SIZE: 4” X 4” (FOLDED)
A division of Hasbro, Inc.
Where Technology Comes to Play!™
®, TM, & © 2001 Tiger Electronics
All rights reserved.
980 Woodlands Parkway
Vernon Hills, IL 60061USA
Item No. 59792
Hi friend! Ottobot is an inquisitive little robot who
wants to be your friend while seeing and doing
everything! He loves to walk around and
explore almost as much as he enjoys
playing with you. Ottobot features
a full array of sensors that allow
him to see the world and interact
with you. He is completely
independent and navigates around
his surroundings. Although he tries
to be, Ottobot is not perfect and
some surfaces may interfere with
his sensors, causing them to fail.
While you and Ottobot are
Ottobot can walk on most surfaces but works best on
hard flat surfaces and short carpeting. Ottobot is always
willing to try anything, but you may wish to keep him
in areas where you know he will be safe.
About Ottobot
Ottobot can’t wait to be your friend, but before you
can play with him, he will first need batteries. After
following the simple battery instructions below (see
Battery Installation), Ottobot will be ready to meet
you and participate in fun games and activities. Be
sure to read all the way through these instructions
to learn the best way to play with Ottobot and
fix most problems. But here are a few quick
pointers to allow you to get started and play
right away.
learning his limitations it is
recommended that you
stay close and prevent him
from getting into situations
where he might get hurt.
Ottobot loves to play and has an array of buttons and sensors
that allow him to interact and respond to you. Activating any of
these sensors will start Ottobot and he will respond and invite
you to play. Following is a detailed list of Ottobot’s features and
Battery Installation
Ottobot can’t wait to be your friend, but before you
can play with him, he will first need batteries.
Please follow these simple steps:
where they are located.
control panel
1. Ask an adult to help install batteries.
2. Slide the power switch to off position first.
3. Turn Ottobot upside down and open the
2 battery compartments on each foot by
loosening the screws. Place the covers
be aside and be careful not to misplace them.
4. Insert four (4)”AA or LR6” batteries (not
included) into the battery compartments, two (2)
into each foot. Be careful to follow the correct battery
positions. Replace the covers and tighten the screws.
Battery installation should be done by an adult.
Orientation sensor
(Tilt and invert sensors)
5. Slide the power switch to on position and Ottobot will wake
up and be ready to play.
Light sensor
Edge detection
To ensure proper function :
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not mix alkaline, standard or rechargeable batteries.
Battery installation should be done by an adult.
Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the toy before being charged (if
Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision (if removable).
Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity.
Left & right
hand sensor
Object detection
IR communication
Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the toy.
The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.
Do not dispose of batteries in fire, batteries may explode or leak.
Tilt Sensor
Quick start Instructions
This sensor helps Ottobot know when you are holding him or moving
him around. Ottobot enjoys this as he assumes you are taking him
someplace new to explore.
Ottobot is a very independent little robot and will often speak,
invite you to play games or walk around exploring all by himself.
But he loves to interact with you and these simple tips will help
you quickly learn how to play with him. Ottobot will respond to
any of his sensors being activated and will try to figure out what
you would like to do. So play around with triggering the following
sensors so you and Ottobot can get used to each other.
Invert Sensor
With this sensor Ottobot is able to tell when he
is upside down. Ottobot enjoys hanging upside
down and will laugh and ask for more until
he becomes dizzy. This also wakes Ottobot
up if he has gone to sleep and ends any
games that you may no longer wish to play.
Hand Sensors
Pressing Ottobot’s thumb lets him know that you are holding his
hands. This makes Ottobot happy as it shows that you are friends.
Control Panel
Answering Yes or No
There are four colored buttons on the top of
Ottobot’s head, which is his Control Panel.
These are used for many of his games and
can be used to start them as well. But
be careful, pressing these buttons tickles.
Ottobot communicates with you through speech but he needs you
to activate his sensors to know what you wish. Ottobot may ask
you if you want to play a game. If you do, press his left-hand
thumb for Yes. (It is Ottobot’s left hand, not yours, and is marked
with a “Y”.) If you do not want to play, press his right hand for
NO. (Ottobot’s right hand is marked with an “N”.)
Games and activities
You can quickly activate things to play
Sound Detector
Ottobot will respond to loud noises and loves them, often joining
in with his own noises.
with Ottobot by using the control panel
buttons on the top of his head to activate
the Game and Activity menus. By pressing
the red button 3 times you will access the
Games menu, where Ottobot will prompt
you to choose from 4 different games by
pressing the corresponding colored button.
Light Sensor
Ottobot can tell whether it is light or dark and will respond
accordingly. By covering and uncovering his light sensor Ottobot
will know that you wish to play.
Once you’ve installed Ottobot’s batteries he is ready to explore
and play with you. It is recommended that you read through all
of Ottobot’s instructions before playing, but if you would like to
get started, go to the Quick-start instructions.
Programmed Walk
Full directional walking
Ottobot is a completely mobile robotic friend who is able to walk
forwards, backwards, left and right. Ottobot can walk on most
surfaces but works best on hard flat surfaces and short carpeting.
Ottobot is always willing to try anything, but you may wish to keep
him in areas where you know he will be safe. Ottobot will wander
around all by himself, navigating around obstacles and exploring,
or follow your commands. You can direct Ottobot through
programmable or clap-controlled walking where
Hide and Seek
By pressing the green button 3 times you will access the Activity
menu, where Ottobot will prompt you to choose from 4 different
activities by pressing the corresponding colored button
he will go only where you direct him to.
Object and edge detection
Ask Ottobot
Ottobot is equipped with an array of sensors
that help him detect most objects and edges
and avoid them. Ottobot will first try to
walk around obstructions, but if he isn’t
able to, then he will stop and walk
backwards to find a safer path. Please
note that some surfaces may interfere with
his sensors, causing them to fail. While you
and Ottobot are learning his limitations it
is recommended that you stay close and prevent
Refer to the Games section for detailed instructions on how to
play each game.
him from getting into situations where he might get hurt.
Control Panel
Tilt and invert
Located on the top of Ottobot’s head are
four colored buttons that make up his
control panel. This is Ottobot’s most
useful sensor as it allows you to choose
and play many different games. It is
very easy to access any game or activity
Ottobot uses these special sensors to orient
himself. The tilt sensor allows Ottobot to
know that you have picked him up when he
is moved. Ottobot enjoys being held and
brought to new places faster than his little
legs can normally carry him. Ottobot also
enjoys to be held upside down, which triggers
his Invert sensor. Being held upside down
makes Ottobot laugh and giggle until he gets
dizzy. Another important action the Invert
sensor performs is canceling out of games
you are finished playing and waking Ottobot
up when he goes to sleep. If Ottobot fails
to respond to button presses, he has most
likely gone to sleep. Turn him upside
down and he should wake up and be
ready to respond. If this fails to work,
slide the power switch off and on
that you would like to play by pressing the
red or green buttons three times. Ottobot will
then ask you what game you would like to play, allowing you to
choose from 4 different choices linked directly to a color. Many
times Ottobot will offer up games to play while interacting with
him, but the control panel allows you to easily choose games you
wish to play. Choose your favorite and have fun!
Hidden in each of Ottobot’s hands
are sensors that you can activate
by pressing the thumb in towards
his hand. This is your way of
answering Ottobot’s questions by
activating Ottobot’s left hand for
“yes” (marked with a “Y”) and
his right hand for “no” (marked with a
“N”). Pressing his hand also lets Ottobot
know that you are ready for the next
part of his joke or riddle. Even when
not playing a game or answering a
question Ottobot enjoys when you hold his
again. It is always a good idea to turn
Ottobot upside down after powering
him on and off as sometimes he may
still be sleeping and remain unresponsive
even though the power is on.
hands as it lets him know you are his friend.
Light sensor
Ottobot’s ages
Ottobot is able to detect whether it is light or
dark in a room and will respond accordingly.
In the dark he will light up his control panel
buttons as a beacon to attract your attention as
well as ask before playing in case it is time
to sleep. By covering and revealing
the light sensor Ottobot
Ottobot is programmed with four distinct
ages, each with developing content. Because
of this, Ottobot will always amaze you since
his knowledge, jokes and phrases grow the
more you play with him. He will also learn
what your favorite game is and often offer
to play it with you. All of this information
will remain (unless you are forced to perform
a complete restart - see reset) even if you
change Ottobot’s batteries.
realizes that you are
looking to play and will
offer up jokes, games
and riddles.
Reset button
Ottobot comes with a power switch on his lower back that must be
switched to “on” for him to play. But when playing with Ottobot
it is not necessary to turn this switch on and off as Ottobot will
sleep when not in use. If you have not played with Ottobot for
awhile, or he is tired of exploring, Ottobot will go to sleep. When
Ottobot is asleep he powers himself off to save his batteries and
will not respond to pressing of his buttons or noises. To play with
him again, just turn Ottobot upside down and give him a shake to
wake him up. (see Tilt and Invert)
Sound detector
Ottobot is able to detect sharp
increases in noise level and loves it.
He is always looking to explore and
learn and thus responds excitedly to
loud noises, often joining in himself
with lights and sounds.
If there is no response, please switch to “off” and “on” to
restart Ottobot.
Please note: it may be necessary to turn Ottobot completely upside
down and hold him this way for 2-3 seconds before he responds and
wakes up.
you to try to repeat the pattern and progress as far as you can with
Fun and Games
Ottobot continuing to add another button each time.
Ottobot is filled to the brim with all sorts of interactive fun including
games, jokes and riddles. These are accessed 3 different ways.
1. Independently
3) If you press the wrong button Ottobot will let you know with a “Blatt!”
and then flash the correct button. Ottobot will then tell you how far
you progressed and ask whether you care to play again.
Ottobot will often offer up games to play or a joke to share. He is also
able to remember what your favorite game is and invite you to play.
4) Play with yourself or challenge a friend. Who can get the highest score?
2. Game and Activity menus
Programmed Walking (Quick launch code - Yellow/ yellow/ blue)
Ottobot's control panel allows for very intuitive access to all of his games
and content. By pressing the Red or Green buttons three times you will
access the Game and Activity menus respectively. Each menu gives you
easy access to 4 options that Ottobot will verbally detail illuminating the
corresponding button to allow for direct access.
Although Ottobot is able to walk wherever he wishes, he also enjoys
a game where he goes exactly where you tell him. By pressing the
direction buttons on his control panel in the order and number of
steps you desire, Ottobot will walk anywhere you direct him to.
3. Quick launch codes
In addition to the menus there are easy button codes that the user can
press at any time to immediately access content.
1) Ottobot will say, “Where do you want me to go?” and wait for you to
input instructions.
2) Using Ottobot’s control panel, press the colored buttons that correspond
with the directions you wish him to go.
Copycat (Quick launch code - Yellow/ yellow/ yellow)
CopycatTM is the classic electronic memory game. Using the light-
up Control Panel, Ottobot will display a pattern of buttons that you
must remember and repeat. If you respond correctly, Ottobot will
increase the difficulty by repeating the previous pattern and adding
another button. Is your memory up to the challenge?
3) Be sure to press the buttons in the order that you wish Ottobot to follow
including how many steps you wish him to take. If you want Ottobot
to walk for a longer time in any particular direction, press the same
button the amount of times that you would like him to walk. Ottobot
will repeat how many steps you have chosen for him.
1) Ottobot will say, “Ok, do what I do!” and the game begins.
4) Please note that Ottobot does not walk the same number of steps as
you program him to. Ottobot’s “steps” are actually a short period
of time that he will go in the chosen direction.
2) Ottobot will start by lighting one single color of his control panel and
wait for you to repeat it. If you have gotten it correct he will follow
by flashing the same button again and then add a second. It is up to
5) When Ottobot “steps” right or left he will only turn to that direction.
Choose forward or backward steps for Ottobot to proceed in an actual
direction after completing a turn.
3) “Round and round and round he goes…” the game begins and the lights
on Ottobot’s control panel swirl around until you press the button of
the color you choose.
6) During this game Ottobot will go exactly where you direct him to and
will not try to avoid obstacles or edges. Be careful not to program
Ottobot to walk to areas that may be dangerous to him.
4) Be sure to time your press carefully as that determines where the light
7) After you have completed entering the directions you wish Ottobot to
walk, press his left hand to signal that you are done and he will start
along your programmed path.
will stop.
5) If you win, Ottobot will add the amount you wagered to your score, but
if you lose he will take the same amount away. If you lose all of your
points, Ottobot will start you all over at 20.
8) Create obstacle courses to navigate or challenge a friend to see whom
can best program Ottobot to reach a goal.
6) It takes skill and fast hands. How quick are you?
Hide and Seek (Quick launch code - Green/ blue/ red)
Roulette (Quick launch code - Yellow/ red/ blue)
Ottobot loves to play hide and seek and you will too. Ottobot
remains quiet and still while you or a friend hides him and then
the search is on. Although his small size allows him to hide very
well, Ottobot gets impatient and doesn’t know how to whisper.
Keep your ears alert and you may hear him give away his
hiding spot.
Round and round it goes, where it stops…do you know? Win
points by guessing which colored key the light will stop on.
Time it right and if the swirling light stops on your choice,
you win!
1) Ottobot will start by telling you how many points you currently have.
The first time you play you will start with twenty points, but Ottobot
will remember how many points you win or lose so the points may be
different each time you play.
1) Ottobot will say “OK, I am going to hide.” prompting you or a friend to
hide him.
2) After he has been hidden, or the seeker has counted as high as you
have agreed upon, start the search for Ottobot.
3) Once you find him, pick him up from his hiding area and he will
acknowledge that he has been found. To try again press Ottobot’s left
hand and find a new spot for him to hide.
2) Do you want to wager? Use the control panel buttons to choose how
many points you wish to wager. Each button represents 1’s, 10’s, 100’s
and 1000’s allowing you to quickly enter the number of points you
wish. Please note that if you do not have enough points to wager that
amount, then Ottobot will merely beep. When you have chosen the
amount you wish, press Ottobot’s left hand to signal that you are done
and he will start the game.
4) While Hide and Seek requires 2 people to play, it becomes more fun
with more people playing. See how many friends will join in
and see who can find Ottobot first.
Ask Ottobot
Jokes (Quick launch code - Blue/ blue/ blue)
(Quick launch code - Left hand/right hand/left hand/right hand)
Ottobot loves jokes and is happy to share them with you or other
Ottobots. He’ll tell you as many as you want or respond back
and forth having loads of laughs with any other Ottobots in
the room.
Ottobot is all-knowing and can answer your yes or no questions on
all manners of subjects. Ask away, but Ottobot is not responsible
for answers you don’t like. He is merely a conduit of wisdom, your
destiny is up to you.
1) Ottobot will begin his joke and wait for you to press his hand before
continuing on to the next part. For Knock-Knock jokes, answer “Who’s
there?” before pressing his hand to continue.
2) After the joke Ottobot will ask if you would like to hear another. Press
his left hand for Yes and his right hand for No for as many jokes as
you wish to hear.
3) Ottobot will learn new jokes as you play with him and he grows older.
But he loves all of his jokes so may repeat them. This may also help
you to remember and share your favorite jokes with other friends.
1) Ottobot will prompt you to ask your question. You may ask your
question silently or out loud, but press Ottobot’s hand when you are
ready for his answer.
2) Remember to ask specific questions as Ottobot will only answer “yes”,
“no”, “maybe” or “ask again later”.
3) After he has answered, Ottobot will ask if you have another question.
Ask as many as you wish, pressing his Left hand for Yes and his right
hand for No.
4) Ask Ottobot is very revealing to questions you have pondered or great
fun with friends when questions are spoken aloud.
Riddles (Quick launch code - Yellow/ green/ blue)
Ottobot also has many tricky riddles to share. Can you figure
them out? Don’t worry, if not he’ll let you in on the answer.
Challenging fun that will make you laugh!
(Quick launch code - Left hand/left hand/right hand/right hand)
Ottobot loves to hum and dance. He will dance by himself, with
other Ottobots or you by squeezing his hands in the direction you
wish to go.
1) Ottobot will begin his riddle and wait for you to press his hand before
revealing the solution. If you aren’t able to figure it out in time he will
let you in on the answer.
2) After the riddle Ottobot will ask if you would like to hear another.
Press his Left hand for Yes and his right hand for No for as many
riddles as you wish to hear.
3) Ottobot will learn new riddles as you play with him and he grows older.
But the riddles are tricky and it helps to hear them more than once.
Try to remember them and quiz your friends.
1) Dancing is fun with Ottobot. When he asks you to dance you may squeeze
his hands to dance with him or wait and he will dance by himself.
2) If you wish to dance with him, press Ottobot’s hands to direct him which
way to go. Press both hands to move forwards and back and one at a
time to dance left or right.
3) If there are any other Ottobots nearby they will dance together and
mimic each other’s dancing.
4) Dancing is fun with friends and the more the merrier.
Fun facts and tongue twisters
Clap controlled walking
Ottobot is filled to the brim with random bits of trivia and fun tongue
twisters. You never know what he will say next. Rubber Baby Buggy
Bumpers, Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers, Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers!
(Quick launch code - Left hand/ right hand/ yellow)
Ottobot will be under your complete control as he responds to
the directions of your clap commands. Clap once and he will
walk forward, twice for backwards, and three or four times for
left or right. Loud noisy fun, just as Ottobot likes it!
1) Ottobot loves this game as it combines two of his favorite things-
exploring and loud noises! Ottobot will be under your complete command
as you give him instructions by your claps.
IR Communication
Ottobot is able to communicate and react to other Ottobots as well as
i-CybieTM and all Robo-ChiTM pets. When any are near each other in a room
they will speak and interact with each other, often triggering unique
actions or games. (Please initiate Robo-ChiTM first to start communication)
2) Ottobot will listen and respond to your claps. Clapping once will tell
him to walk forward, twice for backwards, three times for left and four
times for right. If you clap five times Ottobot will know that you wish
to stop.
If something goes wrong with Ottobot you may have to reset him. This
allows Ottobot to review his programming and fix what is wrong. When
he is done he will be ready to play again.
3) Ottobot will listen for a short period of time and will voice which
command you have asked him to in recognition. This means that if
you wish for Ottobot to walk left, you will first hear Ottobot say
“forwards” and “backwards” before hearing “left” after your third clap.
Be careful to clearly clap in a steady rhythm in order to have your
To reset Ottobot, turn him upside down, press the small reset button on
the back of his neck and shake him to start.
If reset does not correct Ottobot, you may have to restart. If you restart
Ottobot, he will go back to the beginning of his development. It is starting
all over again. It is important not to restart Ottobot unless absolutely
necessary. You should only do this if all other methods to correct Ottobot
have failed. Please be sure to try and fix Ottobot with all other options
before restart.
claps registered.
Independent walking
(Quick launch code - Right hand/right hand/left hand/left hand)
Ottobot will often begin to walk and explore, but he also likes to
stay and play with you. With a quick command you can send him
off again exploring the world by himself.
To restart Ottobot, press the reset button while pressing and holding the
yellow and green buttons on Ottobot’s control panel.
Please note, restart is a last resort. Do not restart Ottobot unless
absolutely necessary.
Sleep Mode
(Quick launch code - Left hand/ right hand/ blue)
This is the faster way to make Ottobot sleep and to store
the information.
FCC Rules
90-Day limited warranty
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions :
Tiger Electronics (Tiger) warrants to the original consumer purchaser of this product
that the product will be free from defects in materials or workmanship for 90 days from
the date of original purchase. This warranty does not cover damages resulting from
accident, negligence, improper service or use, or other causes not arising out of defects in
materials or workmanship.
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
During this 90-day warranty period, the product will either be repaired or replaced (at
Tiger's option) without charge to the purchaser, when returned with proof of the date of
purchase to either the dealer or to Tiger.
Product returned to Tiger without proof of the date of purchase or after the 90-day warranty
period has expired, but prior to one year from the original date of purchase, will be repaired
or replaced (at Tiger's option) for a service fee of U.S.$ 18.00. Payments must be by check
or money order payable to Tiger Electronics.
The foregoing states the purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty
with respect to the product.
All product returned must be shipped prepaid and insured for loss or damage to:
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Tiger Electronics Ltd. Repair Dept.
1000 N. Butterfield Road, Unit 1023
Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061, U.S.A.
The product should be carefully packed in the original box or other packing materials
sufficient to avoid damage during shipment. Include a complete written description of the
defect, a check if product is beyond the 90-day warranty period, and your printed name,
address and telephone number.
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.
Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or
exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations
and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights,
and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
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