FieldServer Technologies
A Sierra Monitor Corporation Company
1991 Tarob Court, Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Phone: (408) 262-2299
Toll Free: (888) 509-1970
Fax: (408) 262-2296
SlotServer Instruction Manual
This manual provides instructions for the following FieldServer products:
The instructions are effective for the above as of January 2006
Instruction Manual Part Number: T17011
Rev. A3.
Applicability and Effectivity
Table of Contents
Appendix A.4. Dealing with ControlLogix RPI Settings........................................................26
Appendix A.5. Installing SlotServer on a Remote Rack using CNB Cards...........................27
Appendix A.5.1. Hardware and Software requirements....................................................27
Appendix A.5.2. Setup.....................................................................................................27
Appendix A.5.3. RSLogix configuration............................................................................27
Appendix A.5.4. RSNetWorx configuration ......................................................................28
Appendix A.5.5. Testing...................................................................................................29
Appendix A.5.6. Connection limitations -Controlling the SlotServer using ControlNet ......30
Appendix A.6. Rules for Naming Logix driver Data Arrays ..................................................31
APPENDIX B. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ..........................................................................33
Appendix B.1. Things to check when communications fail. .................................................33
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1.1. About this product
The SlotServer Instruction Manual provides the information necessary to configure the
SlotServer, allowing an Allen Bradley ControlLogix platform to pass data between a
ControlLogix CPU and other third party communications protocols supported by the
SlotServer. The SlotServer uses implicit communications between the CPU and the
SlotServer and is consequently treated as an I/O Server in RSLogix.
The SlotServer Instruction Manual covers information for installing the SlotServer, and
configuring the module to transfer data with the CPU on the ControlLogix Rack. Depending
on the SlotServer Module ordered, supplementary driver manuals are provided for
information on how to configure the third party protocols residing in the SlotServer.
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Pre-Startup checklist
2.1. Accessories supplied with the SlotServer
Please verify that the following components were supplied with the SlotServer module:
FieldServer Technologies
2-way combi-comb connector for LonWorks port
Software CD
CAT-5 Direct Ethernet Cable
Documentation Binder
Third party components (not supplied by FieldServer Technologies)
The following components will need to be procured as a minimum for achieving ControlLogix
integration. Ensure that these are available before commencing with commissioning
Part #
ControlLogix Rack
ControlLogix CPU
ControlLogix PSU
Required configuration for the SlotServer
To achieve data transfer between CPU tags and the SlotServer third party protocols, it will
be necessary to write and load a configuration into the SlotServer that tells the SlotServer
how to map the ControlLogix Tags to the required protocol addresses. This configuration is
written in a Comma Separated Variable (csv) file, and any text editor or spreadsheet
program that supports csv format can be used for this purpose. FieldServer Technologies
provides an example configuration file so that the configuration does not need to be written
from scratch. Configuration parameters needed to exchange data between the CPU and
the SlotServer data images (Data Arrays) are presented in Section 6. The appropriate
driver manual supplement will describe how to map the data in and out of the Data Arrays
for the relevant protocol.
The FieldServer configuration manual details basic and advanced techniques for the
configuration of the SlotServer Manual, and it is strongly advised that this manual is read
before attempting to write the SlotServer Configuration.
Note: FieldServer Technologies provides SlotServer configuration services if the user does
not wish to perform the configuration themselves.
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Steps for implementation of a SlotServer Project
3.1. Read the SlotServer Instruction Manual
This provides guidelines for getting started with the SlotServer, and is very useful for first
time implementation of a SlotServer application.
Refer to Section 4 for information on installation.
3.3. Write the SlotServer configuration.
Install the SlotServer in a ControlLogix Rack.
Refer to the FieldServer configuration manual for instruction on writing a FieldServer
Refer to Section 6 for assistance on managing the Logix driver Parameters
Refer to the desired protocol driver supplement for assistance on managing the protocol
Install the FieldServer Utilities
Insert the supplied Utilities CD into the CD drive of the PC to be used for configuration and
follow the install instructions.
Load the SlotServer Configuration into the SlotServer
Refer to the FieldServer Utilities manual for information on the FieldServer Remote User
The sections that follow highlight a few examples on how this is done.
3.7. Commission the third party network.
Refer to standard commissioning guidelines for the protocol in question.
Program the ControlLogix CPU to communicate with the SlotServer.
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SlotServer Installation
The SlotServer plugs directly into the AB1756 ControlLogix rack. Take note of the slot number
used for the SlotServer as this will be needed when configuring the I/O in the RSLogix software.
SlotServer Ports and Displays
Note that there are several hardware ports available on the SlotServer card, but that this
SlotServer model only makes use of a select few. The ports and displays of interest are as
shown in the diagram below:
Scrolling display shows card messages
Card Status Indicators show general card
Service Pin for LonWorks Commissioning
Communications Status LED’s show status of
communications and card software.
TP/FT10 LonWorks Connection
Ethernet Port. Used for configuration and
Ethernet Protocols.
RS-485 Port.
Specify as R1 in the
Scrolling Display
This will Display an OK status when the SlotServer has powered up successfully.
Card Status Indicators:
The Comm and OK lights will indicate green when the SlotServer has powered up
The Sys indicator will indicate green if the external nodes are all
communicating properly; and red otherwise.
Service Pin
To be used for commissioning the SlotServer into a LonWorks network
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Communications Status LED’s
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Conf Err
Com Err
Node Off
Sys Err
When the SlotServer is powered up, this light will start flashing after approximately 2
minutes. If this light does not flash, it is an indication that the firmware is not running,
and that the SlotServer will not be operating.
This light will flash when the card’s Neuron chip is unconfigured, and will extinguish
when the SlotServer has been commissioned into a Network.
This light indicates that a device bound to the SlotServer on the LonWorks network is
not communicating. Use the LonWorks Network Manager to troubleshoot the problem.
This light indicates an error in the configuration of the card. Since this model is shipped
pre-configured, this light should never come on unless the card configuration is
tampered with
Conf Err
This light indicates that an unexpected operation state occurred. The light can be reset
by cycling power to the card. If the error re-occurs persistently, then contact
FieldServer Technical support for assistance with troubleshooting after setting up the
trade port as shown in Appendix A.
Sys Err
This light indicates that a communication error occurred. Use the LonWorks Network
Manager to troubleshoot the problem, or refer to Appendix B.1.
Com Err
These lights are related to the RS-485 serial ports provided on the FieldServer. The
Rx (Receive) light will flash red if the FieldServer is receiving data. The Tx (Transmit)
light will flash red if the FieldServer is sending data. (Note that due to the nature of 2-
wire RS-485 the Rx light will flash every time the Tx light flashes too). The frequency of
the flashing is directly related to the frequency of data transfer.
These lights are related to the two Ethernet network ports provided on the FieldServer.
The 10/100 light will be green if the physical connection to the network hub is running
at 100 MBits/s. If the light is off, the connection is running at 10 MBits/s. The Act
(Activity) light will indicate activity on the network. The frequency of flashing is directly
related to the network activity. It does not necessarily mean data is being received by
the FieldServer. Note that Ethernet Port N2 supports 10 or 100 MBits/s, whereas N1
only supports 10 MBits/s
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TP/FT10 LonWorks connection
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This two wire connection is polarity insensitive and can be multi-dropped into a LonWorks
Ethernet Port
The Ethernet port can be used for configuration and troubleshooting, as well as for Protocols
that require an Ethernet connection. Use standard Ethernet cables for this connection.
RS-485 Port
This is a standard 2-wire RS-485 port. Specify as R1 in the configuration.
Inside Cover Door Label
A label has been provided on the inside of the cover door for the User to document
important or useful configuration parameters used. In particular, special provision has been
made to document the Ethernet port IP parameters, as well as the LonWorks DSN
(Domain/Subnet/Node) allocated by the Network Manager. These fields are there to be
utilized at the User’s discretion.
Technical Specifications
Slot width
BackPlane Current Load
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Allen Bradley Platform:
LonWorks Connection type:
Ethernet port
0-60 Deg C (32-140 Deg F)
-40 – 85 Deg C (-40 – 185 Deg F)
5-95% (Non-Condensing)
ControlLogix 1756 Rack
10/100 MB/sec.
RS-485 port
2-wire, half duplex.
UL 60950-1:2003
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1-03
1 Refer to Error! Reference source not found. to view Certificates.
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SlotServer Topology
The SlotServer connection varies based on the protocol being used. Refer to the appropriate
driver supplement for more details. The diagram in section 4.1 shows the ports available on the
SlotServer for each of the protocols.
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Configuring the CPU interface to the SlotServer
6.1. CPU interface Description
The SlotServer Data Images (Data Arrays) share data with the ControlLogix CPU tags using
the backplane for communication and the FieldServer Logix driver. To map the Logix Driver,
the Driver needs to be configured in the SlotServer Configuration. The information that
follows details the configuration parameters that can be used for this driver. The driver can
only act as an I/O Server (Adapter) to a Control-Logix CPU.
Max Nodes Supported
SlotServer Mode
Only one IO image connection supported
Configuring the SlotServer as a Logix I/O Server
For a detailed discussion on SlotServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer
Configuration Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the
factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the SlotServer (See “.csv”
sample files provided with the SlotServer).
The configuration file tells the SlotServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data
required. In order to enable the SlotServer for Logix communications, the driver
independent SlotServer buffers need to be declared in the “Data Arrays” section, the
SlotServer virtual node(s) needs to be declared in the “Server Side Nodes” section, and the
data to be provided to the Clients needs to be mapped in the “Server Side Map Descriptors”
section. Details on how to do this can be found below.
Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the
Data Arrays/Descriptors
The configuration file tells the SlotServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data
required. In order to enable the SlotServer for Logix communications, the driver
independent SlotServer buffers need to be declared in the “Data Arrays” section.
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Up to 15 alphanumeric
Data_Array_Name Provide name for Data Array
Float, Bit, UInt16, SInt16,
Provide data format. Each Data Array Packed_Bit,
can only take on one format.
For IO_Data_Type:
REAL 1-120
Number of Data Objects. Must be
larger than the data storage area
required by the Map Descriptors for
the data being placed in this array.
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// Data Arrays
Server Side Connection Descriptors
Section Title
Column Title
Adapter Name
Legal Values
// Server Side Connections
Server Side Node Descriptors
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Up to 32 alphanumeric
Provide name for node
Virtual Node ID
Specify protocol used
IO image connection timeout
Time to retry node online status 0.1s
Interval to recover node to
online status
// Server Side Nodes
Node_ID, Protocol,
11, Logix_SS, 0.5s,
Timeout, Retry_Interval, Recovery_Interval
0.1s, 0.5s
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Server Side Map Descriptors
SlotServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
of this
Map Up to 32 alphanumeric
Rate at which IO image Use twice the rate used in
data is updated
RSLogix e.g. 0.2s
WRBC - to write into Input
Image Data buffer
Function of Server Map
RDBC - to read from Output
Image Data buffer
Driver Specific Map Descriptor Parameters
Column Title
Legal Values
One of the node names
specified in “Client Node
Descriptor” above
Name of Node to fetch data
Use same as used in
RSLogix to add the module
(16-bit integer)
(8-bit signed)
(32-bit double)
(32-bit float)
Data type of IO image
One of the Data Array
names from “Data Array”
Name of Data Array to section above. Data Arrays
include in IO image data
must be named as follows:
DaName_x where x is a
value e.g. DaName_1
Number of Data Arrays to
include in IO image data
Custom Value transferred in 0 - value permitted by
IO image to indicate IO_Data_Type3
protocol of IO image data
e.g. 0 - 65535 for INT
2 Refer to Appendix A.6 for information specific to naming Logics driver Data Arrays.
he update rate decreases as the number of blocks go up. For 25 blocks we have an update rate of
25*RPI = 25*0.1 = 2.5 seconds.
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Programming the ControlLogix CPU for a small SlotServer Interface
The discussion that follows describes the basic steps to set up and test the system for
transferring data between CPU tags and the SlotServer using the I/O image method. The quick
Start example uses LonWorks as the example 3rd Party Protocol. A hardcoded template is filled
with Lon variables is created. Each item uses a different amount of bytes and the total adds up
to 104 Lon Network Variables. This limit of 104 does not apply when using customized data
items – the actual limit is 496 bytes. Refer to the Advanced Project to access more than 104
Network Variables.
Step 1: Establish an RSLogix project5
Use File/New to create a new project or File/Open to open an existing project.
Ensure that this is the slot
number in the rack where
your Controller resides.
5 Your Controller may be of a different type to the one shown in the example.
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Step 2: Add and configure the SlotServer as an IO Module
Right-click on I/O Configuration and select “New Module”.
Choose the 1756-MODULE
Be sure to choose the correct
Slot number in the rack where
your SlotServer reside
Click Next and choose a RPI of 100 ms.
This is the rate at which the I/O image data
will be transferred
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Click Finish to complete the Module Properties setup
Step 3: Write Ladder Program to get Input Data from Data Arrays
Add a CPS (Synchronous Copy File) Ladder element to synchronize the incoming Data
from the Input Data Arrays. Use the Input Image Data as Source.
Destination Tag by right
clicking on Destination and
choosing New Tag.
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Create a Controller Tag of
Type REAL, dimension of 80
for the Destination
Add an EQU (Compare if equal) ladder element to check when the first Data Array has been
received. The block number is at offset 2 of the input image.
Finally, add another CPS ladder element to copy the LonWorks Data from the InData_Copy
Tag to a new Controller Tag, called Lon_In_01. Also create the Tag by right clicking on
Destination and choosing New Tag. The New Tag must be of type REAL and a dimension of
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Below is the final ladder program to access data from LonWorks Function Block In[0]
Very Important Note!
It is very important to first make a synchronous copy of the input image data before using it. If
this is not done, the input data cannot be guaranteed to be from a specific SlotServer Data
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Step 4: Write Ladder Program to Send Output Data to Data Arrays
This step demonstrates how to write data to the Data Array Out[0]
Create a Controller Tag called Lon_Out_01 of type REAL[80].
Add a new rung to the Ladder program and add a MOV element to move a block number
value of 1 into Lon_Out_01[2].
Finally add a CPS (Synchronous Copy File) element to copy the full Lon_Out_01 tag into
the Output Image Tag.
The LonWorks Data are present from Lon_Out_01[4] to Lon_Out_01[79]
You can create a User Defined Data Type to replace the type of Lon_Out_01 mapping the
points to LonWorks point names.
Very Important Note!
It is very important to only update all the data of the Output Image Tag once using a
Synchronous File Copy element. It is not permissible to update the block number into the
Output Image Tag and then the data as this will cause an asynchronous transfer of data.
Step 5: Download the RSLogix Program and Run
Use the Who Active or Communications Path directly to Download and Run the Program on
the Controller / CPU.
Step 6: Set up the third party connection
In this example, this step would involve binding the LonWorks variables using a LonWorks
Network Manager..
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Programming the ControlLogix CPU for larger SlotServer Interfaces
The previous example is for accessing only one Data Array. The following steps describe how to
access multiple Data Arrays.
Multiple Input Data Arrays
In this example, we access Input Data Arrays In[1] up to In[24]. We simply add to the
existing ladder program as shown in the Quickstart example. Add a branch after the CPS
element that copies the input image Tag and copy and paste EQU and CPS elements from
the first rung. Create a new Input Tag for Lon_In_02 of type REAL and dimension 76.
Finally, remember to set the EQU Source B value to 2 to compare for incoming data from
the 2nd LonWorks functional block which is In[1].
See the ladder program below how to add In[1].
Very Important Note!
It is very important to first make a synchronous copy of the input image data before using it.
If this is not done, the input data cannot be guaranteed to be from a specific LonWorks
Function Block.
Accessing Multiple Output Data Arrays
To access more output Data Arrays is slightly more complicated since we need to create a
Multiplexer in Ladder.
The basic steps include:
Create a Counter which counts up every 100ms.
Place the counter value into the Lon_Out_xx Tag at offset 2.
Copy and the whole Tag into the output Data Image Tag for transferring to the LonWorks
The example program below shows an output counter that can count up to 25 which allows
the transfer of data into 25 Output Function Blocks. Only 2 rungs are shown to transfer data
for blocks 1 and 2. Add more rungs with more Lon_Out_xx tags to transfer data to other
output Function Blocks.
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It is possible to add up to 65535 blocks. The update rate decreases as the number of
blocks goes up. For 25 blocks we have an update rate of 25*RPI = 25*0.1 = 2.5 seconds.
You can restrict the upcount to a certain value, e.g.2 by changing the Preset value of the
CTU element.
Very Important Note!
It is very important to only update all the data of the Output Image Tag once using a
Synchronous File Copy element. It is not permissible to update the block number into the
Output Image Tag and then the data as this will cause an asynchronous transfer of data.
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Appendix A. Advanced Topics
Appendix A.1. Description of Data Transfer Process
The data connection from the SlotServer to the Logix CPU consists of 496 bytes of input
and 496 bytes of output data. Of the 2 Map Descriptors specified, the one with the WRBC
function writes data to the Logix CPU filling its input data, and the one with the RDBC
function accepts the Logix CPU’s output data.
The Map Descriptor’s IO_Data_Type field organizes the 496 bytes into either Bytes (SINT),
Words (INT) or Double Words (DINT or REAL) reducing the number of elements that can be
transferred. Of the resulting number of elements, the first 4 are reserved for the IO image
header (Refer to Appendix A.2).
The SlotServer acts as a multiplexer when it sends data to the Logix-CPU and as a
demultiplexer when it receives data from the Logix-CPU.
The diagram on the next page describes the SlotServer operation methodology:
For input data, the input data from the external device is placed into the 25 Data Arrays
numbered In_1 to In_25. The SlotServer sends the data from these Data Arrays over the IO
image connection one at a time by placing the block number at offset 2 of the image header
and the data from offset 4. The reverse happens at the Logix-CPU where a demultiplexer is
implemented in Ladder to route the data to each of the 25 CPU Tags.
For output data, the Logix-CPU has to place the data and block number into the Output
Image Tag and send it to the SlotServer. The SlotServer then demultiplexes the data by
placing it into the appropriate Out_x Data Array depending on the block number specified in
the IO image header.
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Appendix A.2. The IO image header
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The IO image header appears at the start of every block of image data that is transferred to
or from the SlotServer to the Logix CPU. It consists of 4 items of data:
Offset into image
data block
The value specified under the Map Descriptor’s
Protocol_Type_ID field is transferred to the Logix CPU
and can be used to decode the protocol. The same
value has to be transferred back to the SlotServer to
indicate the protocol.
This field is automatically filled in by the SlotServer if a
Node Status Data Array with the name
SlotServerNodes is declared. Its value can be used in
the Logix CPU to check the status of Nodes connected
to the SlotServer.
The number of the Data Array for which the IO image
data is valid for, e.g. a block number of 1 will indicate
the data is to or from DataArray_1
Not used
Appendix A.3. How to obtain Node Status from the SlotServer
By declaring the following Data Array, the Node Status field in the IO image header will be
filled in with the Node Statuses of all Nodes declared on the SlotServer:
// Data Arrays
Data_Array_Name, Data_Format,
SlotServerNodes, Bit,
Data_Array_Length, Data_Array_Function
256, Node_Status
Note: The Data Array Name must be as shown for this function to work correctly.
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Appendix A.4. Dealing with ControlLogix RPI Settings
When setting up the SlotServer for ControlLogix, it is necessary to select the Request
Packet Interval (RPI). The RPI is the rate at which data is transferred to and from the
SlotServer IO buffers. The following factors need to be considered when deciding on an
1. Minimum RPI setting for the SlotServer is 100ms.
2. The Scan_Interval parameter of the two Logix Map descriptors must be larger than the
RPI to ensure smooth communications and prevent timeouts.
3. The number of message blocks used does not affect the RPI setting, but will affect the
effective update rate for any one message block. The effective update rate for data
to/from the SlotServer’s Data Arrays to the Logix CPU tags is the scan interval of the
block since data is updated to the block every scan interval. Increasing the number of
blocks will decrease the effective update rate per block. This update rate does not
include the time taken to obtain data from the third party network, which is dependant
entirely on the third party protocol involved.
4. The program scan rate should be set to run faster than the RPI. We recommend twice
as fast. If the ladder program scan is slower than the RPI rate, it would be possible to
miss some blocks altogether. It is further recommended that diagnostics be added to
the ladder program to detect missed blocks
The effective update rate can be calculated using the following formula:
Effective update rate (EUR) = Scan interval * (number of msg block pairs6)
e.g. (EUR)
0.2s * 1 = 0.2s
when using only one input and output block
e.g. (EUR)
0.2s * 25 = 5s
when using the full LonWorks Open Interface configuration.
6 a message block pair consists of an output and input block
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Appendix A.5. Installing SlotServer on a Remote Rack using CNB Cards
Appendix A.5.1. Hardware and Software requirements
In order to perform this application, the following hardware and software is required as a
At least two 1756 racks, where one rack contains the CPU and the other rack
contains the SlotServer
Two Controlnet CNB cards (with cable for connection) to connect the racks to each
SlotServer EDS file (Available on SlotServer CD, or call Technical Support)
Note that it is possible to connect to SlotServer on a remote rack using other 1756
bridging cards. This chapter only deals with CNB, but the principles for using other
bridging cards are similar.
Appendix A.5.2.
Install the CPU and the first CNB card in the local rack.
Install the second CNB card and the SlotServer in the remote rack.
Connect the ControlNet Network
Power up the racks
Install the SlotServer EDS File using the RSLinx Hardware EDS Installation Tool.
Make sure the SlotServer has a valid configuration loaded. The default configuration
shipped with the SlotServer should suffice.
Appendix A.5.3.
RSLogix configuration
In order to see the SlotServer from the CPU, the Hardware must be configured in
RSLogix as follows:
Configure the cards in the local rack in the I/O Configuration section, including the
CPU and the local CNB card.
Right click on the local CNB card and add the remote CNB card using the “New
Module” function.
Right Click on the remote CNB card, and add the 1756 Backplane
Right Click on the 1756 Backplane and add the cards that are present in the remote
rack, including the SlotServer (As a generic I/O module-see earlier section on how to
do this)
Save the RSLogix configuration, and download it to the PLC.
The finished I/O configuration should look similar to this:
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Appendix A.5.4.
RSNetWorx configuration
Open up RSNetWorx and add the two CNB Cards to the Network by dragging them
onto the Network in the Graph tab (Must be done with Edits Enabled). Follow the
prompts on the screen to configure the Chassis being used, and the cards in each
Chassis (Rack).
Go Online with RSNetWorx, and then press “save”. This will transfer the RSNetWorx
Configuration to the Keeper.
The final RSNetworx Configuration should look similar to this:
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Appendix A.5.5.
The SlotServer should now be visible to the CPU. Go Online with RSLogix and check
the Input buffer of the SlotServer for data. A good check is to examine offset 2 of the
input tag for a non-Zero value. If the SlotServer is multiplexing (DA_Count >1), then this
value will be cycling through the Buffer numbers, otherwise if DA_Count=1, then offset 2
will be fixed at 1. If offset 2 is zero, then the SlotServer is not being seen by the CPU,
and Diagnostics will need to be performed using RSNetWorx and RSLogix to determine
the cause of the problem.
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Appendix A.5.6.
Connection limitations -Controlling the SlotServer using
Only one remote I/O rack is supported.
I/O can only be added online using a direct connection.
The following Vendor information provides clarification:
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Appendix A.6. Rules for Naming Logix driver Data Arrays
Unlike most other FieldServer drivers, the Logix driver attaches significance to the name of
the Data Array used in the Logix Driver Map Descriptor. This is done to allow the user to
easily declare a series of Data Arrays to be multiplexed through the input and output buffers
of the SlotServer. Most users will probably stick to a naming convention where the Data
Arrays are named In_1 to In_x for input buffer arrays, and Out_1 to Out_y for output buffer
arrays (where x and y are numbers reflecting the maximum input and output Array numbers
For example, an application that multiplexes 6 Data Arrays worth of data through the Input
buffer will probably use data arrays named In_1 though In_6.
DA_Name_Start is declared as In_1, and DA_Count is declared as 6.
In this example,
It is not absolutely necessary to use the naming convention described above, however, and
while the user has some latitude for declaring names, the following restrictions must be
understood before attempting a different naming convention:
The Data Array name must end in _x, where x is a positive integer number.
The total length of the Data Array name (including _x) must not exceed 15 characters.
No leading zeros should be used in the _x number (For example, use _5, not _05)
The “x” part of the _x in the data array name will be the number shown in offset 2 of the
input buffer for the purposes of de-multiplexing in the CPU.
There can only be one Map Descriptor for linking Data Arrays to the input buffer, and
one Map Descriptor for linking Data Arrays to the output buffer (Using wrbc in the
function parameter links the Map description to the input buffer, and using rdbc links the
map description to the output buffer). This means that trying to map Data Array number
sequences that are not continuous will not be possible (For example, you can map
numbers 5 through 25, but you cannot map numbers 1 through 3, and then 5 through 8
at the same time).
The Data Arrays must be declared individually in the Data Arrays Section. Declare all
data arrays, not just the start Data Array.
The following examples describe legal and illegal naming conventions respectively:
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Appendix B. Troubleshooting tips
Appendix B.1. Things to check when communications fail.
Check for loose cabling on the third party network
Verify that the correct program is loaded to the CPU
Verify that the correct data types for the tags have been used.
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