Blaupunkt MP3 Player Compact Drive MP3 User Manual

Compact Drive MP3  
Operating instructions  
Thank you for deciding to use a Blau- The COMPACT DRIVE MP3 is an MP3  
punkt product. We hope you enjoy us- player that plays MP3 music files stored  
ing this new piece of equipment.  
on the Microdrive™ (hard disk).  
Please read these operating instruc- CF cards (storage media) are not re-  
tions before using the equipment for cognized by the COMPACT DRIVE  
the first time.  
MP3. MP3 is a process developed by  
the Fraunhofer Institute for compress-  
ing CD audio data. Compression allows  
data to be reduced to around 15% of  
their original size without a noticeable  
loss in quality (at a bit rate of 192 Kbit/  
s). If a lower bit rate is used to convert  
CD audio data to MP3, you can create  
smaller files but there will be a loss of  
quality. You can store MP3 files on the  
Microdrive™ (hard disk) using the sup-  
plied SCM (write-/ read device). For fur-  
ther details, please read the chapter en-  
titled “Write-/ read device”.  
The Blaupunkt editors are constantly  
working on making the operating in-  
structions clearer and easier to under-  
stand. However, if you still have any  
questions on how to operate the equip-  
ment, please contact your dealer or the  
telephone hotline for your country. You  
will find the hotline telephone numbers  
printed at the back of this booklet.  
We provide a manufacturer guarantee  
for our products bought within the Eu-  
ropean Union. You can view the guar-  
antee conditions at  
You can connect the COMPACT DRIVE  
MP3 Player to many Blaupunkt car ra-  
dios. For further details, please read the  
chapter entitled “Compatibility with Blau-  
punkt car radios”. or ask for them di-  
rectly at:  
Blaupunkt GmbH  
Hotline CM/PSS 6  
Robert Bosch Str. 200  
D-31139 Hildesheim  
Microdrive are trademarks or registered  
trademarks of International Business  
Machines Corporation in the United  
States other countries or both.  
Microdrive is used under license by  
Road safety  
Road safety has absolute prior-  
ity. Only operate your COMPACT  
DRIVE MP3 Player if the road and  
traffic conditions allow you to do so.  
Familiarise yourself with the unit be-  
fore setting off on your journey.  
You should always be able to hear  
police, fire and ambulance sirens  
from afar. For this reason, set the  
volume of whatever you are listen-  
ing to to a reasonable level.  
If you want to install your COMPACT  
DRIVE MP3 Player yourself, please  
read the installation and connection in-  
structions that follow these operating  
G Never press down on the out-  
side cover of the Microdrive™.  
G Always switch off the car radio  
before removing the Micro-  
We recommend you use accessories  
that have been approved by Blaupunkt.  
G Always take care when remov-  
ing it. The Microdrive™ may be  
warm after use.  
Handling the Microdrive™  
Microdrive are trademarks or registered  
trademarks of International Business  
Machines Corporation in the United  
States other countries or both.  
Microdrive is used under license by  
Please observe the following details to  
ensure trouble-free operation and to  
make optimal use of all the Microdrive™  
G Regularly create a backup of your  
data. Blaupunkt does not accept  
responsibility for any loss of data.  
G Always carry and keep your Micro-  
drive™ in the supplied protective  
transportation cover.  
G Never drop the Microdrive™.  
G Ensure that the Microdrive™ does  
not become wet.  
G Never expose the Microdrive™ to  
strong magnetic fields.  
G Never expose the Microdrive™ to  
extreme temperatures.  
G Never attach any additional stick-  
G Do not remove the sticker that is al-  
ready attached.  
G Do not write anything on the sticker  
that is already attached.  
Installation steps  
Before starting the installation process,  
please back up your personal data and  
G This Step 1 will be completed when  
you close the “WinZip Self-Extrac-  
close any programs running on your PC. G During Step 2 you will install the  
driver on your PC.  
Blaupunkt does not accept liability for  
any deleted data.  
After Step 2 is complete, the “Write-/  
read device” will appear as a “Com-  
pact Flash Drive” in Explorer or in  
Notes: The following driver installation  
is only required for Windows 98 USB.  
In the case of WIN ME / WIN 2000  
and WIN XP, all you need do is con-  
nect the read/write device to the USB  
port of your PC.After a few seconds,  
the Windows hardware recognition  
feature will make the read/write de-  
vice accessible as an additional drive  
in Explorer and My Computer.  
Write-/ read device  
Installation for Windows 98 USB  
G Connect the write-/ read device to  
your computer using the USB con-  
G The Windows Installation Man-  
ager starts automatically.  
G Please close it again.  
G Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-  
ROM drive. If the CD-ROM does  
not start automatically, open Win-  
dow’s Desktop icon and then open  
the CD-ROM drive. Run the  
“Start.html” file by double clicking  
on it.  
G Select your language and then the  
“Write-/ read device”, and start un-  
packing the drivers by clicking on  
“Driver installation”.  
IBM Microdrive™  
Microdrive™ (hard disk)  
Compatibility with Blaupunkt car  
Our engineers have made it possible to  
connect the COMPACT DRIVE MP3  
Player to the following car radios:  
The hard disk can be inserted into  
and removed from the write-/ read  
device whilst the computer is  
switched on.  
G Carefully hold and pull the hard  
disk between your thumb and in-  
dex finger out of the protective  
transportation cover.  
G Skyline 2 and future Skyline de-  
Dallas MD 70, Denver CD 70,  
Frankfurt C 70, Hamburg CD 70,  
London CD 70, Madrid C 70, New  
Orleans CD 70, Orlando MD 70,  
San Francisco CD 70  
G Insert the hard drive (with its con-  
tact edge foremost) into the write-/  
read device. Click it into place with  
a light press.  
G Funline 3 devices (only with CD-  
Naming) and future Funline de-  
The hard disk is visible, and data can  
now be written onto it.  
Acapulco CD 51, Casablanca CD  
51, Heidelberg CD 51, Palm Beach  
C 51, Verona C 51  
Storing MP3 files in a directory  
on your hard disk  
You can create up to 99 directories.  
Each of these directories can contain  
up to 99 music tracks.  
The maximum number of characters for  
directory names and track names is 90.  
G Navigation devices  
Update DX-R70 / RNS149/150  
For the navigation devices DX-R70,  
RNS 149 and RNS 150, you will need  
to carry out the following update:  
MP3 files that are stored in subdi-  
rectories and not in directories are  
not recognized by Compact Drive  
The read/write device is installed and  
the Microdrive™ is visible as an ad-  
ditional drive (removable disk) in  
Converting audio files into MP3  
Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM  
drive. If the CD-ROM does not start au-  
tomatically, open the Windows „My  
Computer“ icon and then open the CD-  
ROM drive. Run the “Start.html” file by  
G Run the “MP3 Software” on the  
CD-ROM and follow the program’s  
Tip: You can also use any other stand- double clicking on it.  
ard conversion program.  
The following characters are either in-  
correctly displayed or not displayed at  
G Now select the language and then  
select “Updates”.  
G Please follow the displayed  
G Funline 3 series:  
; : ! ß § % & = ? Ü Ö Ä # ¤ @  
G Skyline 2 series:  
$ ~ ¤ ^ ´  
After copying has completed (approx.  
15 seconds), you can remove the Micro-  
drive™ from the read/write device.  
Now all you need do is carry out the  
following three steps on the DX-R70:  
In order to display directory names  
and tracks (scrolling) in the display,  
you have to switch to the “Track  
number and CD name” display  
1. The DX-R70 and Compact Drive  
MP 3 must be switched off!  
2. Insert the Microdrive™. Switch on  
the DX-R70 and wait for the device  
to start playing.  
Changing the display  
3. Switch off the DX-R70. When you  
switch on the device again, it will  
be ready to operate.  
G To switch between the track number  
and playing time display / track  
number and clock display / track  
number and CD number display /  
track number and CD name display,  
press the / DIS button 7 once or  
several times for longer than two  
seconds until the required display  
You can now change MP3 directories  
using the display buttons on the right  
that are located next to the new “up /  
down” display text.  
The up/down rocker switch is used to  
change tracks.  
If no information (track name) is con-  
tained in the ID3 tag, the file name ap-  
pears in the display instead.  
You should delete the Dxr70.fkp or RNS  
149/150.fkp file from the Microdrive™.  
If you delete these files, you will be able  
to restore the Compact Drive MP3 to its  
original delivery condition by carrying  
out the update again using the  
CLEAR.FKP file.  
Display when changing directory  
When a directory is selected, the first  
7 characters of the directory name ap-  
pear in the display. After approx. 1 sec-  
ond, the remaining characters scroll  
once across the display.  
Some devices cannot display the  
whole character set.  
Afterwards, the name of a track appears  
in the same fashion in the display.  
The artist’s name then scrolls across  
Finally, the first 7 characters of the track  
name appear and remain visible in the  
display until the next manual or auto-  
matic change.  
MP3 mode  
Switching to MP3 mode  
N ote:  
Display when changing tracks  
within a directory  
When a track is selected, the first 7  
characters of the track name appear in  
the display. After approx. 1 second, the  
remaining characters scroll once across  
the display.  
The Microdrive™ must only be in-  
serted or removed from the Compact  
Drive MP3 when the car radio is  
switched off.  
The control functions for MP3 mode  
correspond to those described in  
your car radio’s operating instruc-  
tions for CDC mode.  
The artist’s name then scrolls across  
Afterwards, the first 7 characters of the  
track name appear and remain visible  
in the display until the next manual or  
automatic change.  
The following description of functions is  
taken from the Acapulco CD 51 car ra-  
dio in the FunLine series. Other car ra-  
dios are similar.  
Temperature monitoring  
G Keep pressing the CD•C button @  
until “CHANGER” appears in the  
Your device is fitted with a protection  
system to deal with extreme tempera-  
tures in the vehicle. The device will ei-  
ther switch off or will not switch on if  
extreme temperatures are detected.  
Playback begins with the directory  
containing MP3 files that was lis-  
tened to last.  
Display if the temperature is too low:  
Selecting directories  
G To move up/down from one CD to  
another, press the or button  
: once or several times.  
Display if the temperature is too high:  
Selecting tracks  
G To move up/down from one track to  
another in the current directory,  
press the or button : once or  
several times.  
Fast searching  
To fast search backwards or forwards,  
G To play the tracks in all the directo-  
ries in random order, press button  
5 MIX > again.  
G keep one of the  
buttons :  
“MIXALL” appears briefly and MIX lights  
up in the display.  
pressed until fast searching back-  
wards / forwards begins.  
Cancelling MIX  
Repeating individual tracks or  
whole directories (REPEAT)  
G Press button 5 MIX > until “MIX  
OFF” appears briefly in the display  
and MIX disappears.  
G If you wish to repeat the current  
track, briefly press button 4 RPT  
Scanning all tracks in all directo-  
ries (SCAN)  
“REPEAT TRCK” appears briefly and  
RPT lights up in the display.  
G To briefly play all the tracks in all di-  
rectories in ascending order, press  
the OK button ; for longer than  
two seconds.  
G If you wish to repeat the current di-  
rectory, press button 4 RPT >  
“SCAN” appears in the display.  
“REPEAT DISC” appears briefly and  
RPT lights up in the display.  
“CD 1” remains in the display during the  
scanning process.  
Cancelling REPEAT  
Cancelling SCAN  
G If you want to stop repeating the  
current track or current directory,  
press button 4 RPT > until “RE-  
PEAT OFF” appears briefly in the  
display and RPT disappears.  
G To cancel scanning, briefly press  
the OK button ;.  
The currently scanned track will then  
continue to be played normally.  
Random track play (MIX)  
You can set the scanning time (scan-  
time). For further details on setting the  
scantime, please read the section ent-  
itled “Setting the scantime” in the “Ra-  
dio mode” chapter of the radio’s ope-  
rating instructions.  
Limited MIX function.  
It is possible that a track is repeated.  
G To play all the tracks in the current  
directory in random order, briefly  
press button 5 MIX >.  
“MIX CD” appears briefly and MIX lights  
up in the display.  
Pausing playback (PAUSE)  
G Press button 3 >.  
Update over the Internet  
Notes on the update facility  
“PAUSE” appears in the display.  
Cancelling pause  
equipped with an update facility for new  
G Press button 3 > while in  
pause mode.  
An update can be downloaded free of  
charge over the Internet from  
Playback is resumed.  
A TPM function (Track Program  
Memory) is not available.  
The installation path is as follows: In-  
ternet > PC > Write-/ read device >  
Microdrive™ > COMPACT DRIVE MP3.  
Service-Nummern / Service numbers / Numéros du service après-  
vente / Numeri del servizio di assistenza / Servicenummers / Tele-  
fonnummer för service / Números de servicio / Números de  
serviço / Servicenumre  
05121-49 4002  
01-610 390  
02-525 5454  
01-610 393 91  
02-525 5263  
44-898 644  
09-435 99236  
01-4010 7320  
01-89583 8394  
01-576 9473  
02-369 6464  
40 2085  
(DK) 44 898 360  
(FIN) 09-435 991  
01-4010 7007  
Great Britain (GB) 01-89583 8880  
(GR) 0800-550 6550  
(IRL) 01-4149400  
02-369 6331  
40 4078  
Luxembourg (L)  
023-565 6348  
66-817 000  
01-2185 00144  
023-565 6331  
66-817 157  
01-2185 11111  
Switzerland (CH) 01-8471644  
Czech. Rep. (CZ)  
02-6130 0441  
01-333 9575  
02-6130 0514  
01-324 8756  
(USA) 800-2662528  
(BR) +55-19 3745 2769 +55-19 3745 2773  
(Asia Pacific) (MAL) +604-6382 474  
+604-6413 640  
Blaupunkt GmbH  
CM/PSS2-St - 8 622 403 161  

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