Pioneer Home Theater System SP SB23W User Manual

Speaker Bar System  
RegisteR youR pRoduct at:  
Protect Your New Investment  
The details of your purchase will be on file for reference in the event of an insurance claim such as loss or theft.  
Improve Product Development  
Your input helps us continue to design products that meet your needs.  
Operating Instructions  
if this equipment does cause harmful interference to  
radio or television reception, which can be determined  
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one  
or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate  
the receiving antenna. increase the separation between  
the equipment and receiver. connect the equipment  
into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which  
the receiver is connected. consult the dealer or an  
experienced radio/tV technician for help.  
certain international, national and/or local laws and/  
or regulations may apply regarding the disposal of  
this product. For further detailed information, please  
contact the retailer where you purchased this product  
or the in your country.  
NOTE: this equipment has been tested and found to  
comply with the limits for a class B digital device,  
pursuant to part 15 of the Fcc Rules. these limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against  
harmful interference in a residential installation. this  
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio  
frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications. However, there  
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  
particular installation.  
• the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be  
installed to provide a separation distance of at least  
20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located  
or operating in conjunction with any other antenna  
or transmitter.  
• changes or modications not expressly approved  
by the party responsible for compliance could void  
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
PleaSe take INVeNtOrY  
please check to ensure you have everything in your pioneer sp-sB23W speaker Bar system carton.  
inside, you should find:  
SPeaker Bar  
POwer COrD (x2)  
6’ DIgItal (OPtICal) CaBle (1)  
remOte CONtrOl  
(BatterY INClUDeD)  
rUBBer feet fOr SPeaker Bar (x2)  
Owner’s Manual  
ImPOrTANT NOTE: if anything is missing or damaged, or if your new pioneer sp-sB23W speaker Bar system  
fails to operate, please notify your dealer immediately. We recommend keeping your original carton and packing  
materials in case you need to ship the unit in the future.  
about Your SP-SB23w  
Speaker Bar System  
Bluetooth® wireless technology allows for playback  
of music from your smartphone, tablet or other  
compatible device.  
thank you for choosing the sp-sB23W speaker Bar  
system from pioneer electronics. please read through  
this owner’s Manual before using your speaker Bar  
system to optimize performance. after you have  
finished reading this owner’s Manual, store it in a  
safe place for future reference.  
Learning mode enables you to use your favorite  
remote to control the functions of your speaker Bar.  
Like every subwoofer we build, this wireless  
subwoofer is engineered to offer incredible design  
and amazing low-end frequency sound quality,  
ideal for music and movies.  
the speaker Bar utilizes technology and components  
derived from our award-winning home theater speakers,  
with a primary goal of producing the most immersive,  
natural, and room filling sound experience for both  
movies and music.  
this speaker Bar provides dolby® digital decoding,  
the standard for high definition sound.  
the curved wood cabinetry houses six speakers,  
individually amplied, for the best audio experience.  
utilizing a three-way active crossover network, the  
speaker bar delivers a tailored response for all your  
favorite sources.  
Bar CONtrOlS (Front panel)  
1. Powerturns on the bar or puts it in standby mode.  
2. Volume Up and Down ( + / - ) adjusts the volume  
of the speaker Bar.  
3. Source—changes which input source you are  
listening to.  
Source 1: analog. Led color will be a steady Blue.  
Source 2: digital/optical. Led color will be a steady  
Source 3: Bluetooth: Bluetooth® wireless technology  
(see “paiR aNd coNNect youR BLuetootH  
deVice” on page 10) Led color will be a steady Blue.  
PLEASE NOTE: only one source connection will be  
active during use of the speaker Bar system.  
4. listening mode (second Row Left)  
5. BlUetOOth/PaIrINg/learN (second Row Right)  
SPeaker Bar POwer INDICatOr  
powering up:  
SOUrCe leD  
Blue Solid—Movies preset. ideal for special effects  
and movie soundtracks.  
Blue Steady—power is on; all is well.  
red Solid—Music preset. ideal bass balance for the  
most natural music reproduction.  
No lights—Main power switch is off or the  
speaker bar is in standby mode.  
green Solid—dialogue preset. ideal for late night viewing or  
Blue Slow Blinking—system is muted.  
dialogue heavy content. in this mode, the subwoofer is inactive.  
Bar CONtrOlS (Back panel)  
4. 2.  
1. Power Connection—the bar power cord  
SUBwOOfer CONtrOlS (Rear panel)  
connects here.  
subwoofer power Led  
2. SYNC—the syNc button ensures the subwoofer  
and bar are communicating. (see “HoW to paiR  
youR suBWooFeR to tHe speakeR BaR”  
on page 8.)  
red Steady—the subwoofer is plugged  
in/in standby mode.  
green Steady—the subwoofer is on and  
producing sound.  
3. analog Input—allows for the connection of most  
legacy audio devices.  
subwoofer sync Led  
4. Optical Input—allows for the connection of digital  
audio from modern electronics such as tV's, disc  
players, cable Boxes, and satellite Boxes.  
Blue flashing—the subwoofer is searching  
for the speaker bar.  
Blue Steady—the subwoofer and speaker  
bar are synced.  
5. Power Switch — Main power switch for the  
speaker Bar.  
remOte CONtrOl  
1. Power ( )—turns on the bar or puts it in  
standby mode.  
2. Source 1, 2, 3—changes which input source  
you are listening to.  
3. Volume Up and Down ( + / - ) —adjusts the  
master volume of the system.  
4. mute—Mutes and unmutes the audio coming  
from the speaker bar and subwoofer.  
5. Bluetooth®track Forward, play, pause,  
track Backward.  
6. SUB Volume Up and Down ( + / - ) —adjusts  
the volume of the subwoofer  
7. mode—Music, Movie, dialogue.  
hOw tO CONNeCt YOUr SPeaker Bar aND  
SUBwOOfer tO YOUr tV  
the simplest approach is to connect the optical audio output of your tV to the optical input on the  
back of the bar. this method will provide the highest quality audio. if your tV does not have an optical  
output, you can use the optical output from your dVd player or your cable/satellite box to connect to  
the optical input on the bar or use an analog cable (Not supplied).  
hOw tO PaIr YOUr SUBwOOfer tO the SPeaker Bar  
Make sure that both the speaker Bar and  
subwoofer are plugged into an ac outlet.  
speaker Bar  
1. power on the speaker bar.  
2. press and hold the sync button on the rear of  
the speaker Bar until the sync Led begins to  
ash red rapidly.  
3. press and hold the sync button on the rear of the  
subwoofer until the blue Led begins to ash rapidly.  
4. after a couple of seconds both sync Leds should  
become solid.  
5. if the Leds continue to blink then move the  
subwoofer closer to the speaker Bar.  
CONCerNINg the PlaCemeNt Of thIS SYStem  
USINg the rUBBer feet wIth the SPeaker Bar  
included in the sp-sB23W speaker Bar carton are  
(2) feet for the speaker bar to rest on. place the  
feet at the desired location of the speaker. they can  
be spaced a variety of widths apart for installation  
exibility. once placed on the feet, tilt the speaker to  
the desired angle, depending on the location of the  
speaker in relation to the desired listening position.  
When assembling the system, lay them down flat on  
their side to avoid accidents or injury. Make sure to  
use a stable surface when assembling, setting up,  
and placing the system.  
correct placement is important for maximizing the sound  
quality of your speaker Bar. take time to experiment  
with positioning according to these guidelines.  
the speaker bar may be positioned above or below  
the tV. For best results align the front of the speaker  
bar with the front of the tV.  
At least 20"apart  
due to the well-controlled vertical directivity, it is not  
normally necessary to vertically aim the loudspeaker  
towards the listener. if, however, the speaker bar is  
placed under the tV and very close to the oor, then  
tilting upwards may be benecial.  
NOTE: spacing between the rub-  
ber feet should be at least  
20 inches apart to avoid the  
speaker Bar from tipping over.  
to achieve optimum audio performance, place the  
main unit beneath the television monitor.  
NOTE: do not use adhesive or  
screws to attach the feet to the  
speaker. doing this will damage  
the cabinet and void the warranty.  
wall mOUNtINg the SPeaker Bar  
PlaCemeNt aND fINe tUNINg  
the subwoofer receives its audio signals wirelessly  
from the main unit, so it requires no speaker cables,  
allowing you to place it in the most convenient location  
(a power cord connection is required, however).  
the placement of your new subwoofer is critical to its  
performance. the two of the most common locations  
a) in the corner of the room (which can result in a  
boomy or exaggerated low frequency response),  
B) placement along one wall but out of the corner  
(moderate bass performance with increased delity  
over corner placement.  
experimentation with subwoofer placement is highly  
encouraged, as slight adjustments can create large  
benets in sound reproduction. to further test subwoofer  
placement, install the subwoofer temporarily in your  
main listening position and while playing a familiar  
piece of music, walk around the listening room until  
you find the best sounding position. this is a possible  
location for the subwoofer to be placed.  
Pioneer recommends that you consult a installation  
professional for wall mounting the speaker bar.  
pRecautioNs RegaRdiNg suBWooFeR  
• When the speaker Bar is mounted to a wall, there is  
a risk of it dropping, falling, etc. due to the weight or  
mounting method. take sufficient care not to cause  
an accident.  
• sound from the subwoofer may be interrupted due to  
poor signal conditions, but this is not a malfunction.  
if it occurs, rearrange the position and orientation of  
the main unit and/or subwoofer as required.  
• select a location for installation/mounting with  
sufficient strength to withstand the weight. if you are  
unsure of the strength or anything else, consult with  
a professional.  
• the subwoofer is designed to be used within a distance  
of 10 m (32 ft.) from the main unit. the actual distance  
within which it can be used, however, may be less,  
depending on the environment and design of the  
room where it is used.  
• pioneer is not responsible for any accidents or  
damage that result from improper installation/  
mounting, incorrect use, modication, disaster, etc.  
• do not hang from the unit. pay special attention  
to children. the unit may fall and break, resulting  
in injury.  
• signal reception by the subwoofer may be unstable  
if it is placed too close to the main unit. in this case,  
separate the subwoofer at least 1 m (3.2 ft.) from  
the main unit.  
• do not connect or disconnect the cables while the  
unit is mounted to the wall. install the cables in  
such a way that a foot or other object cannot get  
caught in them.  
• signal reception by the subwoofer may be interrupted  
if an obstruction (metal door or concrete wall, aluminum  
covered insulation, etc.) is placed between it and  
the main unit. in this case, install the subwoofer in  
an uninterrupted line-of-sight orientation from the  
main unit.  
CaBINet maINteNaNCe  
great care and craftsmanship has gone into the  
construction and finish of the cabinet. periodically  
use a soft, dry cloth to remove dust or fingerprints.  
do not use paper towels or other abrasive materials  
as it may damage the finish.  
NOTE: please retain the carton and packing material  
for your pioneer products, to protect them in the event  
of a move or if they need to be shipped to a service  
center. product received damaged by a service center  
that has been shipped by the end user in other than  
the original packaging will be repaired, refurbished  
and properly packaged for return shipment, at the end  
user’s expense.  
where tO lOCate YOUr SUBwOOfer  
fOr the BeSt SOUND  
your wireless subwoofer is really easy to place and  
can go just about anywhere in the room. plus you  
don’t have to worry about connecting wires, because  
the only wire you have to plug in is the power cord.  
BlUetOOth wIreleSS teChNOlOgY  
teaChINg YOUr SPeaker Bar tO reSPOND tO  
aNOther remOte CONtrOl  
to use your Bluetooth® wireless technology device  
with the sp-sB23W speaker Bar system, you must  
first pair your device with your speaker Bar.  
PrOgrAmmINg INSTruCTIONS: your speaker bar  
is currently programmed to respond to the remote  
control that is included with the product. However, we  
strongly recommend programming the speaker bar to  
also respond to your existing remote control using the  
steps illustrated below. this will enable you to operate  
all of your components using a single remote control.  
While programming the speaker bar, ignore anything  
that may be displayed on the tV screen.  
pairing creates the ability for your Bluetooth® device  
to connect with your speaker Bar wirelessly and  
exchange information.  
you only have to pair your speaker Bar with your  
Bluetooth® device one time for this exchange of  
information to take place.  
Not all remote controls can be used to control the  
PaIr aND CONNeCt YOUr BlUetOOth DeVICe  
Speaker Bar.  
1. Make sure your Bluetooth® device and speaker  
Bar are powered on and the Bluetooth® source  
is selected on the speaker bar (Blue light above  
Bluetooth® logo is solid blue).  
2. activate the Bluetooth® function on your  
Bluetooth® source device and check it is actively  
looking for a Bluetooth® device.  
3. press and hold the Bluetooth® pairing button until  
the Bluetooth® light begins to ash slowly.  
4. your speaker bar will now appear on your  
Bluetooth® source device. select “sp-sB23W” on  
your Bluetooth® device to initiate pairing.  
1. power on the speaker Bar and wait for the blue  
5. after a few seconds your speaker Bar will now be  
paired with your Bluetooth® device and you can  
enjoy music playback wirelessly. Note: only one  
device can be connected to the speaker Bar at  
one time.  
light to become solid.  
2. using the souRce button select either analog or  
digital input.  
3. press and hold the speaker Bar's BLuetootH/  
paiRiNg/LeaRNiNg button until the Bluetooth®  
light ashes. Release the button. the light will now  
turn solid blue.  
6. using the included remote for your speaker Bar,  
you can track forward and back, pause and play  
your current track, and turn the Volume up and  
4. press the button on the speaker Bar that you  
would like to teach, the Bluetooth® light should  
begin to ash slowly.  
5. point the remote control that you want to use for  
your speaker bar and push the corresponding  
command button that you chose in step 4.  
1'- 2'  
any time you want to connect the last paired device  
and play it through the speaker bar, do the following:  
1. turn your devices Bluetooth® function on.  
2. enter Bluetooth® source by pressing the Bluetooth®  
source button from the remote.  
NOTE: By default, the last connected Bluetooth®  
6. the Bluetooth® light should begin flashing quickly  
and the mode light will flash green if the code  
was accepted (if the mode light ashes red the  
code was not accepted. Move the remote control  
closer and push the button again). Now push your  
remote's command button again and if the mode  
light ashes green the command is now set.  
device will automatically connect if available.  
hOw tO DISCONNeCt wIth a BlUetOOth DeVICe  
7. Repeat this process for each button you would like  
turn off or disconnect the Bluetooth® feature on your  
to teach your speaker bar.  
Bluetooth® device.  
8. to exit the learning mode press and hold the  
BLuetootH/paiRiNg/LeaRN button until the  
Bluetooth® ashes. then release the button. the  
Bluetooth® light is now off.  
Not all features are available on all Bluetooth  
source devices.  
hOw tO OPtImIZe the SOUND wheN  
use the following steps to adjust the volume balance  
tV SPeakerS are ON  
between your tV and the bar:  
1. if necessary, program your bar to respond to the  
volume up and down control commands of your  
tV remote.  
you should hear sound from the bar. if you don’t, turn  
up the volume on the bar using its volume control but-  
tons. if your bar is connected to your tV, theres a very  
good chance your tV speakers are also playing. its  
impossible to give specic instructions on how to turn  
off the speakers for every tV, but heres a way to do it  
that covers many of the tVs out there.  
2. turn your tV volume all the way down using the  
control buttons on your tV.  
3. then, using the volume keys on your speaker  
bar set the volume to a normal listening level  
(do not use the remote control). after you make  
these adjustments, your speaker bar should  
always be louder than your tV speakers.  
then use the tV remote control to adjust the  
volume as you normally do.  
1. on your tV remote control, find a “menu”  
or “setup” button.  
2. press this button. you should see an  
on-screen menu.  
3. Next, look for an option to control audio  
functions and select it.  
CUStOmer SerVICe/teChNICal SUPPOrt:  
For assistance with basic set up, operation,  
or troubleshooting, you may contact our  
customer service hotline at:  
the setting to turn off your tV’s internal speakers should  
be here. if you can’t turn off your tV internal speakers,  
don’t worry. to enjoy the best performance from your  
bar, you’ll want it to play louder than your tV.  
1 (800) 421-1404  
Hours: Monday-Friday10:30 am-7:00 pm est  
speakeR BaR  
35.98" W x 4.05" H x 4.74" d  
caRB2 MdF Wood  
Black ash Vinyl  
Frequency Range  
drivers: Mid-Woofer  
drivers: tweeter  
45Hz - 20kHz  
3" x 4 (2 per side)  
1" x 2 (1 per side)  
power output  
6 x 28 Watts (1kHz 1% tHd @ 4 ohms)  
toslink optical x 1, analog x 1  
a2dp Wireless 2.4 gHz  
100v - 240v  
Voltage inputs  
power consumption  
power consumption (standby)  
power consumption (Main power switch off)  
60 Watts  
2 Watts power off/4 Watts auto power off  
0 Watts  
9.01" W x 10.01" H x 9.01" d  
caRB2 MdF Wood  
Black ash Vinyl  
6.5" Woofer  
Voltage input  
power output  
power consumption  
power consumption (standby)  
50 Watts (50Hz 1% tHd @ 6 ohms)  
60 Watts  
1 Watt  

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