ENG 618
Integrated Shotgun/
Boom-Pole Microphone
• Electret Condenser
• Collapses to 18 inches—expands
to 6 feet
• Highly Directional
• High Sensitivity
• Very Lightweight Carbon Fiber Pole
• Suspension Shockmount
• Built-in Headphone Amp
• Phantom or Battery Powered
• Low-Battery Indicator
Powering the ENG 618
The Electro-Voice ENG 618 is a hypercar-
dioid-line (shotgun) back-electret condenser
microphone designed for broadcast news gath-
ering applications where selective pickup in a
multisound environment is required.
The ENG 618 is powered by an external
12 - 52 volt phantom power supply or
9-V battery. The battery is needed to oper-
ate the headphone amplifier circuit. Initial use
of the battery circuit, causes the low-battery
indicator to flash momentarily. The low-bat-
tery LED remains on when the voltage drops
indicating a need to replace the battery.
The frequency response of the ENG 618 mi-
crophone can be varied by the 200 Hz roll-off
switch. In the roll-off position the ENG 618
provides a full-range, well-balanced sound
character for clean and accurate voice repro-
duction. In the flat position, low-frequency
sounds can be sourced for background spe-
cial effects or to mic specific natural or envi-
ronmental audio.
To operate the ENG 618, use high-quality
balanced cable with XLR connectors to con-
nect the electronics housing to the mixer in-
put. If the mixer is supplying phantom power,
this will power the ENG 618 with or with-
out the 9-V battery. Without phantom power
the ENG 618 requires a 9-V battery.
The microphone’s hypercardioid-line polar
characteristic provides maximum output from
the desired source, while rejecting unwanted
off-axis noise.
An 1/8-in. mini-plug may be used to connect
an 8-ohm stereo headphone to the ENG 618.
Plugging into the headphone jack automati-
cally switches on the battery power to the
volume-adjustable headphone amplifier. This
allows the operator to hear the “sound field”
through the headphones whether on-line via
the XLR connector or not. This can be very
useful when doing a background environmen-
tal sound check before the actual “on-air” use.
The ENG 618 boom pole is designed to ex-
tend allowing the integral microphone to be
placed over several rows of people with little
effort. The product's light weight and excel-
lent balance allows consistent audio coverage
without fatigue.
The ENG 618 is easily collapsed to 18 inches
overall length for quick and efficient transport.
ENG 618 Integrated Shotgun/Boom-Pole Microphone
Figure 1—Frequency Response
5 dB per division
Figure 2—Polar Response
ENG 618 Integrated Shotgun/Boom-Pole Microphone
Equivalent Noise:
15 dB SPL, A -weighted
Dynamic Range:
105 dB
Output Impedance, 1 kHz:
100 ohms
Power Requirements:
12-to 52-V dc phantom supply or 9-V
Current Consumption:
2 mA. phantom
20 mA. battery
20 hours estimated battery life.
Nonreflecting black
46 cm (18 in.) collapsed
180 cm (6 ft.) extended
9 cm (3.5 in.) circle
Capsule Diameter:
5.3 mm (0.21 in.)
Generating Element:
Condenser, back electret
Frequency Response (see Figure 1 ):
50 - 8,000 Hz
200 Hz roll-off switch
Polar Pattern (see Figure 2 ):
Sensitivity, (Open Circuit Voltage,
1 kHz):
19 mV/pascal
Power Level, 1 kHz (0 dB = 1 mW/
-55 dB
Clipping Level (1% THD):
120 dB SPL
Net Weight:
1000 grams (2.0 lb)
Shipping Weight:
1,400 grams (3.1 lb)
Accessories Furnished:
A positive pressure on the diaphragm
produces a positive voltage on output
pin 2 (+).
Vinyl utility pouch with belt loop
600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107
616/695-6831, 616/695-1304 Fax
©Telex Communications, Inc. 1999 • Litho in U.S.A.
Part Number 534897 — 9914
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