Presto Kitchen Utensil electric slicer shredder User Manual

electric slicer-shredder  
A great big idea for salads  
and a whole lot more.  
Slices and shreds right  
where you want.  
Interchangeable cones to  
make thin slices, thick slices,  
ripple cuts, and shreds. Plus,  
a funnel guide.  
Visit us on the web at  
2002 by National Presto Industries, Inc.  
Getting Acquainted  
Before using your PrestoProfessional SaladShooterelectric slicer-shredder, study the diagram below to  
become familiar with the various parts of the unit and read the instructions carefully.  
Before initial use, and after each subsequent use, wash all parts except the motorized base in warm, sudsy  
water. Wipe the motorized base with a damp cloth to clean. Never immerse the motorized base in water or  
any other liquid.  
Note: For your convenience, the thin slice cone is grey to differentiate it from the thick slice cone.  
cut con
d guide  
Medium shred cone  
Fig. B  
How To Use  
1. Selectoneoftheconesandinsertitnarrow  
end first, into the slicing-shredding chute  
(Fig. A). Then attach the twist-lock ring  
by turning clockwise until it locks into  
place (Fig. B). The metal portions of the  
slicing and shredding cones are sharp.  
Handle with care.  
lock ring  
shredding chute  
2. Attach the food chamber assembly  
to the motorized base by inserting  
the portion containing the driving  
end of the slicing or shredding cone  
into the socket of the motorized base  
(Fig. C). Then rotate the food chamber  
assembly clockwise until it is upright and  
it is centered with the handle. To be sure  
the food chamber assembly is attached  
properly, check to see that the interlock  
bracket is positioned in the bracket slot  
(Fig. D).  
Fig. A  
Fig. C  
Fig. D  
Proper assembly is important. The unit is designed with safety in mind.  
Thus, the food chamber assembly cannot be removed from the motorized  
base unless the switch is in the OFF position. Likewise, the motor will  
not turn on unless the food chamber assembly is attached to the unit, and  
the motor automatically stops if an incorrectly attached assembly slips off  
the motorized base during operation. Should the motor stop in the middle  
of operation, turn the switch to the OFF position. Reassemble, making  
sure the interlock bracket on the bottom of the slicing-shredding chute is  
positioned in the bracket slot on the motorized base before using the unit  
Fig. E  
Fig. F  
3. The adjustable food guide adapts to small or large loads. For small loads,  
you will need to separate the two-piece food guide. With the food guide  
placed in the food chamber, pull the lock tab on the food guide away from  
the handle and slide the portion of the food guide closest to the handle  
(this is the portion without the lock tab) up and out of the food chamber  
(Fig. E). Now place the food you would like processed in the portion of the  
food chamber closest to the handle (Fig. F). The food should not extend  
above the top of the food chamber. Use the part of the food guide that you  
Make sure the portion of the food guide with the lock tab remains in  
the food chamber when processing small loads.  
Fig. G  
For large loads, fill the entire food chamber and use both pieces of the  
adjustable food guide to slowly push the food through the unit during  
4. For best slicing and shredding results, it is important that the food be  
prepared properly and placed in the food chamber as follows:  
Cut food so that it will fit easily and loosely into the food chamber. For  
small loads, use the adjustable food guide as instructed in step 3. Food  
that does not fit loosely in the food chamber may become wedged in  
the food chamber and therefore will not discharge properly. If it is too  
large to fit loosely in the food chamber, cut it into smaller pieces.  
Fig. H  
for longer slices (Fig. H).  
Push food through the food chamber using an even pressure on the  
Stack food upright for  
food guide.  
short slices.  
5. If you are going to slice or shred into a small bowl or onto a small area,  
you may want to use the funnel guide attachment. It directs foods right  
hold the unit so that the open end of the funnel is over the spot you  
wish to shoot the ingredients.  
Stack food horizontally  
for longer slices.  
If moist ingredients, such as lettuce and carrots, do not readily come out  
of the funnel during processing, shake the unit slightly.  
Whenusingthefunnelguidewiththeslicingcones, besurethediameterof  
the sliced food is less than the diameter of the small end of the funnel.  
6. Plug cord into a polarized outlet, and begin slicing or shredding. Use the  
fingertip power switch to turn the unit on and off.  
Caution: To avoid personal injury, never use your hands to push food  
through the food chamber. Always use the food guide and always keep  
your hands away from the slicing-shredding chute when the slicer-shred-  
der is running.  
Fig. I  
Use Guide  
for the Slicing and Shredding Cones:  
Insert the slicing or shredding cone in the food chamber as instructed in the “How To Use” section on page 3.  
The metal portions of the cutting cones are sharp; handle with care. Note: The funnel guide attachment may  
be used for the functions below for directing foods right where you want them. Follow the instructions  
on page 4, step 5.  
Maraschino Cherries  
Chili Peppers  
Green Peppers  
Sweet Potatoes  
Other Foods  
Hard-Cooked Eggs  
Suggested Uses  
Make delicious, healthful salads using your own fresh, hand-selected vegetables for guaranteed good-  
Create beautiful fruit salads with thick and ripple slices of bananas, apples, peaches, nectarines and  
Turn an ordinary frozen pizza into a gourmet delight by adding your own fresh cheese, peppers, mush-  
rooms, olives, onions, etc.  
Create spectacular vegetable trays with ripple sliced carrots, kohlrabi, radishes, and zucchini.  
Make luscious pies and tortes with thick and ripple slices of apples, peaches, strawberries, and kiwi.  
For perfect stir fry, use thin slices of carrots, mushrooms, and zucchini.  
Chop nuts for baking or garnishing a dessert. Crumb crackers for pie crusts or make bread crumbs for  
casserole toppings. Use the funnel guide to direct them right where you want them.  
For terrific tacos, taco salads, and pita sandwiches, use the thick slice cone to shred fresh lettuce.  
Use the funnel guide to decorate a cream topped pie, a fluffy icing cake, or even a cupcake with shredded  
baking chocolate.  
Make delicious, creamy coleslaw by shredding fresh cabbage and carrots. The cabbage can be shredded  
using the thick slice cone or the medium shred cone depending on the texture you prefer.  
Shred potatoes for nutritious hash browns or potato pancakes. Use the ripple cut cone for delicious  
American fries or use the thin slice cone and make homemade potato chips.  
Make deviled eggs, sandwich spreads, and salad toppings by shredding hard cooked eggs.  
Make sensational sweet potato chips with thin slices of sweet potatoes and deep fry or microwave.  
Dry slices of fruits or vegetables in a home food dehydrator.  
Helpful Hints  
All food slices and shreds better when it is fresh and firm.  
Semi-soft cheeses should be refrigerated overnight or placed in the freezer for approximately 30 minutes  
before shredding. Hard cheeses should be at room temperature. All unprocessed cheeses can be shredded  
successfully with this unit. It is not recommended that you use soft or processed cheese as it may clog  
the unit.  
Use light pressure on the food guide for thinner slices and shreds, and firm pressure for thicker slices and  
Certain soft fruits such as strawberries and kiwi should be firm, not over ripe to slice. These types of fruits  
can also be placed in a freezer for a few minutes before slicing. Certain fruits with tough skins such as  
apples should be peeled before slicing or shredding.  
Some foods can be double processed, for instance you can shred carrots and run them through again for  
grated carrots. Cheese can be shredded twice for grated cheese.  
Place the food upright in the food chamber until it is full and apply pressure evenly with the food guide.  
Failure to properly load the food chamber or to apply even pressure, may result in the food falling over  
in the food chamber which will result in uneven slices and shreds.  
Do not be concerned if bits of food remain on top of the slicing-shredding cone after you have completed  
slicing or shredding. This is normal.  
The unit is not designed to shred onions, slice cheese or chocolate, or process meats and tomatoes.  
To avoid personal injury or damage to the unit, do not attempt to slice foods that are too hard to be cut  
with an ordinary knife. This slicer-shredder was not designed to chop ice or grind coffee beans. You may  
damage the unit.  
Questions & Answers  
Occasionally my slicer-shredder will not  
turn on, or the ON-OFF switch works  
intermittently. Why is this?  
Fig. K  
Fig. J  
Food chamber  
Most likely the food chamber assembly is  
not attached properly to the motorized base.  
The ON-OFF switch is designed to work  
only when the food chamber is centered  
with the handle on the motorized base.  
Either the ON-OFF latch on the motorized  
base is not positioned directly between the  
two tabs on the food chamber, Fig. J, or the  
Bracket slot  
interlock bracket on the bottom of the slicing chute is not positioned in the bracket slot on the motorized base,  
(Fig K). Should the ON-OFF switch operate intermittently, check the position of the food chamber. Realign  
it so it is centered properly.  
Sometimes I have trouble disengaging the food chamber assembly from the motorized base? What am I  
doing wrong?  
You probably forgot to turn the unit off. The unit is designed with a safety switch feature which prevents the  
food chamber from being removed when the switch is in the ON position.  
How come I sometimes have to use a lot of pressure to get food out of the slicing-shredding chute or no  
food comes out at all?  
Any of the following may be occurring:  
1. You have packed the food chamber too tightly. Foods should fit loosely in the food chamber. Leafy veg-  
etables, such as cabbage and lettuce should be cut into chunks the size of the food chamber.  
2. The food is not fresh and firm. All food slices and shreds better when it is fresh and firm.  
3. Pieces of the fruit or vegetable may have wrapped around the cutting cone during processing or may have  
become wedged in the cutting cones preventing food from coming out. If this occurs, simply disconnect  
the unit from the outlet, remove the cutting cone, and clean out the buildup of food.  
4. You may be slicing or shredding a hard vegetable, such as a sweet potato or shredding cheese. Cheese  
and hard vegetables may require more pressure on the food guide. Sometimes when slicing or shredding  
hard vegetables or when shredding cheese, the motor may sound as if it is laboring. This is normal.  
Care and Cleaning  
Before using for the first time and after each use, your slicer-shredder should be cleaned thoroughly. All parts,  
except the motorized base, are completely immersible and dishwasher safe. Wash these parts in warm, sudsy  
water, rinse and dry. If washing in the dishwasher, use the top rack or the rack farthest away from the heating  
element. Be sure the parts are positioned so they will not fall through the rack. The motorized base may be  
cleanedwithadampcloth.Whenremovingthefoodchamberfromthemotorizedbase, besurethepowerswitch  
is off and the unit is unplugged (the food chamber cannot be removed with the switch in the ON position).  
Never immerse the motorized base in water or any other liquid.  
Note: Plastic parts may become stained after processing certain foods such as carrots. Should the unit become  
stained, clean with a mild abrasive cleaner.  
The unit can be easily stored in a small space such as a drawer.  
Consumer Service Information  
If you have any questions regarding the operation of your Prestoappliance or need parts  
for your appliance, call our Consumer Service Department weekdays 8:00 AM to  
4:30 PM (Central Time) at 1-800-877-0441 or write:  
Consumer Service Department  
3925 North Hastings Way  
Eau Claire, Wl 54703-3703  
You may also email your inquiries to [email protected]. Inquiries will be answered promptly by tele-  
phone, letter, or email. When writing, please include a phone number and a time when you can be reached  
during weekdays if possible.  
Anymaintenancerequiredforthisproduct, otherthannormalhouseholdcareandcleaningshouldbeperformed  
by our Factory Service Department or any Presto Authorized Service Station. Be sure to indicate date of pur-  
chase and a description of defect when sending an appliance for repair. Send appliances for repair to:  
Presto Factory Service Department  
555 Matthews Drive  
Canton, MS 39046-0529  
Appliances may also be repaired at any Presto Authorized Service Station. Check your yellow pages for  
Service Stations near you.  
The Presto Factory Service Department and Presto Authorized Service Stations are equipped to service all  
PRESTOappliances and supply genuine PRESTOparts. Genuine PRESTOreplacement parts are man-  
ufactured to the same exacting quality standards as PRESTOappliances and are engineered specifically  
to function properly with its appliances. Presto can only guarantee the quality and performance of genuine  
PRESTOparts. “Look-alikes” might not be of the same quality or function in the same manner. To ensure  
that you are buying genuine PRESTOreplacement parts, look for the PRESTOtrademark.  
PRESTOLimited Warranty  
This quality PRESTOappliance is designed and built to provide many years of satisfactory per-  
formance under normal household use. Presto pledges to the original owner that should there be  
any defects in material or workmanship during the first two years after purchase, we will repair or  
replace it at our option. Our pledge does not apply to damage caused by shipping. To obtain service  
under the warranty, return this PRESTOappliance, shipping prepaid, to the Presto Factory Service  
Department or to the nearest Presto Authorized Service Station. When returning a product, please  
include a description of the defect and indicate the date the appliance was purchased.  
We want you to obtain maximum enjoyment from using this PRESTOappliance and ask that you  
read and follow the instructions enclosed. Failure to follow instructions, damage caused by improper  
replacement parts, abuse or misuse will void this pledge. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,  
and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. This is Presto’s personal pledge  
to you and is being made in place of all other express warranties.  
Eau Claire, Wl 54703-3703  
U.S. Patents 4,884,755; 5,680,997;  
D300,400; Other Foreign Patents.  
Form 59-867B  

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