Sound Performance Lab Stereo Equalizer 9632 User Manual

Loudness Maximizer  
Model 9632  
Digital Dynamics Processor  
Foreword................................................................................................... 3  
Thanks........................................................................................................ 3  
Introduction............................................................................................. 4  
Operation Safety..................................................................................... 5  
Connections............................................................................................. 6  
Flow Chart ................................................................................................ 7  
Control Elements.................................................................................. 8  
ACTIVE......................................................................................................... 8  
DESIRED GAIN.......................................................................................... 8  
SOFT-HARD .............................................................................................. 9  
MORE DENSITY........................................................................................ 9  
BOOST .......................................................................................................10  
LCD DISPLAY ............................................................................................10  
LED CHAINS .............................................................................................10  
PRESETS ....................................................................................................11  
Specifications ..........................................................................................17  
Warranty ...................................................................................................18  
Dear customer,  
Thank you for the confidence you have shown towards Sound  
Performance Lab by purchasing the SPL Loudness Maximizer.You  
have decided to use a tool of high performance which sets you in  
the position to have faster success and a better sound quality in  
your music productions and pre-masterings.  
As a typical SPL unit the Loudness Maximizer combines exem-  
plary specifications and high manufacturing standard with excel-  
lent sound quality to provide you a precious component for  
studio and mastering purposes.  
Please read this manual carefully to ensure you have all the  
information you need to use the Loudness Maximizer. We wish  
you every success with your new Loudness Maximizer.  
Your Sound Performance Lab-Team  
I would like to start with my thanks to all our staff, who created  
what is to be described here. Special thanks go to Jörg Houpert,  
Jörg Mayer, Andreas Skäbe and Klaus-Peter Webersinke from  
Spectral Design, as well as Harald Obenland from Octum electro-  
Our products are often tested and compared in many publica-  
tions and by our customers themselfs and constantly valued with  
best results. I would like to pass on this broad appreciation to  
those, who deserve it – my excellent colleagues.  
Hermann Gier  
Loudness Maximizer  
SPL’s digital audio processors are designed in cooperation  
with Spectral Design of Bremen, Germany, who are responsible for  
the DSP programming.  
Maximizing the subjective  
loudness without sound colo-  
Concept: The Loudness Maximizer is the first digital 19-inch  
dynamics processor to utilize new psycho-acoustic algorithms  
which are designed to maximize subjective loudness and to  
exploit effectively up to 99.9% of the available headroom with  
guaranteed clip-free performance. Even a normalized sound file  
can be made subjectively louder without changing the essential  
character of the sound, yet if the user wants even more loudness,  
the Loudness Maximizer can be coaxed into producing audible  
changes in the sound, which are optimized to be useful in a crea-  
tive sound design context.  
The DSP-algorithm constantly analyzes the input signal and com-  
putes the data for the most unobtrusive dynamics processing  
using an algorithm developed from extensive psycho-acoustic  
and audiometric research. The dynamics processing is not simply  
limited to Peak-Limiting nor Compression, but is an intelligent  
combination of both, where the characteristics of the input signal  
determine the processing, interactively and automatically. The  
Compressor used within the Loudness Maximizer treats the audio  
as an entity and utilizes a static (no-knee) compression characte-  
ristic that operates without steps. The use of a multi-band design  
was specifically avoided, because splitting up audio into several  
bands, then remixing them after processing usually affects the  
coherence of the signal and causes intermodulation, resulting in  
sound coloration.  
A„look ahead“-signal analysis  
computes data for most  
unobstrusive limiting and  
The Limiter works after the Compressor and is designed to cut  
peak levels effectively by creating a minimum number of invalid  
samples.This is achieved by re-calculating the original peak-curve  
on a lower level, but maintaining its shape, where the Soft/Hard  
control provides access to the sound of the Limiter. Using the Soft  
position creates a rounded bell with virtually no invalid samples.  
You can gain more loudness by turning the control to Hard.  
Easy and intuitive operation  
Operation: The handling of the Loudness Maximizer is very  
easy. Only three control parameters and one switch function are  
necessary to adjust the loudness maximization process.Most of  
the parameters are set automatically by the programme material  
itself.The algorithms are optimized so that the process is as trans-  
parent as possible.  
DESIRED GAIN sets the maximum level change. Adjustable  
values range from 0dB to +15dB. The Done LED-bar shows how  
much of the desired gain change was achieved by the Loudness  
Maximizer. The Soft/Hard control adjusts the sound character of  
the Limiter.You can gain more loudness by turning the control to  
the Hard position, which increases the risk of audible distortion.  
The MORE DENSITY control allows to sweep from Peak-Limiter  
performance to Compressor performance. The higher the value  
the more compression is applied. The BOOST button increases  
loudness by an additional 2dB.  
Loudness Maximizer  
Indications and Metering: The Loudness Maximizer is equipped  
with PPM meters for input and output that show the signal level  
with maximum resolution (0.01dB) just before 0dB.  
Input and Output  
PPM metering  
The Signal LED is the first LED in each PPM meter that lights up  
when a digital source is present at the inputs  
The Possible LED chain represents the first device to show how  
much subjective loudness can be gained. Initial settings for the  
DESIRED GAIN control are shown here.  
POSSIBLE-LED-bar shows how  
much subjective loudness can  
be gained  
The Done LED chain indicates the percentage of achieved gain  
change. It shows how much of the Desired gain setting was  
actually realized.  
„Analogue“ control feeling  
The philosophy behind the digital audio processors is that they  
are designed to be operated like analogue units; there is only one  
INFO menu but no multi-function controls. The LCD readout  
simply shows the current encoder positions and the preset  
number. The encoders are built without clicks or detents, so they  
feel like analogue pots. Our DSP platform uses two Motorola  
56002 DSPs running at 66 MHz. This enormous computational  
power guarantees real-time operation where sophisticated DSP  
algorithms will not be restricted by resource limitations. The  
general concept is that each digital processor should fulfill only  
one task, in the most effective way possible, and with a minimum  
of controls and switches. As much as possible should be auto-  
mated to promote user-friendly operation – the external controls  
access only the sonically relevant parameters. Additionally all  
controls with a wide value range (e.g. 0 to 100) are programmed  
with an 'alpha-dial' logic. Turning the encoder rapidly causes the  
values to jump in steps of 10, whereas turning the encoder slowly  
causes the values to proceed in single increment steps.  
The DSP Platform:  
Enormous computational  
power guaranteeing real-time  
User-friendly programmed  
Operation Safety  
The housing of the Loudness Maximizer has the standard 19"-  
EIA format and occupies 1U (44 mm) in your rack. When installing  
the unit in a 19"-rack, the rear side of the unit needs some  
support, especially in a touring case. The Loudness Maximizer  
should not be installed near units which produce strong  
magnetic fields or extreme heat. Do not install the Loudness  
Maximizer directly above or below power amplifiers.  
Check that the voltage details quoted on the back panel are the  
same as your local mains electricity supply. Use a minus (-)  
screwdriver to set the voltage selector to the voltage for the area  
in which the unit will be used.  
Never cover up the ventilation slots on the top of the unit. If,  
during operation, the sound is interrupted or indicators no longer  
illuminate, or if abnormal odor or smoke is detected, or if liquids  
are spilled on the unit, immediately disconnect the power cord  
plug and contact your dealer.  
Only clean your Loudness Maximizer with a soft, lint-free cloth.  
Loudness Maximizer  
Before connecting the Loudness Maximizer switch the power  
off at all connected units.  
The rear panel provides AES/EBU- and S/P-DIF-inputs and  
outputs. Any additional channel, status and user-bits are passed  
through unaltered, and the outputs can be used at the same time  
if required.  
The Loudness Maximizer operates with 24 bit word width. It  
accepts 16 bit and 20 bit inputs and will create output signals  
according to the input resolution.  
For synchronisation purposes Wordclock In and Wordclock  
Through BNC connectors are fitted with a switchable 75 Ohm  
MIDI In and MIDI Through connectors allow presets to be  
selected via MIDI program change commands.  
For easy upgrade of future software releases, the rear panel  
offers RS-232 interface for PC and RS-422 interface for MAC.  
Installing Updates:  
Note: All presets will be lost after installing a new software  
1. Connect your computer with the Loudness Maximizer via a  
serial port with a standard Z-modem cable. RS-232 for PC and RS-  
422 for MAC.  
2. Open a terminal program like “Hyperterminal” on PC and  
make the following adjustments:  
Baud rate: 9600; Stop bit: 1; Parity: none; Data bit: 8; Handshake:  
no;Transfer mode: ZMODEM  
3. Switch on the Loudness Maximizer and depress both Preset  
Up and Preset Down until the LC- display says “wait for Zmodem  
4.Load the update file into your terminal program and send it to  
the Loudness Maximizer.The LC-display shows the progress of the  
download in kB.  
5. After successfully installing the new software version the  
LC-display saysdownload valid.  
6. Switch the Loudness Maximizer off and on. The new software  
version number is displayed in the first INFO page (simulta-  
neously depress Store and Apply; also refer to Control Elements  
No. 9, INFO).  
7.If an error occurred during download the LC-display says  
“download failed. The Loudness Maximizer now waits for a new  
download. Please check all adjustments on your terminal  
program and try again. If you are still unsuccessful contact your  
local dealer.  
Loudness Maximizer  
Quick Start  
All controls are in the start-off positions:  
1. Press ACTIVE. LED illuminates.  
2. Watch the Possible LED chain and adjust the shown value  
with the DESIRED GAIN (for most unobstrusive operation the  
Possible LED chain should not show negative values.  
3. If more loudness is wanted, turn the SOFT-HARD to higher  
values (i. e. -3).The Possible LED chain shows you the new free  
loudness headroom that you ad to the previously adjusted  
4. To increase the density of your source material turn up the  
MORE DENSITY control.  
Flow Chart  
The signal analysis computes  
control data for the  
Compressor and Limiter and  
calculates the Possible as well  
as the Done loudness increase  
Possible:The LED bar shows  
the possible loudness  
Done:The LED bar shows how  
much % of the DESIRED GAIN  
have been realized  
The Compressor operates  
with a static (no-knee)  
characteristic for most unob-  
strusive compression  
DESIRED GAIN: Adjusts the  
desired loudness increase  
Density: Controls the amount  
of compression  
The Limiter is equipped with  
SOFT-HARD sound control  
and the BOOST function  
Loudness Maximizer  
Control Elements  
2 3 4  
The ACTIVE function switches the Loudness Maximizer on or off.  
The illuminated LED indicates that the processing has been  
The software bypass also compensates for the 5ms time delay  
between processed and unprocessed signal.  
The AES/EBU input and output are equipped with relay-hard-  
bypass. In the event of a power failure the Loudness Maximizer is  
automatically switched to hard-bypass (power failure safety)  
without interrupting the data flow.  
Relay hard-bypass for  
AES/EBU input and output  
Desired Gain  
DESIRED GAIN adjusts the desired loudness increase in dB.  
Adjustable values range from 0dB to +15dB.The value is shown in  
the LC-display (see 6).  
The Loudness Maximizer tries to increase the energy of the  
signal or the effective loudness, respectively, by the value entered.  
The DESIRED GAIN encoder is directly coupled with the Possible  
LED bar (see 7), which gives you an initial indication on the setting  
of the DESIRED GAIN encoder. The loudness increase cannot be  
displayed in standard level or peak meters.The Possible LED bar is  
especially designed to show the possible increase in subjective  
loudness. Even normalized audio files can effectively be increased  
in loudness without sound manipulation. Additionally the Done  
LED bar shows how much of the adjusted DESIRED GAIN have  
actually been achieved.  
Adjusting the desired increase  
in loudness  
Setting: To get a good starting position for the signal analysis a  
loud part of the signal should be played. Watch the Possible LED  
bar. For example: If it shows +3dB adjust 3dB with the DESIRED  
GAIN encoder. The Possible LED bar now shows 0dB. An initial  
loudness optimization without any sound manipulation is now  
already complete.  
Loudness Maximizer  
You can gain more loudness and also start to manipulate sound  
when you choose other than the initial settings for SOFT-HARD  
(see 3) or MORE DENSITY (see 4). After having changed these  
parameters a readjustment of the DESIRED GAIN is mostly advis-  
Desired Gain  
The SOFT-HARD encoder controls the operation of the Limiter  
and influences the sound of the Loudness Maximizer. The control  
range is -9 (very soft) to +9 (very hard). The adjusted value is  
shown in the LC-display (details see 6).  
The higher the adjusted value the harder the sound becomes.  
The Loudness Maximizer will allow invalid samples possibly resul-  
ting in audible distortion. The Possible LED bar will show you  
increasing values (more subjective loudness to gain) the more  
the SOFT-HARD control is turned to hard. Use the DESIRED GAIN  
control to exploit the additional loudness.  
Defining the way the Limiter  
sounds and defining if invalid  
samples are allowed or not.  
Low SOFT-HARD values (i.e. -9 up to -5) let the Limiter recalcu-  
late the original curve on a lower level allowing no invalid  
samples at all. This way of operation is very unobstrusive but will  
not allow very high loudness maximizations.  
The setting of the SOFT-HARD control is an aesthetical question  
and extremely dependent on taste and the source material.  
Roughness, sharpness and distortion become audible when  
critical program material like classical music or single instruments  
that show almost sine-wave like waveforms are treated with Hard  
settings. In these cases set the SOFT-HARD control between -9  
and -3.  
Music with a high density in high frequencies or complex  
signals can be treated with values between -6 and +3 without  
creating audible distortion. Uncritical material like dance floor  
productions, jingles or promos may be treated with values  
between 0 and +9.  
In comparison to other systems with soft and hard limiting the  
Loudness Maximizer does not produce additional harmonics.This  
phenomenon is a standard problem with other systems leading  
to increased sharpness and sound manipulation.  
The Loudness Maximizers  
Limiter does not produce  
harmonical distortion  
Loudness Maximizer  
With the MORE DENSITY control you can change the principle  
behaviour of the control loop of the Loudness Maximizer. This  
parameter describes the Compressor-to-Limiter proportion. In  
addition, internal rules and algorithms will be changed, too. The  
higher the MORE DENSITY setting is the moreworkwill be done  
by the Compressor. If MORE DENSITY is set to 0 only the Limiter is  
operating. If MORE DENSITY is set to 24 only the Compressor will  
be working leaving the Limiter active as peak protection. The  
adjusted value is displayed in the LC-display (see 6).  
More Density  
How do I restore output gain  
when heavy compression  
(MORE DENSITY) is applied?  
Adjustment: The MORE DENSITY control should be adjusted  
carefully for mastering tasks. Since there is always a need for a  
compromise between limiting and compression there can be no  
optimum adjustment. 0 to 10 are good starting values. When the  
MORE DENSITY control is set to 24 the Loudness Maximizer tries  
to gain loudness only by compression. In this case the overall  
level starts to decrease as the compressor pulls high levels down  
and lifts up low-level parts of the signal.  
Advice: If you want to compress audio heavily here is a tip on  
how to maintain maximum output level:  
Example: DESIRED GAIN 8 dB, More Density12. This MORE  
DENSITY setting reduces maximum output level by ca. 2-3 dB.  
To compensate for the level difference make these adjustments:  
DESIRED GAIN 11 dB, MORE DENSITY 8. Result: The compression  
remains the same and the maximum output level is maintained.  
The BOOST button (some call it the “client button”) gives the  
definite kick to the signal. It increases the loudness by another  
2dB, regardless of any other adjustments.  
Using the BOOST button is very much depending on the  
program material. Using it with Trance/Techno, or jingles etc. is  
uncritical. Some Pop/Rock productions might benefit as well. It is  
definitely a nice tool to create very impressive samples.  
In the tradition of impressing clients who just want more and  
more this button does the job well.  
The LC-display shows all encoder settings and the number of  
the preset being used in the last session with the Loudness  
Maximizer (for details on Presets refer to 8).  
More information is displayed when activating the INFO pages  
(see 9). Press Store and Apply for 1 sec. to enter the INFO pages.  
Loudness Maximizer  
The Input and Output LED chains are PPM (peak level) meters.  
By evaluating both LED chains an approximated effective  
loudness increase can be estimated. The LED chains have a very  
fine resolution before 0dB. The 0dB position is actually showing  
0.01dB which represents the last possible output value of the  
Loudness Maximizer. No clipping is possible within the algorithm  
of the Loudness Maximizer.  
The first LED in each Input and Output PPM meter is a signal  
(Sig.) LED to indicate that a valid digital source is connected and  
detected. This LED helps you to verify the signal flow within a  
digital processing chain. If one Sig LED is not illuminating you  
have a first indication of a faulty digital signal flow.  
The last LED of each Input and Output PPM meter is a Clip LED.  
The LED illuminates if the digital signal is too hot causing digital  
Warning: Some level meters (even in digital products) show  
clipping striking below 0dB (full scale).You can trust the Loudness  
Maximizer. The PPM meters show peak levels with a precision of  
up to 0.01dB (0dB on scale).The internal precision is even higher.  
We consider the Possible LED chain the first measuring instru-  
ment for analysing a possible loudness improvement at all. For  
measuring this parameter the input material has to be analyzed  
precisely. By combining this analysis with the parameters  
DESIRED GAIN and SOFT-HARD, it is possible to compute the  
loudness yet available in real-time.  
The Done LED chain shows how many per cents of the DESIRED  
GAIN have been gained currently. When adjusting the Loudness  
Maximizer this value should not be under 50% permanently. The  
display especially reacts on the MORE DENSITY control as well as  
on the stucture of the source material. When the MORE DENSITY  
value is greater than 10, The Done LED chain may possibly show  
values between 60% to 90% permanently. This will only indicate  
that the compressor is working within its static curve.  
Using the metering: If your general attitude towards loudness  
maximization is to do this job with no audible side-effects, the  
Possible LED chain should not show negative values and the  
Done LED chain should shows values between 90 % and 100 %,  
indicating that the processors can realize what you desired.  
The harder you set the Limiter´s operation the more loudness  
can be gained. Once you leave the -9 to -5 positions of the SOFT-  
HARD control moving up to 0 or above you will have effects on  
the overall sound. If you want to compress your audio heavily you  
should drive the DESIRED GAIN up even if the Possible LED chain  
shows negative values or the Done LED chains drops down to i.e.  
50%. Doing this allows you to create audible compression effects.  
Sometimes this is just what you want and very rarely achieveable  
with digital compressors.  
Loudness Maximizer  
The Loudness Maximizer allows you to store up to 99 presets,  
which can be changed by MIDI program change command.  
Storing a preset:  
Depress Store for1 sec. –  
LED flashes;  
use Up/Down to select  
preset number;  
depress Store again –  
LED goes out, preset is stored  
If you want to store a new adjustment, depress Store for one  
second.The LED starts to flash indicating that the Store mode has  
been activated. The LC-display now shows the values of the  
presets (including the BOOST function) before the Loudness  
Maximizer was switched off the last time. Use Up and Down to  
select a new preset number.The status-LED flashes shortly to indi-  
cate that the input (depressing Up or Down) is accepted. Keeping  
Up or Down depressed will let you jump through the preset list in  
steps of 5 presets. Once a new preset location is found depress  
Store again. The Store LED goes out. The preset is stored at the  
new location.  
In case you want to quit the Store mode without storing the  
new adjustments simply press Apply.  
Applying a preset:  
Depress Apply for1 sec –  
LED flashes;  
use Up/Down to select  
preset number;  
If you want to apply various presets depress Apply for one  
second. The Apply LED starts to flash indicating that the Apply  
mode is activated. You can step through the preset list with Up  
and Down. Once you have a preset that you want to apply depress  
Apply again. The Apply LED goes out indicating that the preset is  
depress Apply again –  
LED goes out, preset is applied  
In case you want to quit the Apply mode without applying the  
new preset simply press Store.  
To increase operation safety it is impossible to apply presets by  
simply depressing Up or Down.The Up and Down status-LEDs will  
not flash indicating that the input is not accepted. You have to  
depress Store or Apply for one second in order to activate the Up  
and Down buttons.  
Operation safety:  
Presets can not be changed  
by accident  
Depressing Store and Apply simultanouesly for about one  
second gets you into a hardware dialogue, called INFO. The LC-  
display shows status informations of the digital data stream. With  
Up/Down you will jump from one page to the next or previous.If a  
selection is provided use Apply to select.  
Loudness Maximizer  
1. Software version and date  
2.Selecting inputs:  
The Loudness Maximizer automatically searches for an input  
signal. If both inputs are connected the AES/EBU input will be  
selected first. If you want to select the S/P-DIF input you have to  
call up the INFO pages:  
AES/EBU input detected.  
no AES/EBU input detected.  
Press APPLY (if AES/EBU is detected):  
AES/EBU input with wordclock detected.  
AES/EBU input without wordclock detected.  
Press APPLY:  
S/P-DIF input detected.  
Loudness Maximizer  
no S/P-DIF input detected.  
Press APPLY (if S/P-DIF is detected):  
S/P-DIF input with wordclock detected.  
S/P-DIF input with wordclock detected.  
3. Displaying the detected sample frequency:  
The Sample Frequency will be detected automatically. The  
display either shows 44,1 kHz, 48 kHz or 32 kHz.  
4. Displaying the audio error flag:  
No = no error detected;Yes = error detected.  
5. Displaying the CRC-Error flag:  
No = no error detected;Yes = error detected.  
Loudness Maximizer  
6. Displaying the Channel Difference Error flag:  
No = no error detected;Yes = error detected.  
7. Setting or erasing the Copy-Prohibit flag:  
No = flag erased or not set; Yes = flag set. Pressing APPLY  
switches off a set Copy-Prohibit flag. It is not possible to set a  
Copy-Prohibit flag, if there is no Copy Prohibit flag in the  
processed data.  
8. Displaying the Original flag:  
No = no Original flag;Yes = Original.  
9. Displaying the Emphasis flag:  
No = no emphasis;Yes = with emphasis.  
10. Selecting a serial port:  
RS 232 interface for update-download from PC.  
Or (Press APPLY):  
RS 422 interface for update-download from MAC.  
Loudness Maximizer  
11. Selecting a MIDI channel:  
Depress APPLY to step from channel 01 up to channel 16.  
In order to increase operation safety only send the necessary  
MIDI data to the Loudness Maximizer. Unnecessary information  
might lead to system failure.  
You can use MIDI to create a MIDI fade out, if you are working  
with a digital console that does not provide master inserts.The Up  
and Down LEDs illuminate indicating that a volume change  
command is received.  
You can also switch between presets with the MIDI program  
change command. This can especially be useful, when you are  
mastering a song, for example, that requires different settings for  
chorus, refrain, or bridge. The Apply LED illuminates indicating  
that a program change command is received.  
Received Data  
Basic Channel:  
Control Change:  
Program Change:  
real value  
12. Adjusting the maximum output level:  
In certain applications (i.e. recording to Sony Digital-Beta:  
2dBfs) it may be important to maximize loudness to a specific  
output level that is below the full scale level.The Output Level can  
be set to a lower level than 0dB. The default position is 0dBfs,  
which can be attenuated to -12dB in steps of 0.5dB.  
You can change the Output Level in the INFO pages. Adjust the  
Output Level with the DESIRED GAIN encoder, which has to  
activated by depressing the Apply button first.  
Loudness Maximizer  
Adjusted output levels will be stored and will be active the next  
time you boot the Loudness Maximizer. If you recognize that your  
unit does not maximize to full scale, please check the Output  
Level parameter first.  
The Output Level attenuation is not shown in the Output PPM  
Tip: The Output Level should only be used where the output  
signal should permanently be lower than 0dB.  
The Output Level setting will be ignored when a MIDI volume  
change command is present. MIDI has first priority. Note that the  
setting in the Output Level page will still show the reduced  
output level, nevertheless, a MIDI volume change command may  
already have reset the output level to a different value. Therefore,  
if you use MIDI set Output Level to 0dB.  
You leave the INFO pages by depressing STORE.  
Loudness Maximizer  
Sample rate frequency 32-48 kHz, automatic detection  
AES/EBU, twisted pair (1), AES 3  
AES/EBU in- & output impedance:110 Ohms  
S/P-DIF, co-axial (2), SPDIF-2  
S/P-DIF input impedance:75 Ohms  
Wordclock In/Through, co-axial, BNC  
Wordclock in-/output impedance:75 Ohms  
MIDI In/Through:yes  
RS 232 (PC):yes  
RS 422 (MAC, max +/- 14 V):yes  
Clip display,Input transformer (AES/EBU),  
Output transformer (AES/EBU), Relay Hard Bypass (AES/EBU)  
AES/EBU:Jitter 1ns  
S/P-DIF:Jitter 3 ns  
Wordclock In:Jitter 1,5 ns  
Power supply  
Torroidal transformer, 60 VA  
Fuse:1A/slow blow  
GND-Lift switch:yes  
Voltage selector 115 V/230 V  
Dimensions:19"/1U; 482 x 44,45 x 350 mm  
Weight: 4,9 kg  
AES/EBU is defined for levels from 2V to 7 V  
Measurements AES/EBU: 4,4 V with load  
S/P-DIF is defined for levels from 200 mV to 700 mV  
Measurements S/P-DIF: 500 mV with load  
Subject to change without notice.  
Loudness Maximizer  
SPL electronics GmbH (hereafter called SPL) products are  
warranted only in the country where purchased, through the  
authorized SPL distributor in that country, against defects in  
material or workmanship. The specific period of this limited  
warranty shall be that which is described to the original retail  
purchaser by the authorized SPL dealer or distributor at the time  
of purchase.  
SPL does not, however, warrant its products against any and all  
1) arising out of materials or workmanship not provided or  
furnished by SPL, or 2) resulting from abnormal use of the  
product or use in violation of instructions, or 3) in products  
repaired or serviced by other than authorized SPL repair facilities,  
or 4) in products with removed or defaced serial numbers, or 5) in  
components or parts or products expressly warranted by another  
SPL agrees, through the applicable authorized distributor, to  
repair or replace defects covered by this limited warranty with  
parts or products of original or improved design, at its option in  
each respect, if the defective product is shipped prior to the end  
of the warranty period to the designated authorized SPL warranty  
repair facility in the country where purchased, or to the SPL  
factory in Germany, in the original packaging or a replacement  
supplied by SPL, with all transportation costs and full insurance  
paid each way by the purchaser or owner.  
All remedies and the measure of damages are limited to the  
above services. It is possible that economic loss or injury to  
person or property may result from the failure of the product;  
however, even if SPL has been advised of this possibility, this  
limited warranty does not cover any such consequential or inci-  
dental damages. Some states or countries do not allow the limita-  
tions or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the  
above limitation may not apply to you.  
Any and all warranties, express or implied, arising by law, course  
of dealing, course of performance, usage of trade, or otherwise,  
including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantabi-  
lity and fitness for particular, are limited to a period of 1 (one) year  
from either the date of manufacture. Some states or countries do  
not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so  
the above limitations may not apply to you.  
This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you  
may also have other rights which vary from state to state, country  
to country.  
SPL electronics GmbH  
41372 Niederkruechten, Germany  
Loudness Maximizer  

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