe  
damage may occur to the CW10 subwoofer if operation is  
attempted from an incorrect AC power source.  
Connections and Control Settings  
Listening Position  
Generally, subwoofers have the most output when placed  
in the corner of a room. However, this can also exagger-  
ate the subwoofers output making blending difficult. We  
recommend starting by placing the CW10 in a corner.  
If, after the full range of tuning techniques have been  
employed, the subwoofer sounds like it has too much upper  
bass energy try pulling it away from the wall, toward the  
listening position. This will lessen the reinforcement of these  
problematic frequencies from the wall and likely smooth out  
the response. Repeat the tuning techniques with the woofer  
controls after you move it (see figure 6).  
Ask Your Dealer  
Your MartinLogan dealer can suggest many options for  
optimal subwoofer placement. They also have many tools  
at their disposal, such as experience, familiarity with the  
associated equipment, and even sound analysis equipment  
which may make the task of determining optimal subwoofer  
placement easier.  
Figure 6. CW10 Subwoofers as the LFE (effects) channels, MartinLogan  
Motion 12 speakers as front channels, and Motion 4 speakers as surround  
(effects) channel and Motion 8 as the center channel. Note the corner  
placement of the CW10 at the front of the listening room.  
Enjoy Yourself  
The CW10 is a very refined subwoofer and will benefit  
from care in setup. With the above placement tips in mind  
you will find, over months of listening, that small changes  
can result in measurable differences. As you live with your  
subwoofer, do not be afraid to experiment with positioning  
until you find the optimal relationship between your room,  
settings and subwoofer that gives you the best results. Your  
efforts will be rewarded.  
Installing in a Cabinet  
When placing the CW10 inside of a cabinet it is recom-  
mended that there be a minimum of three inches of open  
space between the cabinet and the front and back sides  
(see figure 7).  
Figure 7. Placing the CW10 in a cabinet requires a minimum of three  
inches of open space on the front and back.  
room aCoustICs  
Your Room  
This is an area that requires both a little background to  
understand and some time and experimentation to attain  
the best performance from your system.  
Sound coming from a speaker bounces around in a room  
until a pattern emerges—this is called a standing wave.  
Typically, this is only a problem with frequencies below  
100Hz. When this happens different parts of your room  
experience either an excess or a lack of bass.  
Your room is actually a component and an important part  
of your system. This component is a large variable and can  
dramatically add to or subtract from a great sonic experience.  
Some people believe that having a room without parallel  
walls will eliminate this effect. The truth is that non-parallel  
walls only generate different standing wave patterns than  
those that occur in rectangular rooms.  
All sound is composed of waves. Each frequency has its  
own wave size, with the lower, or bass frequencies literally  
encompassing from 10 feet to as much as 40 feet. Your  
room participates in this wave experience like a swim-  
ming pool with waves reflecting and becoming enhanced  
depending on the size and shape of the room and the  
types of surfaces in the room.  
Usually, you can excite most of the standing waves in a  
room by putting the CW10 in a corner. Listening position  
determines which standing waves you will experience.  
For instance, if you sit in a corner you will hear most of  
the standing waves. This can be an overpowering experi-  
ence. Sitting next to a wall can also intensify the levels of the  
standing waves that are experienced.  
Remember that your audio system can actually generate  
all of the information required to recreate a sonic event in  
time, space, and tonal balance. Acoustically, the role of  
an ideal room would be to neither delete nor contribute  
to that information. However, nearly every room does to  
some degree.  
All of the surfaces and objects in your room are subject to  
the frequencies generated by your system. Much like an  
instrument, they will vibrate and "carry on" in syncopation  
with the music, and may contribute in a negative way to the  
sound. Ringing, boominess, and even brightness can occur  
simply because surfaces and objects are "singing along"  
with your speakers.  
Small alcoves or closet type areas in your room can be  
chambers that create their own "standing waves" and can  
drum their own "one note" sounds.  
Room Acoustics  
home theater  
It had long been the practice of stereo buffs to connect their  
television to a stereo system. The advantage was the use  
of the larger speakers and more powerful amplifier of the  
stereo system. Even though the sound was greatly improved, it  
was still mono and limited by the broadcast signal.  
speaker, and that it is recommended for use as a center  
speaker. This is not the place to cut corners.  
We recommend (along with the film industry) that the sur-  
round speakers play down to at least 80 Hz. Surround  
speakers contain the information that makes it appear that  
planes are flying over your head. Some may suggest that  
this is the place to save money and purchase small, inex-  
pensive speakers. If you choose to do so, be prepared  
to upgrade in the future as discrete multi-channel digital  
encoding is proliferating rapidly and the demands on sur-  
round speakers have increased.  
In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s two new home  
movie formats became widely available to the public:  
VCR and laser disc.  
By 1985, both formats had developed into very high quality  
audio/video sources. In fact, the sonic performance of some  
video formats exceeded audio-only formats. Now, with  
theater-quality sound available at home, the only element  
missing was the "surround sound" presentation found in  
movie houses.  
With any good surround system you will need one or  
more high-quality subwoofers (the .1 in a 5.1, 6.1, or 7.1  
channel surround system). Most movie soundtracks contain  
large amounts of bass information as part of the special  
effects. Good subwoofers will provide a foundation for the  
rest of the system.  
Fortunately, Dolby and DTS encoded DVD’s emerged  
with the same surround sound information encoded on  
home releases as the theatrical release. Additionally,  
new high-resolution home-viewing formats such as Blu-ray  
as well as high-definition content provided via cable or  
satellite have evolved which include multi-channel encod-  
ed audio that is virtually master tape quality. All that is  
required to retrieve this information is a decoder and addi-  
tional speakers and amps to reproduce it.  
Home theater is a complex purchase and we recommend  
that you consult your local MartinLogan dealer, as they  
are well versed in this subject.  
Each piece of a surround system can be purchased sepa-  
rately. Take your time and buy quality. No one has ever  
complained that the movie was too real. The following list  
and descriptions will give you only a brief outline of the  
responsibilities and demands placed on each speaker.  
If these speakers will be the same two used for your stereo  
playback, they should be of very high quality and able to play  
loudly (over 102 dB) and reproduce bass below 80 Hz.  
This is the most important speaker in a home theater  
system, as almost all of the dialogue and a large por-  
tion of the front speaker information is reproduced by the  
center channel. It is important that the center speaker  
be extremely accurate and mate well with the front  
Figure 8. CW10 Subwoofers as the LFE (effects) channels, MartinLogan  
Motion 12 speakers as front channels, and Motion 4 speakers as surround  
(effects) channel and Motion 8 as the center channel.  
Home Theater  
frequently asked questIons  
Frequently Asked Questions  
Use a dust free cloth or a soft brush to clean your subwoofer.  
We recommend a specialty cloth (available through the  
anything else we have tried.  
While your CW10 is designed with a durable, stain-resistant  
surface, we advise you not to set anything on your CW10—  
especially containers holding liquids.  
Yes. The CW10 subwoofer doesn’t use a shielded driver.  
We recommend 3 feet between the CW10 subwoofer  
and video components that are susceptible to magnetic  
No. The CW10, when the power switch is set to ‘Auto  
On’, will draw about 12 watts when idle and only 12  
watts in standby mode.  
Yes, or before. It's a good idea to disconnect all of your  
audio/video components during stormy weather.  
Frequently Asked Questions  
• Check that all your system components are turned on.  
• Check that the master power switch adjacent to the AC  
receptacle is set to 'Auto On'.  
• Check your wires and connections.  
• Check all interconnecting cables.  
• Make sure the level control is not turned down.  
• Turn off and unplug the CW10 and check the fuse  
near the AC power cord receptacle on the back. If the  
fuse has blown, replace the bad fuse with a matching  
T 1.6A L 250V fuse (T 0.8A L 250V if you are in a  
region using 230V).  
• If the problem persists, contact your dealer.  
• Check placement. Try moving the subwoofer closer to  
the front and side walls.  
• Decrease the level.  
• Check your processor setup.  
• If the problem persists, contact your dealer.  
• Turn the CW10 off, unplug all signal inputs, turn the  
CW10 back on and turn up the level. If the problem  
disappears, the hum is originating elsewhere in your  
• Connect the CW10’s AC connection to the same AC cir-  
cuit as the pre amp.  
• If the problem persists, contact your dealer.  
general InformatIon  
Warranty and Registration  
The CW10 subwoofer system consists of a single  
woofer for high SPL output with minimal distortion. The  
equalization used is specifically designed to counteract  
the response of the woofers sealed box response. This  
equalization leads to minimal group delay and proper  
transient response.  
Your CW10 subwoofer is provided with an automatic  
Limited 90 Day Warranty coverage.  
You have the option, at no additional charge, to receive  
Limited 3-Year Warranty coverage. To obtain the Limited  
3-Year Warranty coverage you need to complete and  
return the Certificate of Registration, included with your  
subwoofer, and provide a copy of your dealer receipt, to  
MartinLogan within 30 days of purchase.  
29–200 Hz ± 3 dB. Anechoic in the LFE mode.  
For your convenience MartinLogan also offers online warranty  
Bypass (LFE In), Variable (L&R In)  
MartinLogan may not honor warranty service claims unless  
we have a completed Warranty Registration card on file!  
0°, 180°  
If you did not receive a Certificate of Registration with your  
new CW10 subwoofer you cannot be assured of having  
received a new unit. If this is the case, please contact your  
authorized MartinLogan dealer.  
10” (25.4cm) high-excursion, polypropylene cone with  
extended throw driver assembly; ported  
120 watts RMS (360 watts peak)  
Should you be using your MartinLogan product in a country  
other than the one in which it was originally purchased,  
we ask that you note the following:  
Left & Right/LFE RCA – 20,000 Ohms  
1 The appointed MartinLogan distributor for any given  
country is responsible for warranty servicing only on units  
distributed by or through it in that country in accor-  
dance with its applicable warranty.  
Left & Right/LFE RCA Line Level  
Standby: 12W  
Idle: 12W  
2 Should a MartinLogan product require servicing in a  
country other than the one in which it was originally  
purchased, the end user may seek to have repairs per-  
formed by the nearest MartinLogan distributor, subject  
to that distributor's local servicing policies, but all cost  
of repairs (parts, labor, transportation) must be born by  
the owner of the MartinLogan product.  
Max: 120W  
28.5 lbs. each (12.9 kg)  
13 inches W x 15.27 inches D x 14.69 inches H  
(33cm W x 38.8cm D x 37.3cm H)  
3 If, after owning your subwoofer for six months, you relocate  
to a country other than the one in which you purchased  
your subwoofer, your warranty may be transferable.  
Contact MartinLogan for details.  
General Information  
dImensIonal drawIngs  
Dimensional Drawings  
glossary of audIo terms  
AC. Abbreviation for alternating current.  
DC. Abbreviation for direct current.  
Active crossover. Uses active devices (transistors, ICs, tubes)  
and some form of power supply to operate.  
Diffraction. The breaking up of a sound wave caused  
by some type of mechanical interference such as a cabinet  
edge, grill frame or other similar object.  
Amplitude. The extreme range of a signal. Usually mea-  
sured from the average to the extreme.  
Diaphragm. A thin flexible membrane or cone that vibrates  
in response to electrical signals to produce sound waves.  
Arc. The visible sparks generated by an electrical discharge.  
ATF. The abbreviation for advanced thin film.  
Bass. The lowest frequencies of sound.  
Distortion. Usually referred to in terms of total harmonic  
distortion (THD) which is the percentage of unwanted har-  
monics of the drive signal present with the wanted signal.  
Generally used to mean any unwanted change introduced  
by the device under question.  
Bi-Amplification. Uses an electronic crossover, or line-level  
passive crossover, and separate power amplifiers for the  
high and low frequency loudspeaker drivers.  
Driver. See transducer.  
Dynamic Range. The range between the quietest and the  
Capacitance. That property of a capacitor which deter-  
mines how much charge can be stored in it for a given  
potential difference between its terminals, measured in  
farads, by the ratio of the charge stored to the potential  
loudest sounds a device can handle (often quoted in dB).  
Efficiency. The acoustic power delivered for a given elec-  
trical input. Often expressed as decibels/watt/meter  
Capacitor. A device consisting of two or more conducting  
plates separated from one another by an insulating material  
and used for storing an electrical charge. Sometimes called  
a condenser.  
ESL. The abbreviation for electrostatic loudspeaker.  
Headroom. The difference, in decibels, between the peak  
and RMS levels in program material.  
Clipping. Distortion of a signal by its being chopped off. An  
overload problem caused by pushing an amplifier beyond  
its capabilities. The flat-topped signal has high levels of  
harmonic distortion which creates heat in a loudspeaker  
and is the major cause of loudspeaker component failure.  
Hybrid. A product created by the marriage of two different  
technologies. Meant here as the combination of a dynam-  
ic woofer with an electrostatic or ATF transducer.  
Hz (Hertz). Unit of frequency equivalent to the number of  
cycles per second.  
CLS. The abbreviation for curvilinear line source.  
Imaging. To make a representation or imitation of the original  
Crossover. An electrical circuit that divides a full bandwidth  
signal into the desired frequency bands for the loudspeaker  
sonic event.  
Impedance. The total opposition offered by an electric  
circuit to the flow of an alternating current of a single fre-  
quency. It is a combination of resistance and reactance and  
is measured in ohms. Remember that a speaker’s imped-  
ance changes with frequency, it is not a constant value.  
dB (decibel). A numerical expression of the relative loudness  
of a sound. The difference in decibels between two sounds is  
ten times the Base 10 logarithm of the ratio of their power levels.  
Glossary of Audio Terms  
Inductance. The property of an electrical circuit by which  
a varying current in it produces a varying magnetic field  
that introduces voltages in the same circuit or in a nearby  
circuit. It is measured in henrys.  
Resistor. A device used in a circuit to provide resistance.  
Resonance. The effect produced when the natural  
vibration frequency of a body is greatly amplified by  
reinforcing vibrations at the same or nearly the same fre-  
quency from another body.  
Inductor. A device designed primarily to introduce induc-  
tance into an electrical circuit. Sometimes called a choke  
or coil.  
Sensitivity. The volume of sound delivered for a given  
electrical input.  
Linearity. The extent to which any signal handling process  
is accomplished without amplitude distortion.  
Stator. The fixed part forming the reference for the moving  
diaphragm in a planar speaker.  
Midrange. The middle frequencies where the ear is the  
most sensitive.  
THD. The abbreviation for total harmonic distortion. (See  
NAC. The abbreviation for natural ambience compensation.  
TIM. The abbreviation for transient intermodulation distortion.  
Passive crossover. Uses no active components (transistors,  
ICs, tubes) and needs no power supply (AC, DC, battery)  
to operate. The crossover in a typical loudspeaker is of the  
passive variety. Passive crossovers consist of capacitors,  
inductors and resistors.  
Transducer. Any of various devices that transmit energy  
from one system to another, sometimes one that converts  
the energy in form. Loudspeaker transducers convert elec-  
trical energy into mechanical motion.  
Phase. The amount by which one sine wave leads or lags  
a second wave of the same frequency. The difference is  
described by the term phase angle. Sine waves in phase  
reinforce each other; those out of phase cancel.  
Transient. Applies to that which lasts or stays but a short  
time. A change from one steady-state condition to another.  
Tweeter. A small drive unit designed to reproduce only  
high frequencies.  
Pink noise. A random noise used in measurements, as it  
has the same amount of energy in each octave.  
Wavelength. The distance measured in the direction of  
progression of a wave, from any given point character-  
ized by the same phase.  
Polarity. The condition of being positive or negative with  
respect to some reference point or object.  
White noise. A random noise used in measurements, as it  
RMS. Abbreviation for root mean square. The effective value  
of a given waveform is its RMS value. Acoustic power is  
proportional to the square of the RMS sound pressure.  
has the same amount of energy at each frequency.  
Woofer. A drive unit operating in the bass frequencies only.  
Drive units in two-way systems are not true woofers but are  
more accurately described as being mid/bass drivers.  
Resistance. That property of a conductor by which it opposes  
the flow of electric current, resulting in the generation of  
heat in the conducting material, usually expressed in ohms.  
Glossary of Audio Terms  
WARNING!ꢀDo not use your CW10 loudspeakers outside of the country of original sale—voltage require-  
ments vary by country. Improper voltage can cause damage that will be potentially expensive to repair. The  
CW10 is shipped to authorized MartinLogan distributors with the correct power supply for use in the country  
L a w r e n c e , K a n s a s , U S A  
t e l 7 8 5 . 7 4 9 . 0 1 3 3  
f a x 7 8 5 . 7 4 9 . 5 3 2 0  
w w w . m a r t i n l o g a n . c o m  
Rev. #072810  
©2010 MartinLogan. All rights reserved.  

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