Polycom CRT Television 1725 36060 001 User Manual

VIEW Certified Configuration Guide  
Trapeze Networks  
Mobility System for MP-422 Access Points  
June 2008 Edition  
Version D  
Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
Polycom’s Voice Interoperability for Enterprise Wireless (VIEW)  
Certification Program is designed to ensure interoperability and high  
performance between SpectraLink Wireless Telephones and wireless  
LAN (WLAN) infrastructure products.  
The products listed below have been thoroughly tested in Polycom’s  
lab and have passed VIEW Certification. This document details how  
to configure the Trapeze Networks Mobility Exchange (MX) switch  
and Mobility Point (MP) access point (AP) with SpectraLink Wireless  
Certified Product Summary  
Trapeze Networks: www.trapezenetworks.com  
Approved products:  
WLAN switches  
Access points  
MP-422 †  
MX-8 †  
Security :  
MX/MP software version certified:  
SpectraLink handset models certified: **  
SpectraLink handset software certified:  
SpectraLink radio mode:  
122.010 or greater  
12 *  
Maximum telephone calls per MP:  
12 *  
Recommended network topology:  
Switched Ethernet (required)  
Denotes products directly used in VIEW Certification testing  
* Maximum calls tested during VIEW Certification. The certified product may actually support a higher  
number of maximum calls for 802.11a and 802.11g radio modes.  
** SpectraLink handset models 8020/8030, e340/h340/i640 and their OEM derivates are VIEW Certified  
with the WLAN hardware and software identified in the table. Throughout the remainder of this  
document they will be referred to collectively as “SpectraLink Wireless Telephones”.  
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Configuration Guide  
Service Information  
The AP must support SpectraLink Voice Priority (SVP). Contact  
your AP vendor if you need to upgrade the AP software.  
If you encounter difficulties or have questions regarding the  
configuration process of the Mobility Exchange, please contact  
Trapeze Networks by calling 866 TRPZ TAC or  
925 474 2400 or by e-mailing [email protected].  
Known Limitations  
During VIEW Certification testing, the following limitations were  
RF Active Scan must be disabled on MP radios that are providing  
voice services, including SpectraLink Wireless Telephones.  
You must disable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)  
snooping when running SpectraLink Radio Protocol (SRP), which  
is used with the SpectraLink 8000 Telephony Gateway. SRP uses  
multicast packets to do an SRP Check-In, which are not forwarded  
through the Mobility Exchange Switch when IGMP snooping is  
enabled. When a tunneled virtual LAN (VLAN) is configured over  
a Layer-3 network, IGMP snooping must be disabled each time the  
tunnel is established, because the virtual VLAN is established with  
IGMP snooping turned on by default.  
Access Point Capacity and Positioning  
white paper. This document covers the security, coverage, capacity  
and QoS considerations necessary for ensuring excellent voice quality  
with enterprise Wi-Fi networks.  
For more detailed information on wireless LAN layout, network  
infrastructure, QoS, security and subnets, please see the Best Practices  
document identifies issues and solutions based on Polycom’s  
extensive experience in enterprise-class Wi-Fi telephony, and  
provides recommendations for ensuring that a network environment  
is adequately optimized for use with SpectraLink 8020/8030 Wireless  
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Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
Network Topology  
The following topology was tested during VIEW Certification. It is  
important to note that these do not necessarily represent all  
“Certified” configurations.  
Both Layer-2 and Layer-3 roaming were tested. Layer-3 roaming of  
SpectraLink Wireless Telephones requires the use of a generic routing  
encapsulation (GRE) tunnel.  
SpectraLink 8000  
Telephony Gateway  
SpectraLink 8000  
SVP Server  
Wireless Telephones  
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Configuration Guide  
Access Point Setup and Configuration  
Installing software  
Trapeze Mobility Exchange firmware cannot be downloaded from the  
SpectraLink website. Therefore, you must use the software that was  
shipped with your product, or contact Trapeze Networks for the latest  
software release.  
Command, comment, and screen text key  
In the sections below you will find commands, comments and system  
responses or other screen-displayed information involved in the  
configuration process. This key explains the text styles and symbols  
used to denote them..  
Text Style  
Typed command  
Encryption key, domain name or other information  
specific to your system that needs to be entered  
# xxxxxxxx  
Comment about a command or set of commands  
System response or other displayed information  
Configuring the Mobility Exchange Switch  
1. Using a standard RS-232 cable, connect the Mobility Exchange Switch  
to the serial port of a terminal or PC.  
2. Run a terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal) or  
use a VT-100 terminal with the following configuration:  
Bits per second: 9600  
Data bits:  
Parity: None  
Stop bits:  
Flow control: None  
3. Press Enter three times to display the Mobility Exchange Switch login  
screen, and to get past the Username prompt and the Password  
prompt. There are no default usernames or passwords.  
4. Type enableto enter privileged mode. There is no default  
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Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
Service profile commands (SSID & security policy setup)  
Assume you are creating service profile “vowlan-wpa2” to define the  
ESSID “phones,” as well as a WPA2-PSK security policy. The  
following commands are needed to setup the service for MP access  
set service-profile Voice ssid-name vowlan-wpa2  
# sets the name of the service profile and SSID to  
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort  
# specifies the authentication for the service  
profile to open access  
set service-profile Voice rsn-ie enable  
# enables WPA2 security  
set service-profile Voice cipher-tkip disable  
# disables TKIP  
set service-profile Voice cipher-ccmp enable  
# enables AES / CCMP  
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase <passphrase>  
# defines a passphrase  
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable  
# enables pre-shared key authentication  
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable  
# disables 802.1x authentication  
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name default  
# maps the handsets to the vlan named default  
Assume you are creating service profile “vowlan-wpa” to define the  
ESSID “phones,” as well as a WPA-PSK security policy. The following  
commands are needed to setup the service for MP access points:  
set service-profile Voice ssid-name vowlan-wpa  
# sets the name of the service profile and SSID to  
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort  
# specifies the authentication for the service  
profile to open access  
set service-profile Voice wpa-ie enable  
# enables WPA security  
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase <passphrase>  
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Configuration Guide  
# defines a passphrase  
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable  
# enables pre-shared key authentication  
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable  
# disables 802.1x authentication  
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name default  
# maps the handsets to the vlan named default  
Radio profile commands  
Assume you are creating radio profile “voice” for all radios that will  
be providing voice services. The following commands are needed to  
setup the radio profile for the access points:  
set radio-profile voice service-profile vowlan-wpa2  
# maps the service profile to the radio profile  
set radio-profile voice dtim-interval 3  
set radio-profile voice active-scan disable  
# prevents the AP from going off-channel to scan  
set radio-profile voice auto-tune channel-config disable  
# disables dynamic channel tuning for radios in this  
set radio-profile voice qos-mode svp  
# qos mode SVP must be set for SVP to be supported  
Network topology and MP access point hardware  
The network topology and access point hardware configuration can  
be configured using the Mobility System software. Please refer to the  
Trapeze Networks Mobility System Software Configuration Quick Start  
Guide or the Trapeze Mobility Exchange Installation and Basic  
Configuration Guide for more information. Some useful commands are:  
To create VLAN “v1” and add port 3 as a member of “v1:”  
set vlan 2 name v1 port 3  
# 2 is the VLAN ID (must be unique for every VLAN on  
the switch)  
To create a configuration for a model MP-422 access point that is  
directly attached to port 1 of an MX switch:  
set port type ap 1 model mp-422 poe enable  
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Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
Radio configuration  
During VIEW Certification, the MP access points were tested directly  
connected to a port on the MX (e.g. port 1). The following commands  
will configure a specific access point’s radio to support the voice  
set ap 1 radio 1 mode disable  
# if the radio is currently enabled. Radio 1 is the  
802.11b/g radio  
set ap 1 radio 1 radio-profile voice mode enable  
# maps radio to the radio-profile and enables it  
MP access points that are not directly connected to a port on the MX,  
which Trapeze calls a distributed access point (DAP), were not tested.  
If they are desired, the radio is configured with this command:  
set dap 1 radio 1 mode disable  
# if the radio is currently enabled. Radio 1 is the  
802.11b/g radio  
set dap 1 radio 1 radio-profile voice mode enable  
# maps radio to the radio-profile and enables it  
SVP configuration  
The following commands are needed to enable SpectraLink Voice  
Priority via access control list (ACL) “SVP.”  
This rule places all IP protocol 119 (SVP) traffic on class of service  
(CoS) queue 7 (SVP support):  
set security acl ip SVP permit cos 7 119  
(Optional) This rule permits all other data traffic. Do not use if the  
VLAN “v1” is dedicated to voice services. Note: There is an implicit  
“deny all” rule at the end of the ACL.  
set security acl ip SVP permit  
set security acl map SVP vlan v1 out  
# maps the ACL to VLAN v1 for outbound traffic  
commit security acl SVP  
# activates the ACL  
Be sure to disable IGMP snooping on VLAN “v1” by using the  
set igmp disable vlan v1  
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Configuration Guide  
Subnet roaming configuration between multiple MX  
To set up subnet roaming between two switches, a mobility domain  
must be configured on both switches. Choose one of the switches to  
be the “seed” switch.  
The IP addresses used in mobility domain configuration must use  
the system IP address of each switch).  
The following commands are performed on the seed MX switch:  
set system ip-address  
set mobility-domain mode seed domain-name <domain name>  
set mobility-domain member  
# configures the domain member  
The following commands are performed on the other (member) MX  
set system ip-address  
set mobility-domain mode member seed-ip  
Be sure to disable IGMP snooping temporarily on the MX that does  
NOT have the VLAN statically configured by using the command:  
set igmp disable vlan v1  
# the VLAN name must be specified after the vlan  
If you have a previous mobility-domain configuration that is no  
longer valid, you must clear the existing mobility-domain before a  
new one can be defined:  
clear mobility-domain  
# system will respond: Success: change accepted  
show mobility-domain config  
# system will respond: There is no mobility domain  
To check the mobility domain, use the following command:  
show mobility-domain  
The system will respond:  
Mobility Domain name: default  
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Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
Checking the configuration  
Once the switch is configured, issue the following command at the  
command prompt to check the SVP settings:  
sh ap qos-stats  
The following information should be displayed (repeat the command  
to see changes):  
CoS Queue  
port: 1 radio: 1  
1,2 Background  
0,3 BestEffort  
4,5 Video  
6,7 Voice  
# Voice should have  
the most traffic.  
port: 1 radio: 2  
1,2 Background  
0,3 BestEffort  
4,5 Video  
6,7 Voice  
The switch and AP are now ready for use with SpectraLink Wireless  
The network topology and other functions can also be configured  
using the Mobility System software. Please refer to the Trapeze  
Networks Mobility System Software Configuration Quick Start Guide or  
Trapeze Mobility Exchange Installation and Basic Configuration Guide for  
more information.  
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Configuration Guide  
Configuration File (For Reference Only)  
The following configuration file was used during VIEW Certification  
testing. The configuration below includes all configuration attributes,  
including defaults. Use the command show configuration allfor  
this detailed version. To only see non-default configuration values,  
use the command show configuration.  
Note: All of the lines below are commands, except for those preceded  
by the # symbol, which denotes a comment.  
# General Configuration  
set ip dns domain trpz.com  
set ip dns enable  
set log console enable severity error  
set log session disable severity info  
set log buffer enable severity error  
set log trace enable severity debug mbytes 1  
set web-aaa enable  
set dot1x timeout supplicant 30  
set dot1x timeout auth-server 30  
set dot1x quiet-period 0  
set dot1x reauth-max 2  
set dot1x tx-period 5  
set dot1x reauth-period 3600  
set dot1x max-req 2  
set dot1x key-tx enable  
set dot1x reauth enable  
set dot1x authcontrol enable  
set dot1x wep-key-period 1800  
set dot1x wep-rekey enable  
set dot1x bonded-period 0  
set prompt  
set system ip-address x.x.x.x  
set system countrycode US  
set auto-config disable  
# Security Profile  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA ssid-name <SSID name>  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA shared-key-auth disable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA wep active-unicast-index  
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Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA wep active-multicast-  
index 1  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA wpa-ie disable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA rsn-ie enable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA cipher-tkip enable  
# for WPA this should be disabled  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA cipher-ccmp enable  
# for WPA this should be enabled  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA cipher-wep104 disable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA cipher-wep40 disable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA auth-dot1x disable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA auth-psk enable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA beacon enable  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA ssid-type crypto  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA auth-fallthru last-resort  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA psk-phrase <passphrase>  
set service-profile VoWLAN-WPA tkip-mc-time 60000  
set radius deadtime 0  
set radius timeout 5  
set radius retransmit 3  
set enablepass password <password>  
set authentication admin * local  
# AP Radio Profile  
set radio-profile RealRadio service-profile VoWLAN-WPA  
set radio-profile RealRadio 11g-only disable  
set radio-profile RealRadio beacon-interval 100  
set radio-profile RealRadio dtim-interval 3  
set radio-profile RealRadio max-tx-lifetime 2000  
set radio-profile RealRadio max-rx-lifetime 2000  
set radio-profile RealRadio rts-threshold 2346  
set radio-profile RealRadio short-retry 5  
set radio-profile RealRadio long-retry 5  
set radio-profile RealRadio frag-threshold 2346  
set radio-profile RealRadio preamble-length short  
set radio-profile RealRadio auto-tune channel-config  
set radio-profile RealRadio auto-tune power-config  
set radio-profile RealRadio auto-tune channel-interval  
set radio-profile RealRadio auto-tune power-interval 600  
set radio-profile RealRadio auto-tune channel-holddown  
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Configuration Guide  
set radio-profile RealRadio auto-tune power-backoff-  
timer 10  
set radio-profile RealRadio active-scan disable  
set radio-profile RealRadio qos-mode svp  
set radio-profile default 11g-only disable  
set radio-profile default beacon-interval 100  
set radio-profile default dtim-interval 1  
set radio-profile default max-tx-lifetime 2000  
set radio-profile default max-rx-lifetime 2000  
set radio-profile default rts-threshold 2346  
set radio-profile default short-retry 5  
set radio-profile default long-retry 5  
set radio-profile default frag-threshold 2346  
set radio-profile default preamble-length short  
set radio-profile default auto-tune channel-config  
set radio-profile default auto-tune power-config disable  
set radio-profile default auto-tune channel-interval  
set radio-profile default auto-tune power-interval 600  
set radio-profile default auto-tune channel-holddown 300  
set radio-profile default auto-tune power-backoff-timer  
set radio-profile default active-scan enable  
set radio-profile default wmm enable  
set dap security optional  
set port type ap 1 model mp-422 poe enable  
# AP Basic Configuration  
set port type ap 1 model mp-422 poe enable  
set ap 1 name <name>  
set ap 1 bias high  
set ap 1 blink disable  
set ap 1 upgrade-firmware enable  
set ap 1 group none  
set ap 1 radio 1 channel 6 tx-power2 radio-profile  
RealRadio mode enable  
set ap 1 radio 1 auto-tune max-power default min-client-  
rate 5.5 max-retransmissions 10  
set ap 1 radio 2 channel 36 tx-power 17 radio-profile  
default mode disable  
set ap 1 radio 2 auto-tune max-power default min-client-  
rate 24 max-retransmissions 10  
set port type ap 2 model mp-422 poe enable  
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Trapeze Networks: Mobility System for MP 422 Access Points  
set ap 2 name MP02  
set ap 2 bias high  
set ap 2 blink disable  
set ap 2 upgrade-firmware enable  
set ap 2 group none  
set ap 2 radio 1 channel 6 tx-power 2 radio-profile  
default mode disable  
set ap 2 radio 1 auto-tune max-power default min-client-  
rate 5.5 max-retransmissions 10  
set ap 2 radio 2 channel 36 tx-power 17 radio-profile  
default mode disable  
set ap 2 radio 2 auto-tune max-power default min-client-  
rate 24 max_retransmissions 10  
set arp agingtime 1200  
set ip https server disable  
set ip snmp server disable  
set ip ssh server enable  
set ip ssh 22  
set ip telnet server enable  
set ip telnet 23  
set port enable 1  
set port speed 1 AUTO  
set port poe 1 enable  
set port trap 1 NO  
# Set additional ports as appropriate.  
# SNMP Configuration  
set snmp notify profile default drop all  
set snmp protocol v1 enable  
set snmp protocol v2c disable  
set snmp protocol usm disable  
set snmp security unsecured  
# VLAN Configuration  
set vlan tagtype dot1q  
set vlan 1 name v1  
set vlan 1 port 3  
set vlan 1 port 4  
set vlan 1 port 5  
set vlan 1 port 6  
set vlan 1 port 7  
set vlan 1 port 8  
set spantree backbonefast disable  
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Configuration Guide  
set spantree uplinkfast disable  
set spantree fwddelay 15 vlan 1  
set spantree hello 2 vlan 1  
set spantree maxage 20 vlan 1  
set spantree priority 32768 vlan 1  
set spantree disable vlan 1  
set igmp disable vlan 1  
set igmp proxy-report enable vlan 1  
set igmp querier disable vlan 1  
set igmp mrsol disable vlan 1  
set igmp version 2 vlan 1  
set igmp mrsol mrsi 30 vlan 1  
set igmp qi 125 vlan 1  
set igmp oqi 255 vlan 1  
set igmp qri 100 vlan 1  
set igmp lmqi 10 vlan 1  
set igmp rv 2 vlan 1  
set igmp mrouter port 3 disable  
set igmp receiver port 3 disable  
# disable router and receivers on other ports as  
set fdb agingtime 1 age 300  
set interface 1 ip  
set mobility-domain mode seed domain-name mobdom  
set mobility-domain member  
set security acl ip SVP permit cos 7 119  
set security acl ip SVP permit  
set security acl map SVP vlan v1 out  
commit security acl SVP  
set ntp disable  
set ntp update-interval 64  
set igmp disable vlan v1  
PN: 1725-36060-001_D.doc  

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