Sagem Cell Phone my405X User Guide

Description .................................................. 5  
Installing the SIM card and the battery ...........7  
Camera....................................................... 22  
Taking and saving a photo ...........................22  
Idle screen ................................................... 8  
Multimedia ................................................. 23  
USB key........................................................24  
Music player .............................................. 25  
Creating a playlist.........................................25  
Playing your music .......................................25  
WAP............................................................ 26  
The WAP Menu ............................................26  
WAP Logging on...........................................27  
Downloading objects ....................................27  
WAP Logging off...........................................27  
GPRS ...........................................................27  
Quick start ................................................... 9  
Information on the SIM card............................9  
Getting started ................................................9  
Switching ON/OFF........................................10  
First call.........................................................11  
Receiving a call.............................................11  
Using your phone...................................... 12  
Improving antenna performance...................12  
Increase the battery life of your phone..........12  
Charging the battery .....................................13  
Phonebook................................................. 14  
Using the phonebook....................................14  
Storing a new contact ...................................14  
Calling a contact ...........................................14  
Contacts menu..............................................15  
Contact options.............................................16  
Mailing lists ...................................................16  
Messages................................................... 17  
Compose SMS..............................................17  
Saving the message .....................................18  
Sending the message ...................................18  
Receiving messages.....................................18  
Messages menu............................................19  
Games ........................................................ 28  
Applications............................................... 29  
Alarm ............................................................29  
Applications ..................................................29  
Timer ............................................................29  
Calculator .....................................................29  
Settings...................................................... 32  
Phone ...........................................................32  
Browser settings ...........................................39  
USB key........................................................40  
Keys checking...............................................40  
Connectivity ..................................................40  
Help ..............................................................40  
Technical features..................................... 41  
Care and safety information..................... 43  
SAR ..............................................................43  
Advice for limiting exposure to radiofrequency  
(RF) fields .....................................................43  
End User Licence Agreement (EULA), for  
the software............................................... 46  
Java™......................................................... 50  
Warranty..................................................... 53  
Troubleshooting........................................ 56  
Customer care ........................................... 58  
Index........................................................... 59  
Red key: Long press: Switch on/off.  
In a call context: Reject a call - hang up  
In menus: Return to idle screen  
Green key: Short press: Activate/Deactivate hands-free mode (WARNING:  
do not use the phone in hands-free mode near to your ear, or you may suffer  
hearing loss).  
In call context: Call - receiving a call  
Right programmable key: (Function available depending on model)  
In idle screen: Access to certain functions (shortcuts)  
In menus: Access to the selection shown on screen in the tab (*)  
Left programmable key: (Function available depending on model)  
In idle screen: Access to certain functions (shortcuts)  
In menus: Access to the selection shown on screen in the tab (*)  
The navigator allows you:  
to navigate in the various functions pressing the relevant part (up, down,  
right, left)  
to confirm your selection pressing the central part (OK  
In idle screen, pressing the navigator displays the main menus icons  
Pressing the navigator followed by one of the nine keys of the keypad, you  
can display a menu directly.  
When composing a message: Short press: switches from one input mode  
to another (T9, ABC, 123). Long press: upper case/lower case  
Hold down: In idle screen: Silent mode. In call reception mode: Short press  
stops ring tone. In ring tone setting mode: Activate / deactivate ring tone  
A long press on the keys  
directly displays the phonebook  
2 to 9  
(*) In this manual, when a function is chosen by pressing on this key, square brackets  
are used (e.g.: [Save]).  
Side keys:  
in idle screen: access Music Player mode  
in photo screen: photo taking  
volume setting (calling or playing music)  
in photo screen, zoom (long press)  
volume setting (calling or playing music)  
Installing the SIM card and the battery  
Depending on the model, network configuration and associated subscription cards, certain functions may not be available.  
Ensure that your SIM card is a 3 V SIM type that is compatible with your phone. Inserting an incompatible card will be indicated  
by a message when your phone is switched on. Contact your operator.  
Your phone is identified by its IMEI number. Write this number down, and do not keep it with your phone, because you may  
be asked for it in the event of your phone being stolen, in order to prevent it from being used, even with a different SIM card.  
In order to display the IMEI on your phone's screen, type: *#06#.  
The SIM card is inserted under the phone's battery. Ensure that the phone is switched off and the charger disconnected.  
Turn the phone back and press lock button to unblock cover. Remove the back cover by sliding it downwards.  
Take out battery if already installed.  
Slide the SIM card, with cut corner as shown on the phone, into the card holder with fold face down.  
Place the battery by positioning first the top of it, as shown on the battery.  
Replace the back cover by sliding it then push the lower part into the lock position.  
Idle screen  
The idle screen may contain the following information:  
1 - The title bar icons:  
Battery (if it flashes red, the battery must be charged immediately)  
Silent mode (the ringtone is off)  
Only emergency call is possible  
Signal strength level (between 0 and 5 bars)  
Message received (read your message), flashing: memory full (delete some messages)  
Grey: GPRS unavailable  
Black: GPRS connection  
Flashing: GPRS connection on hand  
WAP connection  
2 - Date and time, in digital or analog mode  
3 - Network provider  
4 - Thumbnail centred on bottom line:  
The main « Menu » thumbnail shows that the menus can be accessed by pressing the navigator. The following information  
may also be displayed: « 1 message received » or « 1 call » (incoming call failed).  
It can be deleted by pressing  
Idle screen  
Quick start  
Information on the SIM card  
To use your phone, you need a card called SIM card. It contains personal  
information that you can modify:  
Secret codes (PIN(s): Personal Identification Numbers), these codes allow you  
to protect access to your SIM card and phone  
How special services work.  
Your phone is compatible with the SIM 3V cards.  
This card must be handled and stored with care in order not to be damaged. If you should lose your SIM card, contact  
your network provider immediately.  
Please keep your SIM card out of reach of young children.  
Getting started  
When you switch on your phone for the first time, follow instructions displayed on the screen.  
If access to the SIM card is protected, the device prompts you to enter the PIN number:  
Enter the code between 4 and 8 digits given to you when the SIM card was issued. These digits do not appear on the screen  
for security reasons.  
After pressing [OK], the phone activates the SIM card settings and switches on again ; enter your PIN code again then the  
date and time, make your choice for the following settings: time zone, daylight savings, skin, wallpaper, screensaver, ring  
tone, volume, vibrate and voicemail number.  
If there are contacts saved in your SIM card, you are invited, if you wish, to copy them in the phone contacts memory.  
Quick start  
If a wrong PIN number is entered three times in succession, your SIM card is blocked. You must then:  
Enter the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code provided by your operator, and validate.  
Enter your PIN number and validate.  
Enter your PIN number again and validate.  
After 5 or 10 failed attempts (depending on the type of SIM card), the SIM card is definitely locked. You must then  
contact your operator to obtain a new card.  
Switching ON/OFF  
When your phone is off, a short press on  
will turn it ON.  
When the phone is ON, if your are browsing inside the menus, a short press on  
will come back to the idle screen. When  
you are in the idle screen, a long press on  
will switch OFF the phone.  
From now on the phone hunts for a network on which it can make calls. If it finds one, it displays the name of the network on  
the screen. You are then ready to send or receive a call.  
If the network’s name appears, calls are possible on your operator's network.  
If the letter R and a network name are displayed, calls are possible on a roaming network provider.  
If the letter E is displayed without any network name, only the emergency services are accessible (ambulance, police,  
fire brigade).  
If the network icon flashes, the phone is in permanent search mode. There is no network available. The signal strength  
indicator received allows you to display the quality of reception. If it indicates less than three bars, search for better  
reception in order to call in good conditions.  
Quick start  
First call  
Dial the number you want to ring.  
During the call, the call in progress icon flashes on screen and tones may indicate the establishment of the call.  
While a call is connecting, the phone icon is flashing.  
You can adjust the sound level (volume) using the navigator upwards or downwards.  
At the end of the conversation press  
to hang up.  
International call  
Press 0 (hold down) to display « + », then dial the country code without waiting for the dial tone, then the number of the  
called party.  
Emergency services  
Depending on the network you can obtain the emergency service with or without SIM card or when the keypad is  
locked. It is enough to be in an area served by a network.  
To obtain the international emergency service, dial 112 then press  
Receiving a call  
When you receive a call, the number of your caller is displayed when it is presented by the network.  
Press to answer, and speak.  
To refuse the call, press  
To stop the ring tone or the vibrate, without refusing the call, press  
Hands-free mode  
To change to hands-free mode during a call, make a short press on the  
key then press [Yes] to confirm activation  
of the amplified mode.  
WARNING: in this mode do not bring the phone up to your ear.  
All the numbers corresponding to incoming and outgoing calls are logged in the list of recent calls.  
When on a call, pressing [Options] allows you to have access to different functions: switching to hands-free mode, switching  
to mute mode, displaying menus, displaying the phonebook.  
Pressing [Mute ON] allows you to switch off the microphone temporarily when you want that your correspondent does not  
Quick start  
Using your phone  
Improving antenna performance  
The antenna is integrated in your phone, under the back cover at the top.  
Avoid putting your fingers on this area when the phone is switched ON.  
If your fingers obstruct the antenna, the phone may have to operate with a higher  
power level than usual; decreasing its efficiency quickly. It could also affect the  
quality of your communications.  
Increase the battery life of your phone  
Don't press the keys when not necessary: each keypress activates the backlight, and uses much power.  
Don't obstruct the antenna with your fingers.  
Using your phone  
Charging the battery  
Your phone is powered by a rechargeable battery. A new battery must be  
charged for 4 hours at least before being used for the first time. It reaches its  
optimum capacity after a few cycles of use.  
When your battery has been discharged, the empty battery icon flashes. In this  
case recharge your battery for at least 15 minutes before making any calls in  
order not to be cut off quickly.  
To recharge the battery:  
Connect the charger to a socket.  
Plug the end of the cable into the bottom connector of the phone.  
The phone is then charging up. The battery icon scrolls up and down to indicate  
that it is charging. When the battery is fully charged, the charging stops on its  
own. Disconnect the cable.  
When charging, the battery may warm up, this is normal.  
There is danger of explosion if the battery is placed in an incorrectly way or if it is exposed to fire.  
Do not short circuit it.  
The battery does not have any part that you can change.  
Do not try to open the battery casing.  
Use only the appropriate chargers and batteries as shown in the phone manufacturer's catalogue.  
The use of other types of chargers or batteries may be dangerous or invalidate the warranty.  
Used batteries must be disposed of in the appropriate places.  
We advise you to take the battery out if you plan not to use the phone for extended periods.  
You are strongly advised not to connect your phone to the charger if it doesn’t contain a battery.  
The charger is a safety step-down transformer, it is forbidden to modify, alter or replace it by another component (power  
supply plug, etc).  
If the battery has entirely discharged, the phone cannot start. Plug the phone to the charger. The phone will switch on  
after a few minutes of charge. You can use the phone again when the Start option is displayed on the screen.  
Using your phone  
Using the phonebook  
Enter the Phonebook menu, the contacts list is displayed if you already get some (otherwise, go to Storing a new contact).  
When a contact is selected, an icon is displayed in the title bar:  
contact stored in the SIM card  
contact stored in the phone  
contact stored in the Fixed Dialling. See PIN2 number and Fixed dialling in Security Menu for more details about this  
You can search for a contact quiclky by typing the first letters (up to three). You can display it by pressing OK.  
Storing a new contact  
Display the Phonebook, select Contacts menu then Add SIM contact or Add phone contact.  
Enter the last name and press OK  
Enter the number and press OK  
Note: you can fill other fields if you store the contact in the phone memory (email, address, ringtone, photo, etc.).  
Press [Save] to store it.  
Calling a contact  
Several ways:  
Select a contact. Press  
to start the call.  
Select a contact, press OK, his number is displayed, press [Call] to start the call.  
Direct call from the idle screen (only for the contacts stored in the SIM card memory): type the number with which the  
contact was saved then  
(example : 21  
) or the number then #, the number is displayed, confirm.  
Contacts menu  
Export all  
All the contact details are copied in the Multimedia/USB key/My Contacts directory.  
My numbers  
You can create the entries corresponding to your own numbers in order to consult them when necessary.  
Enter the different details and validate.  
Select SIM or Phone and validate.  
Phone: the screen displays the amount of memory used. The memory capacity is shared between the phonebook and various  
other features. If you lack memory, check if you can free some space.  
SIM: available memory only for contacts.  
Delete all  
This allows you to delete all the contacts stored in the phone memory.  
Download SIM card/Backup to SIM  
This allows you to copy all the SIM contacts to the phone memory or all the phone contacts to the SIM card.  
List choice  
This menu allows you to select the default phonebook (SIM, Phone, SIM and Phone) displayed when the phone switches on.  
Contact options  
To display the various options, select a contact and press [Options].  
Modifying a contact  
Modify what you want and validate then select Save once the modifications completed.  
Sending a message  
To send a SMS or a MMS to a contact (see chapter Messages).  
Sending by message  
To send a contact details by SMS or MMS.  
Copy to SIM/Copy to mobile  
This allows you to copy the contact selected from one memory to the other. Only the name and the first phone number will  
be copied.  
The details of the contact selected are copied in the Multimedia/USB key/My Contacts directory.  
This allows you to delete the contact selected.  
Mailing lists  
A mailing list allows you to group contacts: this list can be used to send messages easily to all the list contacts.  
In the phonebook, select the Mailing Lists tab pressing the navigator rightwards.  
Press [Options].  
Select Add mailing list  
Enter a name and press OK  
Then, on a list press [Options]. Select Add contact each time you want to add a contact in the list.  
From this menu, you are able to send SMS and MMS. MMS is a Multimedia Message Service, which allows you  
to enclose photos, audio files, and others rich contents to your messages; these messages can even be composed of several  
slides. MMS are differently charged to SMS are. Please contact your network provider to get more information on their cost  
and the service availability.  
Compose SMS  
Select Messages/Create.  
The language used is the one selected on the display of the phone (if the language selected is not compatible with the Easy  
Message T9™, the English language will be automatically selected).  
The Easy Message T9™ mode helps you to easily write your messages.  
Using T9 Mode  
Press once the key corresponding to the letter chosen and compose the word by continuing to press the keys corresponding  
to the various letters without paying attention to the display: the word is highlighted.  
The same sequence of keys pressed can correspond to several words, existing on the dictionary. If the word that appears is  
not the word you expected, press the navigator upwards to scroll through the words corresponding to this key sequence.  
Once you agree on the word proposed on the screen, press the navigator rightwards to validate it or on the  
validates and inserts a space after the word), and go on writing the next word.  
key (which  
If the word you are expected is not proposed, please add characters until you get the message Add a word? Press Yes and  
validate if the word displayed suits you or modify this word before adding it in the dictionary.  
If you do not want to use T9 mode, you can change of input mode (which appear at the top right of the title bar) pressing  
the 123 mode allows you to type numbers and the ABC mode allows you to type letters: press on one key several times to  
make the letter wanted appear (for example: press twice the  
key to display B).  
Upper case  
A long press on  
will display the next letter in upper case ( icon).  
Punctuation characters  
Punctuation characters are obtained by pressing the  
key (except in 123 mode), or with the help of Insert mode (fast access  
by briefly pressing  
Accented characters  
Accented characters are generated automatically in T9 mode.  
In ABC mode accented characters are available by pressing the key supporting the non-accented character repeatedly.  
Saving the message  
Select Save if you do not want send the message immediately or if you want to send it several times.  
Select where you want to save it (SIM card or phone). It is saved in the Drafts menu.  
Sending the message  
Once the text entered, press OK or press [Options] and select Send  
Enter the receiver’s number or take it in your phonebook pressing [Options] then selecting Contacts  
You alson can select a contacts list in your phonebook.  
Select Send  
Note: if the message type (SMS or MMS) has not been selected when composing the message, the phone prompts for a  
You can use an email address if the message is a MMS.  
Receiving messages  
When you receive a message, the phone plays the ring tone that you selected, and a message icon comes on the screen of  
your phone.  
If you do not read the messages, this icon remains displayed on the screen. When it flashes, the memory is full.  
Receiving icons, backgrounds or tunes can take several seconds. An icon is flashing when the download of your message is  
in progress.  
Note that you have two different possibilities for receiving MMS: automatically or manually; if « manual mode » is activated,  
then you will receive only a notification in your Inbox, meaning that a MMS is available on the MMS Server; select Retrieve  
in the options when you want to retrieve the MMS from the network.  
For more details about automatic and retrieval modes, see « Options » on page 20.  
Please contact your network provider to get more information on icons, backgrounds or tunes downloading.  
Received messages are stored in the SIM card or in the phone until you choose to delete them.  
Messages menu  
Messages are listed in chronological order, the latest one being displayed first.  
The quantity of Not Read and Not Retrieved messages is shown. Not Retrieved and Not Read messages are shown in bold.  
This menu displays the messages that have not been sent. You can therefore send them again.  
The Sentbox menu is used to store all your sent messages if you activated the option Store sent messages in the Options  
menu (see page 20).  
Too many messages saved will quickly fill up the available memory and no further messages will be received.  
For each message, its characteristics (shown with an icon) and the time (or date) of sending are displayed on the screen.  
Select a message and press OK  
Choose one of the options given: Read, Modify, Forward, Delete, Delete all.  
When you store a composed message, it is stored among the drafts.  
Select a message and press [Options]. The options are: Delete, Read, Modify, Details.  
If you select a message and press OK, you can modify it.  
If you want to send it, select Modify then press [Options] and select Send  
Choose one of the options given: SMS or MMS.  
The SMS sending options are: store sent messages, acknowledgment, period of validity (during that period, the network  
provider will try to send the message), message format, msg centre n°.  
The MMS options are:  
Store sent message: it is highly recommended that you keep this function deactivated, in order to avoid a full memory.  
Retrieval mode: if you are in a poor coverage area, it may be more convenient to choose the manual retrieval mode which  
gives you the retrieve later option.  
Priority: selection of a priority to send a message.  
Request delivery report: request of a delivery report when sending a message.  
Period of validity: during that period, the network provider will try to send the message.  
Advanced settings  
Send delivery report: sending a delivery report when receiving a message.  
MMS ignore: if you want to deactivate the reception of any MMS in your phone.  
MMS server: to select another MMS provider, or set the parameters of a new MMS provider.  
Display Bcc: if you want to activate/deactivate this display.  
Sender visibility: you choose to display or not your phone number on the receiver’s phone screen, with that message.  
Maximum size: if you want to activate/deactivate the option of maximum size supported for the MMS.  
You may know the memory available for saving messages.  
Choose one of the options given: SMS or MMS.  
The SMS screen displays the memory available either on the SIM card or on the phone.  
The MMS screen displays how much memory is used in Kbytes.  
Local information  
This menu is used to activate reception of information broadcast by the network.  
You can choose whether you want to receive this information or not (please contact your network provider).  
Call Voice Mail  
This function allows you to call your voicemail.  
This number depends on the operator.  
This menu displays the mailing lists created in the phonebook.  
To display the different options, press [Options].  
Send message: allows you to compose and send a message to the contacts of the mailing list.  
Add mailing list: allows you to create a new mailing list.  
Modify name: allows you to modify the mailing list name.  
Add contact: allows you to add a contact to the mailing list.  
Properties: allows you to see the type of mailing list and the number of contacts.  
Delete: allows you to delete the mailing list.  
This menu allows you to take photos and use them for different purposes. For instance, you can send them to another phone  
or an Internet address, store them, use them as wallpapers or screen savers.  
Taking and saving a photo  
Settings before taking a photo  
To activate zoom, use the navigator upwards or downwards.  
Note: if the zoom selected does not match with the storing format, the photo is automatically saved in an appropriate format  
Other settings (pressing [Options]):  
Activate timer: to take a photo with a 5, 10 or 15 second time delay.  
Effects: to select an effect.  
Exposure: to select luminosity.  
Click sound: to select the sound you will hear when taking a photo.  
Photo quality: to select the photo quality.  
Photo format: to select the format in which your photo will be saved  
Taking a photo  
Select the Camera menu. The camera is now on. Look into your phone display and position your subject. Move your phone  
to position your photo.  
Press OK or the side key, the photo is taken and stays on the phone display.  
Warning: if you press [Back], you will go back to the previous screen and lose the photo you have just taken.  
Press the navigator if you want to send the photo immediately by MMS.  
Press Save to save your photo, a progress bar animates then different options are displayed:  
Send by message: allows you to send the photo by MMS.  
New…: allows you to take a new photo.  
Rename: allows you to modify the name of a photo.  
Add to contact: allows you to assign a photo to a contact saved in the phonebook.  
Use as: allows you to select the photo as a wallpaper or screensaver.  
If there is not enough memory to save the photo, a warning message appears, prompting you to confirm whether you want  
to go on.  
Once taken, the photo has a number and is saved in Multimedia/USB key/My Pictures.  
Note: using the camera during a call may disturb the call quality.  
This directory contains the pictures and the ring tones already preloaded in the phone.  
To display a picture:  
Select the Pictures directory, press OK, select a picture and press OK.  
Select the Pictures directory, select [Options], Select, select a picture and press OK.  
To display others, press the navigator upwards or downwards.  
To display the different options, press [Options].  
View: allows you to display the picture selected.  
Add to contact: allows you to assign a picture to a contact saved in the phonebook.  
Use as: allows you to use the picture as a wallpaper or screen saver.  
New photo: allows you to take a new photo.  
Details: properties of the picture selected.  
Memory: the amount of memory used by the various functions of the phone is displayed.  
To listen to a ring tone:  
Select the Sounds directory, press OK, select a ring tone and press OK.  
Select the Sounds directory, select [Options], Select, select a ring tone and press OK.  
To listen to others, press the navigator upwards or downwards.  
To display the different options, press [Options].  
Listen: allows you to listen to the ring tone selected.  
Add to contact: allows you to assign a ring tone to a contact saved in the phonebook.  
Ring tone: allows you to select to which type of call the ring tone will be assigned.  
New Sound: allows you to record a new sound.  
Details: properties of the ring tone selected.  
Memory: the amount of memory used by the various functions of the phone is displayed.  
USB key  
This directory contains all the multimedia objects downloaded and the contact details copied from the phonebook.  
Downloading new multimedia objects  
Pressing OK after having selected More Pictures or More Sounds allows you to connect to the WAP service to download  
new pictures or ring tones.  
Pressing [Options] displays the following options:  
New folder: allows you to create a directory in which you can store the objects downloaded or those already stored in the  
Format: this option delete all the multimedia objects stored in USB key.  
Delete all files: this option delete all the multimedia objects stored in USB key  
Memory: displays the memory used and available for the multimedia objects.  
Pressing [Options] on a directory displays the following options:  
Browse: allows you to display the directory contents.  
Rename: allows you to modify the directory name.  
New folder: allows you to create a directory in which you can store the objects downloaded or those already stored in the  
Format: this option delete all the multimedia objects stored in USB key.  
Delete all files this option delete all the multimedia objects stored in USB key  
Memory: displays the memory used and available for the multimedia objects.  
Connecting the phone to a computer  
If you want to exchange objects between the phone's memory and a computer, you simply need to connect the phone to the  
computer with a USB cable. A removable disc appears in the Windows Explorer tree structure; you may copy/and paste into it.  
Note: If a call comes in during an exchange of data with your computer, the link will be interrupted and will have to be manually  
Music player  
This menu allows you to listen to musics in a contiuous way like a portable music player.  
If you do not have any music in memory, use WAP to download some or connect your phone to a computer (see chapter  
Two tabs are displayed:  
Player: allows you to listen to musics.  
Library: displays the directory of the musics contained in the phone.  
Creating a playlist  
Select [Options] in the Library tab.  
Select Create playlist  
Type a name for your playlist and press OK  
The list of the musics is displayed.  
Select the music you want in your playlist and press OK to add the music to the playlist ; do it again if you want add others  
or select Playlist: Add all to add them all to the playlist.  
When pressing [Options] on a playlist, you can display or play the contents, add musics, create a new playlist, delete one or  
modify its name. You can play a playlist selected by pressing OK  
Playing your music  
Player tab: This tab opens as soon as a music or a list of musics, has been selected to be played.  
To display the different options, press [Options]:  
Play: to play musics of the playlist.  
Remove from list: to remove the music selected from the playlist.  
Clear list: to remove all the musics from the playlist  
Shuffle: to play the musics in a random way.  
Play options: to play the musics one by one or in a continuous way.  
Add to Playlist: to set a new playlist.  
Priority to: to give priority to phone (in case of incoming call) or to playing music.  
Note: music is in pause in case of incoming call, it automatically resumes at the end of the call.  
Details: properties of the music selected.  
Music player  
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): a protocol that translates the Internet language into WML and HTML languages that  
can be read by a phone. The WAP function allows you to log onto certain Internet sites. You can log onto sites that allow you  
to download ringtones, icons, animated screensavers, Java™ applications, to your phone.  
The WAP Menu  
The WAP navigator is under licence:  
Go to URL: this menu allows you to input an Internet address directly.  
Bookmarks: allows to store bookmarks (addresses of Internet sites).  
A bookmark stored in the list can be modified, sent or deleted.  
You can receive bookmarks and add them to this list.  
History: backward and forward navigation of the pages displayed are kept in  
Browser settings  
The WAP navigator and the softwares  
included are the exclusive property of  
Openwave. For this reason, it is  
forbidden to modify, translate,  
disassemble or even decompile all or  
part of these softwares.  
Profiles: allows you to select or modify your provider’s configuration settings  
or to configure others providers’settings.  
Connection time out: is used to choose the time after which the call is  
automatically disconnected if you have forgotten to log off from a service.  
Note: see chapter Idle screen for information on @ and GPRS icons.  
WAP Logging on  
The connection to a WAP service on the GPRS network is not cut if an incoming call is received. You can answer the call.  
If you are logging onto the GSM or GPRS network, the @ symbol flashes, the metering of the cost of the call starts as soon  
as it stops flashing.  
Downloading objects  
Some WAP sites allow you to download ringtones, icons, animated screensavers, games or JAVA™ applications. Once  
downloaded, they are stored in your phone's memory. You can then save them in your phone (same operation as used for  
downloading using messages).  
WAP Logging off  
To log off, press  
. The logoff happens automatically after a few seconds of inactivity if you forget to log off. This period is  
defined by the linger time setting.  
A flashing icon indicates that the phone is logging onto a GPRS network.  
A non-flashing icon indicates that the GPRS network is available; if the icon is dark, it indicates that the phone is logged onto  
the GPRS network.  
This icon is not displayed if the GPRS network is not available or if the SIM card inserted in your phone does not include the  
GPRS service. It may also disappear when accessing WAP services if the connection uses the GSM network instead of the  
GPRS network.  
Your SAGEM mobile phone gives you the ability to download applications and  
games to be executed on your phone thanks to the built-in Java™ engine. By  
default, your phone contains one or several games, depending on model.  
Warning: receiving applications from everywhere implies some basic knowledge  
of the possible effects of such download.  
We advise you to dwonload certified games or applications from your operator  
By default, the connection URL of your operator or of PlanetSagem is configured  
in your phone.  
If no connection URL is configured, by selecting the More games menu, you  
display the WAP function to configure new profiles which allow you to download  
games or applications.  
When you select a game or an application, the General Settings/Connection  
menu (displayed with [Options] key) allows you to configure a profile which only  
be used by the game or application to connect to the network (to exchange  
scores for example) but is not used to download new games or applications.  
This menu allows you to set and activate the alarm.  
The alarm works even when the phone is switched off.  
(See chapter Games).  
This menu is used to set and activate the timer.  
The alarm icon appears on the idle screen.  
This menu allows you to use your phone as a calculator.  
Use the following keys to make calculations:  
Upwards: Add, downwards: Subtract, rightwards: Multiply, lefwards: Divide  
The following keys are used for:  
: Equals or convert  
#: Decimal point.  
: Delete  
If no calculations are being run, pressing [Convert] allows you to use the value in the converter directly.  
This menu allows you to convert one currency to another.  
Enter a value and press the navigator upwards to convert from one currency to another, or downwards to convert back.  
Pressing [Options] allows you to use the following options:  
Rapid exchange  
If the Rapid exchange is activated, the converter will work in the idle screen by entering the desired numbers and pressing  
OK to convert.  
Exchange rate  
Enter the exchange rate corresponding to the chosen currency.  
Enter the two types of currency to be converted.  
Go to calculator  
This option allows you to use immediately the value converted in the calculator  
This menu allows you to add ToDo’s, access category-based Todo management and delete all the ToDo’s.  
If there are not any ToDo, you directly access to the options below.  
If there is a ToDo, press [Options] to display the options.  
Add written ToDo/Add vocal ToDo: allows you to add ToDo of the text or voice type. Fill in the different items. Save the  
Categories: allows you to see the different ToDo categories, assign a specific ring tone to each individual ToDo, know the  
number of ToDo’s in each category and see them.  
Delete all: allows you to delete all the ToDo’s from your ToDo.  
Memory: allows you to view the memory used by the different functions of your ToDo.  
Available actions on any ToDo:  
To display a ToDo, select it in the list and press OK.  
To display the different options, press [Options].  
Modify ToDo: allows you to modify the ToDo properties.  
Delete: allows you to delete the ToDo.  
Send by message: allows you to send the ToDo by message.  
This menu gives you access to your diary and get to a day, week, month or specific date. It lets you add events, access the  
global actions for all the events and manage them by event category.  
Calendar menu  
This menu lets you add events, manage events by category, see the available memory and delete all the events.  
Add Written Event/Add Vocal Event: allows you to add events of the text or voice type. Fill in the different items. Save  
the event.  
Delete: allows you to schedule the deletion of events that took place more than one day, week or month ago.  
Memory: allows you to view the memory capacity used by the different functions of your diary.  
Delete all: allows you to delete all the events from your diary.  
Categories: allows you to see the different event categories, assign a specific ring tone to each individual category, know  
the number of events in each category and see them.  
The other menus are:  
See month: allows you to access events on a month-by-month basis.  
See week: allows you to access events on a week-by-week basis.  
See today: allows you to access the events for the current day and the actions possible on any event (see, modify, delete  
and send).  
See date: allows you to access events at a specific date.  
The contents of this menu directly depends on your SIM card. Depending on the SIM cards, this item may not be present in  
your phone’s menu.  
Silent mode  
This menu allows you to switch to Silent mode.  
Silent mode can also be accessed via the idle screen by holding down the  
When the phone is in silent mode, this relevant icon appears on the idle screen.  
In this mode, the ring tone will not function, except for the alarm clock.  
Note: if you have activated the silent mode, it does not remain after switching off your phone.  
Ring tones  
This menu allows you to allocate a ring tone to different functions (call receiving, message receiving, alarm).  
This menu allows you to activate the vibrate mode for calls.  
This menu allows you to choose your phone's display language.  
Select your language and validate.  
If you select Automatic, the language used will be the one relative to your SIM card.  
This menu allows you to activate a beep for the battery, the keypad or the network.  
Set Date/Time  
This menu allows you to set the date and time of your phone.  
Automatic update  
This menu allows you to choose manual or automatic updating of date and time (after switch off of your phone or when going  
abroad for instance) (service depending on the operator).  
Please select Automatic, Manual or On demand and press [Select].  
Time zone  
This menu allows you to change time in relation to the GMT time.  
Choose the time of the country desired by calculating the time from the GMT time.  
Daylight savings  
This menu allows you to set your phone to the summer/winter time.  
Select 1 h, 2 h Summer time or Winter time depending on the season, and validate.  
This menu allows you to customize your screen by choosing a different presentation.  
This menu allows you to display the background picture you want on your phone.  
No wallpaper: select None.  
Several wallpapers in a random way: select Random  
A specific wallpaper: select Multimedia  
Press [Select] on the wallpaper name, the wallpaper is selected.  
Press OK: the picture is displayed. Press [Select] to select it as your phone wallpaper or press the navigator upwards  
or downwards to display others.  
This menu allows you to select the background picture when displaying menus.  
This menu allows you to display an animation when the phone is in standby mode.  
No screensaver: select Normal screen.  
Several screensavers in a random way: select Slide Show  
A specific screensaver: select Multimedia  
Press [Select] on the screensaver name, the screensaver is selected; or  
Press OK: the picture is displayed. Press [Select] to select it as your phone screensaver or press the navigator upwards  
or downwards to display others.  
Operator logo  
This menu allows you to display your operator's logo on the idle screen.  
On the menu, please select the menu and [Select].  
Select Activate or Deactivate and press [OK].  
Energy saving  
Economic mode  
You can select one of the following eco modes:  
Complete: the screen is off. Press OK, the red or green key to turn on the backlight and see the time. Press  
up the screen and enter the menus. This mode gives the maximum efficiency of the battery life.  
Partial: the screen is off. Press the red key to light up the screen and enter the menus.  
OK to light  
Unlocked keyboard: the keypad is always active, meaning that when you press any key, it allows you to light up the  
screen and enter the menus. This mode decreases the battery life.  
Screen only: only the screen is lit up.  
Full backlight: both the screen and the keypad are lit up.  
Note: in any case, after a certain time of inactivity, the backlight will be automatically turned off to save battery life.  
This menu allows you to select the way to sort contacts in the phonebook (by name or first name) and the filter applied on the  
contacts list display (SIM contacts, phone memory or both).  
The Calls menu allows you to manage all the calls functions (call forward, displaying numbers, call waiting, voicemail number,  
Call forward  
Depending on your subscription, this service allows you to forward incoming calls to a different number or to the voice mailbox.  
Choose the type of forwarding you want from the options available.  
View last calls  
This menu allows you to access the list of last numbers used.  
Fast access to the list of calls from the idle screen: press  
This menu allows you to consult the duration of the up calls.  
It can also be used to check the volume of data exchanged in GPRS.  
Display number  
This menu allows you to modify the status of the display number function.  
Select one of the options given: Anonymous mode, My number, Callers’ number.  
Anonymous mode  
You have the ability to mask your number on the phone of the person you are calling.  
Preset: network default mode.  
No: you choose not to activate anonymous mode and then to display your number.  
Yes: you choose to active anonymous mode and then not to display your number.  
Call waiting  
(Operator-dependent service)  
During a call, you may be informed that a caller is trying to reach you: you hear a special tone. The caller's identity is displayed  
on the screen (name or number).  
You can activate, deactivate, or status of the call waiting service in order to check if it is active or not.  
During a call, if a second caller tries to contact you, the screen displays the call warning.  
Auto redial  
This menu allows you to call back a caller you have not managed to reach.  
You can set the redial function to inactive, on request or systematic.  
If you choose On demand, your phone will offer to redial your caller automatically if his number is busy.  
The blacklist is used to limit failures on automatic calls (calls generated by the automatic redial function or by applications:  
data, fax for example).  
When several automatic calls failed with a number (number busy or unknown), this number is put in the blacklist and no  
automatic call will be done with this number any more until you delete it from the blacklist.  
Note: this function does not apply to the calls performed manually.  
This function is used to record your voicemail access number.  
This number will be used during a call to the voice mailbox using the programmable keys.  
Enter your answer phone number and validate.  
The ALS (Alternate Line Service) function allows you, depending on your subscription, to have two phone lines. The number  
of the line selected (1 or 2) for the calls appears on the idle screen.  
This menu allows you to configure network preferences.  
Choose Selection to activate (automatically or manually) one of the networks accessible in the area in which your are located.  
Choose Preferred to view all the pre-registered networks.  
Choose Network type to select your network.  
Choose GPRS to select the way you want to be attached on the GPRS network: always, or only when needed (when  
launching a data connection).  
This menu allows you to configure your phone's security settings.  
PIN number  
This menu allows you to activate and modify your phone's PIN.  
To modify the PIN, select Modify PIN code and [Select].  
Enter old PIN and validate.  
Enter new PIN twice and validate.  
To activate or deactivate the PIN, select the Control PIN menu and [Select].  
Enter PIN and validate.  
Select Activate or Deactivate and validate.  
PIN2 number  
You have a second PIN number to allow you to access certain functions*.  
* These functions may or may not be available depending on your SIM card.  
Proceed as above in order to activate, deactivate or modify PIN number 2 of your phone.  
Phone code  
The Phone code menu allows you to activate the phone code so that it is requested and checked whenever the phone is  
switched on if a different SIM card is used. This code is automatically linked to the SIM card installed when the phone is  
activated, for example to protect the phone if stolen.  
Select Check and [Select].  
Enter 0000 (the factory code, by default) and validate.  
Select Activate or Deactivate and validate.  
To modify the phone code, select Modify and validate.  
Enter old phone code and validate.  
Enter new phone code and validate.  
Enter phone code again to confirm it and validate.  
This menu allows the activation or deactivation of automatic deletion, after power off/on, of outgoing calls, messages stored  
or organizer events.  
Select Activate or Deactivate and validate.  
This menu allows you to modify the call barring.  
Access to this service depends on your type of subscription.  
Call barring  
This menu allows you to block the sending or receiving of certain calls.  
Before you can use this service, a password will be provided by your operator when you take out your subscription.  
Access to this service depends on your subscription type.  
To activate call barring :  
Select incoming or outgoing calls.  
Select the call type on which you want to activate call barring.  
either All,  
or If roaming, if you are away from your home country and if roaming is available, only incoming calls will be blocked.  
Select Activation and enter password.  
Fixed dialling  
This menu allows you to restrict the outgoing calls.  
The availability of this menu depends on your SIM.  
Enter PIN2 number and validate.  
Select Activate or Deactivate and validate.  
Proceed as for any other phonebook.  
When activating this function, only the numbers stored in the phonebook can be called.  
This phonebook is linked to the SIM card, and its size depends on the card's capacity.  
This menu allows you to control the cost of your calls (*). (Operator-dependent service).  
The Cost menu (*) lets you check the cost of the last call you made and of all the calls you made since you last deleted them.  
The Delete costs menu (*) lets you delete the cost of your last call and reset the cost counter after entering your PIN 2 code.  
Depending on how the networks and associated subscription cards are configured, some functions may be unavailable (these  
are marked out with *).  
Player Priority: to give priority to phone (in case of incoming call) or to playing music.  
Play options: to play the musics one by one or in a continuous way.  
Browser settings  
This menu allows you to set various parameters needed for WAP connection (see chapter WAP).  
This menu allows you to set the camera features of your phone.  
Timer: this menu enables you to take a photo with a 5, 10 or 15 second time delay.  
Click sound: This menu allows you to select the sound you will hear when taking a photo.  
Photo format: This menu allows you to choose the format in which your photo will be saved.  
Photo quality: This menu allows you to select the photo quality.  
This menu allows you to customize the settings of your phone to make it as convenient as possible for you to use.  
(Function available depending on model)  
This menu allows you to allocate functions to the programmable keys:  
Select the key that you wish to modify and validate.  
Choose the function that you want to allocate to this key and validate.  
USB key  
This option delete all the multimedia objects stored in Multimedia/USB key.  
Keys checking  
When activating this choice, you will be warned when a using right of a multimedia object (ringtone or wallpaper for instance)  
will soon expire.  
Serial speed  
This menu enables you to select the speed to be used for data exchanges via your phone's serial port. Except for specific  
requirements, it is advisable to stick to the default setting: Automatic  
Car kit or headset  
This menu allows you to configure the options of the phone with a pedestrian kit or a car kit (Automatic response, Switch off,  
Kit volume).  
USB mode  
This menu allows you to select a mode to connect the phone to a peripheral with the USB cable available as an accessory.  
Modem: to exchange data between the phone and a PC.  
USB key: to exchange data between the phone and a PC.  
At Plugging-in: if you select this option, when connecting a USB cable, the phone asks you to select the mode you want.  
This menu allows you to activate or deactivate the display of the help in the phone.  
Technical features  
Weight: 90 g  
Size: 105 x 46 x 15.5 mm  
Original battery: Li-ion 830 mAh  
Battery life calls/standby: up to 4 h/350 h (these values are theoretical ones and given for information only)  
Multimedia objects supported:  
Audio formats: iMelody, Midi, wav, MP3, AMR  
Graphic formats: bmp, png, gif, gif animés, jpeg  
Size of memory available for messages: 100 SMS  
Size of memory available for the phonebook: up to 950 kB  
Size of memory available for the multimedia objects: 64 Mb  
Maximum size of each message:  
SMS: < 160 characters  
MMS: < 100 kB for outgoing messagezs, 300 kB for incoming messages (depends on the phone configuration and on the  
operator reservations)  
Using temperature: from - 10 °C to + 55 °C  
Technical features  
Conformance Document  
Conformance Document  
Care and safety information  
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves  
recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization  
ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.  
The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices  
is 2 W/kg and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ear was 1.13 W/kg (*). As mobile devices offer a range  
of functions, they can be used in other positions, such as on the body as described in this user guide (**).  
As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest transmitting power the actual SAR of this device while operating is typically  
below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the  
minimum level required to reach the network.  
The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special  
precautions for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your exposure then you can do so by limiting  
the length of calls or using a 'hands-free' device to keep the mobile phone away from the head and body. Additional  
Information can be found on the websites of the World Health Organization (  
Advice for limiting exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields  
For individuals concerned about limiting their exposure to RF fields, the World Health Organization (WHO) provides the  
following advice:  
Precautionary measures: Present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of  
mobile phones. If individuals are concerned, they might choose to limit their own or their children’s’ RF exposure by limiting  
the length of calls, or using "hands-free" devices to keep mobile phones away from the head and body.  
193: June 2000.  
(*) The tests are carried out in accordance with international guidelines for testing.  
(**) Please see the Distance of operation section about body worn operation, page 45.  
Care and safety information  
Never attempt to disassemble your phone. You alone are responsible for how you use your phone and any consequences of  
its use.  
As a general rule, always switch off your phone wherever the use of a phone is prohibited.  
Use of your phone is subject to safety measures designed to protect users and their environment.  
Do not use your phone in damp areas (bathroom, swimming pool…). Protect it from liquids and other moisture.  
Do not expose your phone to extreme temperatures lower than - 10°C an higher than + 55°C.  
The physicochemical processes created by chargers impose temperature limits when charging the battery. Your phone  
automatically protects the batteries in extreme temperatures.  
Do not leave your phone within the reach of small children (certain removable parts may be accidentally ingested).  
Electrical safety  
Only use the chargers listed in the manufacturer’s catalogue. Using any other charger may be dangerous; it would also  
invalidate your warranty. Line voltage must be exactly the one indicated on the charger’s serial plate.  
Aircraft safety  
When travelling by plane, you will need to switch your phone off when so instructed by the cabin crew or the warning signs.  
Using a mobile phone may be dangerous to the operation of the aircraft and may disrupt the phone network.  
Its use is illegal and you could be prosecuted or banned from using cellular networks in the future if you do not abide by these  
Explosive materials  
Please comply with warning signs at petrol station asking you to switch your phone off. You will need to comply with radio  
equipment usage restrictions in places such as chemical plants, fuel depots and at any location where blasting operations  
are under way.  
Electronic equipment  
To avoid the risk of demagnetisation, do not let electronic devices close to your phone for a long time.  
Electronic medical equipment  
Your phone is a radio transmitter which may interfere with electronic medical equipment or implants, such as hearing aids,  
pacemakers, insulin pumps, etc. It is recommended that a minimum separation of 15 cm be maintained between the phone  
and an implant. Your doctor or the manufacturers of such equipment will be able to give you any advice you may need in this  
Always make sure that your phone is switched off in hospitals when so instructed by warning signs or by medical staff.  
Care and safety information  
Road safety  
Do not use your phone when driving. In order to give your full attention to driving, stop and park safely before making a call.  
You must comply with any current legislation.  
Distance of operation  
This phone model has been tested and meets radiofrequency exposure guidelines when used as follows:  
against the ear: place or receive a phone call and hold the phone as you would a wireline telephone,  
body worn: when transmitting, place the phone in a carry accessory that contains no metal and positions the phone a  
minimum of 1.5 cm form your body. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with radiofrequency exposure  
guidelines. If you do not use a body worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, position the phone a  
minimum of 1.5 cm from your body,  
data operation: when using a data feature, position the phone a minimum of 1.5 cm from your body for the whole duration  
of the data transmission.  
We advise you the use of SAGEM brand accessories for an optimal operating of your phone and of your accessories.  
To facilitate the recycling of packaging materials, please obey the sorting rules instituted locally for this type of waste.  
Spent batteries must be deposited at the designated collection points.  
The product  
The crossed-out waste bin mark affixed to the product means that it belongs to the family of electrical and electronic  
To promote the recycling and recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and at the same time  
safeguard the environment, European regulations require you to obey the sorting rules instituted locally for this type  
of waste.  
Care and safety information  
End User Licence Agreement (EULA), for the  
You have acquired a Mobile Phone device ("DEVICE"), manufactured by Sagem Communication (SAGEM), that includes  
software either developed by SAGEM itself or licensed third party Software suppliers ("SOFTWARE COMPANIES") to  
SAGEM with the rights to sub-license it to the purchaser of the device. Those installed software products whatever their  
company of origin, and wherever the name of the company of origin is indicated of not in the DEVICE documentation, as well  
as associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE") are protected by  
international intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved.  
SOFTWARE includes software already installed on the DEVICE ("DEVICE Software") and Software contained on the CD-  
ROM disk ("Companion CD"), if any is supplied with the product.  
This EULA grants you the following licence:  
DEVICE Software You may use the DEVICE Software as installed on the DEVICE. All or certain portions of the DEVICE  
Software may be inoperable if you do not have and maintain a service account with an appropriate Mobile Operator, or if the  
Mobile Operator's network facilities are not operating or configured to operate with the DEVICE software.  
COMPANION CD. If any is supplied, additional software for your personal computer is included with your DEVICE. You may  
install and use the software component(s) contained in the Companion CD only in accordance with the terms of the printed  
or online end user license agreement(s) provided with such component(s). In the absence of an end user license agreement  
for particular component(s) of the Companion CD, you may install and use only one (1) copy of such component(s) on the  
DEVICE or a single computer with which you use the DEVICE.  
Security Updates. The SOFTWARE may include digital rights management technology. If SOFTWARE does contain digital  
rights management technology, content providers are using the digital rights management technology ("DRM") contained in  
the SOFTWARE to protect the integrity of their content ("Secure Content") so that their intellectual property, including  
copyright, in such content is not misappropriated. Owners of such Secure Content ("Secure Content Owners") may, from  
time to time, request manufacturers or SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS to provide security related updates to the DRM components  
of the SOFTWARE ("Security Updates") that may affect your ability to copy, display and/or play Secure Content through the  
SOFTWARE or third party applications that utilise the DRM.  
End User Licence Agreement (EULA), for the software  
You therefore agree that, if you elect to download a licence from the Internet which enables your use of Secure Content,  
Suppliers may, in conjunction with such licence, also download onto your DEVICE such Security Updates that a Secure  
Content Owner has requested that SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS distribute. SAGEM and SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS will not  
retrieve any personally identifiable information, or any other information, from your DEVICE by downloading such Security  
COPYRIGHT All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to any images,  
photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and "applets," incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying  
printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by SAGEM or the SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS. You may not  
copy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which  
may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by  
applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All  
rights not specifically granted under this EULA are reserved by SAGEM and the SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS  
Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or  
disassemble the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law  
notwithstanding this limitation.  
Single DEVICE. The DEVICE Software is licensed with the DEVICE as a single integrated product. The DEVICE Software  
installed in the memory of the DEVICE may only be used as part of the DEVICE.  
Single EULA. The package for the DEVICE may contain multiple versions of this EULA, such as multiple translations and/or  
multiple media versions (e.g., in the user documentation and in the software). Even if you receive multiple versions of the  
EULA, you are licensed to use only one (1) copy of the DEVICE Software.  
Software Transfer  
You may not permanently transfer any of your rights under this EULA with regard to the DEVICE  
Software or Companion CD, except as permitted by the applicable Mobile Operator. In the event that the Mobile Operator  
permits such transfer, you may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA only as part of a sale or transfer of the  
DEVICE, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media and  
printed materials, any upgrades , this EULA and, if applicable, the Certificate(s) of Authenticity), and the recipient agrees to  
the terms of this EULA. If the SOFTWARE is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the SOFTWARE.  
Software Rental You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE.  
Speech/Handwriting Recognition. If the SOFTWARE includes speech and/or handwriting recognition component(s), you  
should understand that speech and handwriting recognition are inherently statistical processes; that recognition errors are  
inherent in the processes; and that errors can occur in the component's recognition of your handwriting or speech, and the  
final conversion into text.. Neither SAGEM nor its suppliers shall be liable for any damages arising out of errors in the speech  
and handwriting recognition processes.  
End User Licence Agreement (EULA), for the software  
The SOFTWARE may include MPEG-4 visual decoding  
technology. MPEG LA, L.L.C. requires the following notice:  
If you have questions regarding this Notice, please contact MPEG LA, L.L.C., 250 Steele Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado  
80206; Telephone 303 331.1880; FAX 303 331.1879  
Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, SAGEM may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and  
conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.  
Consent to Use of Data You agree that SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may collect and use technical information gathered in  
any manner as part of product support services related to the SOFTWARE. SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may use this  
information solely to improve their products or to provide customised services or technologies to you. SOFTWARE  
SUPPLIERS may disclose this information to others, but not in a form that personally identifies you.  
Internet Gaming/Update Features If the SOFTWARE provides, and you choose to utilise, the Internet gaming or update  
features within the SOFTWARE, it is necessary to use certain computer system, hardware, and software information to  
implement the features. By using these features, you explicitly authorise SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS to use this information  
solely to improve their products or to provide customised services or technologies to you. SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may  
disclose this information to others, but not in a form that personally identifies you.  
Internet-Based Services Components The SOFTWARE may contain components that enable and facilitate the use of  
certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS may automatically check the  
version of the SOFTWARE and/or its components that you are utilising and may provide upgrades or supplements to the  
SOFTWARE that may be automatically downloaded to your Device.  
Links to Third Party Sites The SOFTWARE may provide you with the ability to link to third party sites through the use of  
the SOFTWARE. The third party sites are not under the control of SAGEM. Neither SAGEM nor its affiliates are responsible  
for (i) the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to third party  
sites, or (ii) webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any third party sites. If the SOFTWARE provides links  
to third party sites, those links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply an  
endorsement of the third party site by SAGEM or its affiliates.  
Additional Software/Services The SOFTWARE may permit SAGEM to provide or make available to you SOFTWARE  
updates, supplements, add-on components, or Internet-based services components of the SOFTWARE after the date you  
obtain your initial copy of the SOFTWARE ("Supplemental Components").  
If SAGEM provides or makes available to you Supplemental Components and no other EULA terms are provided along with  
the Supplemental Components, then the terms of this EULA shall apply.  
SAGEM reserves the right to discontinue any Internet-based services provided to you or made available to you through the  
use of the SOFTWARE.  
End User Licence Agreement (EULA), for the software  
EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that SOFTWARE is subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. You agree to comply  
with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the SOFTWARE, including the U.S. Export Administration  
Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments.  
DEVICE Software. If the DEVICE Software is provided by SAGEM separate from the DEVICE on media such as a ROM  
chip, CD ROM disk(s) or via web download or other means, and is labelled "For Upgrade Purposes Only", you may install  
one copy of such DEVICE Software onto the DEVICE as a replacement copy for the existing DEVICE Software and use it  
in accordance with this EULA, including any additional EULA terms accompanying the upgrade DEVICE Software.  
COMPANION CD If any Companion CD component(s) is provided by SAGEM separate from the DEVICE on CD ROM  
disk(s) or via web download or other means, and labelled "For Upgrade Purposes Only" , you may (i) install and use one  
copy of such component(s) on the computer(s) you use to exchange data with the DEVICE as a replacement copy for the  
existing Companion CD component(s).  
SUPPORT AND INFORMATION Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to contact SAGEM  
]for any other reason, please refer to the address provided in the documentation for the DEVICE.  
End User Licence Agreement (EULA), for the software  
When running a Java™ application, you may be prompted to grant access to protected features. These features are protected  
because using them could incur you cost, or involve your personal data. In case of doubt, don't hesitate to refuse access by  
selecting the "No" button!  
The security configuration menu is an expert feature! You must know exactly what you are doing before attempting to change  
security parameters of a MIDlet. Misunderstanding changes may render MIDlet non functional and/or lead to higher risks for  
your private data or impact your airtime consumption. Any changes in the security configuration are done under your  
responsibility. In no case shall Sagem Communication and/or your network provider be liable for any damages deriving from  
or arising out of such changes in the security configuration.  
You must be aware that applications downloaded to your phone could cause the phone to perform actions for which you will  
be billed, like making calls and sending SMS. Depending on your operator's billing policy, you may also be charged to  
download the application because of airtime consumption.  
Security considerations  
Java™ MIDP technology is an efficient way to provide powerful applications in mobile phones.  
All these MIDP 2.0 features cannot be simply exposed to any MIDlet installed in the handset: a careful access control system  
is implemented in the device to protect your private data and airtime consumption.  
Access controls are gathered in 9 security groups:  
Network access  
Auto invocation  
Phone call  
Local connectivity  
Messaging receive  
Messaging sending  
Read User data  
Write User data  
Multimedia recording  
Each of these security groups has one among 5 possible authorizations levels (listed from the more restrictive to the more  
Never: The security group completely prevents access to the protected features.  
Per use: Each time MIDlet tries to use protected feature, user is prompted to grant access.  
Per session: First time a MIDlet uses a protected function, user is prompted to grant access like in "Per use" authorization  
but access is granted until the MIDlet terminates.  
Single confirmation: The first time in the whole MIDlet life a MIDlet uses a protected feature, user is prompted to grant  
access. It remains valid until the MIDlet is removed from the handset.  
Always: The security group unconditionally grants access to protected features.  
A MIDlet has a security status which is either "uncertified", or else "certified".  
An "uncertified" status means that the source of the MIDlet could not be verified by the mobile phone at installation time. As  
far as the phone knows, the MIDlet could have been written by anyone.  
A "certified" status means that the MIDlet was digitally signed by a known party, whose name is displayed by the mobile  
Security permissions are different for "uncertified" or "certified" MIDlets.  
Security configuration menu  
When a MIDlet is installed in the mobile phone, default security authorizations are applied.  
This default security configuration may be altered through the "Settings/Security" menu of an installed MIDlet.  
Once in the "Security" menu, the security status of the MIDlet is displayed.  
If you do not want to enter the security menu, simply select "Back" button. You can proceed by selecting "Ok" button.  
The menu displayed allows you to increase or decrease permissions currently applied to the current MIDlet for each of the  
security groups.  
When you set a more permissive authorization to a security group than the current value, mobile phone asks you to confirm  
your increased risk exposure.  
The maximum risk exposure increase is limited by the security status.  
What is Java™?  
Business applications and games are easily downloadable by the end-user on a Java™ featured handset.  
Your mobile phone is a MIDP 2.0 compliant Java™ platform which implements WMA (SMS support) and MMAPI (Multimedia  
support) options, providing an exciting environment to run highly graphical, networked and intuitive MIDP applications.  
What is a MIDlet?  
A Java™ application or a game designed to run in a mobile phone is named a MIDlet (MIDP applet).  
A MIDlet is usually made of 2 files:  
The JAD file  
The JAR file  
JAD file stands for  
JAR file stands for  
Descriptor. It is a small file describing the content of a JAR file.  
Archive. It refers to the application data themselves (program, images, sound). A JAR file may be  
up to 200 kilo-bytes large.  
Note: In rare circumstances, MIDlet vendors may provide no JAD file and the MIDlet is the JAR file alone. In such a case it  
is your only responsibility to evaluate the risk to download the JAR file without possibility of consulting the JAD file.  
Downloading a MIDlet (Java™ game or application)  
MIDlets are easily downloaded in the mobile phone through the Games or Applications menus or through the WAP browser.  
In almost all cases, you will first receive a JAD file which will be displayed on the screen.  
When you select a JAD file, your mobile phone downloads it, displays data contained and prompts you to acknowledge the  
JAR file download.  
The popup displays information below:  
Name of the MIDlet, Version, Size, Name, Security status, URL.  
If you do not want to download the main data (JAR file), you shall refuse to acknowledge further airtime consumption by  
selecting "Cancel".  
If you agree on the MIDlet installation, just select "Ok". The MIDlet is installed with security levels set to default values  
associated with its security status.  
Before downloading an application, such a message may appear: "Your handset cannot identify the application, please be  
sure of the source of the application before installing the application".  
Java™ and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and  
other countries.  
Some downloaded items may contain data or may induce actions which may cause malfunctioning of your mobile phone or  
loss or corruption of data or abnormal increase of your airtime consumption.  
You expressly acknowledge that the download of any applications including Java applications or games is done under your  
exclusive responsibility. In no event shall Sagem Communication, your network service provider or their affiliates be liable for  
any lost profits or costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of profits, interruptions of business, loss of data  
or for any special, indirect, incidental, economic, or consequential damages arising under contract, tort, negligence, or other  
theory of liability relating to the download of any application by any means, including Java applications or games in SAGEM  
devices. You expressly acknowledge that any applications including Java applications or games are provided strictly «as  
is». Sagem Communication and/or your network service provider extend no warranty whatsoever thereto. Sagem  
Communication and/or your network service provider disclaim any express, implied or statutory warranty of merchantability,  
fitness of any applications including Java applications or games for a specific purpose, satisfactory quality, security or  
You must always use your phone for the purpose for which it was designed, under normal operating conditions. Sagem  
Communication declines all responsibility for any use outside of the scope of its designed purpose and for any consequences  
of this use.  
The software program developed by SAGEM remains the exclusive property of Sagem Communication. It is therefore highly  
prohibited to modify, translate, de-compile or disassemble this software program or any part thereof.  
Usage precautions  
Your phone allows you to download ring tones, icons and animated screensavers. Some of these items may contain data that  
may cause malfunctions of your phone or data losses (virus for example).  
For this reason, Sagem Communication rejects all responsibility concerning (1) the reception of downloaded data or losses  
of the said data, (2) the impact on the operation of the phone and (3) damages resulting from receiving the said downloaded  
data or loss of said data. In addition, Sagem Communication states that a failure caused by receiving downloaded data that  
do not comply with the specifications set by Sagem Communication is excluded from the warranty. Consequently, the  
diagnosis and repair of a phone infected by the said downloaded data will be at the expense of the customer.  
Any content that you download to your phone may be protected by copyright belonging to third parties and consequently you  
may not have the right to use this content or its use may be restricted. Consequently it is up to you to ensure that you have  
permission, such as under the terms of a license agreement, to use any content that you download. Furthermore, Sagem  
Communication does not guarantee the accuracy nor the quality of any content that you download. You alone are responsible  
for the content that you download to your mobile phone and how you use it. Sagem Communication cannot be held  
responsible for this content nor for its use.  
It is your responsibility to ensure compliance, at your own expense, with the laws and regulations applicable in the country  
where you use your phone.  
Warranty conditions  
Whenever you wish to make use of the warranty, please contact your vendor and present him with the purchasing paperwork  
that he gave you.  
If a fault occurs, he will advise you.  
The new phone (excluding consumables), including new accessories bundled with the phone, are guaranteed by Sagem  
Communication, parts and labour (apart from travel) against any manufacturing fault for a period of twelve (12) months with  
effect from the sale of the phone to the customer, on presentation of the paperwork stating the purchase date of the phone.  
Phones that have been repaired or replaced as standard during the warranty period stated above are guaranteed (parts and  
labour) until the later of these two dates:  
Expiry of the guarantee period of twelve (12) months stated above or three (3) months with effect from the date of support  
provided by Sagem Communication.  
Your legal rights under the terms of applicable national law as well as your rights in relation to your retailer, as set out in the  
sales contract, remain applicable and are not in any way affected by this guarantee.  
In any disputes, the phone is covered by the legal warranty against the consequences of faults or hidden defects in  
compliance with articles 1641 and subsequent of the French civil code.  
All faulty phones under warranty will be replaced or repaired free of charge at Sagem Communication's option (with the  
exclusion of repair of any other damage), once it has been specified that the work required for the application of the warranty  
will be done in a workshop and that the return costs (transport and insurance) of the phone to the address to be indicated to  
it by the Sagem Communication after-sales service, whose phone number will appear on the delivery note, will be charged  
to the customer.  
Subject to essential legal provisions, Sagem Communication does not accept any warranty, explicit or implicit, other than the  
warranty provided expressly in this chapter, nor shall Sagem Communication accept responsibility for any immaterial and/or  
indirect damages (such as loss of orders, loss of profit or any other financial or commercial damage) under the warranty or not.  
The acceptance of a phone under warranty demands that a purchase document that is legible and without modi-fication,  
stating vendor's name and address, date and place of purchase, type of phone and IMEI, are attached to the warranty, and  
that the information on the phone identification label is legible and that this label or any other seal has not been tampered with.  
The warranty applies in normal conditions of use.  
Prior to sending the phone for repair, it is the customer's responsibility to backup at his expense the customized data stored  
in the phone (phonebook, settings, wallpapers). A list of backup facilities can be provided by Sagem Communication on  
request. The responsibility of Sagem Communication cannot be invoked if damage occurs to customer files, programs or  
data. The information or operating elements and the contents of files will not be re-installed in any case in the event of loss.  
Sagem Communication may decide, at its option, to repair the phone with new or reconditioned parts, replace the phone with  
a new phone or, in any dispute, a phone in good working condition. During its work Sagem Communication reserves the  
facility to make, where necessary, any technical modifications to the phone where these modifications doe not adversely  
affect its initial purpose.  
Faulty parts to be replaced during a repair under warranty will become the property of Sagem Communication.  
The phone repair and standstill time during the warranty period may not lead to an extension of the warranty period as stated  
in article 1 above, provided no other vital provisions have been agreed.  
The application of the warranty is subject to the full payment of the sums due for the phone when the request for support is  
The following are excluded from the warranty:  
Breakdowns or malfunctions due to non-compliance with the installation and use instructions, to an external cause of the  
phone (shock, lightning, fire, vandalism, malice, water damage of any type, contact with various liquids or any harmful agent,  
unsuitable electric current...), to modifications of the phone made without the written consent of Sagem Communication, to a  
servicing fault, as described in the documentation supplied with the phone, to lack of supervision or care, to poor  
environmental conditions of the phone (especially temperature and hygrometry, effects of variations in electric voltage,  
interference from the mains network or earth) or even due to a repair, a call-out (opening or trying to open the phone) or to  
servicing done by personnel not approved by Sagem Communication.  
Damage resulting from inadequate packaging and/or poor packing of the phone sent back to Sagem Communication.  
Normal wear and tear of the phone and accessories.  
Communication problems linked with a poor environment, especially:  
Problems accessing and/or logging onto the Internet, such as breakdowns of the access network, the failure of the  
subscriber's or his correspondent's line, transmission fault (poor geographic coverage by radio transmitters, interference,  
disturbance, fai-lure or poor quality of phone lines...), a fault inherent to the local network (cabling, file server, user phone)  
and/or transmission network fault (interference, disturbance, failure or poor quality of the network...).  
Change of parameters of the cellular network made after the phone was sold.  
Supply of new software versions.  
Current servicing work: delivery of consumables, installation or replacement of these consumables...  
Call-outs for phone or software modified or added without the written consent of Sagem Communication.  
Faults or disruptions resulting from the use of products or accessories not compatible with the phone.  
Phones returned to Sagem Communication without having complied with the return procedure specific to the phone cove-red  
by this warranty.  
The opening or closing of a SIM operator key and call-outs resulting in the non-operation of the phone resulting from the  
opening or closing of SIM operator key done without the agreement of the original operator.  
In the cases of warranty exclusion and of expiry of the warranty period, Sagem Communication shall draw up an estimate to  
be given to the customer for acceptance before any call-out. The repair and carriage costs (there and back) given in the  
accepted estimate will be charged to the customer.  
These provisions are valid unless a special written agreement has been made with the customer. If one of the provisions turns  
out to infringe a legally essential rule that consumers could have the benefit of under the national legislation, this provision  
will not be applied, but all other provisions will remain valid.  
The phone won’t start and/or won’t take a charge  
The battery has completely lost its charge.  
Connect the phone to the charger for between 5 and 30 minutes. The phone will only switch on after it has been charging  
for a few minutes.  
You may use the phone again when the Start option is displayed on the screen.  
If the phone still won't start after 30 minutes’ charging, contact customer service.  
SIM not present  
Check if the SIM card is present and properly positioned / inserted.  
Check the condition of the SIM card. If damaged, please go back to the operator's shop for advice. Contact your after-sales  
service if the message persists.  
Incorrect PIN code  
An incorrect PIN code has been entered. Be careful! Three incorrect PIN codes will block the SIM Card.  
If a wrong PIN number is entered three times in succession, your SIM card is blocked. You must then:  
Enter the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code provided by your operator, and validate.  
Enter your PIN number and validate.  
Enter your PIN number again and validate.  
After 5 or 10 failed attempts (depending on the type of SIM card), the SIM card is definitely locked. You must then contact  
your operator to obtain a new card.  
In certain cases, the handset can only be used with some types of SIM cards. This message means that the SIM card you  
are using does not fit with the phone. Take the SIM card out, and switch it back on. If the message SIM not present  
appears on the screen, you will need to check its compatibility next to the place where you bought it. If not, please contact  
your after-sales service.  
No call connection  
Check that the number you have dialled is correct.  
If the letter R is displayed on the top right corner of the screen, without any network name displayed, only emergency  
services can be called.  
Check the status of your credit.  
Check that the SIM Card you are using offers the service you are requesting; check if its validity has not expired.  
Check and deactivate the outgoing calls restriction when necessary.  
The network could be saturated. Try later.  
If the problem persists, please contact your Technical Helpdesk.  
No receiving calls  
Try to make a call in order to check that the phone and the network are operational.  
Check and deactivate the permanent call forwarding (permanent call forwarding icon displayed on the screen).  
Check and deactivate the incoming calls restriction when necessary.  
If the problem persists, please contact your Technical Helpdesk.  
Quality reception when calling  
Avoid placing your fingers on the top of the phone, where the aerial is integrated: the phone will have to use full strength to  
establish a quality transmission.  
Impossible to send message  
Check that the message centre number is correctly entered.  
To do so, please select the menu Messages, select Options, select MSG centre n° and check the number entered.  
Please contact your network provider to get this number.  
No voicemail  
Check that your subscription does offer this service.  
Program the call to be forwarded to voicemail using the information provided by the operator.  
Try to make a call to check that phone and network are operational.  
Check if the voicemail number is properly configured. To do so, go to the Settings/Calls menu, select Voicemail and  
check the number. Otherwise, enter your operator’s voicemail number.  
Operator name does not appear on screen  
Go into the Settings menu, select Networks, then Selection. Wait until the operator appears, select it and validate.  
If the Operator logo is present (depending on model), activate the display (Settings/Operator logo).  
How can I increase the efficiency of my phone?  
Activate the eco mode (see Settings/Energy saving).  
Customer care  
01 36 02 77 16 64  
02 62 77 016  
844 555 600  
Czech Republic  
0 82 33 28 52  
0 892 701 799 (0,34 €/mn)  
01805 843 850  
0800 44 14 20 38  
06 1 7774 839  
0 160 58 355  
800 800 485  
020 65 45 724  
0801 801 101  
South Africa  
21 316 41 35  
0800 89 45 21  
095 258 54 33  
(421) 02 68 629 355  
0800 99 14 17  
91 375 3376  
United Kingdom  
08 519 923 21  
02 25 67 53 99  
0870 24 05 613  
Customer Care e-mail address:  
Web sites:  
Customer care  
Activating your phone  
Anonymous mode  
Date / Time  
Charging the battery  
Installing the battery  
Energy saving  
Fixed dialling  
Call barring  
Getting started  
Calls (menu)  
Automatic redial  
Call forward  
Call waiting  
Display number  
View last calls  
Hands-free mode  
22, 39  
Car kit  
Idle screen  
Input modes  
14, 22  
Mailing list  
Local information  
Safety information  
Compose SMS  
Serial speed  
Shortcut keys  
Silent mode  
SIM card  
Receiving messages  
Music player  
7, 9  
56, 57  
Operator logo  
Phone code  
26, 27  
New contact  
Using the phonebook  
PIN number  
PIN2 number  
Downloading objects  
WAP logging off  
WAP logging on  
WAP settings  
22, 39  
Ring tones  
23, 32  
Mobile Communication Business Group  
Le Ponant de Paris - 27, rue Leblanc - 75512 PARIS CEDEX 15 - FRANCE  
Société Anonyme  
Capital 300 272 000 € - 480 108 158 RCS PARIS  

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