Sun Microsystems Server 820682310 User Manual

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server  
v3 PreludeTroubleshooting  
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
4150 Network Circle  
Santa Clara, CA 95054  
Part No: 820–6823–10  
November 2008  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
This guide describes common problems that you might encounter when using Sun GlassFishTM  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and how to solve them.  
This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFish  
Enterprise Server documentation set.  
The following topics are addressed here:  
Enterprise Server Documentation Set  
The Enterprise Server documentation set describes deployment planning and system  
installation. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for Enterprise Server documentation is For an introduction to Enterprise Server, refer to the  
books in the order in which they are listed in the following table.  
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set  
Provides late-breaking information about the software and the  
documentation. Includes a comprehensive, table-based summary of the  
supported hardware, operating system, JavaTM Development Kit (JDKTM),  
and database drivers.  
Explains how to get started with the Enterprise Server product.  
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set  
Explains how to install the software and its components.  
Application Deployment Guide Explains how to assemble and deploy applications to the Enterprise Server  
and provides information about deployment descriptors.  
Explains how to create and implement Java Platform, Enterprise Edition  
(Java EE platform) applications that are intended to run on the Enterprise  
Server. These applications follow the open Java standards model for Java EE  
components and APIs. This guide provides information about developer  
tools, security, and debugging.  
Explains how to use published interfaces of Enterprise Server to develop  
add-on components for Enterprise Server. This document explains how to  
perform only those tasks that ensure that the add-on component is suitable  
for Enterprise Server.  
Explains how to develop Representational State Transfer (RESTful) web  
services for Enterprise Server.  
Getting Started With JRuby on Explains how to develop Ruby on Rails applications for deployment to  
Enterprise Server.  
Explains how to use the jMaki framework to develop Ajax-enabled web  
applications that are centered on JavaScriptTM technology for deployment to  
Enterprise Server.  
Explains which information in the Java EE 5 Tutorial is relevant to users of  
the v3 Prelude release of the Enterprise Server.  
Explains how to use Java EE 5 platform technologies and APIs to develop  
Java EE applications.  
Explains how to develop web applications by using the Web Service  
Interoperability Technologies (WSIT). The tutorial focuses on developing  
web service endpoints and clients that can interoperate with Windows  
Communication Foundation (WCF) endpoints and clients.  
Explains how to configure, monitor, and manage Enterprise Server  
subsystems and components from the command line by using the  
asadmin(1M) utility. Instructions for performing these tasks from the  
Administration Console are provided in the Administration Console online  
Describes the format of the Enterprise Server configuration file, domain.xml.  
Describes common problems that you might encounter when using  
Enterprise Server and how to solve them.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set  
Provides reference information in man page format for Enterprise Server  
administration commands, utility commands, and related concepts.  
Related Documentation  
A JavadocTM tool reference for packages that are provided with the Enterprise Server is located at  
following resources might be useful:  
For information about creating enterprise applications in the NetBeansTM Integrated  
Development Environment (IDE), see  
For information about the Java DB for use with the Enterprise Server, see  
Typographic Conventions  
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.  
TABLE P–2 TypographicConventions  
The names of commands, files, and  
directories, and onscreen computer  
Edit your .login file.  
Use ls -a to list all files.  
machine_name% you have mail.  
What you type, contrasted with onscreen machine_name% su  
computer output  
A placeholder to be replaced with a real  
name or value  
The command to remove a file is rm filename.  
Book titles, new terms, and terms to be  
emphasized (note that some emphasized  
items appear bold online)  
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.  
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.  
Do not save the file.  
Symbol Conventions  
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.  
TABLE P–3 SymbolConventions  
[ ]  
Contains optional arguments ls [-l]  
and command options.  
The -l option is not required.  
{ | }  
Contains a set of choices for a -d {y|n}  
required command option.  
The -d option requires that you use  
either the y argument or the n  
${ }  
Indicates a variable  
References the value of the  
com.sun.javaRoot variable.  
Joins simultaneous multiple Control-A  
Press the Control key while you press  
the A key.  
Joins consecutive multiple  
Press the Control key, release it, and  
then press the subsequent keys.  
Indicates menu item  
selection in a graphical user  
File New Templates  
From the File menu, choose New.  
From the New submenu, choose  
Default Paths and File Names  
The following table describes the default paths and file names that are used in this book.  
TABLE P–4 Default Paths and File Names  
Represents the base installation directory for Installations on the SolarisTM operating system, Linux operating  
Enterprise Server. system, and Mac operating system:  
In configuration files, as-install is represented user’s-home-directory/glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish  
as follows:  
Windows, all installations:  
domain-root-dir Represents the directory in which a domain is as-install/domains/  
created by default.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
TABLE P–4 Default Paths and File Names  
Represents the directory in which a domain's domain-root-dir/domain-name  
configuration is stored.  
In configuration files, domain-dir is  
represented as follows:  
Documentation, Support, andTraining  
The Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources:  
Searching Sun Product Documentation  
Besides searching Sun product documentation from the docs.sun.comSM web site, you can use a  
search engine by typing the following syntax in the search field:  
For example, to search for “broker,” type the following:  
To include other Sun web sites in your search (for example,,, and, use in place of in the search field.  
Third-PartyWeb Site References  
Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.  
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this  
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,  
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not  
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by  
or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available  
on or through such sites or resources.  
SunWelcomesYour Comments  
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and  
suggestions. To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments.  
In the online form, provide the full document title and part number. The part number is a  
7-digit or 9-digit number that can be found on the book's title page or in the document's URL.  
For example, the part number of this book is 820-6823.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
C H A P T E R  
Overview of Enterprise ServerTroubleshooting  
This chapter describes the tools, methods, and information sources available for  
troubleshooting Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. Guidelines for evaluating and  
investigating a problem are included.  
This chapter contains the following sections:  
Identifying the Problem  
Application servers are typically deployed in complex and sophisticated operating  
environments and involve many technologies, products, and tools. Understanding and  
diagnosing problems in a large piece of software with so many components performing so  
many tasks can be challenging. This section gets you started, and includes the following topics:  
First Steps  
Sometimes the most obvious solutions are overlooked. As you begin your investigation, try the  
following steps first.  
Identifying the Problem  
Verify System Requirements and Configuration  
Problems are often caused by configuration issues (system, JVMTM, server, or application-level)  
and by resource issues (such as when a system runs out of memory). Refer to the Sun GlassFish  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Release Notes for the latest information regarding system  
requirements dependencies.  
Review Known Issues  
Your problem might be related to a known issue for the release. Refer to the Sun GlassFish  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Release Notes for the latest information regarding known issues and  
possible workarounds. Also search the GlassFish issue tracker at  
Search the Product Documentation  
Enterprise Server includes complete documentation. Search the documentation to see if your  
problem is addressed. The documentation set is available at  
a list of books in the documentation set and a description of their contents.  
Search the GlassFish Mailing Lists and Forums  
Lists and forums are extremely helpful resources, and are accessed as follows:  
GlassFish mailing lists (start with  
Learn More About Enterprise Server v3 Prelude  
As the name suggests, the release is a prelude to Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3. It is not a  
full Java EE 5 application server, and not everything that was implemented in Sun Java System  
Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2) is implemented and functional in Enterprise Server v3  
Prelude. You might be trying to do something that is not possible with the existing feature set.  
For more information about Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and the features it contains, consult  
the following resources:  
Feature list and comparison:  
Resources page:  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Identifying the Problem  
Note – Some resources refer to GlassFish v3 Prelude. GlassFish v3 Prelude is the community  
version of the commercially supported offering, Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude.  
The software is the same; the difference is in support.  
Search the SunSolve Knowledgebase  
SunSolveSM is Sun's informational and patch database service with a browseable directory of all  
publicly available Sun Microsystems support documents. SunSolve is available at Additional resources are also available for customers with support  
Gathering Information  
Troubleshooting and analysis require information. The more information that you have, the  
easier it is to classify a problem and search for its solution. Detailed information will also be  
necessary should you need to contact others for support, either through a community mailing  
list or through more formal Sun support channels.  
For general information about gathering data, also refer to Sun Gathering Debug Data for Sun  
Java System Application Server. The document pertains to previous versions but much of the  
information is generic enough that it might be helpful for Enterprise Server v3 Prelude.  
As you continue your investigation, consider the following questions.  
When Does the Problem Occur?  
What do the logs show? What kind of error message are you getting? For more information  
What are you trying to do when the problem occurs, and how are you doing it? What is the  
sequence of events?  
Does the problem occur every time you perform the same type of operation, or does it seem  
random? Can you reproduce the issue?  
Have other events or problems occurred that could possibly be related, such as web sessions  
closing early, exceptions being thrown in your own application logic, components not being  
correctly deployed or undeployed?  
What IsYour Environment?  
What version of Enterprise Server are you using? What operating system and version? What  
JDK version?  
What resources does your system have, such as memory, disk, and swap space? If system  
memory is an issue, look for ways to optimize your configuration and consider taking other  
actions such as adding memory or decreasing system load.  
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise ServerTroubleshooting  
Identifying the Problem  
Have any patches been applied? If so, what are the product and operating system patch  
What other products and technologies are installed and being used in the installation?  
How many application servers, web servers, and directory servers are installed? What are  
the products and versions?  
How is the web server connected to Enterprise Server? On the same system?  
How is Enterprise Server connected to the directory server?  
What JDBC driver is being used to access the database?  
What IsYour System Configuration?  
What are your settings?  
On which port is Enterprise Server v3 Prelude configured? The default or something else?  
What defaults were changed during installation and what are the values?  
What other settings were changed from the defaults and what are their values?  
What are the JVM heap, stack, and garbage collection-related parameters set to?  
What are the JVM options?  
What is the permgen size? OutOfMemoryError:PermGen space errors are common and  
indicate that you need to increase the permanent generation space available.  
Is SSL enabled?  
What are your network settings (proxy, firewall, and so on)? What happens if you disable  
your firewall and attempt the task?  
What Is Different?  
What is different that could have provoked the problem or triggered the event? Was  
something new added or changed? Have any new applications been deployed? If changes  
have been made recently, consider backing them out and seeing what happens — does the  
problem still occur?  
Was the feature or functionality working correctly at one time? If so, what changed or  
happened between then and now?  
Is this working on another system? If so, what is different about that environment?  
Examining Log Files  
Logging is one of your most important troubleshooting tools. It is the process by which  
Enterprise Server captures data about events that occur during server operation. This data is  
recorded in a log file, and is usually the first source of information when Enterprise Server  
problems occur. The primary purpose of log files is to provide troubleshooting information.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
By default, all Enterprise Server log information is captured in the server.log file, typically  
located in domain-dir/logs. Log Viewer is not available in Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. You  
cannot view the server's log file or configure logging using the Administration Console. To view  
log information, open the server.log file in a text editor. You can also use command-line file  
viewing commands such as tail, grep, or more. Logging is configured by editing the file, located by default in the same directory as the domain.xml file,  
typically domain-dir/config.  
Log levels such as SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, and others can be set to provide different  
types and amounts of information. Each Enterprise Server module has its own logger, and each  
logger has its own namespace. Log levels can be set globally for all loggers, or individually for  
module-specific loggers.  
Administration Guide for complete details about logging. Also see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise  
Server v3 Prelude Release Notes for any known issues related to logging.  
Monitoring the System  
Monitoring is another helpful tool. It is the process of reviewing the statistics of a system to  
improve performance or solve problems. By monitoring the state of various components and  
services deployed in Enterprise Server, you can identify performance bottlenecks, predict  
failures, perform root cause analysis, and ensure that everything is functioning as expected. For  
more information about monitoring, see Chapter 10, “Monitoring the Enterprise Server,” in  
Several tools are available that can be used to collect information for troubleshooting purposes.  
This section provides basic information about the following:  
Operating System Utilities  
Operating system utilities, such as pkginfo and showrev on Solaris and rpm on Linux, are  
helpful in gathering system information.  
The ps -ef command provides helpful information about processes that are running,  
including their process identification numbers (PIDs).  
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise ServerTroubleshooting  
StackTraces andThread Dumps  
A stack trace is a user-friendly snapshot of the threads and monitors in a Virtual Machine for  
the Java platform (Java Virtual Machine or JVM machine). A thread dump shows what every  
thread in a JVM is doing at a given time and is useful in debugging. When the application server  
freezes, hangs, or becomes sluggish for no apparent reason, you should generate and analyze a  
thread dump.  
This section explains how to obtain a thread dump for Enterprise Server. More information  
about analyzing the information contained in a thread dump can be found in “An Introduction  
to Java Stack Traces”  
default, the server dumps a core file and restarts with the -Xrs java-option flag in the  
server.xml file.  
To Obtain a ServerThread Dump  
Type the following command:  
asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=thread  
VisualVM is a Java troubleshooting tool that uses various technologies such as jvmstat, JMXTM,  
and Attach API to access monitored applications. VisualVM is a tool for visualizing data  
sources and by default visualizes the following types: applications, hosts, snapshots, core  
dumps, heap dumps, and thread dumps. These data sources are visualized in VisualVM so that  
they can be monitored for the purposes of analysis, management, and troubleshooting.  
VisualVM is commonly used to detect memory leaks.  
VisualVM has a GlassFish plugin that enhances monitoring of hosted applications by adding  
specialized overview, a tab for monitoring the HTTP Service, and the ability to visually select  
and monitor any of the deployed web applications. You can experiment with VisualVM  
troubleshooting capabilities, but note that various features depend on the Java versions used in  
the client and server. Depending on your configuration, you might only get parts of the  
VisualVM features. For more information about VisualVM, see  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Where to Go for More Information  
Where to Go for More Information  
Product page:  
Comparison between Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2) and Enterprise  
Server v3 Prelude:  
Support and services:  
SunSolve knowledgebase:  
Resources page (points to articles, blogs, videos, screencasts, FAQs, and many other  
resources related to Enterprise Server v3 Prelude):  
for details about accessing lists and forums.  
GlassFish community site:  
GlassFish wiki:  
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise ServerTroubleshooting  
Cannot Access Local Server (http://localhost:8080)  
Did the Server Start?  
If the console window is still open, the expected message is:  
Domain domain Started  
where domain is the name of the default domain. This indicates that the default domain was  
started successfully.  
If the console window is already closed, check for messages in the log file:  
If startup was successful, the expected message is similar to that on the console, and appears at  
the end of the log file.  
Was the Server Started at the Expected Port?  
The server might be running at a different port number than expected, either because it was  
intentionally installed there, or because another server was already running on the default port  
when the server was installed.  
To DetermineWhich Port Number the Server Is Actually Using  
Examine the server's configuration file:  
Find the http-listener element.  
Inspect the value of the port attribute.  
Be sure to enter the correct port number when invoking the server.  
Note – The server's default port number is 8080, however, there are a number of ways in which  
the expected value can change:  
A different port number was specified during installation.  
A previous installation exists.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Cannot Access Remote Server  
Cannot Access Remote Server  
When attempting to open the start page of Enterprise Server, the initial screen does not appear.  
When this error occurs, check the following:  
Is the Server Available Locally?  
If the server cannot be accessed from the web, but it is running locally, then the server is actually  
Verify that the server is running locally.  
ToVerifyThat the Server Is Running Locally  
Log on to the host where the server is running.  
Go to the local web page. For example, if 8080 is the default port, go to:  
If the start page does appear, the web connection is encountering a problem that prevents  
accessing the server remotely. If the start page does not appear, see “Did the Server Start?” on  
Is the Proxy Setting Causing a Problem?  
The server should be accessible directly from the host on which it is running (localhost); for  
example, using the default port 8080:  
A server instance running on localhost might not be accessible if the server host machine is  
connected to the web through a proxy. To solve this problem, do one of the following:  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Cannot Access the Administration Console  
Set the browser to bypass the proxy server when accessing localhost. Refer to the browser's  
help system for information about how to do this.  
Use the fully-qualified host name or IP address of your system; for example:  
Create an entry in the system's hosts file (for example, pointing to localhost; is not proxied).  
Note – To find the host name and domain for the localhost machine:  
On Microsoft Windows — On the desktop, right-click My Computer and select Properties  
from the pop-up menu. A System Properties dialog is displayed. Click Network  
Identification to see the computer name.  
On Solaris or Linux — Type hostname at the command prompt.  
Cannot Access the Administration Console  
The Administration Console provides an interface for administrative functions. If the  
Administration Console is not accessible, check the following:  
Is the Application Server Running?  
The server must be running before the Administration Console can be accessed.  
Review the information in “Did the Server Start?” on page 22 to determine if the server is  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Cannot Access a Server Application  
Is the Administration Console Running on the  
Expected Port?  
The default port number for the Administration Console is 4848. However, it could be running  
on a different port number than expected, either because it was intentionally installed there, or  
because that port was in use when the server was started.  
the port on which the Administration Console is running. Be sure to enter the correct port  
number and HTTP protocol when invoking the Administration Console.  
Is the Security Manager Disabled?  
The Security Manager is not optional; it must be enabled in Enterprise Server. Because there is  
no configuration interface in Enterprise Server for disabling the Security Manager, it can only  
be disabled when you directly modify the domain.xml configuration file in such a way that the  
following line is removed or commented out:  
Verify that the option is present in the domain.xml file.  
Cannot Access a Server Application  
If a particular application cannot be accessed through Enterprise Server, check the following:  
Is the Application Server Running?  
If Enterprise Server is not running, applications are not accessible.  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Cannot Access a Server Application  
Review the information in “Did the Server Start?” on page 22 to determine if the server is  
running. The server must be running before a server application can be accessed.  
Was Application Deployment Successful?  
An application must be successfully deployed before it can be accessed.  
Check the server's log file:  
Administrator User Name or Password Not Known  
If you have forgotten the administrator user name, you can find it by inspecting the  
as-install/domains/domain-name/config/keyfile file, where domain-name is the name of  
the domain. In the default domain, domain1, the file to inspect is  
as-install/domains/domain1/config/keyfile. For a different domain, substitute its name in  
the path.  
If you have forgotten the administrator password, you must create a new user name-password  
pair by removing the user name and password, creating new ones, and restarting the server.  
(You will not be able to read the password, because it is encrypted in the keyfile.)  
To Remove the User Name and Password Completely  
Stop the server, if it is currently running.  
Change to the appropriate WEB-INF directory; for example:  
Comment out the entire <security-constraint> element in the web.xml file.  
Do not delete the element, as you will be reenabling it later. This action disables security for  
command-line operations.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
ServerWill Not Start onWindows (Port Conflict)  
Note – The commands will still expect a value for --username (or -u) and --password (or -w).  
But these can be dummy values, since the server side does not impose any security.  
Start the server.  
At this point, the server does not have command-line security.  
Create a plain text file that defines the AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD variable as follows:  
Your choice of password for the administration user's password.  
Create an administration user whose password is the password that you defined in the  
preceding step.  
asadmin create-file-user --groups asadmin --passwordfile=password-file adminuser  
The full path to the file that you created in the previous step.  
The name of the user that you are creating.  
This command adds an entry to the as-install/domains/domain-name/config/keyfile file.  
Uncomment the <security-constraint> element in the web.xml file.  
Restart the server for the new user name-password to take effect.  
Note – After the server is restarted, remote commands must specify adminuser as the  
administration user and adminpassword as the administration password.  
ServerWill Not Start onWindows (Port Conflict)  
If a message similar to the following is displayed when starting Enterprise Server on Microsoft  
Windows, a server port conflict has occurred:  
Address already in use  
This error occurs when another application is running on the Enterprise Server port (default  
8080), or because a previous instance of Enterprise Server did not shut down cleanly.  
You might also check the following:  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Two Server Instances Bind to Same Port onWindows  
Is Another Application Running on the Server's Port?  
If another application is using the server's port, stop the other application, then restart  
Enterprise Server.  
Has an Ungraceful Shutdown Occurred on a Previously  
Running Server?  
Use the asadmin stop-domain command to stop the server, or explicitly kill the Java process  
and then restart Enterprise Server.  
Two Server Instances Bind to Same Port onWindows  
This problem only occurs on Windows 2000/XP systems with Enterprise Server software, and is  
due to a known Windows security flaw rather than a problem with Enterprise Server itself.  
The problem occurs when two or more instances of Enterprise Server are created using the  
same port number for the instanceport option; for example:  
asadmin create-domain -adminport 5001 options -instanceport 6001 domain  
asadmin create-domain -adminport 5002 options -instanceport 6001 domain  
When the two domains are started on a UNIX or Linux system, a port conflict error is thrown  
and the second instance fails to start. However, when the two domains are started on Windows  
2000/XP, no error is thrown, both server instances start, but only the first instance is accessible  
at the specified port. When that first server instance is subsequently shut down, the second  
instance then becomes accessible. Moreover, when both instances are running, the Windows  
netstat command only reports the first instance.  
Be sure to use unique port numbers for all server instances on Windows systems.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Issues Related to Applications  
Cannot Produce a JVMThread Dump After Server Crash  
If Enterprise Server crashes, the server dumps a core file and, by default, restarts with the -Xrs  
flag, which prevents the dump of a JVM thread dump.  
To Obtain a ServerThread Dump  
Type the following command:  
asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=thread  
Issues Related to Applications  
ErrorWhen Deploying EAR  
You tried to deploy a traditional EAR type of application in Enterprise Server but received an  
error message instead.  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude does not include a full EJB 3.0 implementation and does not  
support traditional EJB modules. Applications can be packaged for deployment in web archive  
(WAR) format only. You can download a partial implementation of a few EJB 3.1 features using  
Update Tool, but the bulk of EJB 3.0 (ejb-jar and .ear support) is not available . If you need a  
full Java EE 5 implementation, Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2) is a better  
choice for now. Web applications are the only Java EE application type supported by Enterprise  
Server v3 Prelude.  
For related information, see the following:  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Issues Related to Applications  
Blog post: “EJB 3.1 in GlassFish v3 Prelude”  
Blog post: “Deployment in GlassFish v3 Prelude”  
Cannot FindSunDeploymentManager  
You cannot find  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude does not include the JSR-88 API (SunDeploymentManager is the  
implementation of the JSR 88 API). The JSR 88 specification provides a complete description of  
the APIs required by the Java EE platform to enable development of platform-independent  
deployment tools.  
Cannot Undeploy or Redeploy ApplicationWith Open  
Streams tojar Files (Windows Only)  
On Windows systems, after running an application, subsequent attempts to undeploy it or  
redeploy it throw exceptions about the server being unable to delete a file or rename a directory.  
On Windows systems, an application may use getClass().getResource or  
getResourceAsStream methods to locate a resource inside the application, particularly in jar  
files that are in the application or accessible to it. If the streams remain open, subsequent  
attempts to redeploy or undeploy the application can fail. In addition, the Java runtime by  
default caches streams to jar files for performance reasons.  
Be sure to close streams opened by your applications. Also, if an application needs to be  
redeployed or undeployed repeatedly, and also needs to obtain a resource from a jar file using  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Issues Related to asadmin  
getResource or getResourceAsStream, consider using getClass().getResource, which  
returns a URL object, then invoke the url.setUseCaches method to turn off caching for that  
jar file, and use url.getInputStream() to obtain the stream.  
Although turning off caching for access to the jar file can slow performance, this approach does  
allow the application to be undeployed or redeployed. Note also that if the  
getClass().getResourceAsStream method is used instead, then the jar file in which the  
resource is located is cached (this is the default Java runtime setting) and remains open until the  
server is stopped.  
Issues Related to asadmin  
asadmin start-domain Command Fails  
The command asadmin start-domain fails with one of the following errors:  
Error: CLI143 There is more than one domain...  
Error: Could Not Start Domain  
Error: CLI143 There is more than one domain...  
When issued with no arguments, the command asadmin start-domain fails with the error:  
CLI143 There is more than one domain in C:\\Sun\\AppServer\\domains.  
Please use operand to specify the domain.  
CLI156 Could not start the domain null.  
This error occurs when there is more than one domain in the domains directory, none of them  
is named domain1, and no domain is specified with the start-domain command.  
Specify the domain when issuing the start-domain command:  
asadmin start-domain domain-name  
For example:  
asadmin start-domain mycustomdomain  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Issues Related to asadmin  
Error: Could Not Start Domain  
This message comes from Sun Java System Application Server 8. The full message looks like  
Could not start the domain.  
There are no domains.  
Could not start the domain.  
No default domain. Need to enter a domain.  
This error occurs when Sun Java System Application Server 8 is installed on the same system,  
and its asadmin command (at /usr/sbin) is found on the PATH before the asadmin command  
for Sun Java System Application Server 8 at as-install/bin. The situation is especially likely to  
occur on Solaris and Linux systems when . is not specified as part of the PATH variable. Without  
. in the PATH, the asadmin command in /usr/sbin is found first, even when the current  
directory is as-install/bin.  
Make sure as-install/bin is in the PATH ahead of /usr/sbin, or that . is in the PATH ahead of  
/usr/sbin if you access asadmin by changing directories to as-install/bin. Alternatively, if you  
do change to as-install/bin to run asadmin, be sure to include./ in the command name; for  
cd as-install/bin  
Cannot Stop Domain Usingasadmin stop-domain  
You cannot stop the domain using the asadmin stop-domain command.  
Search the server.log file for error messages related to your inability to stop the domain. To  
kill a process when stop-domain is not working, try $JAVA_HOME/bin/jps and look for the  
process with ASMain.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Issues Related to Eclipse  
Using asadmin set Command Might Produce  
Unexpected Results  
Unexpected results are returned when setting variables in a command, such as:  
asadmin set name={$a-b}  
In this case, name is set to b, not {$a-b} because the shell syntax ${a=b} is interpreted as “if the  
variable a is unset, substitute the value b, otherwise substitute the value of a.” This is standard  
shell behavior. For example, consider the following:  
asadmin set default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.port=  
In this case, default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.port is set to  
listener-1-port, which is invalid.  
Issues Related to Eclipse  
Eclipse GlassFish Server Adapter – Port ConflictWhen  
Starting GlassFish  
On Windows, the following error message is displayed when you start Enterprise Server v3  
Prelude using the server adapter within Eclipse:  
Please stop the server process using the same port as the one used  
by the Application Server. A server process is already running on this port  
but we cannot determine if it’s a GlassFish  
process (lack of info or credentials)  
The message does not list which port is blocked by a server process, making it difficult to locate  
the blocking process. Obvious candidates such 4848 or 8080 are not blocked, according to TCP  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Issues Related to Installation and Upgrade  
This problem only occurs on Windows platforms and is related to an HTTP connection socket  
error. For more information, see the following:  
Note – The netstat -ab command shows the PID and might prove useful.  
Issues Related to Installation and Upgrade  
General Installation  
You encounter problems when installing.  
The Enterprise Server installation requires JDK 5 or JDK 6, so check your system for that  
dependency. Make sure that the JDK 5 or JDK 6 release bin directory is in your PATH so that the  
java binary used with Enterprise Server comes from the JDK release rather than a JRE  
implementation. For more information about system requirements and dependencies, see the  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Release Notes. For complete installation information  
Cannot Upgrade  
You cannot upgrade from Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2) to Enterprise  
Server v3 Prelude. No upgrade option is available.  
Upgrade support is not provided in Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. You cannot upgrade from  
Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2) to Enterprise Server v3 Prelude.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Issues Related to JNDI  
For information about updating an existing Enterprise Server v3 Prelude installation, see  
Issues Related to JavaMail  
Cannot Configure JavaMail Resources  
You cannot configure JavaMail resources using the Administration Console.  
JavaMail resources are not supported by Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. The mail.jar and  
activation.jar files are bundled so that you can create and use mail sessions. However, you  
cannot obtain mail sessions from a predefined XML resource.  
Issues Related to JNDI  
Cannot Deploy a Mail Session as a JNDI Resource  
You cannot deploy a mail session as a Java Naming and Directory InterfaceTM (JNDI) resource.  
This functionality is not available in Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. You must use the mail  
session directly. You cannot perform this task in the Administration Console or by using the  
asadmin utility.  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
Issues Related to MySQL  
Issues Related to MySQL  
ExceptionWhen Creating MySQL Connection Pool  
On Windows, you get an exception when creating a MySQL connection pool using the  
Administration Console.  
Issues Related to Security Access  
Denied Error  
The following error occurs from an application client, or appears in the server.log file: access denied  
(java.util.PropertyPermission name write...)  
There is a permissions issue in the policy files. Either the client.policy file for the application  
client or the server.policy file for server side components does not have permission to set the  
Add the permission in client.policy (for the application client), or in server.policy (for  
web modules) for the application that needs to set the property. By default, applications only  
have “read” permission for properties.  
For example, to grant read/write permission for all files in the codebase directory, add or  
append the following to client.policy or server.policy:  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Issues Related to Security  
grant codeBase "file:/.../build/sparc_SunOS/sec/-" {  
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";  
Mutual Authentication NotWorkingWith the  
Application Client  
This failure can occur when the keystore and truststore properties are not set properly.  
Set the following properties on the JVM:  
To use the application client, set the environment variable VMARGS to the following value:${admin.domain.dir}/${admin.domain}/config/keystore.jks${admin.domain.dir}/${admin.domain}/config/cacerts.jks  
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues  
C H A P T E R  
Frequently Asked Questions  
This chapter lists Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Sun GlassFish Enterprise  
Server v3 Prelude. This list is certain to grow. For the latest FAQs, also see the GlassFish wiki at  
This chapter contains the following:  
Administration FAQs  
Which asadmin Commands are Supported?  
Use asadmin list-commands to determine which commands are supported and available for  
Application FAQs  
Application FAQs  
How Do I Debug Applications?  
How Do I Change Application Permissions?  
What Are the Restrictions and Optimizations for  
Session Beans?  
How Do I MoveTomcatToplink Applications to  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude?  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and NetBeans 6.5 enable you to move applications that run on  
Tomcat using TopLink/EclipseLink to Enterprise Server. As a start, see “Moving Tomcat  
Toplink Apps to GlassFish v3 Prelude”  
Eclipse FAQs  
Where Can I Find More Information About Eclipse and  
Enterprise Server Integration?  
Eclipse is a development environment that provides a framework, tools, and runtime for  
deploying and managing software. The GlassFish plugin for Eclipse provides important  
changes to better support Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and to provide optimal redeployment of  
web applications. For more information, see the following:  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Extensibility FAQs  
Download: Download the plugin from within Eclipse using the Download Additional  
Server Adapters link on the New Server Wizard. See the Downloads page for additional  
have difficulty downloading the plugin from within Eclipse, you could be experiencing an  
Eclipse update center network problem. Try again at another time.  
Extensibility FAQs  
How Do I Develop Add-On Components?  
complete details.  
How Do I Add Containers?  
Enterprise Server has a highly modular architecture that enables you to add new types of  
containers that handle many application types, not just Java EE. Enterprise Server defines a  
service provider interface (SPI), which container developers implement. The Enterprise Server  
framework then invokes the container's implementation of the SPI to detect, deploy, and  
manage applications of the new type.  
Note – Web applications are the only Java EE application type supported by Enterprise Server v3  
How Do I Extend the Administration Console?  
Chapter 3 • Frequently Asked Questions  
Java Persistence FAQs  
Java Persistence FAQs  
What Are the Restrictions and Optimizations for the  
Java Persistence API?  
What Java Persistence Support Is Available?  
Java Persistence 1.0 support in Enterprise Server v3 Prelude is available as follows:  
EclipseLink 1.0  
Hibernate EntityManager  
Is JDBC Support Provided?  
Yes, Enterprise Server v3 Prelude includes JDBC support. The JDBC connection pooling  
infrastructure is the same as that of Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2). See  
“JDBC support in v3 Prelude” ( for more information.  
Jersey FAQs  
How Do I Use Jersey?  
Jersey 1.0 is the production-quality Reference Implementation of JAX-RS. It is part of  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude and is available from Update Tool. For additional details,  
including installation instructions, see the RESTful Web Services Developer’s Guide.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
Rails and JRuby FAQs  
OpenESB FAQs  
Does Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Support OpenESB?  
No, OpenESB v2 runs on Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2). For more  
information about OpenESB, see  
Rails and JRuby FAQs  
Should I Start an Enterprise Server Domain and  
Deploy My Application Into It, or Should I Use the  
glassfish_rails Gem?  
To continue the question: I'm not sure what the second option does, or why I might choose one  
over the other.  
Response: In a nutshell, a gem is an application runner. It can run your Rails application but  
nothing else. If you use the Enterprise Server v3 Prelude installation, start the domain and  
deploy. You can deploy several Rails applications (or Java EE applications even) concurrently  
with a different context root. This gives you access to different containers such as web and EJB  
and also to the Update Tool. Enterprise Server enables you to host not only multiple Rails  
applications, but also any other Java EE application.  
If I Deploy an Application Using the glassfish_rails  
Gem, Can I Still Access the Administration Console?  
No, the gem only runs Rails applications with no extensions or extra features. You must have  
Enterprise Server v3 Prelude with a web container to access the Administration Console.  
Where in a Rails Application Structure Does Enterprise  
Server Look for jar Files to Add to the Classpath for  
That Application?  
To continue the question: WAR files and exploded Java webapp directories have a WEB-INF/lib  
directory. Rails applications also have a lib directory, but this is for Ruby libraries. Where in a  
Rails application can I put application-specific jar files? Is there such a place, or must I place  
them in the domain/lib directory?  
Chapter 3 • Frequently Asked Questions  
Rails and JRuby FAQs  
Response: Place them in the domain/lib directory, or in glassfish/lib. If those bundles are  
OSGi bundles, you should place them in the glassfish/modules directory. If you want to  
package your own set of jar files with the Rails application, instead of copying the jars in the  
glassfish/lib or glassfish/modules directory, you might want to use Warbler. The Warbler  
gem lets you package your own jars and creates a WAR file from your Rails applications.  
Where Can I Find More Information About Rails  
Applications and Enterprise Server?  
See the following:  
Blog post: “New and Improved GlassFish Gem”  
Getting Started Guide:  
What Options Are Available for Running JRubyWith  
Enterprise Server?  
JRuby applications can be deployed natively, without the use of the servlet container. Enterprise  
Server v3 Prelude can run JRuby applications directly on top of the servlet container. Warbler  
can also be used to deploy JRuby applications to the servlet container.  
For screencasts related to JRuby and Enterprise Server, see the GlassFish screencasts page at  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
UpdateTool FAQs  
Security FAQs  
What HappensWhen No Server Side Realm Is  
When the application is configured (within XML files), but no server side realm is configured,  
the application is authenticated in the default realm. No error is thrown that indicates “No such  
Can I See theTLS/SSL Handshake Information for an  
SSL Client?  
Yes. Set the Java debugging property on the JVM. To see the handshake information from the  
application client, append the following to the VMARGS variable:,handshake  
Can I Change the Keystore Password?  
Yes. Use the following Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SETM) properties to change the  
keystore password:  
Note that the keystore password must match the individual key passwords to perform  
operations on the keys, so you must change the keystore password with the property mentioned  
above, and then change the password to each key to match that password.  
UpdateTool FAQs  
How Do I Use UpdateTool to Extend My Enterprise  
Server Installation?  
Update Tool enables you to extend your Enterprise Server v3 Prelude installation by adding  
add-on components such as JRuby and Groovy, Jersey, and Metro web services. Update Tool  
can be accessed from within the Administration Console or on the command line.  
Chapter 3 • Frequently Asked Questions  
UpdateTool FAQs  
After you start your Enterprise Server instance, the default location for the Administration  
Console is http://localhost:4848/ (at least one Enterprise Server domain must be started  
before you can launch the Administration Console). Unless you declined to check for updates  
during installation, you will be notified of available updates in the message area. Update Tool  
can also be accessed on the command line by running the updatetool command in the  
as-install/bin directory. Extensive online help is provided for both versions.  
For more information about Update Tool, see Chapter 3, “Extending Enterprise Server,” in Sun  
Console online help.  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  
add-on components, developing, 41  
admin password, not known, 26-27  
admin username, not known, 26-27  
Administration Console, cannot access, 24-25  
Administration Console, extending, 41  
administration FAQs, 39  
EAR, cannot deploy, 29-30  
Eclipse FAQs, 40-41  
Eclipse issues, 33-34  
EJB support, 29-30  
extensibility FAQs, 41  
application, cannot access, 25-27  
application FAQs, 40  
application issues, 29-31  
forums, 14  
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), 39-46  
asadmin issues, 31-33  
cannot access Administration Console, 24-25  
cannot access local server, 21-23  
cannot access remote server, 23-24  
cannot access server application, 25-27  
cannot recall admin user name or password, 26-27  
connection pool, cannot create, 36  
containers, adding, 41  
gathering information, 15-16  
hostname, finding, 24  
information, gathering, 15-16  
installation issues, 34-35  
issue tracker, 14  
debug data, gathering, 19  
documentation, 14  
domain, finding, 24  
domain, cannot stop, 32  
Rails FAQs, 43-44  
release contents, 14-15  
release resources, 19  
remote server, access fails, 23-24  
rpm, 17  
Java Persistence FAQs, 42  
JavaMail issues, 35  
JDBC FAQs, 42  
Jersey FAQs, 42  
JNDI issues, 35  
JRuby FAQs, 43-44  
JSR 88, 30  
security FAQs, 45  
security issues, 36-37  
kill processes, 17, 32  
known issues, 14  
how default port number can change, 22  
will not start on windows, 27-28  
showrev, 17  
stack traces, 18  
SunSolve, 15  
system requirements, 14  
local server, access fails, 21-23  
log files, 16-17  
thread dump, obtaining, 18  
mailing lists, 14  
monitoring, 17  
Update Tool FAQs, 45-46  
upgrade issues, 34-35  
netstat -ab, 34  
VisualVM, 18  
OpenESB FAQs, 43  
Warbler, 44  
Windows, server will not start, 27-28  
pkginfo, 17  
port conflict, Windows, 27-28  
port number, how the default value can change, 22  
ps -ef, 17  
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 PreludeTroubleshooting Guide • November 2008  

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