Polaroid Digital Camera PDC 640 User Manual

PDC 640  
Digital Camera  
PhotoMAX Digital Camera Creative Kit  
User Guide  
Rev. 1, June 10, 2002  
Co n t e n t s  
Getting started ..................................................................................... 1  
Whats in the Polaroid PhotoMAX Digital Cam era Creative Kit ...... 2  
All about the cam era ............................................................................ 3  
Attaching the w rist strap ..................................................................... 6  
All about batteries ................................................................................ 7  
Loading batteries ........................................................................................ 7  
Connecting the AC adapter ................................................................ 9  
Inserting the m em ory card ................................................................ 10  
Turning on the cam era ....................................................................... 12  
Setting the date and tim e ................................................................ 13  
About the cam era controls ................................................................ 14  
Displaying the Menu options ........................................................... 16  
Viewing im ages on the LCD viewfinder ............................................ 17  
Deleting im ages .............................................................................. 17  
Locking im ages ............................................................................... 19  
Taking pictures ................................................................................... 20  
Tips for taking great pictures ........................................................... 23  
Transferring pictures to your com puter ........................................... 24  
Installing the PhotoMAX software .................................................... 24  
Getting Help in the PhotoMAX software ........................................... 24  
Using the software to transfer pictures ............................................ 25  
Displaying im ages on a TV ................................................................ 28  
Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 29  
Appendixes ......................................................................................... 32  
FCC Notice ...................................................................................... 32  
Cam era precautions .................................................................................. 32  
Battery handling ........................................................................................ 33  
Contacting Polaroid .................................................................................. 34  
Internet support ........................................................................................ 34  
Ge tt in g s t a rt e d  
Your Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Digital Camera  
Creative Kit contains everything you need to take digital  
photographs. After you take pictures, you will find it  
easy to transfer them to your computer or display them  
on a TV.  
Once the images are on your computer, use the Polaroid  
PhotoMAX Image Maker software to change them in  
many creative ways, include them in e-mail, or use them  
to create greeting cards and T-shirts.  
The Polaroid PDC 640 Digital Camera and the Polaroid  
PhotoMAX Image Maker Software are easy to use, and  
are designed to work together to produce high-quality  
results. Use your imagination. Have fun!  
Use the AC adapter whenever possible to extend the life  
of your batteries. It is a good idea to keep a set of extra  
batteries handy, especially on a trip when it may not be  
possible to find replacement batteries easily. To help  
conserve batteries, the camera shuts itself off automat-  
ically after a preset number of minutes of inactivity.  
This quickstart guide covers basic camera features,  
startup, and installation procedures, and how to take  
pictures and transfer them to your computer. For  
detailed information about camera features and camera  
operation, see the online Polaroid PhotoMAX Image  
Maker Products User’s Guide.  
P le a s e fi ll o u t a n d m a il yo u r re g is t ra t io n c a rd !  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Wh a t s in t h e Po la ro id P h o t o MAX  
Dig it a l Ca m e ra Cre a t ive Kit  
Your Polaroid PDC640 Digital Camera Creative Kit  
contains everything you need to take digital pictures  
and transfer them to your computer.  
a Camera case  
b Polaroid PhotoMAX Image Maker Products  
c Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
d AA batteries  
e Camera-to-TV connector (video cable)  
f Memory card  
g Camera-to-computer connector (RS232 serial cable)  
h AC power adapter  
i PDC 640 Digital Camera  
j Wrist strap  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
All a b o u t t h e c a m e ra  
Fro n t view o f t h e c a m e ra  
a Self-timer LED  
b Optical viewfinder  
c Flash  
d Lens Cover  
e Hand grip  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Ba ck view o f t h e c a m e ra  
a Menu button  
b Information button  
c Review button  
d LCD viewfinder  
e Distance setting button  
f Down arrow button  
g Up arrow button  
h Wrist strap attachment  
i Optical viewfinder  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
To p view o f t h e c a m e ra  
a Resolution button  
b Flash button  
c Status panel  
d LCD viewfinder  
e Shutter button  
S id e view o f t h e c a m e ra  
a Camera-to-computer connection (serial cable)  
b Memory card slot  
c Camera-to-TV connection (video cable)  
d AC adapter  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Bo tt o m view o f t h e c a m e ra  
a Tripod socket  
b Battery compartment  
Att a ch in g t h e w ris t s t ra p  
The PDC 640 Digital Camera comes with a handy wrist  
strap. Attach the wrist strap this way:  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
All a b o u t b a tt e rie s  
You can operate your PDC 640 Digital Camera on  
battery power or with AC current using the AC adapter.  
To conserve battery life, the camera shuts itself off after  
a preset number of minutes of inactivity. To activate the  
camera again, close and reopen the lens cover.  
The camera displays a low battery icon on the  
LCD viewfinder when battery power is weak.  
When you see this icon, replace the batteries  
with a new set as soon as possible.  
Lo a d in g b a tt e rie s  
1. Open the battery compartment on the bottom of  
the camera by pushing the button on the cover in  
the direction indicated by the arrow.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
2. Load four AA-size batteries into the compartment.  
Make sure the + and – terminals are oriented  
correctly in the compartment, or the camera will  
not function. Do not mix old and new batteries, or  
batteries of different types.  
3. Close the battery compartment cover. Make sure it  
is closed securely.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Co n n e c t in g t h e AC a d a p t e r  
To conserve battery life, use the AC adapter whenever  
possible. The AC adapter can become warm to the  
touch after extended periods of use. This is normal and  
is no cause for alarm.  
a Camera-to-computer connector (RS232 serial cable)  
b Camera-to-TV connector (video cable)  
c AC power adapter  
When you use the AC adapter, make sure to:  
Use only the AC adapter that came with your  
camera (to prevent damage to your camera).  
Turn off the power to the camera before connecting  
or disconnecting the AC adapter.  
Grasp the plug, not the cord, when you unplug the  
adapter from an outlet. Avoid bending, pulling, or  
twisting the AC adapter cord. Do not try to  
lengthen the cord by splicing it with another wire.  
Replace a damaged power cord with a new one (to  
avoid electrical shock).  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
In s e rt in g t h e m e m o ry c a rd  
The images you take with your PDC 640 camera are  
stored on a removable 3.3V SSFDC or SmartMedia 2  
MB memory card (also available in 4 MB and 8 MB).  
Note: You must insert the memory card before you can  
turn on the camera. If camera beeps is enabled,  
the camera beeps if the card is not installed and  
displays the [ ] message on the Status panel.  
To in s e rt t h e m e m o ry c a rd :  
1. Make sure the lens cover is closed (the power is  
2. Open the memory compartment on the side of the  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
3. Insert the memory card into the slot (gold side of  
the card facing the front of the camera).  
Make sure the card is pushed firmly into the slot.  
Note: The camera prompts you to format the  
memory card if it is not formatted. The  
camera displays the format menu on the  
LCD viewfinder. Press the button next to  
Form at.  
4. Close the memory compartment cover.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Tu rn in g o n t h e c a m e ra  
You must insert the memory card before you can turn  
on the camera.  
To t u rn o n t h e p ow e r t o t h e c a m e ra :  
1. Insert the memory card as described in the  
previous section, if it is not installed.  
2. Turn on the camera.  
Icons appear on the Status panel.  
Resolution setting  
b Number of images remaining in memory  
Battery status  
d Distance setting  
Flash settings  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Se tt in g t h e d a t e a n d t im e  
You need to set the date and time the first time you turn  
on the camera.  
To s e t t h e d a t e a n d t im e :  
1. Turn on the camera.  
If this is the first time you are turning on the  
camera, go to step 6.  
2. Press the Menu button.  
3. Press the down arrow button to display the next set  
of options.  
4. Press the button next to Settings.  
5. Press the button next to Date &Tim e.  
6. Press the button next to the right arrow on the LCD  
viewfinder to move the cursor to each part of the  
date and time that you want to change.  
7. Press the up arrow or down arrow to change the  
number under the cursor.  
8. Press the button next to Done to save the date and  
You now are ready to take pictures! Press the Menu  
button to change other camera settings, or use the  
optical viewfinder or the LCD viewfinder to take  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Ab o u t t h e c a m e ra c o n t ro ls  
For more information about these options, refer to the  
online Image Maker Products User’s Guide.  
You use the following Menu options to:  
Review images  
Delete images  
Lock images  
Use the self-timer  
Change settings  
You can change the date and time, enable or disable  
camera beeps, change the quick review, set the  
video mode (NTSC or PAL), and set the language  
of the menu options.  
Press the Information button to display the following  
information on the LCD viewfinder:  
The number of the image and how many images  
are stored in memory  
If the image is locked  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
You can view images on the LCD viewfinder one image  
at a time.  
Press the Review button to turn on the LCD viewfinder.  
Use the down arrow and the up arrow to scroll through  
the images on the viewfinder.  
Use the Review menu option to review nine thumbnail  
images at a time on the LCD viewfinder.  
The LCD viewfinder on the back of the camera has the  
following uses:  
LCD viewfinder for taking pictures  
Displays menu options for changing camera  
You use the up arrow and the down arrow buttons to  
scroll back or ahead to display a different image on the  
LCD viewfinder.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Dis p layin g t h e Me n u o p t io n s  
1. Turn on the camera.  
2. Press the Menu button.  
The LCD viewfinder appears as follows (an image  
may appear on the viewfinder):  
3. Press the up arrow or down arrow button to go to  
the next set of options or the previous set of  
4. Press the button that is next to the menu option  
that you want to change.  
The Menu button, the Information button, and the  
LCD review button work differently after you press  
the Menu button to display the menu options.  
For example, to delete an image, press the  
Information button, which is next to the Delete  
option on the LCD viewfinder. In this case, the  
Information button deletes the image and does not  
affect the display of information on the LCD  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
View in g im a g e s o n t h e LCD  
view fi n d e r  
You can view images stored in memory one image at a  
time or nine thumbnail images at a time:  
1. Turn on the camera (slide the lens cover to the  
2. Press the Review button.  
3. Press the down arrow or the up arrow button to  
view the next or previous images stored in memory.  
4. To view thumbnail images:  
a. Press the Menu button to display the menu of  
b. Press the button next to Review.  
Nine thumbnail images appear on the LCD  
viewfinder at a time. If there are more images  
stored in memory, press the down arrow  
button to scroll through the stored images.  
Press the up arrow button to go back to the  
previous screen.  
De le t in g im a g e s  
Use this feature to delete individual images or delete all  
images at one time.  
Warning: Once you delete an image, it cannot be  
retrieved—it is gone forever! You can lock images to  
prevent the images from being deleted from memory.  
When you delete one or more images, the remaining  
images stored in the camera are renumbered.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
To d e le t e t h e c u rre n t im a g e :  
1. Turn on the camera.  
2. Press the up arrow or the down arrow button to  
select the image that you want to delete.  
3. Press the Menu button.  
4. Press the button next to Delete.  
Note: This does not delete any images. It takes you  
to the next screen on the LCD viewfinder.  
5. Press the button next to Delete Current.  
6. Press the button next to Delete Now to delete the  
Note: You cannot delete the image if it is locked.  
7. Press the button next to Done to exit.  
To d e le t e a ll im a g e s in m e m o ry:  
1. Turn on the camera.  
2. Press the Menu button.  
3. Press the button next to Delete.  
4. Press the button next to Delete All.  
5. Press the button next to Delete Now. Press the  
button next to Don’t Delete if you change your  
Note: You cannot delete the image if it is locked.  
6. Press the button next to Done to exit.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Lo ck in g im a g e s  
Use this feature to prevent images from being deleted  
from memory.  
To lo ck im a g e s :  
1. Turn on the camera.  
2. Press the Menu button.  
3. Press the button next to Lock.  
4. Do the following:  
Lock the image  
that is displayed  
on the LCD  
Press the button next to  
Lock Current.  
Lock all images  
stored on the  
memory card  
Press the button next to  
Lock All.  
Note: If the images are locked, press the button  
next to Unlock Current or Unlock All.  
5. Press the button next to Done to exit.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Ta k in g p ic t u re s  
Your PhotoMAX PDC 640 Digital Camera Creative Kit  
contains everything you need to take pictures and  
transfer them to your computer where you can edit  
them, send them over the Internet, print them, and  
store them.  
You can take pictures using the optical viewfinder or  
using the LCD viewfinder.  
Use the optical viewfinder:  
For faster processing and flash recycle time  
To optimizes battery life  
Use the LCD viewfinder to optimize framing your  
image when you are using macro mode.  
To t a ke a p ic t u re :  
1. Turn on the camera.  
2. Set the distance setting to one of the following:  
For subjects...  
Macro mode  
0.5 to 1.5 ft. (15 to 45 cm) from the  
Close-up mode  
1.5 to 5 ft. (45 cm to 1.5m) from the  
Normal mode  
3 ft. to infinity (1m to infinity) from the  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
3. Press the Resolution button to set the resolution to  
one of the following:  
640 x 480 Super-High resolution  
with minimal compression  
Stores up to 12 images  
640 x 480 High resolution with  
medium compression  
Stores up to 24 images  
640 x 480 Standard resolution  
with moderate compression  
Stores up to 36 images  
320 x 240  
Stores up to 96 images  
4. Press the Flash button to set the flash to one of the  
following options:  
Flash setting  
The flash fires automatically whenever  
the autoexposure sensor determines  
that lighting conditions require  
additional light.  
The flash fires for every picture. Use fill  
flash when there is a light behind the  
subjects to fill in and soften strong  
shadows, and on cloudy days.  
The flash does not fire. Use in places  
where flash is prohibited or may be  
distracting, or when shooting toward a  
reflective background, such as a  
window or a mirror.  
The flash fires automatically whenever  
the autoexposure sensor determines  
that lighting conditions require  
additional light, but is preceded by a  
pre-flash to reduce the red-eye effect.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
5. Take a picture:  
If you want  
Use the optical  
Look through the optical  
viewfinder and frame the image  
the way you want.  
Use the LCD  
Press the LCD viewfinder  
button to turn on the LCD  
viewfinder. Point the camera at  
your subject and frame the  
image the way you want.  
6. Once you have composed your picture, press the  
shutter button.  
Once you take the picture, the green LED in the  
optical viewfinder blinks. When the LED stops  
blinking, you can take another picture.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Tip s fo r t a k in g g re a t p ic t u re s  
Some tips that can help you take great pictures!  
Keep the sun behind you or at your side. Avoid  
having the sun directly overhead.  
Use the fill flash if there is a light behind your  
In low light level conditions, use a tripod to avoid  
camera movement during exposure.  
Avoid extreme temperatures, which can affect  
battery performance.  
Keep the subject within the flash range (3 ft. to 10  
ft. (1m to 3m)).  
Avoid shooting toward reflective objects to avoid  
hot spots in your pictures or use the fill flash if you  
cannot avoid shooting toward reflective objects.  
Clean the lens, the LED area on the front of the  
camera, and the LCD viewfinder on the back of the  
camera with a soft, lint-free cloth periodically. Do  
not use cleaning solutions or chemically-treated  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Tra n s fe rrin g p ic t u re s t o yo u r  
c o m p u t e r  
The following sections describe how to install the  
Polaroid PhotoMAX software and use the software to  
transfer the images in your camera to your computer.  
In s t a llin g t h e P h o t o MAX s o ft w a re  
The driver for the PDC 640 Digital Camera is installed  
automatically when you install the Polaroid PhotoMAX  
software supplied with this kit.  
To in s t a ll t h e Po la ro id P h o t o MAX s o ft w a re :  
1. Insert the Polaroid PhotoMAX CD in your CD-  
ROM drive.  
2. Select Run from the Windows Start menu.  
3. Type x:\setup.exe (substitute the letter of your  
CD-ROM drive for x, typically D or E).  
4. Click OK and follow the instructions on your  
computer screen.  
Ge tt in g He lp in t h e P h o t o MAX  
s o ft w a re  
Select the ? button on the Polaroid PhotoMAX main  
window to open the online Image Maker Products  
User’s Guide, which provides step-by-step procedures  
on how to use your Polaroid PhotoMAX software.  
To get context-sensitive help on any window element,  
move the cursor over the element and press the right  
mouse button.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Us in g t h e s o ft w a re t o t ra n s fe r  
p ic t u re s  
You can transfer pictures directly from your PDC 640  
Digital Camera to your computer. Use the AC adapter  
whenever possible to extend the life of your batteries.  
To t ra n s fe r p ic t u re s :  
1. Double-click the Polaroid PhotoMAX icon on your  
desktop to open the Polaroid PhotoMAX software.  
Note: Make sure that your PDC 640 Digital  
Camera is plugged in to your computer and  
both are turned on. The Status panel displays  
the PC message and beeps if the camera is  
connected to the computer properly when  
you turn on the computer.  
a Camera-to-computer connector (RS232 serial cable)  
b Camera-to-TV connector (video cable)  
c AC power adapter  
2. Click Get Photo.  
3. Do one of the following:  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
a. Select Twain device on the Acquire From  
window, and then click OK.  
Camera or  
b. Select PDC 640 from the Sources: list on the  
Select Sources window, and then click Select.  
The Album window opens and then the PDC  
640 Twain Driver window opens.  
c. Click Get All to transfer all the images to your  
Note: You also can select the images you want  
to transfer to your computer and click Get  
The images are transferred to the sample  
album, which is located in the  
PhotoMAX\Albums folder.  
d. Double-click the image in the album that you  
want to edit.  
The image appears in the image tray.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
a. Select the album in which you want to save  
your images, or create a new album.  
From Album  
b. Click the Acquire button on the Album  
window button bar.  
c. Select PDC 640 from the Sources: list on the  
Select Sources window, and then click Select.  
The PDC 640 Twain Driver window opens.  
d. Click Get All to transfer all the images to your  
Note:You also can select the images you want  
to transfer to your computer and click Get  
The images are transferred to the selected  
album, which is located in the  
PhotoMAX\Albums folder.  
e. Double-click the image in the album that you  
want to edit.  
The image appears in the image tray.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Dis p layin g im a g e s o n a TV  
You can view the images stored in your camera on any  
TV equipped with a video input terminal. For more  
information about using your TV for video input, refer  
to the manufacturers manual for your TV.  
1. Turn off the TV and the power to the camera.  
2. Set the video mode, if needed.  
3. Plug one end of the video cable into the video input  
connection on the TV.  
4. Open the memory compartment on your camera  
and the plug the other end of the video cable into  
the TV connection.  
5. Turn on the TV and set the channel used for video  
6. Turn on the camera.  
7. Press the Menu button and then press the Menu  
button again to review the images.  
You also can press the LCD review button and use  
the up and down arrow buttons to review the  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Tro u b le s h o o t in g  
software does  
not see the PDC  
640 Digital  
• The power to the  
camera was not  
turned on before you  
powered on the  
• Ensure that you turn  
on the camera and  
then your turn on  
your computer.  
Ensure that the AC  
power adapter is  
connected to the  
power socket on the  
camera and to an AC  
power outlet.  
• The serial cable is  
not connected  
properly to the  
• Connect one end of  
the serial cable to the  
RS232 serial port on  
the back of the  
computer and  
connect the other end  
of the cable to the  
serial cable port on  
the PDC 640. Make  
sure the cables are  
attached firmly to the  
camera and the back  
of the computer.  
No power.  
• Lens cover is not  
• Slide the lens cover to  
the right.  
• Batteries are not  
loaded correctly.  
• Position the + and -  
terminals correctly in  
the battery  
• Dead batteries.  
• Wrong AC adapter.  
• Replace the batteries.  
• Use the  
recommended AC  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Low Battery  
indicator on  
Status Panel.  
Low battery power.  
Replace the batteries.  
Cannot take a  
• The flash may be  
Wait until the green  
LED stops blinking.  
• Memory card may be • If you have taken the  
full. The camera  
beeps three times  
when you press the  
shutter button.  
maximum number of  
images, transfer the  
images to your  
computer and erase  
the images from  
• Memory card may be  
missing or installed  
incorrectly. The  
Status Panel displays  
• Ensure that the  
memory card is  
inserted correctly in  
the memory  
→[ ] error message.  
• Camera is connected  
to your computer.  
• If the camera is  
connected to your  
computer, use the  
software controls to  
take a picture, or  
disconnect thecamera  
from the computer.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Flash does not  
• Flash is not turned  
• Check the flash mode  
icon on the Status  
Panel. Cycle through  
the flash options to  
turn on the flash if it  
was disabled.  
• Flash is recharging.  
• Batteries are weak.  
Wait until the green  
LED on the  
viewfinder stops  
• Replace the batteries.  
Bad connection  
between the camera  
and the TV monitor.  
No signal on the  
TV monitor  
while the  
Use the specified cable to  
connect the camera and  
the TV monitor.  
camera is on.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Ap p e n d ixe s  
FCC No t ic e  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply  
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to  
part 15 of the FCC Rules.  
For detailed information about FCC compliance, see  
the online Polaroid PhotoMAX Image Maker Products  
User’s Guide.  
Ca m e ra p re c a u t io n s  
Observe the following precautions when you use the  
Polaroid PDC 640 Digital Camera:  
Do not open the case of the camera or attempt your  
own repairs. High-voltage internal components  
create the risk of electrical shock when exposed.  
Always leave maintenance and repair to authorized  
Polaroid service providers.  
Keep the camera away from water and other liquids  
because moisture creates the danger of fire and  
electrical shock. Do not use the camera in the rain,  
at the seashore or the beach, and so on.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Turn off the power to the camera and unplug the  
AC adapter immediately if water or any foreign  
substances get into the camera. Using the camera  
under these conditions creates the danger of  
electrical shock or fire.  
Do not open the battery compartment or unplug  
the AC adapter when the green LCD light on the  
back of the camera is flashing. If the camera loses  
power while processing a new image, the new  
image cannot be stored and can cause corruption of  
other images in storage.  
Ba tt e ry h a n d lin g  
When using batteries, keep the following in mind:  
Use only AA alkaline or lithium batteries with this  
Never mix old batteries and new batteries, or  
different types of batteries.  
Do not expose batteries to direct heat or dispose of  
them by burning. Dispose of batteries according to  
the rules of your local area.  
Always remove batteries from the camera if you are  
not going to use the camera for extended periods of  
Do not leave dead batteries in the camera because  
they are susceptible to leakage, which can cause  
significant damage to your camera.  
Camera damage caused by batteries is not  
covered under the warranty.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
Co n t a c t in g Po la ro id  
You can call Polaroid toll-free within the U.S.A. at  
1-800-432-5355, 7 days a week, 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Eastern  
Standard Time. When calling with a technical question,  
ask for an Electronic Imaging or a Digital Imaging  
Please identify the Polaroid product and its serial  
number (if applicable). If possible, have your system  
running the software when you call.  
We offer a variety of Customer Support Services. Call us  
for details and applicable fees.  
Outside the U.S.A., contact the Polaroid office nearest  
In t e rn e t s u p p o rt  
Technical support is available via the Internet. Visit our  
Web site at:  
Go to the Digital World section and follow the links.  
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 640 Quickstart Guide  
PDC 640  
Technical Support Information  
(This information replaces that found on Page 34)  
Polaroid Corporation provides technical support for digital cameras at  
http://www.polaroid.com/, and within the United States by calling  
800-897-0356 from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. EST, (Mon - Fri) and 10 A.M.  
to 4 P.M. EST (Sat). Please note that phone support and repair services are  
regional and may not be available for a particular product outside the  
country where it was purchased. To obtain parts for cameras purchased in  
the United States, call 800-343-4846 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Mon. - Fri.  
(Note: No technical support is available at this number.) A list of Polaroid  
international sales and customer support offices is available at  

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