Blackberry Cell Phone 7290 User Manual

Wireless Handheld  
User Guide  
Email messages ...............................................................5  
PIN messages ...................................................................7  
SMS messages .................................................................9  
Search .............................................................................. 11  
Attachments .................................................................. 13  
Synchronizing data ..................................................... 15  
Backing up and restoring handheld data ........... 17  
Typing ............................................................................. 19  
Phone .............................................................................. 21  
Browser ........................................................................... 29  
Downloading ................................................................ 33  
Contacts ......................................................................... 35  
Calendar ......................................................................... 39  
Tasks ................................................................................ 43  
Memos ............................................................................ 45  
Alarm ............................................................................... 47  
Calculator ....................................................................... 49  
Bluetooth® ....................................................................51  
Date and time .............................................................. 53  
Profiles ............................................................................ 55  
Screen display ............................................................... 57  
Language ....................................................................... 59  
Power and battery ....................................................... 61  
Network coverage ....................................................... 63  
SIM card ......................................................................... 67  
Security ........................................................................... 69  
BrickBreaker .................................................................. 75  
Service books ................................................................ 77  
Email messages  
Open a message  
Send an email message  
Save draft messages  
Add contacts to a message  
Set the importance level  
Change sent messages  
Manage messages  
you can select a contact from the list after you  
click Compose Email.  
If your handheld is integrated with multiple email  
services, you can select the service from which  
your message should be sent. At the top of the  
message, in the Using field, press the Space key  
until the preferred service appears. All subsequent  
messages are also sent from this service.  
File messages  
View filed messages  
Delete multiple messages at one time  
Mark a message as opened or unopened  
Search the messages list  
Search the handheld  
Save draft messages  
To save a draft of a message, click the trackwheel.  
Click Save Draft.  
Email and PIN messages — frequently asked  
Add contacts to a message  
To send a message to multiple contacts, click the  
trackwheel. Click Add To, Add Cc, or Add Bcc.  
Open a message  
To attach a contact to a message, click the  
trackwheel. Click Attach Address.  
An unopened email message appears in the  
messages list with a closed envelope icon. After  
you open the message, the closed envelope  
changes to an open envelope.  
Set the importance level  
When composing a message, click the trackwheel.  
Click Options. Set the Importance field to High or  
Low. Save your changes.  
Send an email message  
1. In the messages list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Compose Email.  
Change sent messages  
3. Click [Use Once].  
To change the text in a sent message and resend  
it, open the message. Click the trackwheel. Click  
Edit. Change the text. Click the trackwheel. Click  
4. Click Email.  
5. Type an email address.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Continue.  
8. Type a message.  
To change the recipient of a sent message and  
resend it, open the message. Click the trackwheel.  
Click Edit. Select a contact. Click the trackwheel.  
Click Change Address. Click a new contact. Send  
your message.  
To view messages within a specific folder, in the  
messages list, click the trackwheel. Click View  
Folder. Click a folder. Click Select Folder.  
Delete multiple messages at one  
To delete multiple messages, hold the Shift key  
and select a series of messages. Press the Delete  
To resend your message to the same contact, open  
the message. Click the trackwheel. Click Resend.  
Manage messages  
Open a message. Click the trackwheel. Perform  
one of the following actions:  
To delete sent and received messages prior to and  
including a date, click a date. Click Delete Prior.  
When you reconcile your handheld with your  
mailbox, any messages that you deleted from your  
handheld using the Delete Prior option are not  
deleted from your mailbox.  
Reply To All  
Related topic  
To delete the original message from a reply, click  
the trackwheel. Click Delete Original Text.  
Reconcile deleted messages  
Mark a message as opened or  
To change the status of a message, click a  
File messages  
To file a message, click the message. Click File.  
Click a folder. Click File.  
message. Click Mark Opened or Mark Unopened.  
To change the status of multiple unread messages  
to read, click a date field. Click Mark Prior Opened.  
To expand a folder, click a folder with a plus sign  
(+) beside it. Click Expand.  
To collapse a folder, click a folder with a minus  
sign (-) beside it. Click Collapse.  
Related topics  
Can I file messages?  
View filed messages  
View filed messages  
To display all filed messages in the messages list,  
in the messages options, click General Options.  
Set the Hide Filed Messages field to No.  
PIN messages  
About PIN messages  
Find your PIN  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Continue.  
8. Type a message.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
10. Click Send.  
Open a message  
Send a PIN message  
Save draft messages  
Add contacts to a message  
Change sent messages  
Manage messages  
Delete multiple messages at one time  
Mark a message as opened or unopened  
Search the messages list  
Search the handheld  
If you have added contacts to the address book,  
you can select a contact from the list after you  
click Compose PIN.  
Email and PIN messages — frequently asked  
About PIN messages  
A personal identification number (PIN) uniquely  
identifies each BlackBerry handheld on the  
network. If you know the PIN of another  
BlackBerry handheld user, you can send a PIN  
message to that person. PIN messages are not  
routed through an existing email account.  
When your PIN message is delivered to the  
recipient, a D appears with a check mark in the  
messages list.  
Find your PIN  
In the handheld options, click Status.  
Send a PIN message  
1. In the messages list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Compose PIN.  
SMS messages  
About SMS messages  
include the country code and the area code.  
Find your SMS number  
Type an SMS number  
Open an SMS message  
In the phone, set your smart-dialing options to  
avoid typing the country code and area code.  
Send an SMS message  
Save draft messages  
Related topic  
Manage messages  
About smart dialing  
Resend an SMS message  
Open an SMS message  
Enable cell broadcast messages  
Manage cell broadcast channels  
Delete multiple messages at one time  
Mark a message as opened or unopened  
Search the messages list  
An unopened SMS message appears in the  
messages list with a closed italic envelope icon.  
After you open the message, the closed italic  
envelope changes to an open italic envelope.  
Send an SMS message  
1. In the messages list, click the trackwheel.  
Search the handheld  
Leave SMS messages on the SIM card  
SMS messages — frequently asked questions  
2. Click Compose SMS.  
3. Click [Use Once].  
4. Click SMS.  
About SMS messages  
5. Type the SMS-compatible phone number.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Continue.  
With an SMS-compatible phone number, you can  
send and receive short message service (SMS)  
messages. An SMS-compatible number is a phone  
number (work, home, mobile, or pager) that your  
service provider enables for SMS.  
8. Type a message.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
10. Click Send.  
You can send SMS messages to contacts who have  
SMS-compatible phone numbers.  
Find your SMS number  
If you have added contacts to the address book,  
you can select a contact from the list after you  
click Compose SMS.  
In the phone, the My Number field displays your  
phone number. If your handheld is enabled for  
SMS, this number is also your SMS number.  
Manage messages  
Manage cell broadcast channels  
Open a message. Click the trackwheel. Perform  
one of the following actions:  
The cell broadcast channels that you subscribe to  
determine the kind of information messages that  
you receive. In the handheld options, click SMS.  
Select a channel from the list. Click the  
trackwheel. Perform one of the following actions:  
To receive messages from a new channel,  
click Add Channel.  
To specify a preferred name for the selected  
channel, click Set Nickname.  
To remove the history from an SMS message,  
when replying, click the trackwheel. Click Remove  
To stop receiving messages from the selected  
channel, click Disable.  
Resend an SMS message  
To remove the selected channel, click Delete  
To resend your SMS message to the same contact,  
open the message. Click the trackwheel. Click  
To specify the languages in which you would like  
to receive cell broadcast messages, scroll down the  
list and select a cell broadcast language. Click the  
About cell broadcast messages  
If your service provider supports cell broadcasting,  
and provides you with access to a cell  
broadcasting channel, you can receive information  
messages from the wireless network. These SMS  
messages can communicate information about  
weather, sports, traffic, or other news directly to  
your handheld. For more information on cell  
broadcasting, contact your service provider.  
Related topic  
About cell broadcast messages  
Enable cell broadcast messages  
To enable cell broadcasting, in the handheld  
options, click SMS. Set the Cell Broadcasting  
Service field to On.  
Related topic  
About cell broadcast messages  
About search  
Search for a specific contact  
Search for a subject  
Search the messages list  
Search the handheld  
Use saved searches  
To view your saved searches, in the messages list,  
click the trackwheel. Click Search. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Recall.  
About search  
You can search the messages list using criteria  
that you set and save those searches for future  
use. You can also search for contacts or search for  
all messages containing the same subject.  
Click a search. Perform one of the following  
You can also search the handheld to find content  
across all programs. With the global search, files  
which appear in the search results can be used  
just as they would in the original program. For  
example, you can manage email messages in your  
search results the same way that you would in the  
messages list.  
To view the terms of your last search quickly, in  
the list of searches, click the trackwheel. Click Last.  
Search for a specific contact  
To search for all messages from a specific sender,  
click the message. Click Search Sender.  
Search the messages list  
1. In the messages list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Search.  
To search for all messages to a specific recipient,  
click the message. Click Search Recipient.  
3. Set the search criteria.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
Search for a subject  
To search for all messages with the same subject,  
click a message. Click Search Subject.  
6. Add a name and a shortcut key for your  
Search the handheld  
1. In the search program, type text in the Text  
field to search the records on your handheld.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Save.  
2. In the Name field, type text to search using  
the names of contacts in your address book,  
calendar, or messages list.  
You can search without saving the details for the  
search. After you set the criteria, click the  
trackwheel. Click Search.  
3. Select the check boxes for the programs to  
Related topics  
4. Click Search.  
Use saved searches  
If you type more than one word in the Text or  
Name field, all the words must appear in the same  
field for the search to be successful.  
File attachments are not searched when you  
search across the handheld programs.  
To expand a folder, click a folder with a plus sign  
(+) beside it. Click Expand.  
To collapse a folder, click a folder with a minus  
sign (-) beside it. Click Collapse.  
Related topic  
How do I search for text within a file  
To update contact information, when viewing an  
address book attachment, click the trackwheel.  
Click Update Address.  
About attachments  
Use address book attachments  
Open a file attachment  
Open a file attachment  
1. Place your cursor in the name of the file  
Open an image attachment  
Navigate attachments  
Attachments — frequently asked questions  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Open Attachment.  
About attachments  
4. Select Table of Contents to open an  
automatically generated table of contents for  
the file attachment, or select Full Content to  
open the complete file attachment.  
Address book attachments enable recipients of  
your messages to view and add contacts to their  
handheld address books. When you open a  
message that contains an address book  
attachment, a book icon appears at the bottom of  
the message with the name of the attached  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Retrieve.  
You can view certain types of file attachments on  
your handheld, including .zip, .htm, .html, .doc,  
.dot, .ppt, .pdf, .wpd, .txt, and .xls files. You can  
also view .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tif image  
Open an image attachment  
1. Place your cursor in the name of the image  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
A message with a file attachment appears in the  
messages list with a paperclip icon.  
3. Click View Attachment.  
Navigate attachments  
Related topic  
To open content that is embedded within a  
document or spreadsheet, click a content link.  
Click Retrieve. Examples of embedded content  
include tables, images, footnotes, text boxes, or  
comments. Press the Escape button to return to  
the main attachment content.  
Can I view file attachments on my handheld?  
Use address book attachments  
To view an address book attachment, in an open  
message, click the trackwheel. Click View  
To scroll horizontally in a spreadsheet, hold the Alt  
key and roll the trackwheel.  
To add the contact information to your address  
book, when viewing an address book attachment,  
click the trackwheel. Click Add to Address Book.  
To move to a specific cell within a spreadsheet,  
click the trackwheel. Click Go to Cell. Type the cell  
co-ordinates and click the trackwheel.  
To display the contents of a specific cell in a  
spreadsheet, click the trackwheel. Click View Cell.  
To switch to a different worksheet in a  
spreadsheet, click the trackwheel. Click Select  
Worksheet. Click a worksheet.  
To view the previous worksheet in a spreadsheet,  
click the trackwheel. Click Prev Sheet.  
To view the next worksheet in a spreadsheet, click  
the trackwheel. Click Next Sheet.  
To pan horizontally across an image, hold the Alt  
key and roll the trackwheel.  
To zoom into or out of an image, click the  
trackwheel. Click Zoom In or Zoom Out.  
To zoom to the original image size, click the  
trackwheel. Click Zoom 1:1.  
To turn an image 90 degrees in a clockwise  
direction, click the trackwheel. Click Rotate.  
To view an image in more detail after zooming in,  
click the trackwheel. Click Enlarge Area.  
Synchronizing data  
About email reconciliation  
Set the Wireless Reconcile option for each  
message service on your handheld.  
Set wireless email reconciliation  
Reconcile deleted messages  
About PIM synchronization  
Set wireless PIM synchronization  
Related topic  
Can I reconcile email messages over the  
wireless network?  
Synchronization — frequently asked  
Reconcile deleted messages  
To set how deleted messages are reconciled  
between your handheld and mailbox, in the  
messages options, click Email Reconciliation. Set  
the Delete On field.  
About email reconciliation  
Email reconciliation means that any message you  
file or delete on your handheld will also be filed or  
deleted in your mailbox. Likewise, any changes  
that you make to messages in your mailbox are  
reflected on your handheld.  
Set the Email Reconciliation option for each  
message service on your handheld.  
If your handheld integration option supports  
wireless email reconciliation, changes are  
automatically reconciled over the wireless  
Related topic  
Delete multiple messages at one time  
If your handheld integration option does not  
support wireless email reconciliation, changes are  
reconciled using the BlackBerry Desktop Software.  
For more information on manual email  
reconciliation, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
About PIM synchronization  
You can synchronize personal information  
management (PIM) items such as tasks, memos,  
contacts, and calendar entries so that the entries  
on your handheld and in your desktop email  
program are identical.  
Related topic  
If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using a BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
version 2.1 or later and wireless calendar  
Can I reconcile email messages over the  
wireless network?  
synchronization is enabled, you can synchronize  
your calendar entries over the wireless network.  
You can synchronize all other PIM items using the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more  
information on synchronizing PIM items manually  
or configuring wireless calendar synchronization  
using the desktop software, refer to the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software Online Help.  
Set wireless email reconciliation  
In the messages options, click Email  
Reconciliation. Set the Wireless Reconcile field to  
Set wireless PIM synchronization  
You can set wireless calendar synchronization  
using the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more  
information, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
Backing up and restoring handheld data  
About backing up handheld data  
About restoring handheld data  
About backing up handheld data  
If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software  
with your handheld, you can back up your  
handheld data using the Backup and Restore tool.  
For more information on manual handheld data  
backup, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop Software  
Online Help.  
About restoring handheld data  
If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software  
with your handheld and you have a backup of  
your handheld data on your computer, you can  
restore the data using the Backup and Restore  
tool. For more information on restoring handheld  
data manually, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
or whether the entry is capitalized according  
to its context (SmartCase).  
Use AutoText  
Create an AutoText entry  
Change AutoText entries  
Cut or copy text  
7. Set the language.  
8. Click the trackwheel.  
9. Click Save.  
Paste text  
Related topic  
Typing tips  
What is the Insert Macro menu item?  
Enable tones when pressing keys  
Set the cursor speed  
Typing — frequently asked questions  
Change AutoText entries  
To view your AutoText entries, in the handheld  
options, click AutoText.  
Use AutoText  
Click an AutoText entry. Perform one of the  
following actions:  
AutoText automatically replaces text that you  
type. Use AutoText to correct spelling and to  
replace abbreviations with complete words.  
Your handheld has built-in AutoText entries that  
correct common mistakes. For example, AutoText  
changes hte to the.  
Cut or copy text  
Click the trackwheel. Click Select. Select content.  
Click the trackwheel. Click Cut or Copy.  
You create AutoText entries for your common  
typing mistakes or for abbreviations. For example,  
you might create an AutoText entry that replaces  
ttyl with talk to you later.  
Paste text  
Place the cursor where you want to insert the cut  
or copied text. Click the trackwheel. Click Paste.  
To use AutoText, type an AutoText entry. Press the  
Space key.  
Typing tips  
To type the alternate character on a key, press the  
Alt key + the key.  
Create an AutoText entry  
1. In the handheld options, click AutoText.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
To insert a symbol, press the Symbol key.  
3. Click New.  
4. In the Replace field, type the text to replace.  
5. In the With field, type the text to appear.  
To insert an accent, hold a letter and roll the  
6. In the Using field, set whether the entry is  
capitalized exactly as typed (Specified Case)  
To turn on CAP lock, press the Alt key + the Right  
Shift key.  
To turn on NUM lock, hold the Right Shift key +  
press the Alt key.  
To turn off CAP lock or NUM lock, press the Right  
Shift key.  
Enable tones when pressing keys  
In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard.  
Set the Key Tone field to On. Save your changes.  
Set the cursor speed  
In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard.  
Set the Key Rate field to Slow or Fast. Save your  
Typing — frequently asked questions  
What is the Insert Macro menu item?  
Why can’t I use shortcuts on the Home  
What is the Insert Macro menu item?  
Use the Insert Macro menu item to insert common  
variables, such as the current date or current time,  
into your AutoText entries.  
Why can’t I use shortcuts on the  
Home screen?  
The Dial From Home Screen option overrides  
using shortcuts on the Home screen, in favor of  
making calls. In the general phone options, set the  
Dial From Home Screen field to No.  
Find your phone number  
In the phone, the My Number field displays your  
phone number.  
Make a call  
Make an emergency call  
Use speed dial  
Make a call  
1. In the phone, type a phone number or select  
a contact.  
Check your voice mail  
Answer a call  
2. Press the Enter key.  
Mute a call or place a call on hold  
Adjust the phone volume  
Phone features  
3. To end the call, hold the Escape button.  
If the contact that you want to call is not listed,  
click the trackwheel. Click Call By Name to select a  
contact from your address book.  
Dial using letters  
Make a conference call  
Assign a speed dial letter  
Change speed dial assignments  
Log calls  
You can also make a call on the Home screen.  
Type the number and press the Enter key.  
Add a pause or wait  
Use call logs  
Can I use the phone when the handheld or  
keyboard is locked?  
Block calls  
Forward calls  
Make an emergency call  
You can make an emergency call even if the SIM  
card is not inserted or the radio is off.  
Set call waiting  
Set default country and area codes  
Set corporate extension dialing  
Set voice mail options  
Set the TTY option  
Perform one of the following actions:  
Unlocked keyboard or handheld: In the  
phone, type the emergency number. Press  
the Enter key.  
Set the default call volume  
Use fixed dialing  
Locked keyboard or handheld: Click the  
trackwheel. Click Emergency Call. Click Yes.  
Reset call timers  
Phone — frequently asked questions  
Use speed dial  
In the phone, press and hold the key that is  
assigned to the contact or phone number.  
Adjust the phone volume  
You can also use speed dial to make a phone call  
on the Home screen or in the messages list.  
During a call, roll the trackwheel up to increase  
the volume or roll the trackwheel down to  
decrease the volume.  
Check your voice mail  
Phone features  
In the phone, click the trackwheel. Click Call  
During a call, your handheld has all the functions  
that are available to a regular phone, such as hold  
and mute.  
Answer a call  
To answer a call, click Answer. If you do not want  
to answer the call, click Ignore.  
To alternate between two connected calls, click  
the trackwheel. Click Swap.  
If you are already connected to a call and receive  
another call, perform one of the following actions:  
trackwheel. Click Home Screen.  
Click Answer - Drop Current to end your  
current call and answer the incoming call.  
To type a letter during a call, press the Alt key.  
Type the letter.  
Click Answer - Hold Current to place the  
current call on hold and answer the incoming  
To type multiple letters during a call, press the  
Right Shift key + the Alt key. Type letters. To type  
numbers again, press the Right Shift key.  
Click Answer - Drop All to end all current  
calls and answer the incoming call during a  
conference call.  
To end the call, hold the Escape button.  
When you type a letter in a phone number, your  
handheld dials the number that is associated with  
the letter on a conventional phone keypad.  
Related topic  
Can I use the phone when the handheld or  
keyboard is locked?  
Make a conference call  
1. During a call, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New Call.  
Use Bluetooth® wireless technology during a  
3. Type a phone number or click a contact.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
Mute a call or place a call on hold  
To mute a call, press the Phone button. Press the  
Phone button again to turn mute off.  
5. Click Call.  
To place a call on hold, click the trackwheel. Click  
Hold. To resume the call, click the trackwheel.  
Click Resume.  
6. During the second call, click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Join.  
Change speed dial assignments  
When adding more than two numbers to a  
conference call, place the conference call on hold  
before calling the next phone number or contact.  
In the phone, click the trackwheel. Click View  
Speed Dial List. Select a contact or phone number.  
Click the trackwheel. Perform one of the following  
Related topic  
Change the contact assigned to a speed dial  
letter: Click the contact. Click Edit. Click a  
new contact. Click Speed Dial <contact  
Manage contacts during a conference call  
Manage contacts during a  
conference call  
To speak privately with one contact, click the  
trackwheel. Click Split Call.  
Assign the contact to a different speed dial  
letter: Click the contact. Click Move. Click a  
To disconnect one contact from the conference  
call, click the trackwheel. Click Drop Call. Select a  
contact. Click the trackwheel.  
Remove a contact from the speed dial list:  
Click the contact. Click Delete.  
To disconnect from a conference call while leaving  
the other parties connected, click the trackwheel.  
Click Transfer.  
Log calls  
Call logs appear when you open the phone.  
Missed call logs also appear in the messages list.  
To set whether call logs appear in the messages  
list, in the phone options, click Call Logging.  
Select the call log type that you want to appear in  
the messages list. Press the Space key.  
Assign a speed dial letter  
In the phone, select a contact or phone number.  
Press and hold any unassigned letter key. Click  
If you do not want any call logs to appear in the  
messages list, select None. Press the Space key.  
Related topic  
Assign speed dial to a contact in your  
address book  
Related topic  
Can I set the Phone to display frequently  
called numbers?  
Assign speed dial to a contact in  
your address book  
Use call logs  
1. In the phone, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click View Speed Dial List.  
3. Select an unassigned letter.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
In the phone, or in the messages list, open a call  
log. Click the trackwheel. Perform one of the  
following actions:  
Add Notes  
Edit Notes  
5. Click New Speed Dial.  
6. Select a contact.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Add Speed Dial To <contact name>.  
To delete notes, in the open phone call log, click  
the trackwheel. Click Edit Notes. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Clear Field.  
4. Select Do Not Forward or the current  
forwarding phone number.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Change Number.  
Block calls  
7. Select a forwarding phone number from the  
1. In the phone options, click Call Barring.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Enable.  
8. Click the trackwheel.  
9. Click Save.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
Before enabling call forwarding, verify that you  
have call forwarding phone numbers added.  
Depending on your SIM card, the phone numbers  
for the call forwarding profiles might already be  
specified. You might not be able to change them  
or add new ones. For more information, contact  
your service provider.  
Related topics  
Change the call block password  
Can I block calls?  
Change the call block password  
1. In the phone options, click Call Barring.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topics  
Can I use call forwarding?  
3. Click Change Password.  
4. Type your current password.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
Add a call forwarding phone number  
Delete call forwarding phone numbers  
How do I edit the phone number to which  
my calls are forwarded?  
6. Type your new password.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
Add a call forwarding phone number  
1. In a call forwarding profile, click Do Not  
8. Type your new password again.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
2. Click Edit Numbers.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click New Number.  
Can I block calls?  
Forward calls  
5. Type the phone number and click the  
1. In the phone options, click Call Forwarding.  
2. Select the type of calls that you want to  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Close.  
3. Press the Space key.  
Related topic  
How do I edit the phone number to which  
my calls are forwarded?  
Set default country and area codes  
1. In the phone options, click Smart Dialing.  
3. In the National Number Length field, set the  
default length for phone numbers in your  
Delete call forwarding phone  
1. In a call forwarding profile, click the phone  
number to which your calls are currently  
being forwarded.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
2. Click Edit Numbers.  
3. Click the phone number that you want to  
delete from the list.  
When calculating the default length for phone  
numbers, include your area code and local  
number, but do not include your country code or  
the National Direct Dialing prefix.  
4. Click Delete.  
Related topic  
Related topic  
How do I edit the phone number to which  
my calls are forwarded?  
About smart dialing  
Set call waiting  
Set corporate extension dialing  
1. In the phone options, click Call Waiting.  
1. In the phone options, click Smart Dialing.  
2. Set the Call Waiting Enabled field to Yes.  
2. In the Number field, type the main phone  
number for the corporation.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
3. Set how long the handheld waits before  
dialing extensions.  
Related topic  
4. Set the default length for extensions.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Save.  
Can I use call waiting?  
About smart dialing  
You can specify default country and area codes so  
that any numbers specified as links, or any  
numbers in your address book that do not contain  
these codes, are dialed correctly.  
Related topic  
About smart dialing  
Set voice mail options  
If you call a corporation frequently, you can also  
set your smart-dialing options so that you do not  
have to type the main number for the corporation.  
To call a contact in the corporation, you only need  
to press the Alt key + the 8 key and type the  
extension number.  
1. In the phone options, click Voicemail.  
2. Type a voice mail access number and any  
additional numbers, such as a password or  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
2. Set the Default Call Volume field.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
If your SIM card is provisioned for voice mail, the  
voice mail access number might already be  
completed. For more information on voice mail for  
your SIM card, contact your service provider  
Related topic  
About default call volume  
If your SIM card is not provisioned for voice mail,  
you can type the access number for a different  
voice mail system.  
About fixed dialing  
If you enable fixed dialing number (FDN) mode,  
your handheld only makes calls to contacts on  
your FDN list.  
About TTY  
You can use text telephone (TTY) to make calls to,  
and receive calls from, other TTY devices. If you  
connect your handheld to a TTY device, calls that  
you receive on your handheld are converted to  
Your handheld can dial emergency numbers in  
FDN mode, even if the numbers are not in the  
FDN list.  
If your service provider plan includes SMS, you can  
The TTY option is only available with certain  
BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds.  
Use fixed dialing  
Set the TTY option  
1. In the phone options, click FDN Phone List.  
1. In the phone options, click TTY.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
2. Set the TTY Mode field.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
3. Click Enable FDN mode.  
4. Type the PIN2 code provided by your service  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topics  
About TTY  
Related topics  
About fixed dialing  
Can I use a TTY device with my handheld?  
Add a contact to the FDN list  
Change fixed dialing entries  
Can I use FDN mode on my handheld?  
About default call volume  
You can specify a default volume level for any call,  
regardless of whether you adjusted the volume  
during a previous call.  
Add a contact to the FDN list  
1. In the phone options, click FDN Phone List.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
Set the default call volume  
1. In the phone options, click General Options.  
3. Click New.  
4. Type the PIN2 code provided by your service  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Type a name and a phone number.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Save.  
Related topic  
Can I use FDN mode on my handheld?  
Change fixed dialing entries  
On the FDN list, click a contact. Perform one of the  
following actions:  
Reset call timers  
1. In the phone, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Status.  
3. Click Last Call or Total Calls.  
4. Click Clear Timer.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Save.  
The Internet Browser, available from some service  
providers, is also optimized for viewing HTML web  
pages. For more information on Internet Browser  
support, contact your service provider.  
About the browser  
Go to a web page  
Use the browser  
View images  
Go to a web page  
In the browser, click the trackwheel. Click Go To.  
Type a web address. Click OK.  
Copy a link, image, or web page address  
Send a link or image in an email message  
Save an image  
Manage saved images  
Save web page requests  
Create a bookmark  
To insert a period, press the Space key.  
To insert a slash mark (/), press the Shift key + the  
Space key.  
The Go To dialog box tracks the web addresses  
that you type. To go to a web page on the list,  
select the web address and click the trackwheel.  
Change bookmarks  
Clear the browser caches  
About TLS  
Use the browser  
About WTLS  
Navigate web pages using your handheld browser  
the same way that you navigate using a desktop  
Browser — frequently asked questions  
About the browser  
To follow a link, click the link. Click Get Link.  
Your handheld supports multiple browser types.  
Depending on your service provider and your  
integration option, more than one browser might  
appear. Your service provider might also change  
the browser name to reflect available services.  
To stop loading a web page, click the trackwheel.  
Click Stop.  
To view the previous web page in the history, click  
the trackwheel. Click Back.  
The WAP Browser on your handheld is optimized  
for viewing WML web pages.  
To view the next web page in the history, click the  
trackwheel. Click Forward.  
The BlackBerry Browser is optimized for viewing  
HTML web pages. If your handheld is integrated  
with an email account using the BlackBerry  
Enterprise Server, the BlackBerry Browser also  
enables you to view your corporate intranet. For  
more information, contact your system  
To go to your home page, click the trackwheel.  
Click Home.  
To view a list of the last 20 web pages, click the  
trackwheel. Click History.  
To refresh the current web page, click the  
trackwheel. Click Refresh.  
To paste the link address, image address, or page  
address, place the cursor where you want to insert  
the copied text. Click the trackwheel. Click Paste.  
To view the address for the current web page, click  
the trackwheel. Click Page Address.  
Send a link or image in an email  
1. On a web page, click a link or image.  
2. Click Link Address or Image Address.  
3. Click Send Address.  
To view the address for a link, click the link. Click  
Link Address.  
To view the address for an image, click the image.  
Click Image Address.  
4. Click a contact.  
To move the browser to the background to use  
another program, click the trackwheel. Click Hide.  
5. Click Email <contact>.  
6. Send your message.  
To close the browser, click the trackwheel. Click  
To send a web page address in an email message,  
on the web page, click the trackwheel. Click Send  
Address. Click a contact. Click Email <contact>.  
Send your message.  
View images  
To set how images load in your browser, in the  
browser options, click Browser Configuration. To  
load images while the page is loading, set the  
Show Images field. To show image placeholders if  
images do not load, set the Show Image  
Placeholders field to Yes.  
Save an image  
You can save .jpeg, .png, .gif, and .bmp web page  
images in the pictures list. Saving an image in the  
pictures list enables you to set the image as a  
screen saver, or open the image at any time. On a  
web page, click an image. Click Save Image. Save  
your changes.  
To view an image on its own page, click the  
trackwheel. Click Full Image. To return to the web  
page, click the trackwheel. Click Back.  
If you set the Show Images field to No, images are  
not loaded when you load the web page. To load  
some of the images after the web page is loaded,  
click the trackwheel. Click More Images. To load  
all the images, click the trackwheel. Click All  
The Save Image field is only available for  
BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds with color screens.  
Depending on your service provider, you might  
not be able to save images.  
Related topics  
Set a screen saver  
Copy a link, image, or web page  
On a web page, click a link or image. Click Link  
Address, Image Address, or Page Address. Click  
Copy Address.  
Set the Home screen background image  
Manage saved images  
Organize bookmarks into folders  
In the pictures list, click an image. Perform one of  
the following actions:  
In the bookmarks list, click a folder. Perform one of  
the following actions:  
Add a folder: Click Add Subfolder.  
Open a bookmark folder with subfolders:  
Click Expand.  
Save web page requests  
Close a bookmark folder with subfolders:  
Click Collapse.  
While a web page is loading, you can save the  
web page request in the messages list. Saving the  
request to the messages list enables you to use  
other programs while you are waiting for the web  
page to load. Click the trackwheel. Click Save  
Rename a folder: Click the trackwheel. Click  
Rename Folder.  
To move a bookmark into a folder, click a  
bookmark. Click Move Bookmark. Roll the  
trackwheel to the new location. Click the  
You can also save a web page that has finished  
loading in the messages list. Saving a fully loaded  
web page enables you to open the text on the  
web page at any time. On the web page, click the  
trackwheel. Click Save Page.  
Clear the browser caches  
In the browser options, click Cache Operations.  
Click the trackwheel. Click the button for the type  
of cache that you want to clear.  
A saved web page displays content that was  
current at the time the web page was saved. To  
update the content on a saved page, click the  
trackwheel. Click Refresh.  
About TLS  
Transport Layer Security (TLS) provides additional  
authentication and security when you browse web  
pages using the BlackBerry Browser.  
Create a bookmark  
If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software,  
you can load TLS using the Application Loader  
tool. For more information on TLS, or on loading  
optional programs, refer to the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software Online Help or contact your  
system administrator.  
Navigate to the web page that you want to  
bookmark. Click the trackwheel. Click Add  
Change bookmarks  
In the bookmarks list, click a bookmark. Perform  
one of the following actions:  
Related topic  
What options can I set for BlackBerry  
Browser security?  
Edit Bookmark  
Delete Bookmark  
About WTLS  
Related topic  
Organize bookmarks into folders  
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is the  
WAP Browser security layer that provides security  
for WAP services.  
If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software,  
you can load WTLS using the Application Loader  
tool. For more information on loading optional  
programs, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
Related topic  
What options can I set for WAP Browser  
6. Click OK.  
Download an application  
Manage applications  
Prevent third-party applications from  
transmitting data  
Depending on your service provider, you might  
not be able to save ring tones.  
Download a ring tone  
Related topics  
Manage downloaded ring tones  
Enable browser push  
Can I listen to a ring tone before I download  
Manage downloaded ring tones  
Set profiles  
Downloading — frequently asked questions  
Download an application  
On a web page, click the link for the application.  
Click Get Link. Click Download. Click OK.  
Legal notice  
About browser push  
Browser push enables you to receive content from  
web applications without requesting it. For  
example, you can receive updates or notifications  
for weather, stock quotes, or news.  
Related topics  
Legal notice  
Manage applications  
To view a list of applications, in the handheld  
options, click Applications.  
You can enable browser push for your WAP  
Browser, your BlackBerry Browser, or both browser  
types. You can also set which hosts provide this  
information to you.  
To view details for any third-party applications,  
click an application. Click Properties.  
Set notification for different types of browser push  
information, including service load information  
(web pages or applications), service indication  
information (web page addresses or email  
messages), or other types of information.  
To delete a third-party application, click an  
application. Click Delete.  
Related topic  
Legal notice  
When you receive a notification, an icon appears  
in the messages list. Depending on how you  
configure browser push, other notifications might  
also appear.  
Download a ring tone  
1. On a web page, click the .mid file link.  
2. Click Get Link.  
3. Click Save.  
If you set the browser push notification to Auto, a  
dialog box might also appear, if specified by the  
4. Type a name for the ring tone.  
5. Click Save.  
If you set the browser push notification to Prompt,  
a dialog box always appears.  
Your handheld must also have sufficient available  
memory to load a program.  
If you set the browser push notification to Reject,  
you receive no additional notification.  
If the program still does not load and your  
handheld is integrated with an email account  
using a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, certain  
programs might not be available to you. For more  
information, contact your system administrator.  
Enable browser push  
1. In the handheld options, click Browser Push.  
2. Select one or more of the check boxes.  
Can I listen to a ring tone before I  
download it?  
Yes. On a web page, click the .mid file link. Click  
button. To stop listening to the ring tone, click the  
3. Set the options for the types of browser push  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
If you enable browser push notification for your  
WAP Browser, you can also select the Allow WAP  
Push Applications check box.  
Related topic  
About browser push  
Downloading — frequently asked  
Why can’t I load a new program onto my  
What software version do I have on my  
Can I listen to a ring tone before I download  
Why can’t I load a new program onto  
my handheld?  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are within an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
3. Type a name for the mailing list.  
5. Click Add Member.  
6. Click a contact.  
Add a contact  
Manage contacts  
Create a mailing list  
Manage mailing lists  
Create a category  
7. Click Continue.  
8. Click the trackwheel.  
9. Click Save Group.  
Apply categories to contacts  
View contacts by category  
Delete categories  
Manage mailing lists  
To manage mailing lists, click a mailing list.  
Perform one of the following actions:  
Add a pause or wait  
Add contacts from your company address  
View Group  
Edit Group  
Contacts — frequently asked questions  
Delete Group  
Add a contact  
In the address book, click the trackwheel. Click  
New Address. Type the contact information.  
To manage contacts in a mailing list, click a  
contact. Perform one of the following actions:  
View Member  
Change Member  
Delete Member  
Add Member  
To add a contact from a message, memo, call log,  
or web page, click the contact information. Click  
Add to Address Book. Type any additional  
information. Click the trackwheel. Click Save.  
Manage contacts  
Click a contact. Perform one of the following  
When you delete members from a group or delete  
a group, your contacts remain in the address book.  
About categories  
You create categories in which to group your  
contacts. You can also narrow the contacts  
displayed in the address book based on  
Create a mailing list  
1. In the address book, click the trackwheel.  
More than one category can apply to a contact.  
Category names are not case sensitive.  
2. Click New Group.  
Categories are shared between the address book,  
the task list, and the memos list. Therefore,  
category changes made in the address book are  
also made in the memos list and task list.  
Add a pause or wait  
Use a wait or a pause to separate additional  
numbers, for example a password or extension,  
from the main phone number. When the main  
phone number is dialed, your handheld either  
pauses before dialing the additional numbers  
(pause) or prompts you to type them (wait).  
Create a category  
1. In the address book, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Filter.  
When creating or editing a contact, in a phone  
number field, click the trackwheel. Click Add Wait  
or Add Pause. Type the additional numbers.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click New.  
About remote address book search  
5. Type a name for the category.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
To find and add contacts from your company  
address book, your handheld must be integrated  
with an email account using the BlackBerry  
Enterprise Server version 3.5 or later for  
Microsoft® Exchange, or BlackBerry Enterprise  
Server version 2.2 or later for IBM® Lotus®  
Domino®. For more information, contact your  
system administrator.  
Related topic  
About categories  
Apply categories to contacts  
When creating or editing a contact, click the  
trackwheel. Click Categories. To select the  
categories that apply to the contact, press the  
Space key. Save your changes.  
Add contacts from your company  
address book  
1. In the address book, click the trackwheel.  
View contacts by category  
2. Click Lookup.  
To view all contacts within a category, in the  
address book, click the trackwheel. Click Filter.  
Select a category. Press the Space key.  
3. Type the name of the contact.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
To view all contacts again, click the trackwheel.  
Click Filter. To clear the check boxes beside any  
selected categories, press the Space key.  
5. After the search is complete, click the  
6. Click View Lookup.  
7. Click a contact.  
8. Click Add.  
Delete categories  
In the address book, click the trackwheel. Click  
Filter. Click a category. Click Delete. The category  
is deleted, but any contacts that applied to the  
category remain in the address book.  
You can also type part of the contact name to  
widen the search results.  
To add all the contacts found during the search,  
click Add All.  
Related topics  
About remote address book search  
Manage remote address book search results  
Manage remote address book search  
To view information for a contact, in the search  
results, click a contact. Click View.  
To delete a contact from the search results, click  
the trackwheel. Click Delete.  
To delete the search results, click the trackwheel.  
Click Delete Lookup.  
To move forward or back by a time period, click  
the trackwheel. Click Prev or Next.  
About the calendar  
Change the calendar view  
Use the calendar  
Schedule an appointment  
1. In the calendar, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New.  
Schedule an appointment  
Schedule an appointment quickly  
Schedule a meeting  
3. Type the appointment details.  
4. Set whether the appointment should recur.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
Manage appointments and meetings  
Respond to meeting invitations  
Change meeting participants  
Calendar — frequently asked questions  
6. Click Save.  
If your appointment recurs:  
About the calendar  
Set the Every field to change the frequency or the  
appointment. For example, to set an appointment  
to recur every three days, set the Every field to 3.  
With the handheld calendar, you can view your  
appointments and meetings in one of four views.  
Day, Week, and Month views show all of your  
appointments for the selected time period, while  
Agenda view shows all of your scheduled  
appointments in a list.  
Select the Relative Date check box for the  
appointment to recur on a relative date. For  
example, set an appointment to recur on the last  
Friday of each month, or on the 28th of each  
Change the calendar view  
To change to another calendar view (Day, Week,  
Month, or Agenda), click the trackwheel. Click a  
In the Days field, set the days on which the weekly  
appointment should recur. To select a day, press  
the Enter key.  
To change the default view when you open the  
calendar, click Options. Set the Initial View field.  
Related topics  
Change the default reminder time  
About power off and reminders  
Use the calendar  
To go to a specific date, click the trackwheel. Click  
Go to Date.  
Schedule an appointment quickly  
To go to the current date, click the trackwheel.  
Click Today.  
1. In the calendar options, verify that the  
Enable Quick Entry field is set to Yes.  
2. In Day view, beside the start time, type the  
subject of the appointment.  
3. Type a location in parentheses.  
Select the Relative Date check box for the  
appointment to recur on a relative date. For  
example, set an appointment to recur on the last  
4. To change the start and end times, hold the  
Right Shift key and roll the trackwheel.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topics  
In the Days field, set the days on which the weekly  
appointment should recur. To select a day, press  
the Enter key.  
Change the default reminder time  
About power off and reminders  
Related topics  
Change the default reminder time  
Change the default reminder time  
About power off and reminders  
In the calendar options, set the Default Reminder  
field to the amount of time before the  
appointment that the handheld reminds you. The  
default is 15 minutes.  
Manage appointments and meetings  
In Month view, to view your list of appointments,  
click a day. Click View Appts.  
Related topic  
About power off and reminders  
To view or change the appointment or meeting  
details, click the appointment or meeting. Click  
Open. If you change a meeting, you are prompted  
to notify the contacts invited to the meeting.  
Schedule a meeting  
1. In the calendar, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New.  
To delete an appointment or meeting, click the  
appointment or meeting. Click Delete. If you  
delete a meeting, you are prompted to notify the  
contacts invited to the meeting.  
3. Type the meeting details.  
4. Set whether the meeting should recur.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Invite Attendee.  
7. Click a contact.  
Respond to meeting invitations  
In an open meeting invitation, click the  
trackwheel. Perform one of the following actions:  
8. Click Invite.  
Accept or Accept with comments  
Tentative or Tentative with comments  
Decline or Decline with comments  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
10. Click Save.  
To check your calendar when replying to a  
meeting invitation, click the trackwheel. Click  
View Calendar.  
If your meeting recurs:  
Set the Every field to change the frequency of the  
appointment. For example, to set an appointment  
to recur every three days, set the Every field to 3.  
If you delete a meeting invitation from the  
messages list before you accept or decline it, the  
appointment is deleted from your desktop  
Change meeting participants  
Open the meeting. In an Accepted or Declined  
field, click a contact. Perform one of the following  
Invite Attendee  
Change Attendee  
Remove Attendee  
Create a task  
Use tasks  
Click a task. Perform one of the following actions:  
Use tasks  
Change task status  
Create a category  
Mark Completed  
Mark In Progress  
Apply categories to tasks  
View tasks by category  
Delete categories  
Delete Completed  
Tasks — frequently asked questions  
Change task status  
To change the status for a task to Waiting or  
Deferred, edit the Status field for the task.  
Create a task  
1. In the task list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New.  
About categories  
3. Type the task details.  
4. Set a due date for the task.  
5. Set whether the task should recur.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Save.  
You create categories in which to group your  
tasks. You can also narrow the tasks displayed in  
the task list based on categories.  
Category names are not case sensitive. More than  
one category can apply to a task. If you use Lotus  
Notes® as your desktop email program, you can  
apply more than one category to a task on your  
handheld, but only one category will synchronize  
with the task in your desktop email program.  
If your task recurs:  
Categories are shared between the address book,  
the task list, and the memos list. Therefore,  
category changes made in the task list are also  
made in the address book and the memos list.  
Set the Every field to change the frequency of the  
task. For example, to set a task to recur every three  
days, set the Every field to 3.  
Select the Relative Date check box for the task to  
recur on a relative date. For example, set a task to  
recur on the last Friday of each month, or on the  
28th of each month.  
Create a category  
1. In the task list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Filter.  
In the Days field, set the days on which the weekly  
task should recur. To select a day, press the Enter  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click New.  
5. Type a name for the category.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
About categories  
Apply categories to tasks  
When creating or editing a task, click the  
trackwheel. Click Categories. To select the  
categories that apply to the task, press the Space  
key. Save your changes.  
View tasks by category  
To view all tasks within a category, in the task list,  
click the trackwheel. Click Filter. Select a category.  
Press the Space key.  
To view all tasks again, click the trackwheel. Click  
Filter. To clear the check boxes beside any selected  
categories, press the Space key.  
Delete categories  
In the task list, click the trackwheel. Click Filter.  
Click a category. Click Delete. The category is  
deleted, but any tasks applied to the category  
remain in the tasks list.  
Tasks — frequently asked questions  
Can I remove the prompt that appears before  
I delete contacts, calendar entries, tasks, or  
Can I change how my contacts, tasks, or  
memos are displayed?  
Can I clear all the categories that apply to a  
contact, task, or memo?  
How do I know how many contacts, calendar  
entries, tasks, or memos I have saved?  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click New.  
Write a memo  
Use memos  
5. Type a name for the category.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
Create a category  
Apply categories to memos  
View memos by category  
Delete categories  
Related topic  
About categories  
Memos — frequently asked questions  
Apply categories to memos  
When creating or editing a memo, click the  
trackwheel. Click Categories. To select the  
categories that apply to the memo, press the  
Space key. Save your changes.  
Write a memo  
In the memos list, click the trackwheel. Click New.  
Type a title. Type the body of the memo.  
Use memos  
Click a memo. Perform one of the following  
View memos by category  
To view all memos within a category, in the  
memos list, click the trackwheel. Click Filter. Select  
a category. Press the Space key.  
To view all memos again, click the trackwheel.  
Click Filter. To clear the check boxes beside any  
selected categories, press the Space key.  
About categories  
Delete categories  
You create categories in which to group your  
memos. You can also narrow the memos displayed  
in the memos list based on categories.  
In the memos list, click the trackwheel. Click Filter.  
Click a category. Click Delete. The category is  
deleted, but any memos applied to the category  
remain in the memos list.  
Category names are not case sensitive. More than  
one category can apply to a memo.  
Memos — frequently asked questions  
Categories are shared between the address book,  
the task list, and the memos list. Therefore,  
category changes made in the memos list are also  
made in the address book and the task list.  
Can I remove the prompt that appears before  
I delete contacts, calendar entries, tasks, or  
Can I change how my contacts, tasks, or  
memos are displayed?  
Create a category  
1. In the memos list, click the trackwheel.  
Can I clear all the categories that apply to a  
contact, task, or memo?  
2. Click Filter.  
How do I know how many contacts, calendar  
entries, tasks, or memos I have saved?  
Set the alarm  
Alarm — frequently asked questions  
Why didn’t my alarm notify me on a Saturday  
or Sunday?  
Set the alarm volume  
Silence the alarm  
What is the escalating volume level?  
Turn off the alarm  
Can I set a snooze feature for my alarm?  
Alarm — frequently asked questions  
Why didn’t my alarm notify me on a  
Saturday or Sunday?  
In the alarm, verify that the Active on Weekends  
field is set to Yes. If this field is set to No, your  
alarm does not sound on Saturdays or Sundays.  
Set the alarm  
1. In the alarm, set the Daily Alarm field to On.  
2. Set the time when the alarm should sound.  
3. Set whether to snooze the alarm and the  
length of the snooze.  
Can I set a snooze feature for my  
Yes. In the alarm, change the Snooze field from  
Off to a number. When the alarm sounds, press  
any key to snooze it for the specified amount of  
4. Set the type of notification for the alarm.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Save.  
When you set the alarm, a bell icon appears  
beside the date in the handheld status section of  
the screen.  
Related topic  
About power off and reminders  
Set the alarm volume  
When you set the alarm, you can specify the type  
of notification, including the tune, the volume  
level, and the number of times that the tune plays.  
Silence the alarm  
Press any key. If snooze is enabled, in the Daily  
Alarm dialog box, click Snooze.  
Turn off the alarm  
In the alarm, set the Daily Alarm field to Off.  
Use the calculator memory  
Convert measurements  
Use the calculator memory  
To store a number in the memory, type a number.  
Click M+.  
To recall the memory, click MR.  
To delete the memory, click MC.  
To replace the memory, type a number. Click MS.  
Convert measurements  
In the calculator, type a number. Click Menu. To  
convert the number from imperial to metric, click  
To Metric. To convert the number from metric to  
imperial, click From Metric. Click a conversion  
After you pair with a device, you can set your  
handheld to connect with that device without  
prompting you.  
About Bluetooth®  
Turn the Bluetooth® radio on and off  
Pair with another Bluetooth® device  
Manage paired devices  
Pair with another Bluetooth® device  
1. In the handheld options, click Bluetooth.  
Set handheld Bluetooth® identification  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Add Device.  
Use Bluetooth® wireless technology during a  
4. Click the name of the device with which you  
want to pair.  
Bluetooth® — frequently asked questions  
About Bluetooth®  
5. Authenticate the device you want to pair  
with by typing a passkey in the Enter passkey  
for <device name> field.  
Bluetooth wireless technology enables your  
handheld to establish wireless connections with  
other devices in your area. Use your handheld  
Bluetooth radio to connect your handheld with  
other Bluetooth wireless technology-enabled  
devices such as a handsfree car kit or wireless  
6. Type the same passkey on the device to  
which you are pairing.  
Verify that the device you want to pair with is in  
the correct mode for pairing.  
Turn the Bluetooth® radio on and off  
The names of devices with which you have already  
paired appear in the list of paired devices;  
however, they will not appear in the list of  
available devices that appears when you click Add  
To turn on the Bluetooth radio, in the handheld  
options, click Bluetooth. Select Enable Bluetooth  
and click the trackwheel.  
To turn off the Bluetooth radio, in the handheld  
options, click Bluetooth. Select Disable Bluetooth  
and click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
About Bluetooth® pairings  
About Bluetooth® pairings  
Manage paired devices  
Pairing your handheld with another Bluetooth  
wireless technology-enabled device establishes an  
association that enables a wireless connection  
when your handheld is within range of the other  
device (a typical range is approximately 10  
In the list of paired devices, click a paired device.  
Click Delete Device to remove the device from the  
list of paired devices or click Device Properties to  
perform one of the following actions:  
Edit the paired device name.  
Set whether the paired device can connect  
with your handheld without prompting.  
Set whether Bluetooth® connections with  
your handheld are encrypted.  
Set handheld Bluetooth®  
You can set how your handheld is represented on  
devices with which it is paired.  
In the Bluetooth options, perform one of the  
following actions:  
In the Device Name field, type the name of  
your handheld.  
In the Discoverable field, set whether your  
handheld can be found by other Bluetooth  
wireless technology-enabled devices.  
Use Bluetooth® wireless technology  
during a call  
1. Verify that your handheld Bluetooth radio is  
turned on and your handheld is paired with  
the device you want to use.  
2. During a call, click the trackwheel. Click  
Activate <Bluetooth device>.  
If your handheld can not connect with the paired  
device, a dialog box notifies you that the  
connection cannot be made and the call does not  
use the paired device.  
Related topic  
About Bluetooth® pairings  
Date and time  
Set the date and time  
Can I set the time automatically on my  
Set the date and time  
In the handheld options, click Date/Time. Set the  
date and time. Save your changes.  
To set the date and time in the alarm, click the  
trackwheel. Click Change Date/Time.  
Can I set the time automatically on  
my handheld?  
Yes, depending on your service provider, you  
might be able to request the date and time from  
the wireless network. In the handheld options,  
click Date/Time. Click the trackwheel. Click Copy  
Network Time.  
6. Set how you want to be notified for that  
Set profiles  
Create a notification profile  
Use notification profiles  
Manage downloaded ring tones  
Silence your handheld  
Set the alarm  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Save.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
10. Click Save.  
Set the alarm volume  
Use notification profiles  
Click a profile. Perform one of the following  
What is the escalating volume level?  
Set profiles  
Notification profiles alert you of appointment and  
task reminders, incoming messages, calls, and  
browser content. You can create a profile that  
specifies which sounds to use, whether to notify  
you when the handheld is in or out of the holster,  
and what volume level to use. You can use  
different sounds for each type of item.  
Manage downloaded ring tones  
In the profiles list, click a profile. Click Show  
Tunes. Click a ring tone.  
Perform one of the following actions:  
The handheld has five preset notification profiles:  
Quiet, Loud, Vibrate, Default, and Phone Only. You  
can edit these default profiles, but you cannot  
delete them.  
Listen to the ring tone  
Delete the ring tone  
Silence your handheld  
To silence your handheld, in the profiles list,  
enable the Quiet profile.  
In the profiles list, click a notification profile. Click  
To receive only vibrate notification, in the profiles  
list, enable the Vibrate profile.  
To change the current notification profile quickly,  
select a profile. Press the Space key.  
To turn notification back on, in the profiles list,  
select a different profile. Press the Space key.  
Create a notification profile  
1. In the profiles list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New.  
Related topic  
Silence the alarm  
3. Type a name for the profile.  
4. Click an item.  
5. Click Edit.  
What is the escalating volume level?  
If you use the escalating volume level, the  
notification volume level consistently increases  
until the handheld reaches the loudest volume  
Screen display  
Use the handheld in the dark  
Set the display language  
Set a screen saver  
Set a screen saver  
1. In the handheld options, click Screen/  
2. Set the Standby Screen field to Enabled.  
Set the Home screen background image  
Set the font  
3. In the Standby Timeout field, set the amount  
of time before the screen saver appears.  
Set a theme for your handheld  
Delete themes  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
You can set an image that you saved from a web  
page as your screen saver. In the pictures list, click  
an image. Click Set As Standby Screen. Save your  
Use the handheld in the dark  
To turn on the backlighting, press the Power  
button. If you do not use your handheld for a  
period of time, the backlighting turns off  
automatically. To turn off backlighting manually,  
press the Power button.  
The screen saver is only available for BlackBerry  
Wireless Handhelds with color screens.  
To set how long the backlighting stays on if you  
do not use your handheld, in the handheld  
options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the Backlight  
Timeout field.  
Related topic  
Save an image  
Set the Home screen background  
You can set an image that you saved from a web  
page as your Home screen background. In the  
pictures list, click an image. Click Set As Home  
Screen Image.  
Adjust the brightness for the backlighting. In the  
handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Change  
the Backlight Brightness field.  
If your handheld is always difficult to read, adjust  
the contrast for the screen. In the handheld  
options, click Screen/Keyboard. Change the  
Screen Contrast field.  
To clear the Home screen background, in the  
pictures list, click the trackwheel. Click Reset  
Home Screen Image.  
The Backlight Brightness field is only available on  
some BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds with color  
The Home screen background setting is only  
available for BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds with  
color screens.  
The Screen Contrast field is only available on  
BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds with monochrome  
Related topic  
Save an image  
Set the font  
1. In the handheld options, click Screen/  
2. Set the Font Family, Font Size, and Font Style  
3. For large fonts, set the Antialias mode field.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
Setting a specific font family is only available for  
BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds with color screens.  
Set a theme for your handheld  
On some BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds with  
color screens, you set themes to control the  
appearance of items such as applications,  
indicators, words, and icons. Themes might be pre-  
loaded on your handheld, or you can download  
themes in .cod format.  
In the handheld options click Theme. Click a  
theme name. Click Activate.  
To activate a theme quickly, select a theme name.  
Press the Space key.  
Delete themes  
In the handheld options, click Theme. Click a  
theme name. Click Delete.  
You might not be able to delete themes that are  
pre-loaded on your handheld.  
Set the display language  
Set the input language  
Add or remove a display language  
Set the display language  
1. In the handheld options, click Language.  
2. In the Language field, select a preferred  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
Set the input language  
You can set your handheld input method to the  
language in which you prefer to type without  
changing the display language. This will change  
Auto-text and other typing settings to the selected  
1. In the handheld options, click Language.  
2. In the Input method field, select a preferred  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
Add or remove a display language  
If your handheld software supports multiple  
languages, you can add and remove languages  
using the Application Loader tool in the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more  
information on adding and removing handheld  
software components, refer to the BlackBerry  
Desktop Software Online Help.  
Power and battery  
4. Set the Weekend field to Enabled.  
Turn the handheld on and off automatically  
Keep the battery at a full charge  
Check the battery level  
5. Specify the times that the handheld should  
turn on and off on weekends.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Save.  
Extend battery life  
Reset the handheld  
Related topic  
About power off and reminders  
About power off and reminders  
If you turn off your handheld using the Power  
button, or by clicking Turn Power Off on the Home  
screen and selecting Turn Off, your handheld turns  
itself on at the following times:  
Keep the battery at a full charge  
Charge your handheld for 10 to 15 minutes each  
when the alarm turns on  
Check the battery level  
In the handheld options, click Status.  
when the handheld is set to turn on  
To turn on your handheld when calendar  
reminders occur, set the handheld to turn on and  
off automatically.  
Extend battery life  
Use the Auto On/Off feature.  
If you turn off your handheld by clicking Turn  
Power Off on the Home screen and selecting Full  
Power Off, your handheld does not turn on until  
you press the Power button.  
Turn off the radio when you are not in an area of  
wireless coverage.  
Delete the original message when you send a  
Depending on your theme, the location and name  
for the Turn Power Off icon might change. For  
more information on the differences for your  
theme, refer to the printed documentation that  
accompanied your handheld.  
Send a message to multiple contacts using Add  
To, Add Cc, or Add Bcc.  
Charge your handheld regularly.  
Reset the handheld  
Remove and reinsert the battery.  
Turn the handheld on and off  
1. In the handheld options, click Auto On/Off.  
2. Set the Weekday field to Enabled.  
3. Specify the times that the handheld should  
turn on and off on weekdays.  
Network coverage  
Turn the wireless radio on and off  
You might not be able to create a list of preferred  
networks. For more information, contact your  
service provider.  
Add a network to the preferred network list  
Scan for a network to add to the preferred  
network list  
Add a network to the preferred  
network list  
If you add a network manually, you must know the  
network mobile country code (MCC) and mobile  
network code (MNC).  
Manage the preferred network list  
Network coverage — frequently asked  
Turn the wireless radio on and off  
1. In the handheld options, click Network.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
To turn on the wireless radio, on the Home screen,  
click Turn Wireless On.  
To turn off the wireless radio, on the Home screen,  
click Turn Wireless Off.  
3. Click My Preferred Network List.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Add Network.  
Depending on your theme, the location and name  
for the Turn Wireless On and Turn Wireless Off  
icons might change. For more information on the  
differences for your theme, refer to the printed  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
6. Set the priority for this network in your list of  
preferred networks.  
7. Type the network MCC and MNC.  
8. Click the trackwheel.  
9. Click Save.  
About the preferred network list  
Create a list of preferred networks to specify which  
networks are scanned first when you are traveling.  
The handheld completes the Name field if the  
MCC and MNC are recognized.  
Your handheld attempts to connect to the  
preferred networks based on the order in which  
they appear in your preferred network list. If no  
network in the list is available, your handheld  
automatically roams to an appropriate network.  
If you do not know the MCC and MNC for the  
network, you can add the network from the list of  
networks already known to the handheld. When  
adding a network, click the trackwheel. Click  
Select From Known Networks. Click a network.  
Click Select.  
When adding networks to your preferred network  
list, you can scan for, and add, a network that is  
available in your current area, or you can add a  
network that is already known to the handheld.  
Related topic  
About the preferred network list  
Scan for a network to add to the  
preferred network list  
How do I select a network when  
1. In the handheld options, click Network.  
In most cases when you are traveling, your  
handheld automatically roams to an appropriate  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click My Preferred Network List.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
If you have a preferred network list, your handheld  
will scan first for networks that are available in the  
5. Click Add Network.  
If your handheld continues to display limited level  
of wireless coverage, you can attempt to improve  
the level of wireless coverage by selecting a  
different network. In the handheld options, click  
Network. Set the Selection Mode field to Manual.  
Click the Scan for Available Networks button. In  
the networks list, click a network. Click Select  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Select From Available Networks.  
8. Select the network that you want to add.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
10. Click Select.  
Related topic  
Your SIM card must be provisioned for roaming  
services before you can select a different network.  
roam, contact your service provider.  
About the preferred network list  
Manage the preferred network list  
In the preferred network list, click a network.  
Perform one of the following actions:  
Your handheld connects to the selected network  
and remains connected until you select your home  
network again, or until you select another  
You cannot edit the name for a network in the  
preferred network list.  
To reconnect to your home network, in the  
handheld options, click Network. Set the Selection  
Mode field to Automatic.  
Network coverage — frequently  
asked questions  
How do I register my handheld with  
the network?  
How do I select a network when traveling?  
How do I register my handheld with the  
When you select a different network or load new  
programs, your handheld automatically registers  
with the network. To register your handheld  
manually, in the handheld options, click Host  
Routing Table. Click the trackwheel. Click Register  
How do I change the order of the networks in  
the preferred network list?  
How do I change the order of the  
networks in the preferred network  
To change the order of the networks listed in your  
preferred network list, select the network that you  
want to move higher in the list. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Edit. Change the priority for the  
network and save your changes. Edit the priority  
for the other networks until the preferred network  
list is in the desired order.  
SIM card  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
7. Click Save.  
About the SIM card phone book  
Add a SIM card contact  
Add SIM card contacts to your address book  
Manage SIM card contacts  
Add SIM card contacts to your  
address book  
1. In the address book, click the trackwheel.  
Leave SMS messages on the SIM card  
Set SIM card security  
2. Click SIM Phone Book.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
Change the SIM card PIN code  
4. Click Copy All To Address Book.  
About the SIM card phone book  
Your SIM card phone book gives you access to the  
contacts that are saved on your SIM card. The SIM  
card phone book is different from the contacts  
stored in your address book. If you use a different  
SIM card in your handheld, the contacts in your  
SIM card phone book change. However, the  
contacts in your address book are always  
If you attempt to copy a SIM card contact with a  
phone number matching that of a contact already  
listed in the address book, the SIM card contact  
will not be copied.  
If you attempt to copy a SIM card contact with a  
name matching that of a contact already listed in  
the address book, the SIM card contact will be  
copied regardless of whether your address book is  
configured to allow duplicate names.  
available. You can add contacts from your SIM  
card phone book to your address book.  
You can add abbreviated dialing number (ADN)  
entries to your SIM card phone book, and view  
ADN entries and service dialing number (SDN)  
entries. ADN entries appear in plain text and SDN  
entries appear in bold.  
Manage SIM card contacts  
Click a SIM card phone book contact. Perform one  
of the following actions:  
You can create or edit SIM card contacts if your  
SIM card is provisioned for a SIM card phone  
book. For more information, contact your service  
Leave SMS messages on the SIM  
Add a SIM card contact  
When you change SIM cards, any SMS messages  
saved on the SIM card are imported onto your  
handheld. You can set the handheld SMS options  
to keep those messages on the SIM card after they  
appear on the handheld.  
1. In the address book, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click SIM Phone Book.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click New.  
5. Type the contact information.  
In the handheld options, click SMS. Set the Leave  
messages on SIM card field to Yes. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Save.  
Set SIM card security  
1. In the handheld options, click SIM Card.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Enable Security.  
4. Type your SIM card PIN code.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
Your service provider must provide you with a SIM  
card PIN code to set SIM card security.  
If you type the SIM card PIN code incorrectly three  
times, your SIM card does not function. For more  
information, contact your service provider.  
Change the SIM card PIN code  
To change the SIM card PIN code, SIM card  
security must be enabled.  
1. In the handheld options, click SIM Card.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Change PIN Code.  
4. Type the current SIM card PIN code.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Type a new SIM card PIN code.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Type the new SIM card PIN code again.  
2. Set the Password field to Enabled.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
Set a handheld password  
Lock the handheld  
Lock the keyboard  
5. Click Save.  
Protect your handheld content  
Reduce handheld content size  
Regenerate encryption keys  
Store a password  
6. Type a handheld password.  
8. Retype the handheld password.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
Create a random password  
Use the password keeper  
Copy a password  
Related topics  
About the handheld password  
Change the handheld password  
Disable the handheld password  
Verify security software  
Prevent third-party applications from  
transmitting data  
Change the handheld password  
1. In the handheld options, click Security.  
Clear the handheld  
Set owner information  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
Security — frequently asked questions  
3. Click Change Password.  
4. Type your current handheld password.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
About the handheld password  
If you type your handheld password incorrectly  
five times, you must type blackberry before you  
can continue. On subsequent password attempts,  
the characters that you type are displayed.  
6. Type a new handheld password.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Retype the new handheld password.  
9. Click the trackwheel.  
If you type your handheld password ten times  
incorrectly, all information is erased from your  
handheld for security reasons.  
Related topics  
If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using a BlackBerry Enterprise Server,  
some security settings might differ. For more  
information, contact your system administrator.  
About the handheld password  
Disable the handheld password  
Disable the handheld password  
1. In the handheld options, click Security.  
Set a handheld password  
1. In the handheld options, click Security.  
2. Set the Password field to Disabled.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
About content protection and  
Content protection encrypts your handheld data.  
When your handheld is password locked, an open  
lock in the handheld status section of the screen  
indicates that encryption is in progress. A closed  
lock indicates that encryption is complete. After  
you type your handheld password, data on your  
handheld is decrypted as you access it.  
5. Type the handheld password.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
About the handheld password  
To use content protection, you must have a  
handheld password enabled.  
Lock the handheld  
With a handheld password set, on the Home  
screen, click Lock.  
Content compression reduces the size of the data  
stored on your handheld while maintaining the  
integrity of that data.  
To unlock your handheld, on the Lock screen, roll  
the trackwheel. In the Enter password dialog box,  
type your password.  
Protect your handheld content  
1. In the handheld options, click Security.  
Related topic  
2. Set the Content Protection field to Enabled.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
About the handheld password  
About keyboard lock  
4. Click Save.  
If you do not set a handheld password, you can  
lock your keyboard to prevent accidentally placing  
calls or typing characters.  
5. Type your handheld password.  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
Lock the keyboard  
If you have not enabled your handheld password  
before you enable content protection, you are  
prompted to set a handheld password when you  
save the security settings.  
On the Home screen, click Keyboard Lock.  
To unlock the keyboard, double-click the  
Related topic  
Related topic  
About content protection and compression  
About keyboard lock  
Reduce handheld content size  
1. In the handheld options, click Security.  
2. Set the Content Compression field to  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Save.  
5. If you have enabled a handheld password,  
type your password.  
The first time that you open the password keeper,  
you must create a password keeper password.  
Information in the password keeper is encrypted  
and is only decrypted when you type this  
6. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
About content protection and compression  
Passwords stored in the password keeper are  
encrypted; however, if you copy a password, you  
can paste it into other applications on the  
handheld. While the password is copied on the  
clipboard, it is not encrypted.  
About encryption keys  
If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server or  
BlackBerry Desktop Redirector, encryption keys  
protect data as it travels between your BlackBerry  
Enterprise Server or BlackBerry Desktop Redirector  
and the handheld. Encryption keys are generated  
automatically, but you can manually regenerate  
keys at any time.  
Store a password  
1. In the password keeper, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New.  
3. Type the information for the password.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
Regenerate encryption keys  
If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
version 3.6 or earlier for Microsoft® Exchange, the  
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 2.2 or earlier  
for IBM® Lotus® Domino®, or if you use the  
BlackBerry Desktop Redirector to forward email to  
your handheld, update the encryption keys using  
the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more  
information, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
5. Click Save.  
Related topic  
About the password keeper  
Create a random password  
1. In the password keeper, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click New.  
3. Type a title for the password.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Random Password.  
6. Type any additional password information.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Save.  
Related topic  
About encryption keys  
About the password keeper  
Use the password keeper to create and store all of  
your passwords. The password keeper is locked  
with a single password, so you can maintain all  
your passwords in one place.  
Use the password keeper  
Click a password entry. Perform one of the  
following actions:  
You can use the password keeper to generate  
random passwords containing letters, numbers,  
and symbols.  
Related topic  
Legal notice  
To change your password keeper password, click  
the trackwheel. Click Change password. Click Yes.  
Type your new password. Confirm your new  
password. Click Ok.  
Prevent third-party applications  
from transmitting data  
When a third-party application on your handheld  
attempts to transmit data, a dialog box appears  
on your screen. Accept or deny the connection  
Copy a password  
In the password keeper, select a password entry.  
Click the trackwheel. Click Copy to Clipboard.  
To reset the firewall settings at any time, in the  
handheld options, click Firewall. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Reset Settings.  
To clear the password from the clipboard, in the  
password keeper, click the trackwheel. Click Clear  
Related topics  
About firewall settings  
Legal notice  
To paste the password, place the cursor where you  
want to insert it. Click the trackwheel. Click Paste.  
Clear the handheld  
Passwords copied to the clipboard are not  
Performing this procedure disables all services and  
removes all data, including passwords and  
encryption keys, from the handheld. Before  
clearing your handheld, verify that a backup copy  
of your data is available.  
About security self tests  
The security self tests program verifies that  
security software is implemented properly on your  
handheld. The tests run automatically when your  
handheld restarts.  
1. In the handheld options, click Security.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Wipe Handheld.  
4. Click Continue.  
Verify security software  
In the handheld options, click Security. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Verify Security Software.  
5. Type blackberry.  
Related topic  
About security self tests  
Related topic  
How do I restore my handheld after clearing  
About firewall settings  
If you have third-party applications on your  
handheld, the firewall option prevents these  
applications from transmitting data without your  
Set owner information  
In the handheld options, click Owner. Type your  
contact information. Click the trackwheel. Click  
Owner information appears on the screen when  
you lock your handheld.  
Play BrickBreaker  
How do I set the speed of the paddle?  
How do I set the paddle to accelerate as I roll  
the trackwheel?  
Play BrickBreaker  
The object of this game is to destroy bricks using a  
paddle and a ball. To move the paddle, roll the  
trackwheel. To release the ball when in catch  
mode, or to shoot the laser or gun, press the Space  
During the game, the following capsules fall from  
the bricks that you destroy:  
Long makes the paddle longer.  
Slow slows down the speed of the ball.  
Gun enables you to shoot three bullets at the  
Laser enables you to shoot unlimited laser  
beams at the bricks.  
Multi multiplies the number of balls.  
Catch enables you to catch and hold the ball.  
Skip advances you to the next level.  
Flip changes the direction of the paddle.  
1-up gives you an additional life.  
How do I set the speed of the  
In the BrickBreaker options, set the Paddle  
Movement Speed field.  
How do I set the paddle to  
accelerate as I roll the trackwheel?  
In the BrickBreaker options, set the Paddle  
Acceleration field.  
Service books  
About service books  
Manage service books  
In the handheld options, click Service Book. Click a  
service book. Perform one of the following actions:  
Receive new service books  
Accept a new service book  
Manage service books  
Restore a deleted service book  
Restore a deleted service book  
In the handheld options, click Service Book. Click  
the trackwheel. Click Undelete.  
About service books  
Service books determine which services are  
available on your handheld. If your handheld is  
integrated with an email account using a  
BlackBerry Enterprise Server, your system  
administrator can send service books that  
determine whether features such as remote  
address lookup and wireless calendar  
synchronization are available.  
Receive new service books  
Service books arrive on your handheld in one of  
the following ways:  
over the wireless network from your service  
through the BlackBerry Desktop Software  
when you connect your handheld to your  
Accept a new service book  
Service books should be automatically accepted  
by your handheld. If a new service book is  
available and it is not automatically accepted, a  
book icon appears in the handheld status section  
of the screen.  
To accept the service book manually, in the  
handheld options, click Service Book. Click the  
new service book. Click Accept.  
Frequently asked questions  
Why are some of the features described not  
available on my handheld?  
described not available on my  
Depending on your service provider plan or the  
type of email account that you are using, some  
features might not be available on your handheld.  
administrator. For more information, contact your  
service provider or system administrator.  
What software version do I have on my  
Email and PIN messages — frequently asked  
SMS messages — frequently asked questions  
Attachments — frequently asked questions  
Phone — frequently asked questions  
Browser — frequently asked questions  
Downloading — frequently asked questions  
Contacts — frequently asked questions  
Calendar — frequently asked questions  
Tasks — frequently asked questions  
What software version do I have on  
To view handheld information such as your  
handheld type, software version, and copyright  
information, in the handheld options, click About.  
To return to the handheld options, press the  
Escape button twice.  
Memos — frequently asked questions  
Bluetooth® — frequently asked questions  
Synchronization — frequently asked  
Typing — frequently asked questions  
Alarm — frequently asked questions  
Network coverage — frequently asked  
Security — frequently asked questions  
Email and PIN messages — frequently asked questions  
Why can’t I send email or PIN messages?  
Why can’t I receive email or PIN messages?  
sent to my handheld?  
Why is the menu option to send an email or  
PIN message not available?  
Can I verify that an email or PIN message has  
reached its recipient?  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
Can I stop an email message from being  
Why are some messages already on my  
If you send a message and you are not in an area  
sends the message when you return to an area of  
sufficient wireless coverage.  
How do I create and use links in messages?  
Why is “More available” appearing at the end  
of my message?  
Why can’t I receive email or PIN  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
Can I file messages?  
Why can’t I see a new message in the  
messages list even though I received  
Why is there a different icon beside some  
items in the messages list?  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
Verify that email redirection to your handheld is  
enabled. If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software, in the Redirector Settings tool, verify  
that the Redirect incoming messages to your  
handheld check box is selected.  
How do I show more of a subject line for my  
email and PIN messages?  
How do I identify received PIN messages as  
high priority?  
Can I remove the prompt that appears before  
I delete messages?  
Why is the menu option to send an  
email or PIN message not available?  
If you do not have an email address or PIN saved  
for your contact, the option to send an email or  
PIN message to that contact does not appear. In  
the address book, add an email address or a PIN  
number for your contact.  
Why were some of my messages deleted from  
the handheld?  
How do I change how long messages remain  
in the messages list?  
How do I make changes to the folders on my  
Can I verify that an email or PIN  
message has reached its recipient?  
Why is “More available” appearing  
at the end of my message?  
Yes. To receive email message confirmation, if  
your handheld is integrated with an email account  
using a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, type  
Long messages are sent to your handheld in  
sections. As you read the first section, the next  
section is sent to your handheld automatically, if  
you are in an area of sufficient wireless coverage.  
However, it might take several seconds before  
your handheld receives the next section.  
<confirm> before the subject of your message.  
For PIN messages, when the message has been  
delivered to a handheld, a D appears beside the  
check mark in the messages list.  
To send only the first section of long messages to  
your handheld, in the messages options, click  
General Options. Set the Auto More field to No.  
The next time that you receive a long message,  
More available appears at the bottom. To request  
more of the message, click the trackwheel. Click  
More. To view the rest of the message, click More  
Can I stop an email message from  
being sent?  
Yes, if the handheld radio is turned off or you are  
in an area of insufficient wireless coverage. If a  
clock icon appears beside the message, delete the  
message to stop it from being sent.  
If the radio is turned on and you are in an area of  
sufficient wireless coverage, any pending  
messages are sent immediately, so you cannot  
stop the message from being sent.  
Can I file messages?  
Yes. If you have enabled wireless email  
reconciliation for your handheld, any messages  
that you file on your handheld are also filed in  
your mailbox.  
Why are some messages already on  
my handheld?  
When you first receive your handheld and every  
time that you update the software, several  
welcome messages appear. These messages  
provide information and tips for using the  
If your handheld is not enabled for wireless email  
reconciliation, your handheld must be integrated  
with an email account using the BlackBerry  
Desktop Redirector or BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
to file messages. You must perform an initial email  
reconciliation with the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software so that the folders in your mailbox  
appear on your handheld. For more information  
on configuring manual email reconciliation, refer  
to the BlackBerry Desktop Software Online Help.  
How do I create and use links in  
Links appear in your messages as underlined text.  
Messages can contain links to various items such  
as phone numbers, web sites, and email addresses.  
When you receive a message containing a link,  
click the link. In the menu, click the actions that  
apply to the type of link selected.  
The handheld automatically recognizes most  
items as links. To create a link for a PIN, type pin:  
before typing the PIN number.  
Why can’t I see a new message in the  
messages list even though I received  
If email messages are sent to your handheld from  
specific mailbox folders and, in the general  
messages options, you set the Hide Filed  
Why were some of my messages  
deleted from the handheld?  
If your handheld memory is full, your handheld  
deletes the oldest messages from the messages  
list to accommodate new ones. It will not delete  
saved messages.  
Messages option to Yes, a new message sent to  
your handheld is filed automatically, and it might  
not appear in the messages list. To view all of your  
messages, set the Hide Filed Messages field to No.  
If you have enabled wireless email reconciliation,  
messages that you delete in your mailbox are also  
deleted on your handheld. Messages that you  
delete on your handheld are also deleted in your  
Why is there a different icon beside  
some items in the messages list?  
Different icons are used in the messages list to  
indicate various items, such as message status,  
saved web pages, call logs, and email messages  
with attachments.  
If you deleted multiple messages using Delete  
Prior, the messages are only deleted from your  
How do I change how long messages  
remain in the messages list?  
To change the number of days your handheld will  
keep messages on the messages list, in the  
message options, click General Options. Set the  
Keep Messages field.  
When you make or receive a call, the handheld  
creates a call log containing information about  
the call. To disable call logs, in the phone options,  
click Call Logging. Set the Show Logs in Message  
List field to No.  
Messages sent to your handheld that are older  
than the number of days that you specify in the  
Keep Messages field are removed from your  
handheld. The messages can be restored, however,  
if you set the Keep Messages field to a longer  
period of time. When you increase the amount of  
time in this field, any messages sent to your  
handheld during that period of time appear in the  
messages list.  
How do I show more of a subject line  
for my email and PIN messages?  
If you want to show more of the subject line for  
your messages, you can hide the time that the  
message was received and the name of the sender  
or recipient of the message. In the messages  
options, click General Options. Set the Display  
Time and Display Name fields to No.  
How do I make changes to the  
folders on my handheld?  
You cannot add, edit, or delete folders from your  
handheld. To add, edit, or delete the folder,  
change it in your mailbox and reconcile your email  
with your handheld.  
How do I identify received PIN  
messages as high priority?  
In the messages options, click General Options.  
Set the Make PIN Messages Level 1 field to Yes.  
Can I remove the prompt that  
appears before I delete messages?  
Yes. In the messages options, click General  
Options. Set the Confirm Delete option to No.  
If your handheld is enabled for wireless email  
reconciliation, changes that you make to the  
folders in your mailbox are synchronized with your  
handheld over the wireless network.  
If your handheld is not enabled for wireless email  
reconciliation, reconcile your email manually  
using the BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more  
information, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Intellisync Online Help.  
How do I stop email messages from  
being sent to my handheld?  
If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software,  
in the Redirector Settings tool, clear the Redirect  
incoming messages to your handheld check box.  
SMS messages — frequently asked questions  
If you still cannot send SMS messages, verify that  
service provider.  
Why can’t I send SMS messages?  
Can I verify that my SMS message has  
reached its recipients?  
How do I display more items in an SMS  
message thread?  
Can I verify that my SMS message  
has reached its recipients?  
Yes. In the handheld options, click SMS. Set the  
Delivery Reports field to On.  
Can I set how SMS messages display?  
Can I remove the prompt that appears before  
I delete messages?  
When your SMS message reaches its recipient, a D  
appears beside the check mark in the messages  
Why were some of my messages deleted from  
the handheld?  
Why aren’t all of the SMS options described  
appearing on my handheld?  
How do I display more items in an  
SMS message thread?  
In the handheld options, click SMS. In the Number  
of Previous Items field, set how many previous  
SMS messages from the thread should appear.  
What are the Validity Period, Sent As, and  
Network to Send Over fields in the SMS  
How do I change how long messages remain  
in the messages list?  
If, in the handheld options on the SMS screen, you  
have set the SMS View field to Conversational, all  
of the messages in the thread display by default.  
Why can’t I send SMS messages?  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
Can I set how SMS messages  
Yes. In the handheld options, click SMS.  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
If you send a message and you are not in an area  
of sufficient wireless coverage, the handheld  
sends the message when you return to an area of  
sufficient wireless coverage.  
If you want SMS messages within a thread to  
display as separate entries in the message list, set  
the Message List option to Show all.  
If you want to change the format of SMS  
messages so that you can type a response in the  
same screen that you view the message, set the  
SMS View field to Conversational.  
Verify that fixed dialing number mode is not  
enabled. To disable FDN mode, in the phone  
options, click FDN Phone List. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Disable FDN mode.  
To send a message in the conversational SMS  
view, type text at the bottom of the SMS screen  
and press the Enter key to send the message. You  
can also click the trackwheel to view more options  
in the menu.  
Why were some of my messages  
deleted from the handheld?  
If your handheld memory is full, your handheld  
deletes the oldest messages from the messages  
application to accommodate new ones. It will not  
delete saved messages.  
Why aren’t all of the SMS options  
described appearing on my  
Depending on your service provider plan, some  
SMS message options might not be available on  
your handheld. For more information, contact your  
service provider.  
What are the Validity Period, Sent  
As, and Network to Send Over fields  
in the SMS options?  
The Validity Period field specifies how long the  
service center should keep your SMS messages if  
they cannot be delivered to your contacts  
immediately. The Sent As field sets how to send  
your SMS messages, and the Network to Send  
Over field sets the type of network through which  
your SMS messages are sent.  
To view document and spreadsheet attachments,  
your handheld must be integrated with an email  
version 3.6 or later for Microsoft® Exchange, the  
IBM® Lotus® Domino®, or the BlackBerry Web  
Can I view file attachments on my handheld?  
Why are some file attachment features not  
available on my handheld?  
How do I view password-protected file  
How do I view information about attached  
handheld must be integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
version 3.6 Service Pack 1 or later for Microsoft®  
Exchange, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server version  
2.2 Service Pack 1 or later for IBM® Lotus®  
Domino®, or the BlackBerry Web Client.  
Can I set the amount of memory that my  
handheld uses for file attachments?  
How do I change how file attachments are  
How do I view cell contents in spreadsheet  
To view image attachments, your handheld must  
be integrated with an email account using the  
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.0 or the  
BlackBerry Web Client version 1.9.  
Why is “More available” appearing at the end  
of my file attachment?  
How do I search for text within a file  
For more information, contact your system  
administrator or service provider.  
What does skipped content mean?  
Can I see tracked changes in document  
Why are some file attachment  
features not available on my  
If your BlackBerry Wireless Handheld has 8 MB of  
memory, some image attachment viewing features  
are not available.  
Can I view file attachments on my  
Yes, if attachment viewing is enabled for your  
handheld. When you receive a message with an  
attachment, click the trackwheel. If Open  
Attachment appears in the menu, you can view  
attachments on your handheld.  
How do I view password-protected  
file attachments?  
You can only view password-protected .pdf files. If  
you receive a .pdf file that is password-protected,  
you must type the password to view the file. On  
the Attachment screen, select the file name. Click  
the trackwheel. Click Password. Type the  
If Open Attachment does not appear in the menu,  
your handheld might not be enabled for  
attachment viewing.  
password. Click the trackwheel.  
To change the column size for all of the columns  
in a spreadsheet, click the unmarked column label  
in the top left corner of the screen. Click the  
preferred size.  
How do I view information about  
attached files?  
To view the file size, title, and other information  
about an attached file without retrieving the file,  
on the Attachment screen, select the file name.  
Click the trackwheel. Click Retrieve Info.  
To change the default column size for all  
spreadsheet attachments, open the attachment  
options. Set the Column Width field to Large.  
Can I set the amount of memory that  
my handheld uses for file  
Why is “More available” appearing  
at the end of my file attachment?  
Yes. In the attachment options, set the Cache Size  
Long attachments are sent to your handheld in  
sections. As you read the first section, the next  
section is sent to your handheld automatically, if  
you are in an area of sufficient wireless coverage.  
However, it might take several seconds before  
your handheld receives the next section.  
How do I change how file  
attachments are displayed?  
Open the full content for a file attachment. Click  
the trackwheel. Click Options.  
To send only the first section of long attachments  
to your handheld, in the messages options, click  
General Options. Set the Auto More field to No.  
The next time that you receive a long attachment,  
More available appears at the bottom. To request  
more of the file attachment, click the trackwheel.  
Click More. To view the rest of the attachment,  
click More All.  
To change the font for your file attachments, set  
the Font Family and Font Size fields. You can only  
set the Font Family field on BlackBerry Wireless  
Handhelds with color screens.  
In document attachments, to use font sizes that  
reflect those in the original document, set the  
Reflect Original Font Sizes field to Yes.  
How do I search for text within a file  
To show a grid when viewing spreadsheet  
attachments, set the Show Gridlines field to Yes.  
In the attachment, click the trackwheel. Click Find.  
Type the text. Click the trackwheel.  
To label spreadsheet columns with letters and  
label spreadsheet rows with numbers, set the  
Display Labels field.  
To make the Find feature case sensitive when  
searching, select the Case Sensitive Search check  
How do I view cell contents in  
spreadsheet attachments?  
When you select a cell, the contents appear at the  
top of the screen. If the contents are too long to  
see, click the cell. Click View Cell.  
To view the text on your handheld, verify that your  
handheld radio is turned on and that you are in an  
area of sufficient wireless coverage. For more  
information on wireless coverage levels, refer to  
the printed documentation that accompanied  
your handheld.  
To view the contents of all the cells in a column,  
click the column label at the top of the screen.  
Click Fit. All the cells for that column expand to  
the size of the cell with the longest content.  
What does skipped content mean?  
The skipped content bar appears in a document  
attachment when more content is available but  
has not been retrieved. To retrieve skipped  
content, click the skipped content bar. Click More.  
Can I see tracked changes in  
document attachments?  
Some document formats enable editors to track  
changes in a document. With tracked changes  
showing, new and deleted text is displayed in the  
document. To view tracked changes, click the  
trackwheel. Click Show Changes. To hide tracked  
changes, click the trackwheel. Click Hide Changes.  
Can I reconcile email messages over the  
wireless network?  
Can I synchronize PIM items over the  
wireless network?  
If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
version 2.1 or later, calendar appointments and  
meetings might be the only PIM items that can be  
synchronized over the wireless network. For more  
information on setting wireless calendar  
synchronization, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
Can I synchronize PIM items over the wireless  
How do I handle conflicts between my  
handheld and mailbox?  
Why are some of my email messages not  
reconciling over the wireless network?  
Can I reconcile with my personal folders?  
Your handheld radio must be on and you must be  
in an area of sufficient wireless coverage for PIM  
items to synchronize over the wireless network. For  
more information on wireless coverage levels, refer  
to the printed documentation that accompanied  
your handheld.  
Can I remotely empty the deleted messages  
folder on my computer?  
Can I reconcile email messages over  
the wireless network?  
Yes. If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
version 3.6 or later for Microsoft® Exchange, or  
the BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 2.2 or  
later for IBM® Lotus® Domino®, verify that  
wireless email reconciliation is enabled in the  
messages options.  
How do I handle conflicts between  
my handheld and mailbox?  
A conflict might occur if you edit the same item  
on both your handheld and mailbox before  
synchronization takes place.  
If you enable wireless email reconciliation, you  
can set whether the handheld or mailbox takes  
precedence when a conflict occurs. In the  
messages options, click Email Reconciliation. Set  
the On Conflict field to the preferred option. You  
can set this option for each message service on  
your handheld.  
If your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Web Client, and your  
service provider supports wireless email  
reconciliation, verify that you have enabled  
wireless email reconciliation in the messages  
If you use the BlackBerry Desktop Software to  
enable wireless calendar synchronization, you can  
adjust the calendar conflict resolution settings in  
the desktop software. For more information, refer  
to the BlackBerry Desktop Software Online Help.  
Why are some of my email messages  
not reconciling over the wireless  
If you are not in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage, your email messages will not be  
reconciled over the wireless network. For more  
information on wireless coverage levels, refer to  
the printed documentation that accompanied  
your handheld.  
If you are in an area of sufficient wireless coverage  
and you want to initiate email reconciliation from  
the handheld, in the messages list, click the  
trackwheel. Click Reconcile Now.  
Can I reconcile with my personal  
Yes. If you are a Microsoft® Exchange user, and  
you use personal folders, you can only reconcile  
email messages with personal folders using the  
BlackBerry Desktop Software. For more  
information, refer to the BlackBerry Desktop  
Software Online Help.  
Can I remotely empty the deleted  
messages folder on my computer?  
Yes. In the messages options, click Email  
Reconciliation. Click the trackwheel. Click Purge  
Deleted Items. Click Yes.  
To use this feature, your handheld must be  
integrated with an email account using the  
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 3.6 or later for  
Microsoft® Exchange, and wireless email  
reconciliation must be enabled. Verify that your  
handheld radio is turned on and that you are in an  
area of sufficient wireless coverage. For more  
information on wireless coverage levels, refer to  
the printed documentation that accompanied  
your handheld.  
Phone — frequently asked questions  
Why can I not make calls?  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
Why am I no longer receiving calls?  
How do I make calls from the Home screen?  
How do I hide my handheld phone number  
from a contact when making a call?  
blocking or call forwarding is not enabled.  
Can I use the phone when the handheld or  
keyboard is locked?  
How do I format conference call numbers in  
my messages?  
that the Dial From Home Screen field is set to Yes.  
You can make calls from this screen, but you  
cannot use Home screen shortcuts.  
Can I block calls?  
Can I use call forwarding?  
How do I edit the phone number to which  
my calls are forwarded?  
Can I use call waiting?  
How do I hide my handheld phone  
number from a contact when making  
a call?  
In the phone options, click General Options. Set  
the Restrict My Identity field to Yes.  
Can I use FDN mode on my handheld?  
Can I use a TTY device with my handheld?  
Can I set the Phone to display frequently  
called numbers?  
Can I use the phone when the  
handheld or keyboard is locked?  
If you receive a call when the keyboard is locked,  
the keyboard unlocks when you answer the call.  
How do I stop my handheld from answering  
or ending calls automatically?  
Can I change how my phone number  
appears in the phone?  
If you receive a call when the handheld is  
password-locked, you can answer the call, but your  
handheld remains password-locked during the  
call. You can perform regular phone actions, such  
as mute and hold. When you end the call, the  
handheld remains password-locked.  
Why can I not make calls?  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
If you still cannot make calls, verify that fixed  
dialing number mode is not enabled. To disable  
FDN mode, in the phone options, click FDN Phone  
List. Click the trackwheel. Click Disable FDN mode.  
How do I format conference call  
numbers in my messages?  
How do I edit the phone number to  
which my calls are forwarded?  
You can format conference call numbers as links in  
your messages so that recipients can join your  
conference call quickly.  
To make changes to a call forwarding phone  
number that you have added, delete the current  
phone number and add a new phone number.  
In your message, type the main bridge number.  
Perform one of the following actions:  
Can I use call waiting?  
Yes, if your service provider plan includes call  
waiting and your SIM card is provisioned for the  
service. For more information, contact your service  
Type X and add the access code as an  
Press the Alt key + N to insert a comma  
before typing the access code. The comma  
represents a 2-second pause. You can insert  
multiple pauses.  
Can I use FDN mode on my  
Press the Alt key + B to insert an exclamation  
mark before typing the access code. The  
exclamation mark represents a wait.  
Yes, if your SIM card is provisioned for the service.  
Your service provider must also provide you with a  
SIM card PIN2 code. For more information,  
contact your service provider.  
If you use a pause or a wait, you must type Tel:  
directly before the main bridge number. Do not  
type a space between Tel: and the number.  
Can I use a TTY device with my  
Yes, if your service provider supports TTY devices.  
The TTY device must operate at 45.45 bps, and  
you must insert the TTY device connector into your  
handheld headset jack. If you use an RJ-11  
connector, you must use an adapter to connect  
the TTY device to your handheld.  
Can I block calls?  
Yes, if your service provider plan includes call  
barring and your SIM card is provisioned for the  
service. Your service provider also must provide  
you with a default call barring password. For more  
information, contact your service provider.  
TTY is only available on some BlackBerry Wireless  
You can block all incoming calls or incoming calls  
when you are roaming.  
Can I set the Phone to display  
frequently called numbers?  
Yes. You can set the phone to display a list of  
frequently or recently called numbers instead of  
call logs. In the phone options, click General  
Options. Set the Phone List View field.  
You can also block all outgoing calls, all  
international outgoing calls, or all international  
outgoing calls when you are roaming.  
Can I use call forwarding?  
Yes, if your service provider plan includes call  
forwarding and your SIM card is provisioned for  
the service. For more information, contact your  
service provider.  
How do I stop my handheld from  
answering or ending calls  
To stop your handheld from answering calls  
automatically when you remove it from the  
holster, in the phone options, click General  
Options. Set the Auto Answer Calls field to No.  
To stop your handheld from ending calls  
automatically when you insert it in the holster, in  
the phone options, click General Options. Set the  
Auto End Calls field to No.  
Can I change how my phone number  
appears in the phone?  
Yes. Edit your SIM card phone number to change  
how your phone number appears in the phone. In  
the handheld options, click SIM Card. Click the  
trackwheel. Click Edit SIM Phone Number. Edit  
your phone number and save your changes.  
If you edit your SIM card phone number, the  
number that appears in the My Number field in  
the phone changes. Editing the SIM card phone  
number does not change the actual number used  
to make and receive calls.  
You can also hide your phone number so that it  
does not appear in the phone. In the phone  
options, click General Options. Set the Show My  
Number field to No.  
Depending on your service provider or your theme,  
might change.  
Why are there no browsers available on my  
Can I use the BlackBerry Browser?  
How do I change the browser home page?  
browser accepts?  
Yes, if your handheld is integrated with an email  
account using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 2.2 or later for  
Can I override the character set encoding of  
web pages?  
What is the Available Offline check box that  
appears when I’m adding a bookmark?  
Why did the web page form not submit?  
How do I use the browser queue?  
Configuration. In the Home Page Address field,  
change the web page address. Save your changes.  
How do I control when scripts are run on my  
With multiple browsers on my handheld, how  
do I connect a browser with a Home screen  
shortcut key?  
Depending on your service provider, you might  
not be able to change your home page.  
How do I change which browser opens when  
I click a link in an open email message?  
How do I change the type of content  
that the browser accepts?  
In the browser options, click Browser  
Configuration. In the Content Mode field, set the  
type of content that the browser accepts. Save  
your changes.  
On my browser home page, when I hold the  
Escape button, the application closes. Can I  
change this?  
What options can I set for WAP Browser  
Can I override the character set  
encoding of web pages?  
What options can I set for BlackBerry  
Browser security?  
Yes. On a web page, click the trackwheel. Click Set  
Encoding. Clear the Auto mode check box. Set the  
Default Charset field. Click OK. The browser uses  
the default character set to display all web pages.  
Why are there no browsers available  
on my handheld?  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
What is the Available Offline check  
box that appears when I’m adding a  
browser with a Home screen  
shortcut key?  
In the handheld options, click Browser. In the W  
hotkey configuration field, select which WAP  
Browser opens when you press the W key on the  
Home screen. In the B hotkey configuration field,  
select which BlackBerry Browser opens when you  
press the B key on the Home screen.  
The Available Offline check box enables you to  
view the web page when you are not connected to  
the wireless network or when you are outside an  
area of wireless coverage. When you view the web  
page offline, it displays the information that was  
current when you last viewed the bookmark  
online. To change this check box, you must create  
the bookmark again.  
You can only change these fields if you have  
multiple browsers for the same browser type on  
your handheld. Also, the shortcut keys are only  
available on the Home screen if, in the general  
phone options, the Dial From Home Screen field is  
set to No.  
Why did the web page form not  
Verify that your handheld radio is turned on and  
that you are in an area of sufficient wireless  
coverage. For more information on wireless  
coverage levels, refer to the printed  
How do I change which browser  
opens when I click a link in an open  
email message?  
In the handheld options, click Browser. Set the  
Default Browser Configuration to the browser to  
use when you click links.  
documentation that accompanied your handheld.  
How do I use the browser queue?  
The browser queue lists all of the forms submitted  
when you were not within an area of sufficient  
wireless coverage.  
On my browser home page, when I  
hold the Escape button, the  
application closes. Can I change  
Yes. In the browser options, click General  
Properties. Select the Prompt Before Closing  
Browser On Escape check box. You receive a  
prompt before the browser closes.  
To view a form in the queue, in the browser  
options, click Offline Queues. Click a form. Click  
Get Link.  
To delete a form in the queue, click the form. Click  
How do I control when scripts are  
run on my handheld?  
In the browser options, click General Properties.  
Select the Prompt Before Running WML Scripts  
check box. You are prompted before browser  
scripts are run.  
What options can I set for WAP  
Browser security?  
To set WAP Browser security, in the handheld  
options, click WTLS. In the Encryption Strength  
field, set the encryption level for connecting to  
your WAP gateway. In the Prompt for Server Trust  
field, set whether to prompt for WTLS connection  
authentications if the handheld cannot  
With multiple browsers on my  
handheld, how do I connect a  
authenticate the connection automatically.  
What options can I set for  
BlackBerry Browser security?  
Transport Layer Security (TLS) can apply to the  
connection from your BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
to a web server, or it can apply to the entire  
connection from your handheld to a web server.  
To set BlackBerry Browser security, in the  
handheld options, click TLS.  
To apply TLS to the connection from your  
BlackBerry Enterprise Server to a web server, set  
the TLS Default field to Proxy. Set the Allow  
HTTPS Redirections field and the Trusted Hosts  
To apply TLS to the entire connection from your  
handheld to a web server, set the TLS Default field  
to Handheld. Set the Algorithm, Server  
Authentication, and Client Authentication fields.  
In the Algorithm field, set the type of algorithm,  
the encryption strength, and whether only Federal  
Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-approved  
key algorithms are supported.  
In the Server Authentication field, set whether to  
prompt about server security issues. If an item is  
set to False, connections are prevented if a server  
security issue occurs.  
In the Client Authentication field, set whether to  
prompt about client security issues. If an item is  
set to False, connections are prevented if a client  
security issue occurs.  
Contacts — frequently asked questions  
How do I add multiple contacts with the  
same name to my contact list?  
apply to a contact, task, or memo?  
Yes. When editing the contact or memo, click the  
trackwheel. Click Categories. Click the trackwheel.  
Click Clear Selection.  
Can I change how my contacts, tasks, or  
memos are displayed?  
What are the User 1, User 2, User 3, and User  
4 fields on the New Address screen?  
Can I remove the prompt that  
appears before I delete contacts,  
calendar entries, tasks, or memos?  
Yes. In the address book, calendar, tasks, or memo  
options, set the Confirm Delete option to No.  
Can I clear all the categories that apply to a  
contact, task, or memo?  
Can I remove the prompt that appears before  
I delete contacts, calendar entries, tasks, or  
How do I know how many contacts,  
calendar entries, tasks, or memos I  
have saved?  
How do I know how many contacts, calendar  
entries, tasks, or memos I have saved?  
In the address book, calendar, tasks, or memo  
options, the Number of Entries field displays how  
many contacts, calendar entries, tasks, or memos  
are saved.  
How do I add multiple contacts with  
the same name to my contact list?  
In the address book options, set the Allow  
Duplicate Names field to Yes.  
Can I change how my contacts,  
tasks, or memos are displayed?  
Yes. In the address book, tasks, or memo options,  
change the Sort By field.  
What are the User 1, User 2, User 3,  
and User 4 fields on the New  
Address screen?  
These fields are extra fields where you can add  
information for your contacts, such as birthdays or  
anniversaries. You can edit the name of the field  
for all your contacts and set up your BlackBerry  
Desktop Software to synchronize with the  
corresponding field in your desktop email  
To change the field name for a custom field, click  
the trackwheel. Click Change Field Name.  
Calendar — frequently asked questions  
Can I synchronize PIM items over the wireless  
that is shown first when viewing the  
In the calendar options, change the First Day Of  
Are there any restrictions for using the  
calendar with Lotus Notes®?  
How do I expand the number of hours that  
are shown in the calendar?  
How do I scroll through the calendar  
in each view?  
How do I change the day of the week that is  
shown first when viewing the calendar in  
Week view?  
In Day view, roll the trackwheel to move through  
the hours in a day. Roll the trackwheel to the top  
of the screen to select a day in the navigation bar.  
Click the trackwheel to view the selected day.  
Hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel to move  
from one day to the next.  
Can I remove the prompt that appears before  
I delete contacts, calendar entries, tasks, or  
How do I scroll through the calendar in each  
In Week view, roll the trackwheel to move  
vertically through the hours in a day. Hold the Alt  
key and roll the trackwheel to move horizontally  
through the days of the week.  
How do I change how long appointments  
remain in the handheld calendar?  
How do I know how many contacts, calendar  
entries, tasks, or memos I have saved?  
In Month view, roll the trackwheel to move  
horizontally through the days of the month. Hold  
Alt and roll the trackwheel to move vertically  
between weeks.  
Are there any restrictions for using  
the calendar with Lotus Notes®?  
In Agenda view, roll the trackwheel to move  
through the appointments. Hold the Alt key and  
roll the trackwheel to move through days.  
Yes. If you are a Lotus Notes® user, you cannot  
create appointments that span multiple days.  
Also, you can only edit the Subject, Location,  
Reminder, and Notes fields and the Mark as  
Private check box when editing the series for a  
recurring appointment or meeting. When editing a  
recurring meeting that you created, you can also  
edit the meeting participants.  
How do I change how long  
appointments remain in the  
handheld calendar?  
To change the number of days your handheld will  
keep in the calendar, in the calendar options, set  
the Keep Appointments field.  
How do I expand the number of  
hours that are shown in the  
In the calendar options, change the Start of Day  
and End of Day fields.  
Appointments in your handheld calendar that are  
older than the number of days that you specify in  
the Keep Appointments field are removed from  
your handheld. The appointments can be restored,  
however, if you set the Keep Appointments field  
to a longer period of time. When you increase the  
amount of time in this field, any appointments in  
your calendar during that period of time appear in  
your handheld calendar.  
Bluetooth® — frequently asked questions  
How do I connect my handheld with another  
Bluetooth® device?  
Why does my list of paired devices  
not appear?  
Verify that your handheld Bluetooth® radio is  
turned on and that you have added devices to  
your paired devices list.  
How do I know when my handheld  
Bluetooth® radio is on?  
What if I can’t type a passkey on the  
Bluetooth device I want to pair with?  
Can I connect to devices without  
being prompted?  
You can only connect to devices without being  
prompted if the devices are paired with your  
handheld. In the paired devices list, click a paired  
device. Click Device Properties. Set the Trusted  
field to Yes.  
Why does my list of paired devices not  
Can I connect to devices without being  
Can I prevent devices from discovering my  
handheld when it is within range?  
Can I prevent devices from  
discovering my handheld when it is  
within range?  
Yes. In the paired devices list, click the trackwheel.  
Click Options. Set the Discoverable field to No.  
How do I connect my handheld with  
another Bluetooth® device?  
Verify that your handheld Bluetooth radio is  
turned on and your handheld is paired with the  
device you want to connect with.  
In the list of paired devices, select the Bluetooth  
device you want to connect with and click the  
trackwheel. Click Connect.  
How do I know when my handheld  
Bluetooth® radio is on?  
Bluetooth icons appear on the Home screen if  
your handheld Bluetooth radio is on or if you are  
connected with another Bluetooth wireless  
technology enabled device.  
What if I can’t type a passkey on the  
Bluetooth device I want to pair with?  
If the device you are pairing with has no screen  
where you can type a passkey, the passkey is often  
hard-coded. Try typing 0000 in the Enter passkey  
for <device name> field on your handheld to pair  
with the new device.  
Security — frequently asked questions  
What does the Verifying Security Software  
dialog box mean when I restart my  
How do I prevent passwords from  
In the password keeper options, set the Allow  
Clipboard Copy field to False.  
How do I restore my handheld after clearing  
How do I reduce the size of data stored on  
my handheld?  
How do I specify the criteria for  
randomly generated passwords?  
In the password keeper options, set the password  
length and specify whether randomly generated  
passwords must contain letters, numbers, or  
How do I prevent passwords from  
accidentally being copied to the clipboard?  
How do I specify the criteria for randomly  
generated passwords?  
Why do additional security features appear  
in the handheld options?  
Why do additional security features  
appear in the handheld options?  
How do I prevent passwords from appearing  
on the screen in the password keeper?  
Additional security options such as Certificate  
Servers, Certificates, Key Stores, S/MIME, or  
Memory Cleaning might be available in the  
handheld options. You can use these options with  
the Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions  
(S/MIME) Support Package. For more information,  
refer to the S/MIME Support Package User Guide  
What does the Verifying Security  
Software dialog box mean when I  
restart my handheld?  
When this dialog box appears, the handheld is  
verifying that all security software is implemented  
properly on your handheld. The tests run  
automatically when your handheld restarts.  
How do I prevent passwords from  
appearing on the screen in the  
password keeper?  
In the password keeper options, set the Show  
Password field to False.  
How do I restore my handheld after  
clearing it?  
If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Software,  
restore handheld data and services using the  
Backup and Restore tool. For more information,  
refer to the BlackBerry Desktop Software Online  
How do I reduce the size of data  
stored on my handheld?  
To reduce the size of data stored on your  
handheld, enable content compression.  
To show a hidden icon on the Home screen, hold  
the Alt key and click the trackwheel. Click Show  
All. Hold the Alt key and click a crossed-out icon.  
Click Hide Application.  
Home screen  
Options and fields  
Navigating screens  
To switch to another application, hold the Alt key  
and press the Escape button. Continue to hold the  
Alt key and select an application. Release the Alt  
key to switch to that application.  
Editing text  
To use shortcut keys to open an application from  
the Home screen, open the phone options. Click  
General Options. Change the Dial From Home  
Screen field to No. The shortcut keys are  
underlined on the Home screen. You can use these  
keys, but you cannot make calls from this screen.  
To search for text, click the trackwheel. Click Find.  
Type the text.  
Home screen  
To use the handheld in the dark, press the Power  
To find a contact, type the contact name or initials  
separated by a space.  
To lock the handheld, set a password. Click Lock.  
To lock the keyboard, on the Home screen, click  
Keyboard Lock. To unlock the keyboard, double-  
click the trackwheel.  
Options and fields  
To select a check box, press the Space key. To clear  
the check box, press the Space key again.  
To move an icon on the Home screen, select an  
icon. Hold the Alt key and click the trackwheel.  
Click Move Application. Place the icon. Click the  
To change an option field, hold the Alt key. Click a  
To move to an item in a list or menu, type the first  
letter of the item.  
To hide an icon on the Home screen, select an  
icon. Hold the Alt key and click the trackwheel.  
Click Hide Application.  
To clear a field, click the trackwheel. Click Clear  
Navigating screens  
To move the cursor, roll the trackwheel.  
To move the cursor in a different direction, hold  
the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.  
To turn on CAP lock, press the Alt key + the Right  
Shift key.  
To exit a screen or dialog box, press the Escape  
To turn on NUM lock, press the Right Shift key +  
the Alt key.  
To click an icon or menu item, roll the trackwheel  
to select the item. Click the trackwheel.  
To turn off NUM lock or CAP lock, press the Right  
Shift key.  
To select multiple items or characters, hold the  
Shift key and roll the trackwheel.  
To type numbers in a number field, press the  
number keys. You do not need to press the Alt key.  
To page up or down in a list, hold the Alt key and  
roll the trackwheel.  
To type a letter in a number field, hold the number  
key until the letter appears.  
To move to the top of a screen, press T.  
To move to the bottom of a screen, press B.  
To move down a screen, press the Space key.  
To insert the at sign (@) and periods in an email  
field, press the Space key.  
Editing text  
To select a line of text, press the Shift key and roll  
the trackwheel.  
To move up a screen, press the Shift key + the  
Space key.  
To select text character by character, hold the Shift  
key and roll the trackwheel.  
To move to the next item, press N.  
To cut the selected text, press the Shift key + the  
Backspace key.  
To move to the previous item, press P.  
To copy the selected text, press the Alt key and  
click the trackwheel.  
To capitalize a letter, hold the letter key until the  
capitalized letter appears.  
To paste the selected text, press the Shift key and  
click the trackwheel.  
To insert a period, press the Space key twice. The  
next letter is capitalized.  
To open the selected message, press the Enter key.  
To type the alternate character on a key, hold the  
Alt key and press the character key.  
To compose a message from the messages list,  
press C.  
To type a symbol, press the Symbol key. Click a  
To reply to a message, press R.  
To type an accented or special character, hold the  
letter key and roll the trackwheel.  
To forward a message, press F.  
To reply to all, press L.  
To view the email address or PIN of a sender or a  
recipient, in the To or From field of a received  
message, select a name. Press Q. To show the  
display name again, press Q.  
To file a message, press I.  
To delete selected messages, press the Delete key.  
To search for text within a message, press S. To  
search for the next occurrence of the text, press S  
To switch between viewing the generated table of  
contents and the full content for a document  
attachment, press V.  
To move down a page, press the Enter key.  
To move up a page, press the Alt key + the Enter  
To switch to a different worksheet within a  
spreadsheet attachment, press V. Select a  
worksheet and press the Enter key.  
To view sent messages, in the messages list, press  
the Alt key + O.  
To change the column size, press W.  
To view received messages, in the messages list,  
press the Alt key + I.  
To turn on or turn off column and row labels, press  
To view SMS messages, in the messages list, press  
the Alt key + S.  
To move to a specific cell, press G.  
To display the contents of a specific cell, press the  
Space key.  
To view phone call logs, in the messages list, press  
the Alt key + P.  
To pan horizontally across an image, hold the Alt  
key and roll the trackwheel.  
To view voice mail messages, in the messages list,  
press the Alt key + V.  
To zoom into an image, press I. To continue  
zooming into an image, hold the Left Shift key and  
roll the trackwheel.  
To move to the next unopened item, press U.  
To move to the next related message, press J.  
To move to the previous related message, press K.  
To zoom out of an image, press O. To continue  
zooming out of an image, hold the Left Shift key  
and roll the trackwheel.  
To mark a message as opened or unopened, press  
the Alt key + U.  
To zoom to the original image size, press W.  
To rotate an image, press R.  
To move to the last cursor position in a received  
message, press G.  
To insert a period in the Go To dialog box, press  
the Space key.  
To open the phone, press the Phone button or  
press the Space key.  
To insert a slash mark (/) in the Go To dialog box,  
press the Shift key + the Space key.  
To end a call, hold the Escape button.  
To go to the home page, press H.  
To call a selected name or phone number, press  
the Enter key.  
To edit a web address in the Go To dialog box,  
hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel. Select an  
address. Edit the text. Click the trackwheel.  
To call a speed dial number, hold the assigned  
letter key.  
To open the bookmarks screen, press K.  
To add a bookmark, press A.  
To type an extension, press the Alt key + the 8  
key. Type the extension number.  
To dial the last number that you typed, press the  
Space key + the Enter key.  
To refresh a web page, press R.  
To search for a word on a page, press F. To find  
the next instance of a word on a page, press the  
Alt key + F.  
To call your voice mail access number, hold 1.  
To type letters in phone numbers, hold the Alt key  
and type letters.  
To view the history, press I.  
To mute a call, press the Phone button. To turn  
mute off, press the Phone button again.  
To move to the next page in the history, press N.  
To move to the previous page in the history, press  
the Delete key.  
To change the volume during a call, roll the  
To view, copy, or send the address for a link, press  
To move to the top of the Phone screen while  
viewing the list of contacts, press the Space key.  
To view, copy, or send the address for a page,  
press P.  
To insert a wait when typing a phone number,  
press B.  
To view more images, press M.  
To insert a pause when typing a phone number,  
press N.  
To view all images, press Q.  
To open the browser options, press O.  
To move down a page, press the Space key.  
To return to the last page that you viewed, press  
the Escape button.  
To move up a page, press the Shift key + the  
Space key.  
To move the cursor horizontally in Week view,  
hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.  
To save a web page to the messages list, press S.  
To move the cursor vertically in Month view, hold  
the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.  
To stop a web page from loading, press the Escape  
To add, press I.  
To move to a specific web page, press G.  
To subtract, press U.  
To move between full-screen mode and normal  
mode, press U.  
To multiply, press A.  
To move the browser to the background to use  
another application, press D.  
To divide, press G.  
To clear the screen, press Y.  
To clear the last entry, press T.  
To find the square root, press V.  
To use the percent function, press B.  
To close the browser, hold the Escape button.  
For these tips to work in Day view, in the calendar  
options, set the Enable Quick Entry field to No.  
To change to Agenda view, press A.  
To change to Day view, press D.  
To change to Week view, press W.  
To change to Month view, press M.  
To move to the current date, press T.  
To move to a specific date, press G.  
To create an appointment, press C.  
To add a number to the memory, type the number  
and press L.  
To recall the memory, press J.  
To replace the memory, type a number and press  
To clear the memory, press H.  
To scroll vertically, hold the Alt key and roll the  
To move to the next day, week, or month, press  
the Space key.  
To display the result of your calculation, press the  
Enter key.  
To move to the previous day, week, or month,  
press the Shift key + the Space key.  
Legal notice  
© 2004 Research In Motion Limited. All rights  
reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of  
related marks, images and symbols are the  
exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In  
Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion, 'Always  
On, Always Connected' and BlackBerry are  
registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark  
Office and may be pending or registered in other  
updates, enhancements, or other additions to this  
document to you in a timely manner or at all. RIM  
Microsoft and Outlook are registered trademarks  
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States  
and/or other countries. IBM, Lotus, Domino, and  
Lotus Notes are trademarks of IBM in the United  
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned  
by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such  
marks by Research In Motion Limited is under  
All other brands, product names, company names,  
trademarks, and service marks are the properties  
of their respective owners.  
The BlackBerry handheld and/or associated  
software are protected by copyright, international  
treaties, and various patents, including one or  
more of the following U.S. patents: 6,278,442;  
6,271,605; 6,219,694; 6,075,470; 6,073,318;  
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are registered or pending in various countries  
around the world. Visit  
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This document might contain references to third-  
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legality, decency, links, or any other aspect of  
Third-Party Information. The inclusion of Third-  
Party Information in this document does not imply  
This document is provided “as is” and Research In  
Motion Limited (RIM) assumes no responsibility  
for any typographical, technical, or other  
inaccuracies in this document. RIM reserves the  
right to periodically change information that is  
contained in this document; however, RIM makes  
no commitment to provide any such changes,  
endorsement by RIM of the third party in any way.  
Any dealings with third parties, including, without  
limitation, compliance with applicable licenses,  
and terms and conditions are solely between you  
and the third party. RIM shall not be responsible  
or liable for any part of such dealings.  
You are solely responsible for the selection,  
implementation, and performance of any third-  
party applications that you use with the handheld  
or desktop software. Research In Motion does not  
in any way endorse or guarantee the security,  
compatibility, performance, or trustworthiness of  
any third-party application and shall have no  
liability to you or any third-party for issues arising  
from such third-party applications.  
meeting invitation, 40  
service books, 77  
accessibility, default volume, 26  
applications, 33  
call forwarding number, 24  
call notes, 23  
turning off, 47  
contacts, 35  
volume, 47  
contacts from attachments, 13  
contacts to FDN list, 26  
contacts to messages, 5  
contacts to SIM card phone book, 67  
display language, 59  
meeting invitees, 41  
members to mailing lists, 35  
network to network list, 63  
paired Bluetooth device, 51  
pauses and waits, 36, 94  
ring tones, 33, 34  
deleting, 33  
downloading, 33  
viewing details, 33  
SIM card contacts to address book, 67  
See also creating  
address book  
deleting, 40  
number of, 101  
opening, 40  
recurring, 39  
adding SIM card contacts, 67  
customizable fields, 101  
managing remote search results, 37  
searching remote, 36  
updating contacts from attachments, 13  
See also contacts  
scheduling, 39  
scheduling quickly, 39  
area codes, setting default, 25  
address book attachments  
about, 13  
adding, 5  
opening, 13  
adding contacts from, 13  
opening, 13  
tips, 111  
image, 30  
link, 30  
web page, 30  
updating contacts from, 13  
See also file attachments; address book  
attachments; images  
creating entries, 19  
adding folders, 31  
deleting entries, 19  
editing entries, 19  
example, 19  
changing, 31  
inserting macros, 20  
specified case and smartcase, 19  
using, 19  
renaming folders, 31  
viewing entries, 19  
available features, 79  
adjusting brightness, 57  
configuring, 57  
using, 57  
about, 17  
about, 61  
receiving content from web applications, 33  
requirements for using, 97  
sending images, 30  
sending links, 30  
sending web page address, 30  
tips, 112  
extending life, 61  
keeping charged, 61  
level, 61  
about, 51  
about pairings, 51  
adding paired device, 51  
connecting, 105  
discoverable, 52  
edit paired device name, 51  
encryption, 51  
frequently asked questions, 105  
paired devices list, 105  
phone, 52  
using queue, 98  
viewing history, 29  
viewing images, 30  
See also web pages  
radio, 51  
radio icon, 105  
browser push  
about, 33  
enabling, 34  
notification options, 33  
removing paired device, 51  
setting handheld name, 52  
trusted device, 51, 105  
book icon, See service books  
cache, browser, 31  
converting measurements, 49  
memory, 49  
tips, 113  
about, 39  
changing default reminder length, 40  
changing first day of week, 103  
changing views, 39  
default view, 39  
expand hours shown, 103  
frequently asked questions, 103  
navigating, 103  
reminders and power off, 61  
restrictions for Lotus Notes users, 103  
scheduling appointments, 39  
scheduling appointments quickly, 39  
scheduling meetings, 40  
setting notification for, 55  
synchronizing, 15  
disconnect contact from conference, 23  
dropping from conference, 23  
hold, 22  
tips, 113  
today, 39  
view agenda, 39  
view day, 39  
view month, 39  
view week, 39  
viewing next or previous, 39  
viewing specific date, 39  
call barring, See call blocking  
call blocking  
making using speed dial, 21  
mute, 22  
reset timers, 27  
setting notification for, 55  
smart dialing, 25  
changing password, 24  
disabling, 24  
enabling, 24  
splitting conference, 23  
transferring, 23  
requirements for using, 94  
call forwarding  
TTY, 26  
using Bluetooth during, 52  
See also phone  
adding forward number, 24  
changing forward number, 94  
deleting forward number, 25  
requirements for using, 94  
setting, 24  
about, 35, 43, 45  
applying, 36, 44, 45  
clearing all, 101  
creating, 36, 43, 45  
deleting, 36, 44, 45  
viewing contacts by, 36  
viewing memos by, 45  
viewing tasks by, 44  
cell broadcast messages  
about, 10  
enabling, 10  
managing channels, 10  
SIM card, 67  
appointments, 40  
bookmarks, 31  
browser content type, 97  
browser home page, 97  
calendar views, 39  
call block password, 24  
date, 53  
default calendar reminder, 40  
email messages, 5  
first day of week in calendar, 103  
handheld password, 69  
mailing list members, 35  
meeting invitees, 41  
meetings, 40  
viewing, 35  
enabling, 70  
content protection  
about, 70  
message recipients, 6  
message status, 6  
order of networks, 65  
PIN messages, 5  
SIM card security PIN code, 68  
task status, 43  
time, 53  
enabling, 70  
converting measurements, 49  
See also editing; setting  
charging battery, 61  
checking voice mail, 22  
network time, 53  
passwords, 72  
text, 19  
corporate extension dialing, setting, 25  
country codes, setting default, 25  
all categories, 101  
browser cache, 31  
fields, 109  
frequently asked questions, 64  
selecting network, 64  
handheld data, 72  
AutoText entries, 19  
bookmarks, 31  
categories, 36, 43, 45  
email messages, 5  
links, 82  
AutoText entries, 19  
call notes, 23  
mailing lists, 35  
PIN messages, 7  
profiles, 55  
random passwords, 71  
SMS messages, 9  
tasks, 43  
email messages, 6  
email reconciliation, 15  
fixed dialing contacts, 27  
images, 31  
mailing lists, 35  
meetings, 40  
memos, 45  
See also adding  
cursor speed, setting, 20  
customizing, See setting  
cutting text, 19  
multiple messages, 6  
networks from list, 64  
original text from reply, 6  
over the wireless network, 15  
password keeper passwords, 71  
PIN messages, 6  
date, setting, 53  
decline meeting invitation, 40  
length of calendar reminder, 40  
profiles, 55  
prior messages, 6  
profiles, 55  
deleted items, emptying folder, 92  
remote address book search results, 37  
saved searches, 11  
service books, 77  
SIM card phone book contacts, 67  
SMS messages, 10  
speed dial, 23  
tasks, 43  
theme, 58  
third-party applications, 33  
See also removing  
delivery confirmation  
for email messages, 82  
for PIN messages, 82  
for SMS messages, 85  
add pause, 36  
add wait, 36  
using letters, 22  
alarm, 47  
call blocking, 24  
changing, 5  
handheld password, 69  
deleting, 6  
language, 59  
options, 57  
phone number, 95  
SMS messages, 85  
distribution lists, See mailing lists  
applications, 33  
frequently asked questions, 34  
preview ring tones, 34  
ring tones, 33  
draft messages, saving, 5  
sending web page addresses in, 30  
setting importance, 5  
stop forwarding, 84  
stop from sending, 82  
viewing filed, 6  
AutoText entries, 19  
Bluetooth paired device name, 51  
call notes, 23  
contacts, 35  
fixed dialing contacts, 27  
mailing lists, 35  
memos, 45  
password keeper passwords, 71  
profiles, 55  
saved searches, 11  
SIM card phone book contacts, 67  
speed dial, 23  
viewing longer subject line, 83  
See also messages  
email reconciliation  
about, 15  
deleted messages, 15  
handling conflicts, 91  
over the wireless network, 15  
requirements for using, 91  
with personal folders, 92  
task status, 43  
tips, 110  
See also setting, changing  
email redirection  
frequently asked questions, 81  
redirecting from folders, 92  
emergency calls, making, 21  
emptying deleted items folder, 92  
alarm snooze, 47  
phone number, 21  
browser push, 34  
PIN, 7  
call blocking, 24  
SMS number, 9  
cell broadcast messages, 10  
content compression, 70  
content protection, 70  
fixed dialing, 26  
handheld password, 69  
encryption keys  
about, 71  
regenerating, 71  
ending, calls, 21, 22  
escalating volume, 56  
extending battery life, 61  
FDN, See fixed dialing  
file attachments  
about, 13  
changing display of, 88  
file information, 88  
frequently asked questions, 87  
images, 13  
increasing detail in images, 14  
memory use, 88  
navigating, 13  
opening, 13  
opening table of contents, 13  
paning images, 14  
SMS messages, 10  
password protected, 87  
receiving more of long attachments, 88  
requirements for viewing, 87  
retrieving embedded content, 13  
rotating images, 14  
searching within, 88  
showing tracked changes, 89  
skipped content, 89  
supported file formats, 13  
viewing spreadsheet cells, 88  
zooming images, 14  
filing email messages, 6, 82  
frequently asked questions  
alarm, 47  
applications, 34  
Bluetooth, 105  
browser, 97  
calendar, 103  
contacts, 101  
holding calls, 22  
downloading, 34  
email and PIN messages, 81  
email redirection, 81  
file attachments, 87  
memos, 45  
network, 64  
phone, 93  
security, 107  
ignoring calls, 22  
SMS messages, 85  
synchronization, 91  
tasks, 44  
viewing in browser, 30  
invitation, responding to, 40  
typing, 20  
full content, opening, 13  
generating new encryption keys, 71  
groups, See mailing lists  
keys, encryption, 71  
backing up data, 17  
changing folders on, 83  
resetting, 61  
restoring, 17  
silencing, 55  
turning off automatically, 61  
turning on automatically, 61  
handheld data  
clearing, 72  
reducing size, 107  
restoring, 107  
handheld password  
about, 69  
adding, 59  
removing, 59  
setting, 59  
light, 57  
address, 30  
copying addresses, 30  
creating, 82  
sending from browser, 30  
using, 82  
changing, 69  
disabling, 69  
setting, 69  
loading programs, 34  
handheld, 70  
keyboard, 70  
categories, 45  
logging calls, 23  
synchronizing, 15  
conflicts, 91  
mailing lists  
adding members, 35  
changing members, 35  
creating, 35  
deleting, 35  
deleting members, 35  
editing, 35  
viewing, 35  
viewing members, 35  
calls, 21  
conference calls, 22  
emergency calls, 21  
managing, cell broadcast messages, 10  
marking messages opened and unopened, 6  
measurements, converting, 49  
searching, 11  
searching by recipient, 11  
searching by sender, 11  
searching by subject, 11  
setting notification for, 55  
setting search criteria, 11  
tips, 110  
changing, 40  
changing attendees, 41  
deleting, 40  
inviting attendees, 41  
number of, 101  
opening, 40  
bookmarks, 31  
speed dial contact, 23  
muting calls, 22  
recurring, 40  
removing attendees, 41  
requirements for creating, 91  
responding to invitations, 40  
scheduling, 40  
memory, changing cache size, 88  
browser, 29  
calendar, 103  
file attachments, 13  
tips, 109  
network list  
about, 63  
call blocking, 24  
adding network, 63  
changing, 64  
changing order, 65  
copying, 72  
deleting networks, 64  
scanning for networks when adding, 64  
preferred network list, See network list  
network time, copying, 53  
notification profiles, See profiles  
notification, for browser push, 33  
personal folders, reconciling with, 92  
finding phone, 21  
finding PIN, 7  
finding SMS, 9  
assigning speed dial, 23  
address book attachments, 13  
appointments, 40  
email messages, 5  
file attachments, 13  
images, 13, 30, 31  
meetings, 40  
PIN messages, 5  
SMS messages, 9  
tasks, 43  
call waiting, 25  
See also viewing  
organizing bookmarks, 31  
owner information, setting, 72  
frequently asked questions, 93  
hiding phone number, 95  
restricting identity, 93  
set default country and area codes, 25  
smart dialing, 25  
tips, 112  
TTY, 26  
using other applications, 22  
using speed dial, 21  
using when handheld is locked, 93  
voice mail, 25  
pairings, Bluetooth, 51  
paning images, 14  
password keeper  
about, 71  
changing password, 72  
copying passwords, 72  
deleting passwords, 71  
editing passwords, 71  
options, 107  
volume, 22  
See also calls  
viewing passwords, 71  
password protected attachments, 87  
phone book, SIM card, 67  
phone calls, See calls  
PIN code, changing for SIM card security, 68  
PIN messages  
about, 7  
adding contacts, 5  
calendar, 40  
changing, 5  
deleting, 6  
delivery confirmation, 82  
forwarding, 6  
frequently asked questions, 81  
opening, 5  
replying, 6  
remote address book search, 36  
resending, 5  
saving, 6  
sending, 7  
set as high priority, 83  
setting importance, 5  
viewing longer subject line, 83  
See also messages  
PIN, finding, 7  
call forwarding, 94  
about, 61  
turning off, 61  
turning off automatically, 61  
turning on automatically, 61  
preview ring tones, 34  
priority of messages, setting, 5  
filing email messages, 82  
viewing file attachments, 87  
wireless PIM synchronization, 91  
about, 55  
alarm, 47  
creating, 55  
deleting, 55  
editing, 55  
enabling, 55  
PIN messages, 6  
SMS messages, 10  
escalating volume, 56  
See also ring tones  
programs, loading, 34  
protecting handheld content, 70  
call timers, 27  
handheld, 61  
about, 17  
deleted service books, 77  
handheld, 107  
handheld data, 17  
recalling saved searches, 11  
recipient, searching by, 11  
recurring appointments, See appointments  
recurring meetings, See meetings  
reducing data size, 70, 107  
refreshing web pages, 30  
ring tones  
adding, 33, 34  
deleting, 55  
downloading, 33  
listening, 55  
previewing, 34  
showing, 55  
testing, 55  
remote address book, 36  
See also profiles  
rotating images, 14  
changing SIM card PIN code, 68  
firewall settings, 72  
S/MIME, 107  
draft messages, 5  
email messages, 6  
images, 30  
PIN messages, 6  
searches, 11  
SMS messages, 10  
web page requests, 31  
web pages, 31  
appointments, 39  
appointments quickly, 39  
meetings, 40  
home screen background, 57  
lighting, 57  
options, 57  
self tests, 72, 107  
SIM card, 68  
storing passwords, 71  
third-party applications, 72  
TLS, 31  
saver, 57  
horizontally in attachments, 13  
in opposite direction, 110  
through calendar views, 103  
search criteria, setting, 11  
verify software, 72  
WTLS, 31  
selecting wireless network, 64  
sender, searching by, 11  
deleting saved, 11  
editing saved, 11  
recalling saved, 11  
saving, 11  
viewing last, 11  
viewing saved, 11  
address book attachments, 5  
email messages, 5  
date, 53  
default volume for calls, 26  
font, 58  
email messages from a specific service, 5  
images in email messages, 30  
links in email messages, 30  
PIN messages, 7  
SMS messages, 9  
web page addresses, 30  
handheld password, 69, 70  
home screen background, 57  
importance level of messages, 5  
language, 59  
sent items  
viewing, 6  
service books  
about, 77  
accepting, 77  
owner information, 72  
profiles, 55  
deleting, 77  
screen saver, 57  
receiving, 77  
restoring deleted, 77  
viewing, 77  
search criteria, 11  
SIM card security, 68  
theme, 58  
service, sending messages from specific, 5  
time, 53  
time automatically, 53  
TLS, 99  
TTY, 26  
voice mail options, 25  
WTLS, 98  
See also editing; changing  
short message service, See SMS messages  
applications, 109  
tracked changes, 89  
alarm, 47  
handheld, 55  
SIM card  
editing phone number, 95  
security, 68  
SMS messages, 67  
SIM card phone book  
about, 67  
adding contacts, 67  
adding contacts to your address book, 67  
deleting contacts, 67  
editing contacts, 67  
types of entries, 67  
skipped content, 89  
smart dialing  
about, 25  
corporate extension dialing, 25  
default area code, 25  
default country code, 25  
smartcase, definition, 19  
SMS messages  
about, 9  
tasks, 15  
delivery confirmation, 85  
display, 85  
display more items in thread, 85  
finding number, 9  
frequently asked questions, 85  
leaving on SIM card, 67  
managing, 10  
opening, 9  
options, 85, 86  
removing history, 10  
resending, 10  
sending, 9  
categories, 43  
typing SMS numbers, 9  
See also messages  
enabling, 47  
using, 47  
software version, 79  
sounds, See profiles  
specified case, definition, 19  
speed dial  
opening, 43  
cutting or copying, 19  
pasting, 19  
assign letters, 23  
assigning to contact, 23  
deleting, 23  
editing, 23  
moving contact, 23  
using, 21  
tips for editing, 110  
text telephone, See TTY  
deleting, 58  
setting, 58  
viewing list, 23  
third-party applications, 72  
spreadsheet attachment, 88  
setting, 53  
searching by, 11  
setting automatically, 53  
timers, resetting, 27  
viewing more of, 83  
subscriber information module card, See SIM card  
switching tasks, 109  
CAP lock, 19  
for attachments, 111  
for calculator, 113  
for calendar, 113  
for changing options, 109  
for clearing fields, 109  
for editing text, 110  
for messages, 110  
home screen shortcuts, 20  
for navigating screens, 109  
for searching, 109  
for typing, 19, 110  
SMS numbers, 9  
for using the browser, 112  
for using the phone, 112  
home screen shortcuts, 20  
on Home screen, 109  
tips, 19, 110  
handheld, 70  
about, 31  
setting, 99  
tracked changes, viewing, 89  
transport layer security, See TLS  
version, software, 79  
about, 26  
application details, 33  
AutoText entries, 19  
by category, 36, 44, 45  
contacts, 35  
filed messages, 6  
list of applications, 33  
mailing lists, 35  
requirements for using, 94  
setting, 26  
tunes, See ring tones; profiles  
turning off  
alarm, 47  
Bluetooth radio, 51  
handheld automatically, 61  
wireless radio, 63  
turning on  
memos, 45  
next and previous web pages, 29  
password keeper passwords, 71  
saved searches, 11  
sent items, 6  
Bluetooth radio, 51  
handheld automatically, 61  
wireless radio, 63  
service books, 77  
specific date in calendar, 39  
speed dial list, 23  
spreadsheets, 14  
table of contents of file attachments, 13  
terms of last search, 11  
See also opening  
voice mail  
checking, 22  
setting options, 25  
adjusting for phone, 22  
alarm, 47  
escalating, 56  
setting default for calls, 26  
wait, adding, 36, 94  
web pages  
address, 30  
canceling requests, 29  
copying addresses, 30  
opening, 29  
refreshing, 30  
saving, 31  
saving requests, 31  
sending addresses, 30  
setting notification for, 55  
showing placeholders, 30  
submitting forms, 98  
viewing home page, 29  
viewing next and previous, 29  
See also browser  
email reconciliation, 15  
wireless network  
copying time from, 53  
frequently asked questions, 64  
registering with, 64  
selecting, 64  
selecting automatically, 64  
selecting home network, 64  
wireless PIM synchronization  
requirements, 91  
setting, 16  
wireless radio  
turning off, 63  
turning on, 63  
wireless transport layer security, See WTLS  
worksheet, selecting in attachments, 14  

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