Curtis TV Receiver KCR2620DUK User Manual

Operation Instruction  
Multi-media Digital TV Receiver  
for Kitchen  
I Precautions  
1. Keep this product away from extremely hot or cold places. The  
storage temperature ranges from -20 to 60 and the working  
temperature from -5 to 40 .  
2. Do not use this product at damp environment like bathtubs, wash  
basins, washtubs, as well as basements, swimming pools or similar  
3. Protect TFT Display from bumping.  
4. Do not push on or scrub this product with sharp objects.  
1. Disconnect all cables of this device at first before cleaning.  
2. Wipe the enclosure, screen and keys using soft cloth with a little  
soft detergent on.  
3. Do not use polishing cloth, abstergent, and all types of propellants  
or chemical detergents like alcohol and benzene to clean your device.  
Special Notice  
Bright spots or dark spots may appear on the screen. This is a  
normal phenomenon associated with the active matrix display  
technology and is not a sign of malfunction. Do not attempt to  
maintain. For any failures, please turn off your TV set immediately  
and contact us or your dealer. This device integrates a great deal of  
fine electronic components. Disassembly or alternation may result in  
damages or breaks.  
II Accessories  
mote control  
2 UM4 Batteries  
III Description of Appearance  
1. DVD/TV/AUX: Mode Switch key. In power-on state,  
press this key to switch between DTV/ATV/DVD/AUX.  
2. FM/AM: Radio Mode key. In power-on state, press this  
key to enter the FM/AM Mode Switch of RADIO system.  
3. MEMORY/CARD/USB: In the radio state, press this key to enter  
Channel Storage State, then press "SKIP+/TUNE+" and "SKIP-/  
TUNE-" or "CH+"/"CH-" key to select a Channel Saving number,  
and press again to confirm it; in DVD state, it is the CARD/USB  
Mode Switch Menu Key - DISC/CARD/USB menu will appear when  
you press this key, then select by Up and Down key, press OK key  
to confirm.  
4. CLOCK/ALARM: Time Show key. In power-on or standby state,  
press shortly to display the time of current alarm1, alarm2 and the  
clock; long press to respectively enter the setting state of hours and  
minutes of the current time, AL1, AL2 (the number of current hour or  
minute will flash), then press "SKIP+/TUNE+" or "SKIP-/TUNE-" to  
adjust. When these two alarms are set at the same time, alarm 1 is  
effective but alarm 2 isn't.  
5. SLEEP/SNOOZE: Sleep/Snooze key. In power-on state, press this  
key repeatedly to set the system to sleep and shut down after 90/80  
/70/60/50/40/30/20/10 minutes, then press this key to exit the Sleep  
Power-off Setting function. Press this key in sleep state to cancel  
this state; in alarm state, press this key to start snooze function  
(interval time is 8 minutes), and the screen will show "SNOOZE"  
6. EQ: Sound Effect key. Press this key in power-on state, you can set  
the sound effect as Rock Jazz Popular Classical Normal in  
7. TIMER: Timer Setting key. In power-on or standby state, press this  
key to enter the state of clockwise time setting from1 to 90 minutes,  
then press "SKIP+/TUNE+" or "SKIP-/TUNE-" to adjust minutes,  
and press again to confirm the set time.  
8. SKIP-/TUNE-: Radio Tuner/ Time Adjust key. In radio state, press  
this key shortly to tune radio downwards, long press to search  
channels downwards, it will stop automatically until it gets the  
channel; in clock adjusting state, press this key shortly to adjust  
backwards the number of hours or minutes in steps, long press this  
key to fast adjust downwards the number of corresponding hours or  
minutes, you can select the channel in descending order when you  
enter Channel Saving state; in DVD state, press this key to select  
previous song in playing; in DTV state, it means turn page  
9. SKIP+/TUNE+: Radio Tuner/ Time Adjust key. In radio state, press  
this key shortly to tune radio upwards, long press to search  
channels upwards, it will stop automatically until it gets the channel;  
in clock adjusting state, press this key shortly to adjust forward the  
number of corresponding hours or minutes in steps, long press this  
key to fast adjust upwards the number of hours or minutes, you can  
select the channel in ascending order when you enter Channel  
Saving state; in DVD state, press this key to select previous song  
when it is playing; in DTV state, it means turn page downwards.  
10. : Eject key. In DVD state, press this key to eject the disc.  
11. : Stop key (Only in DVD state).  
12. : Play/ Pause key. In DVD playing, press this key to pause,  
press again to resume playing.  
13. OK: OK key. In the DTV and DVD state, press this key to confirm  
the selected item.  
14. VOL-: Volume Decreasing key. In power-on state, press this key to  
decrease volume; when entering analogue adjusting menu, press  
this key to adjust analogue decrease; in the DTV and DVD state,  
press this key to select left.  
15. VOL+: Volume Increasing key. In power-on state, press this key to  
increase volume; when entering analogue adjusting menu, press  
this key to adjust analogue increase; in the DTV and DVD state,  
press this key to select right.  
16. STANDBY: Power-on/Standby/Cancel Alarm key.  
17. Loudspeaker.  
18. TFT LCD Screen.  
19. Power Indicator.  
20. Remote Controller Receiving Window.  
21. CH-: Channel Decreasing/Alarm 2 Mode Setting key. In radio  
state, press this key to select the stored channels in descending  
order; in Channel Saving state, press this key to select the location  
to store radio channel in descending order; in standby state, you  
can set the Alarm 2 mode as Alarm 2/ Radio 2/ TV2; in TV state,  
press this key to select channel in descending order; when  
entering DVD/DTV/ATV/AUX menu state, press this key to select  
the item downwards.  
22. CH+: Channel Increasing/ Alarm 1 Mode Setting key. In radio  
state, press this key to select the stored channels in ascending  
order; in memory state, press this key to select the location to  
store radio in ascending order; in standby state, you can set the  
Alarm 1 mode as Alarm 1/ Radio 1/ TV 1; in TV state, press this  
key to select channel in ascending order; when entering DVD/DTV  
/ATV/AUX menu state, press this key to select the item upwards.  
23. MENU: Menu key. In FM Radio state, press this key to select  
Mono and Stereo mode, in DTV/ATV/AUX state, press this key to  
enter menu; in DVD state, it can play menu.  
24. USB connector/ Three-in-one card connector.  
25. TV Antenna Input.  
26. External video Input.  
27. External Audio Left Channel Input.  
28. External Audio Right Channel Input.  
29. External DC Power socket (Optional).  
30. Power Cable.  
31. FM Antenna.  
IV Description of Remote Controller  
1. POWER: Standby/ Power off key.  
Press it to switch between Power-on  
and Standby, when the alarm sounds,  
press this key to close alarm.  
2. FM/AM: FM/AM switch key. In power-on  
state, press this key to enter the FM/AM  
Mode Switch of RADIO system.  
3. DVD/TV/AUX: TV system working mode  
key. In power-on state, press it to switch  
between DTV/ATV/DVD/AUX.  
4. SNOOZE: Snooze key. When the  
alarm rings, press SNOOZE key,  
the alarm will ring again in 8 minutes.  
5. CLOCK: Time Show Key. In power-on  
or standby state, press shortly to  
display the time of current alarm1,  
alarm2 and the clock; long press to  
respectively enter the setting state of hours  
and minutes of the current time, AL1, AL2(the number of current  
hour or minute will flash), then press "SKIP/TUNER" key to adjust.  
When these two alarms are set at the same time, alarm 1 is  
effective but alarm 2 isn't.  
6. 0-9, -/--: Number key, Channel Directly Selecting key. In TV mode,  
press these keys to select preset TV programs.  
7. MENU: Menu key. Press this key to enter the corresponding main  
8. VOL+/ /VOL-/ : Volume Adjusting Direction key. You can press  
this key to adjust volume; in system menu, this key is Left and  
Right key.  
9. P.ADJ: Image Adjusting Menu key. In DVD/DTV/ATV/AUX state,  
press this key to make adjustment such as brightness, contrast,  
chroma, hue (applicable for N system only), flip horizontally and  
vertically, 4:3/16:9 and resetting.  
10. (PAUSE): Pause key. In DVD state, press this key to enable  
the screen in pause state, then press again to exit pause state.  
11. SKIP/TUNER: Radio Tuner/ Time Adjust key. In FM state, press  
this key shortly to tune radio, long press to search channels, it will  
stop automatically until it gets the channel; in clock adjusting state,  
press this key shortly to adjust forwards the number of hours or  
minutes in steps, long press this key to fast adjust upwards the  
number of hours or minutes, you can select the channel number  
when you enter Channel Saving state.  
/ : Next song/ Previous song (Only in DVD state), in DTV  
menu it is Page Up/ Page Down key.  
12. (STOP): Stop key (Only in DVD state).  
13. CLEAR/Green: In DVD state, it is Delete key; in DTV state, you  
should operate by system prompt.  
14. PROGRAM/Red: In DVD state, it is Programming key; in DTV  
state, you should operate by system prompt.  
15. PR LIST/TITLE: In DTV state, it shows program list. Press this key  
to enter program guide state; in DVD state, it is Title Back key.  
16. FAVOR/REPEAT: In DTV state, it is the favorite program list switch  
key. In DTV state, you can switch between the favorite program  
lists then press OK key to open the list; in DVD state, it is Repeat  
17. SEARCH: Search key. InATV state, long press for 3 seconds to  
enter Automatic Search; in DVD state, it has Title/Chapter/Song/  
Time/ Search function.  
18. A-B: A-B Screen Repeat key.  
19. SLOW: Slow key (Only in DVD state).  
20. SLEEP: Sleep Timing Power off key. Press this key to set the  
system power-off at different times.  
21. OPEN: Eject key.  
22. CARD/USB/MEMORY: In the radio state, press this key to enter  
Channel Saving State, then press "SKIP+/TUNE+" and "SKIP-/  
TUNE-" or "CH+"/"CH-" key to select the stored channel, and press  
again to confirm it; in DVD state, it is the CARD/USB Mode Switch  
Menu Key, DISC/CARD/USB menu will appear when you press this  
key, then select by Up and Down key, press OK key to confirm.  
23. MUTE: Mute key. Each time you press it, it will switch between  
Mute and Unmute.  
24. MONO: FM Stereo Switch key. In FM state, press this key to set  
the sound as stereo or mono.  
25. EQ: Sound Effect key. You can set the sound effect as ROCK  
26. : Back key. InATV state, you can switch between the current  
program and the previous program; in DTV and DVD menu state,  
press this key to exit menu.  
27. CH+/ /CH-/ : Channel Switch Up and Down key. In FM/DTV/  
ATV state, press this key to switch program channels; when  
entering system menu, this key will become Up and Down key .  
28. AUDIO: Audio Switch key. In DTV state, press this key to display  
the audio information of the current program, then press direction  
key to switch audio channel; in DVD state, press this key to switch  
audio channel.  
29. OK: OK key.  
30. SETUP: Set up key. In DVD state, it is the Menu on/ off key.  
31. AL.SET/ALARM SET1/ALARM SET2: Alarm State Setting key.  
You can set the state of alarm 1, alarm 2 as BUZZER/RADIO/TV.  
/Yellow/Blue: In DVD state, it is Fast Backward/ Fast  
Forward key; in DTV state, you should operate by system prompt.  
33. DTV MODE/ZOOM: In DTV state, it is the switch key of radio and  
TV program. Press this key to switch between TV program and  
radio program; in DVD state, it is the Zoom In key.  
34. EPG/ANGLE: In DTV state, it is the Electronic Program Menu key.  
Press this key to enter electronic program menu interface; in DVD  
state, it is Angle Switch key.  
35. TEXT: Text Information key. In DTV state, press this key to start  
text function to check the text information.  
36. INFO: Program Information Display key. In DTV state, press this  
key to display the current program information.  
37. SUBTITLE: Subtitle key. In DTV/DVD state, press this key to open  
subtitle language menu to select the subtitle language you need  
and display subtitle (Requiring program support).  
38. TIMER: Timer Setting key. Press once to enter timer adjusting  
state, you can use "SKIP/TUNER" to adjust time, and then press  
this key to confirm it and enter timer countdown state.  
V Basic port Connect  
Connect to USB and CARD: Set the player in DVD state and connect  
the USB device or Card to corresponding interface.  
VI Operation Instruction for Alarm Clock Radio  
1 .Time setting  
(CLOCK on remote)  
Press for 3 seconds  
Hour setting  
(CLOCK on remote)  
Press one time  
Minute setting  
(CLOCK on remote)  
Press one time  
Alarm 1 hour setting  
Alarm 1 minute setting  
Alarm 2 hour setting  
Alarm 2 minute setting  
(CLOCK on remote)  
Press one time  
(CLOCK on remote)  
Press one time  
(CLOCK on remote)  
Press one time  
2. Alarm setting (standby status)  
a "  
b "  
" (AL1.SET key on remote) press to choose Alarm/Radio/TV.  
" (AL2.SET key on remote) press to choose Alarm/Radio/TV.  
3. Snooze/Turn off alarm  
While the alarm ring, press SNOOZE to pause, it will ring again  
after 8 minutes.  
While the alarm ring, press POWER to stop, it will ring at this time  
next day.  
4. Sleep time setting  
Press SLEEP key to choose sleep time to be (90, 80, . ..... 10) minutes.  
5. Calculagraph  
Press TIMER key, then press SKIP+/-(TUNE+/-) to adjust time of  
Then press TIMER key to confirm.  
6. Radio  
a. Press FM key to switch to the radio state.  
b. Hold on SKIP+/- key to search channel manually.  
c. Press SKIP+/- (TUNE+/-) key to select channel.  
Press MEMORY key;  
Press CH+/- key to select location to save channel:  
Then press MEMORY key to confirm the saving of the current radio  
d. Press CH+/- key to select the stored channel.  
e. AM can store 10 radio channels, FM can store 20.  
VII DVB-T Digital TV Receiver Instruction  
1. Automatic installation guide  
For first use or when the program list doesn't exist, system will  
implement quick installation guide after connecting power. Please  
follow the screen prompt, press "OK" key to scan automatically as  
shown in the following picture:  
2. TEXT(Text Information)  
When playing program, press "TEXT" to open text information  
(Requiring program support)  
3. EPG ( program navigation function)  
In program playing process, press "EPG" to open program navigation  
function, this time you can check program information quickly. Select  
channel by Up and Down key, then press OK key to play.  
4. Menu Operation Instruction  
Press the remote controller or "MENU" key to enter menu interface,  
to select menu function, then press "OK" key to enter  
submenu, in submenu state, press "MENU" to back to menu function.  
Operation Instruction  
Menu Function  
"Program information list": Enter "Service  
Organiser", press  
to browse program  
information, following the prompt, you can  
press the red key to delete the program in  
channel list, press green key to move current  
program order in channel list, press  
move; press yellow key to edit the current  
program name, press direction key to select  
keyboard letter and number, press "ENTER"  
key to complete input, after editing, press  
green key to save it and back to channel list.  
"Favorite Channel": Enter favorite channel,  
following the prompt, press red key to delete  
the channel in favorite channel list, press  
green key to add channel in favorite channel  
list; press yellow key to edit, press  
select a channel in the list and press  
"ENTER" to start playing.  
User can set alert function to watch specific  
program in specified time, the start time and  
end time depend on current system time.  
Before setting alert function please check  
system time first.  
Subtitle Language  
Data Service  
On Screen  
Data Information Language  
Audio Language  
TV Setup  
Screen Display Language  
TV Display Mode: 16:9  
Child lock: Lock programs according to age  
brackets; change password: first enter old  
password then set the new password;  
channel lock; press OK key to enter this item,  
select channel then press OK key to lock.  
When you want to watch the locked program,  
you should input preset password.  
Please enter PIN Change PIN  
to access menu Lock/Un lock  
Full Scan Add  
New Services  
Search new-added program based  
on original programs.  
Full Scan Replace  
Exlsting Services  
Delete original program then re-  
search new one.  
Manual Scan  
Search program manually  
Full Scan Setup  
First Time Setup  
Parameter setting of automatic program search  
Restore factory default setting  
Update by  
USB/Card Reader  
Update by CAD  
Only for factory debugging  
Only for factory debugging  
System information  
Check For  
VIII Analog TV receiving operation  
Press DVD/TV/AUX to enter ATV mode, display options as follows:  
to select Picture item. Press  
, Bright, Contrast,  
Saturation and Reset displays on the screen as illustrated below:  
to select the Bright item. Press  
to adjust the analog  
quantity of Bright. Press  
in turn to select Contrast, Saturation and  
also can adjust the analog quantity of Contrast and Saturation. Press  
to select the Reset item. Press  
Contrast, Saturation to 50.  
to reset the quantity of Bright,  
to select System item, press  
(Image Flip) and Blue back displays on the  
screen as illustrated below:  
(picture mode),  
Use direction key to adjust selected item.  
to select Preset item, Position, Remember, Auto search,  
Swap, Fine, Search, Sound-sys and Color-sys as illustrated below:  
1. Auto Search  
Start from Program No. 0.  
2. When receive signal under Manul Search, the indication frequency stop  
means the optimum position for signal storage. If channel under weak  
signal is received, the channel storage system will automatically  
identify it as no signal.  
3. You can press and hold SEARCH key for 3 seconds on remote  
control to enter Auto Search.  
4. Notes on Sound System: 6.0M means I, 6.5M stands for DK(L),  
5.5M is BG, please set the Sound System at local one.  
5. Color system  
A. While sound system is I, color system is PAL-I;  
B. While sound system is DK, color system is PAL-DK or  
C. While sound system is BG, color system is PAL-BG or  
D. While sound system is L, color system is SECAM-L;  
6. In case with picture while without sound or with noise, please check  
the Sound System for correct setup first.  
IX DVD Operation Instruction  
1. Instruction for basic operation  
1) After the disc be read, the disc types information of DVD, VCR or CD  
could be displayed on TFT screen.  
2) Some disc will play automatically when tray is in.  
3) When playing DVD or some VCD2.0 disc, the menu will emerge, you  
could select the option by pressing direction key or digital keys, then  
press OK to confirm. Finally the player will play according to your  
Notice: If playing some VCD disc, you should press Menu to turn off the  
PBC function, then use digit key (0-9) to select desired track.  
4) While playing, press one time to pause, press one more time to  
continue normal playback.  
2>Fast Forward/Backward playback  
While playing, press or to play the disc fast forward or backward at a  
certain multiple speeds.  
DVD/VCD: 2 , 4 , 8 and 20 times speeds.  
Note: when play some disc menu or title, the Forward/Backward function  
is not available.  
3>Slow playing  
If you want to enjoy a specific portion, slow playing function can be use.  
The player provides six slow speeds. Press SLOW key continuously to  
shift slow speeds in order of 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 normal.  
During slow playing, press to return normal playback.  
Note: The slow playing function is not available while playing the menu  
and title.  
4>Last/Next track search&play  
While playing, you could select and play the last or next track/chapter by  
pressing or  
Notice: when play some disc menu or title, the last/next search&play  
function is not available.  
5>Stop playing  
While playing, press STOP key one time, the player will be to Memory  
Stop, and OSD will be displayed on screen. Press , the player will start  
play from the Memory Stop point. Press STOP two times continuously, the  
screen will also display OSD, disc will stop playing totally. Now press  
key once more, the player will play disc from very beginning.  
2. Special function operation instruction  
1>Selection of caption language  
While playing, you could select your favor caption language by press  
SUBTITLE key directly or pressing SETUP key to enter system menu  
to change caption language. Please refer to system menu operations.  
1) Some disc only contain one language.  
2) If you cannot find your favor caption  
language by pressing SUBTITLE key  
continually, that means the disc does  
not contain such caption language at all.  
2>Select Audio language  
When playing DVD disc, you could  
select your favor dub language by pressing the AUDIO key.  
When playing some VCD disc, you also could switch the audio output  
mode: Stereo  
left sound channel  
You can select audio language in system menu.  
right sound channel  
Mix mono.  
Note: Some discs only contain one audio language. How many audio  
language can be use is depend on information on the disc.  
3> Zoom  
While playing a video disc, press ZOOM, player will zoom in the image  
under play/pause status.  
Press ZOOM to zoom in  
to see other parts of the picture.  
4>Different video angle play (ANGLE)  
During playback of DVD disc press ANGLE to display the available video  
angles for disc contain multi-angle. Press one time to change an angle,  
how much angle is depend on information on the disc.  
Some DVD discs have a title menu recorded within them to use for  
selecting titles for play. This feature will only work with these discs.  
1) Press TITLE key during playback to enter the title menu.  
2) Use  
keys to control the direction and press OK or PLAY to  
select the preferred title or directly press the numeric keys to select the  
Note: DVD disc are divided into units referred to as titles are divided into  
chapters. A disc that contains a movie may have only one title with many  
chapter divisions.  
Some DVD discs have complex contents such as multi-subtitle, multi-  
audio, or multi-angle. In these cases, you can use the DVD menu to  
select audio language, subtitle language, and video angle.  
1) Press MENU during playback to display the DVD menu.  
2) Press MENU again resumes to normal playback of the scene when  
MENU key was first pressed.  
3) Use the arrow keys to select favor item, then press OK or to confirm.  
Or directly press the numeric keys to select the item.  
7>System select (NTSC/PAL/AUTO)  
Press SETUP to enter setup menu. Use direction key to select submenu  
of System setup, choose TV System item, then press OK to change the  
NTSC/PAL/AUTO output mode.  
8>Repeat play  
During playing DVD disc, press REPEAT continually in order to select:  
repeat off repeat chapter repeat title repeat off. Repeat a specific  
portion from point A to point B of the disc. Press A-B first time to set point  
A, press second time to set point B, press the third time to cancel A-B  
repeat function and return to normal playback.  
Notice: 1. For VCD2.0 or above , the repeat function will not work till the  
PBC have be set off.  
2. After power off or open the disc cover, the repeat function will  
be turned off.  
9>Program play  
You must create your program in the Edit Program menu before you can  
access the Program Playback. By selecting Program Playback in the Play  
Mode menu, you are telling the DVD player to play the disc in the order  
you created in the Edit Program menu.  
Program edit  
1) While playing a DVD disc, press PROGRAM to enter the program menu.  
2) Use the digital key to enter desired title/chapter,  
3) High light PLAY item, press OK or to program play. High light CLEAR  
and press OK to eliminate the program list.  
4) To exit PROGRAM playback, press key two times.  
Note: After power off or open disk cover, the program play will be turned off.  
10>Search play  
During playback , press SEARCH to display title, chapter, play time,  
subtitle, audio, angle information of the disc as follows:  
DVD disc Info Display  
CD disc Info Display  
VCD disc Info Display  
Title selecting  
If the disc include many Title or chapter, press "SEARCH" use direction  
key or digit number key to select title, chapter and time.  
Play CD  
CD track select  
Playing CD, all track can be select and play:  
1. Use the number keys on remote control to enter the number of the  
track while playing.  
2. For example, to select track 12, press -/--, then 2.  
Play Mp3  
MP3 music list  
Current playing music  
Folder list  
Music list of current folder  
MP3 music list will appear automatically while playing MP3.  
Use direction key to select music, then press "OK" key to play.  
Viewing JPEG files  
JPEG files list  
Current selected file  
Preview picture  
JPEG file list in the current folder  
The operation method of viewing JPEG files is similar as the operation  
method of playing MP3, the above picture will appear after insert JPEG  
1. The image zoom function is available while displaying JPEG file.  
2. Press Left arrow, the picture rotate 90 at anti-clockwise, press Right  
arrow, the picture rotate 90 at clockwise. Press Up arrow, the picture  
flip vertically, press Down arrow, the picture flip horizontally.  
11>Storage equipment(USB and Card)  
The player support playing of USB storage equipment and Multi Media  
Card (MMC), SD, Memory Stick (MS).  
(The capability of the USB or card must less than 2G).  
All kind of storage equipment can be use as same as disc to play MP3/  
JPEG/AVI etc. media files.  
Disc, USB and Card can be inside the player at the same time. Press  
USB/SD/MS key to select desired media equipment.  
Tip: When playing USB storage device or CARD individually, you should  
cover the disc cover, this machine can recognize and play. It can't play  
any media when the disc cover is opened; in MP3/PHOTO/MOVIE  
switching, please press Stop key, then press Left or Right direction key to  
3. System menu setup  
To setup the mainframe system, Press SETUP to enter system menu.  
Then you could setup the DVD player for Lock, Display,Audio,  
Language and Default etc.  
1. Use left/right key to select item on the main option list. The item list  
2. Use up/down key to select desired item, then press OK to enter.  
Press left/right key to set the value. Press OK to return option list.  
3. After setup, press SETUP key or  
key to exit system setup menu.  
System setup menu as below  
Main option list  
Item list  
Parameter list  
The default of this DVD player  
BRIGHTNESS 12/10/8/6/4/2/0  
SATURATION 12/10/8/6/4/2/0  
SHARPNESS 0/2/4/6/8  
X Troubleshooting  
The following phenomenon does not indicate failures. Before you  
contact us for repair, please check your device according to the  
approaches below.  
Power wire is not properly connected;  
the functioning power source is not  
recognized; or there're breaks in the  
power wire.  
No picture or sound  
Check whether the antenna is located  
well; Check the parameter of image or  
region is set correctly; if not, please set  
or search again.  
No signal  
No sound  
If the volume is turned down to the  
minimum; single is too weak, and Silence  
function is active.  
Mosaic images  
The signal strength is too weak.  
Check whether the country and region  
is set right;  
Maybe the signal intensity is too poor.  
Signal search failure  
Check whether the brightness and  
contrast of your display is adjusted well;  
if not, readjust it.  
Too-dark images  
XI Technical Parameters  
DVD Technical parameters  
Laser wave length: DVD 650nm; CD 780nm  
Optical pickup: DV34 (SANYO)  
Compatible disc: MPEG-4, DVD, VCD, CD, MP3, WMA, JPEG CD, CD-R,  
CD-R/W, DVD+R/-R(nonsupport DIVX 3.11 version)  
Other Compatible media:  
USB/Multi Media Card(MMC)/SD/Memory Stick(MS)  
Shockproof: DVD 3seconds; VCD/CD 10seconds; MP3 90seconds  
Frequency response: 20Hz-20KHz  
Audio signal-noise ratio(S/N): 60dB  
Dynamic scope: 60dB  
TV system: PAL/NTSC/AUTO  
Menu language: Chinese/English/Japanese/French/Spanish/Portuguese/  
Radio Receiving Frequency Range: AM522KHz-1620KHz  
Radio Receiving Frequency Range: FM87.5MHz-108MHz  
Radio Adjustment Step: AM: 9KHz FM: 50KHz  
Radio Sensitivity: AM 90dBuV FM 15dBuV  
Radio Signal-to-noise ratio: AM 30dB FM 40dB  
DTV Receiving Frequency: 474MHz - 858MHz  
DTV Receiving Input Power: 85dBm - 0dBm  
ATV Receiving Frequency: 48.25MHz - 863.25MHz  
LCD Size: 8.5 inch  
LCD Aspect Ratio: 16:9  
LCD Resolution: 480 RGB 234  
LCD Light Source: CCFL  
Power Supply: AC INPUT 230V 50Hz  
Speaker Output Power: more than1.2W 2CH(when Distortion is less  
than 10%)  
Power Consumption: less than 20W  
Dimensions: 360mm 290mm 78mm  
Weight: about 2900g  
Batteries only power the system clock. When main power is off, clock  
and memory remains the same and the TV receiver stops playing.  
Because system clock is powered by batteries, the time display will be  
still correct when the TV receiver is reconnected to main power and  
begins to play.  
This operation instruction is only intended for reference. No further  
notice is available to any modification of all information contained  
therein. Due to continuing improvements, the features and design  
are subject to change without notice.  
No repairable components exist in the machine. Don't try to dismantle  
and improve the monitor, and the high voltage in the machine may  
cause danger. Maintenance and adjustment of the monitor is subject  
to professionals.  
after some items in this manual means it is available with this  

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