Nokia Cell Phone 3250 User Manual

PhonePilot for S60 3rd  
Version 1.51  
User Guide  
for Nokia 3250 / 5500 / E50 / E60 / E61 / E62 / E70 / N71 / N73 / N80 / N91 /  
N92 / N93  
The content of this user guide is up to date on the released date. Mobisophy Technologies, Inc. reserves the rights to  
change any feature of this software printed in this user guide in future.  
Nokia © is a trademark of Nokia Corporation.  
Copyright © 2005-2006, Mobisophy Technologies, Inc. All right reserverd.  
October, 2006  
1. Starting PhonePilot  
Select PhonePilot in “Menu” to start it. If you configure PhonePilot  
to auto run, PhonePilot will start automatically when your phone is  
turned on every time.  
After PhonePilot starts up, there is an indicator  
on top right  
corner (beside battery pane) to indicate PhonePilot is running in  
standby mode and phone’s “Menu” screen.  
Tip! You will find some examples profiles, voice responses and lists  
in corresponding views after you installing PhonePilot successfully.  
These pre-installed examples are for demonstration and tutorial only.  
You can feel free to edit or delete them.  
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2. Main View  
When PhonePilot is running, there are seven sub views in main view, including: profiles, voice  
responses, managing lists, SMS templates, message box, scheduler and dialog monitor views. When a  
sub view get focused (highlighted), pressing key “Select” or selecting “Open” from menu will open the  
selected sub view.  
2-1 Menu of main view  
Open: Open the highlighted view.  
View call logs: View missed, received, dialled call logs.  
Setting: Configure global parameters, including: auto run at power on, local recording timeout,  
miscellaneous parameters of voice responses, etc… See section 2-2 “Global parameters setting”  
for more information.  
Hide: Send PhonePilot to background and keep running.  
About: Display information about PhonePilot’s version, software vender, how to purchase, contact  
us, etc…  
Exit: Stop PhonePilot and exit now.  
2-2 Global parameters settings  
Adjustable global parameters include:  
Auto run: Whether PhonePilot run automatically at power-on.  
Show indicator: Whether show an indicator to indicate  
PhonePilot is running now in standby mode and phone’s  
“Menu” screen.  
Run as system app.: If you configure PhonePilot to run as  
system application, it won’t be closed by system framework  
when phone memory is running low or data backup is  
Watch video calls: PhonePilot will handle video and data  
calls if you enable this.  
Watch Fax calls: PhonePilot will handle Fax calls if you  
enable this.  
Local record timeout: The maximum interval of recording a local sound clip. Local sound clip  
including “Greetings” and “Sorry prompts” of voice response’s actions (See section 4-3 for more  
information about “action”).  
Verbose dialog log: If you enable this s, PhonePilot will record all detail events to “Dialog Monitor”  
view. Otherwise, PhonePilot will only record basic events to “Dialog Monitor” view.  
Prompt for billable events: Whether let PhonePilot prompt you a confirmation dialog before an  
operation that will cause a charge to phone bill.  
Voice settings: Select this option will open voice response’s advanced setting. These parameters  
affect the way that voice response respond to incoming callers. Details described bellows:  
Auto answer delay: The interval from ringing of incoming call notification to the time of voice  
response picking up an incoming call.  
Mute ringer before answer: Whether mute the ringing tone before voice response picking up an  
incoming call.  
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Answering machine timeout: The maximum duration of a voice message that incoming callers  
can leave. PhonePilot will play “sorry prompt” then hang up incoming calls automatically once timed  
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3. Profiles view  
In profiles view, you can add, modify, delete and activate saved profiles. A profile is used for storing  
various pre-defined responses corresponding to different groups to meet your different demands in many  
situations. You can imagine it as the tools “Profile” on Nokia’s smartphone, that is used for defining  
ringing and messaging tones. But profiles view in PhonePilot is used for defining various responses for  
PhonePilot is shipped with a build-in, not erasable and not editable profile “Accept all”, and seven  
pre-defined, erasable and editable profiles. You can browse them in current view.  
3-1 Profile list view, menu and context menu  
Activate: Set the focused profile as default profile and activate  
it. Current active profile will appear on the top of every views  
with texts like “Active: ***”, illustrated with area (a) on Pic. 3-1.  
Current default profile will be marked as  
icon, illustrated  
with area (b) on Pic. 3-1. The current active profile and default  
profile may be different, please see section 8-1 for more  
View & edit: View and edit the focused profile.  
Create new: Create a new profile.  
Delete: Delete the focused profile. A build-in profiles can’t be  
Rename: Rename the focused profile. A build-in profiles can’t be renamed. Pic. 3-1  
Application: See section 2-1.  
Tip! You can press your phone’s “Select” key to show up a context menu when a profile is focused. The  
context menu consists of menu items “Activate” and “View & edit”.  
3-2 Create new, view & edit profile  
Pic 3-2  
Pic 3-3  
You will enter edit mode when create, view & edit a profile. Edit mode is illustrated with Pic. 3-2 and 3-3.  
You can divide incoming callers up to seven groups by phonebook or custom lists (Or choose not to  
divide to groups at all), then assign different responses to different groups. The combination of a group  
and its corresponding response is called a “rule”. For example, the area (a) on Pic. 3-2 is a rule.  
Menu items in edit mode include:  
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Edit rule: Edit the focused rule. You can edit a rule by pressing phone’s “Select” key.  
Add additional rules: When adding a new profile, you can only divide callers up to three groups  
including, callers on phonebook/list, callers not in above lists and private numbers. You can add four  
empty additional rules for editing by choosing this menu item.  
Delete additional rules: You can delete all empty additional rules by choosing this menu item when  
all additional rules are empty.  
Hide additional rules: Hide all additional rules. You will see a plus sign on the ball icon at the first  
line rule when there are hidden additional rules.  
Show additional rules: Show all additional rules.  
New rule: You can create a new rule when the focused rule is an empty additional rule.  
Delete rule: You can delete a rule when the focused rule is an existing additional rule.  
3-3 Create, view & edit a rule  
When you are creating or viewing & editing a rule, possible edit items include:  
3-3-1 Callers in  
All callers: This option means all incoming callers. If you choose this option, all incoming callers  
are considered as one group.  
Phonebook: This option means incoming callers are listed in phonebook.  
List: This option means incoming callers are listed in a selected list. When this option is selected,  
PhonePilot will let you choose or create a new list.  
3-3-2 Response  
When incoming callers match the condition of section 3-1,  
available responses include:  
Accept (don’t handle): PhonePilot ignores these incoming  
calls. It’s up to you to accept or reject them.  
Voice response: Answered by voice response. See section 4  
for more information.  
Send busy tone: Send busy tone to reject these callers right  
Divert calls to: Divert callers to a pre-defined phone number.  
When you choose this option, PhonePilot will let you input a  
phone number manually or select one from phonebook. Then  
send call diversion request to your carrier. Notice! This function is based on “Call divert if busy”  
service provide by your carrier, PhonePilot will send busy tone to callers and the incoming  
calls will be diverted to the pre-defined phone number. So you may be charged with voice  
communication or monthly charge of call diversion. Please contact you carrier for more  
Record conversation: If you choose this option, PhonePilot will automatically record conversations  
of these calls after you picking up calls manually. Notice! Both parties will hear a beep every five  
seconds when call record is processing. These beeps are generated by you phone and can’t  
be muted, it is used to remind both parties that call record is on going.  
Busy+Send SMS: First send busy tone to reject these callers right now, then send custom SMS  
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texts to them. A SMS editing screen will show up when you choose this option. You can input SMS  
texts manually or import SMS texts from existing SMS templates. See section 6-2 for more  
Mute the ringer: Mute the ringer right now. Then it’s up to you to accept or reject them.  
3-3-3 Response of callers not in above lists  
This edit item defines the response to incoming callers who are not in all five rules above. Available  
responses to these callers are the same as those in section 3-3-2.  
3-3-4 Response of private numbers  
When incoming callers disable sending their caller identification, you won’t be able to get their phone  
number. This edit item defines the response to this kind of callers. Available responses to these callers  
are the same as those in section 3-3-2 (The exception is there is no option “Busy+Send SMS” because  
PhonePilot can’t retrieve the phone number of a private number caller)  
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4. Voice responses view  
Currently, the major function of voice response is to be a answer machine. Details are described  
4-1 Voice responses list view and menu  
This screen shows a list of voice responses. When a voice response get focused (highlighted),  
available menu items include:  
New voice response: Create a new voice response.  
Edit voice response: Edit the focused voice response.  
Delete voice response: Delete the focused voice response.  
Rename voice response: Rename the focused voice response.  
Application: See section 2-1.  
4-2 Create or edit a voice response  
PhonePilot will change to voice response edit mode when you are  
creating or editing a voice response. The editing screen is showed  
as the two screenshots on the bottom right corner of this page. Each  
panes of the screen are explained as fellows:  
a. The name of voice response being edited now.  
b. The path of current editing screen.  
c. Left side icons  
indicates “call in”.  
d. Right side icons indicate the corresponding action of every key.  
Currently there are two possible actions:  
Leave a message: When incoming callers select this kind  
of action, voice response will play a voice greeting first, then  
begin to record their voice message. Notice! When recording  
voice message is processing, the caller will hear a beep  
every five seconds. These beeps are generated by you  
phone and can’t be muted. If caller feel confused by these  
beeps, you can inform them in advanced when greeting is  
Key undefined: The current key isn’t associated with any  
action yet.  
e. Texts on upper middle are the name of corresponding action.  
Texts on lower middle are the detail information of  
corresponding action. For examples, the detail information of  
“Leave a message” shows the maximum duration of a message. It facilitates you to look it over at a  
The menu items in voice response editing mode include:  
New action: When an undefined action getting focused (highlighted), select this menu item will  
create a new action. See section 4-3 for detail explanation of creating a new one.  
Edit action: When a defined action getting focused (highlighted), select this menu item will edit an  
existing action. See section 4-3 for detail explanation of editing an existing one.  
Delete action: When a defined action getting focused (highlighted), select this menu item will  
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delete the current action.  
4-3 Create or edit an action  
When you are creating or editing an action, PhonePilot will change to action editing mode. All possible  
edit items in this mode are described as fellows (Left * sign denotes a mandatory item):  
Action type: See section 4-2-d for available actions.  
Greeting: The voice greeting before an action begins. For example, you can record a greeting to  
instruct callers to leave their voice messages of a “Leave a message”-type action  
Sorry prompt: Voice response will prompt this sorry prompt when an action is failed. For examples,  
you can record a sorry prompt to inform callers for timeout at a “Leave a message”-type action.  
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5. Black/White Lists view  
Here you can define custom lists used by profiles view to divide incoming callers.  
5-1 Lists list view and menu  
This view shows all your custom lists. When a list get focused (highlighted), available menu items  
New list: Create a new custom list.  
Edit list: Edit the focused list.  
Delete list: Delete the focused list.  
Rename list: Rename the focused list.  
Application: See section 2-1.  
5-2 Create or edit a list  
You can add, edit or delete contact’s names and phone numbers  
in a list. Available menu items include:  
New: Add a contact’s name and phone number to the list  
From phonebook: Import single or multiple contacts’ names  
and phone numbers from phonebook.  
Edit: Edit the focused contact’s name and phone number.  
Delete: Delete the focused contact’s name and phone  
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6. SMS Templates view  
You can create some texts as SMS templates here. Then you can import texts from these pre-defined  
SMS templates when the selected response is “Busy+Send SMS” in profile rule edit mode.  
6-1 SMS templates list and menu  
This view shows all your predefined SMS templates. When a template get focused (highlighted),  
available menu items include:  
New template: Create a new SMS template.  
Edit template: Edit the focused SMS template.  
Delete template: Delete the focused SMS template.  
Rename template: Rename the focused SMS template.  
Application: See section 2-1.  
6-2 Create or edit a template  
PhonePilot will change to this editing screen when you are  
creating or editing a template. It resembles the SMS editing screen  
of “Messaging”, you can input, replace or delete texts here.  
Available menu items include:  
Import: Import texts from existing SMS templates and  
overwrite the current editing contents.  
Cancel: Discard all changes and return to the previous  
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7. Message Box view  
This view shows all voice messages that incoming callers left and  
recorded conversations of both parties. Each pane are explained as  
a. Left side icon indicates whether the voice message is  
generated by voice response’s “Answer machine” or “Record  
conversation”, and whether it is heard.  
generated by answer machine and unheard,  
generated by answer machine and heard.  
generated by record conversation and unheard,  
it’s generated by record conversation and heard.  
denotes it’s  
denotes it’s  
denotes it’s  
b. Right side texts, from top to bottom, left to right, described as  
fellow: caller’s phone number, caller’s name, the starting time of this voice message, the duration of  
this voice message (unit is second).  
Available menu item of this view include:  
Play: Play back the focused voice message.  
Call back: Call back to the caller who left the focused voice message.  
Delete message: Delete the focused voice message.  
Application: See section 2-1.  
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8. Scheduler view  
Scheduler can activate assigned profiles. For example, you can let scheduler activate a specific profile  
during a fixed period and periodically activate another profile everyday to meet your different demands at  
different time.  
8-1 Schedule list and menu  
Pic. 8-1  
Pic. 8-2  
Pic. 8-1 shows all schedules’ list. On Pic. 8-1, area (a) shows the profile name ready to be activated.  
Area (b) shows the activation period. Activation period can be set as one time or per day activation. In  
area (c), icon  
means the current schedule is enabled, blank means disabled. And you can see the  
scheduled time to activate next profile in the main view, illustrated with Pic. 8-2, area (a).  
Tip! The priority of schedule with one time activation is higher than that of schedule with per day  
activation. If there is no active schedule now, PhonePilot will set the default profile as active profile. If we  
consider effect of scheduler, it may cause the result of active profile being different from default profile.  
When a schedule is focused (highlighted), available menu items include  
Enable current: Enable focused schedule. PhonePilot will judge which profile should be activated  
according to all enabled schedules.  
Disable current: Disable focused schedule. PhonePilot will judge which profile should be activated  
according to all enabled schedules.  
New schedule: Create a new schedule. See section 8-2 for more information.  
Edit schedule: Edit the focused schedule. See section 8-2 for more information.  
Delete schedule: Delete the focused schedule.  
Application: See section 2-1.  
Tip! PhonePilot will re-judge which profile should be activated after editing or deleting an enabled  
8-2 Create or edit a schedule  
When create or edit a schedule, PhonePilot will enter schedule edit mode. Edit items in this mode are  
described bellows:  
Profile name: The profile name ready to be activated.  
Schedule type: There are two types of schedule, “one time” and “per day”. One time schedule only  
activates profile once during the assigned period. The schedule will be marked as “Expir.” after  
expiration. “Per day” schedule will activate profile everyday during the assigned period of a day.  
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Start date: The date scheduled to activate profile. This edit  
item is available only when schedule type is “one time”.  
Start time: The time scheduled to activate profile. Unit is  
End date: The date scheduled to de-activate profile. This edit  
item is available only when schedule type is “one time”.  
End time: The time scheduled to de-activate profile. Unit is  
minute. The activated profile will be de-activated at next minute  
after this time.  
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9. Dialog Monitor view  
You can monitor all interactions between PhonePilot and  
incoming callers here, including: callers’ names, PhonePilot’s  
responses like sending busy tone, replying a SMS, diverting calls  
and recording call conversation.  
You can choose menu item “Page up” or press key 3 to scroll up  
one page, or choose menu item “Page down” or press key 9 to  
scroll down one page. It facilitates you to look over the dialog  
Tip! All views will be locked when voice response is still answering  
an incoming call. You won’t be able to select a menu item or edit  
data. But you can press left soft key (or “Call” key) to intercept this call, or right soft key (or “Hang up” key)  
to hang up this call.  
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10. Examples of applications  
Accept all incoming calls, accept callers from phonebook and reject all incoming calls  
In profiles view, activate one of pre-defined profiles, “Accept all”, “Accept phonebook” or “Reject  
Accept callers in white list, reject callers in blacklist  
In profile view, edit pre-defined profile “Accept white list” or “Reject black list”. Choose a white list  
or blacklist for edit item “Callers in”. Exit edit mode and activate the profile.  
You are on holiday, you want to divert callers in phonebook to home number and ignore all  
other callers (So that you can keep your home number in private)  
In profiles view, edit pre-defined profile “Divert phonebook to”, then input a phone number to  
“Diverted number”. Exit edit mode and activated the profile.  
You want to record conversations with callers in specific list  
In profile view, edit pre-defined profile “Record callers in list”. Choose the list you want to record  
for edit item “Callers in”. Exit edit mode and activate the profile.  
You want to accept all calls at office, and divert callers in phonebook to home number, then  
reject all other at home  
Firstly, create a new schedule for office in scheduler view. Select pre-defined profile “Accept all”  
for profile name, set schedule type to “per day”, and input the working time to “Start time” and “End  
time”, then activate this profile. Secondly, create another new schedule for home in scheduler view.  
Select pre-defined profile “Divert phonebook to” for profile name, set schedule type to “per day”, and  
input the home time to “Start time” and “End time”, then activate this profile also,  
You are in a meeting now. You want to inform your wife with a voice message of not eating  
dinner home today. Other callers send a SMS to inform them that you will call them after the  
In profiles view, create a new profile first, select “List” for “Callers in” and select the list containing  
your wife only. Then select “Voice response” for “response”. The settings of selected voice response  
should like this:  
a. Type of the voice response’s “call in” action should be “Leave a message”.  
b. Record a voice message of not eating dinner home today for edit item “Greeting”.  
Select “Busy+Send SMS” for the response of “Callers not in above lists” rule and input a SMS  
texts to inform them that you will call them after the meeting. Finally, Select “Send busy tone” for the  
response of “Private numbers” rule.  
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