Pfaff Sewing Machine 1527 User Manual

All features at a glance!  
Cla s s ic St yle Quilt 1527  
O n ly fro m Pfa ff: German engineering and innovative design!  
O n ly fro m Pfa ff: Th e IDT (In te g ra te d Du a l Fe e d ) absolutely even  
fabric feed from both the top and bottom. Fine fabrics , several layers –  
absolutely no slipping! It's wonderful for quilting because piecing and quilt  
blocks match exactly. Only Pfaff has the IDT built into the machine.  
Ex tra va lu e ! With the purchase of a ClassicStyle Quilt 1527 comes 2 extra  
presserfeet that are a must have for any quilter: Free-motion/ Darning Foot and  
1/ 4 " Quilting Foot!  
Fre e -m o tio n se w in g p o sitio n ! Use the special free-motion  
sewing position for the presser foot to get highest clearance for your  
free-motion quilting and stippling. It makes free-motion quilting so easy!  
Ex tra h ig h p re sse r fo o t cle a ra n ce makes room for thick quilts, heavy  
fabrics or several layers of fabric!  
Co n sta n t n e e d le p ie rcin g p o w e r even when sewing slowly,  
with thick fabrics or through several layers of fabric.  
Go o d se le ctio n o f stitch e s! The right stitch for every sewing project!  
Va ria b le stitch w id th up to 5.5 mm and stitch length up to 6.0 mm  
Ma n y n e e d le p o sitio n s! For precise topstitching,  
without having to move the fabric.  
Bo b b in w in d in g th ro u g h th e n e e d le is so easy!  
No need to rethread. Winding stops as soon as the bobbin is full.  
The Special Edition from Pfaff w ith  
“ Sn a p o n ” – fast change for presser feet and needle plates –  
ease of use and great quilting features!  
simply snap on and off!  
Ma n y a cce sso rie s! Standard Presser Foot, Edge Guide/  
Quilting Guide, Fancy Stitch Foot, Blindhem Foot, Zipper Foot,  
Buttonhole Foot, seam ripper, needle box.  
Convincing features, useful (Integrated Dual Feed), a free-  
accessories, and beautiful design  
motion sewing position for the  
presserfoot, high presserfoot  
clearance and more!  
Ha rd co ve r! To protect your ClassicStyle Quilt 1527 when not in use.  
make quilting and sewing with  
O n ly fro m Pfa ff! Th e e r g o n o m ic w o rk su r fa ce !  
Pfaffs Cla s s ic St yle Quilt  
truly a  
With an optimal view of your projects. Perfect for big, bulky quilt projects.  
To learn more about Cla s s ic St yle  
Se w in re ve rse to secure your seam.  
It’s very easy to use – just select a  
stitch and you can begin. A good  
selection of utility stitches means  
that you can sew on any fabric.  
Quilt 1527, visit your Pfaff dealer.  
Pe r fe ct b u tto n h o le s without turning the fabric.  
Se w b u tto n s o n quickly with your ClassicStyle Quilt 1527  
13 stitches  
11 utility stitches  
1 decorative stitches  
1 buttonhole  
Ex tra -slim fre e a rm for working on tubular items such as cuffs,  
trouser legs, necklines and more.  
Ea sily a cce ssib le th re a d cu tte r – on the side of your ClassicStyle Quilt 1527  
And quilt lovers will find that the  
Tw o sp o o l p in s! The main spool pin tilts up so that you can slide your  
Cla s s ic St yle Quilt has the features  
thread on easily. The extra spool pin is available for twin needle sewing.  
that they need, such as the IDT  
Illu m in a te d se w in g a re a ! The sewing lamp is easy on your  
eyes and in the perfect place to illuminate your sewing projects.  

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