C o p y r i g h t
LapLink is a registered trademark of LapLink.com Inc.
McAfee is a registered trademark of Network Associates/
McAfee.com Inc.
Fujitsu PC Corporation has made every effort to ensure
the accuracy and completeness of this document.
However, as ongoing development efforts are continu-
ally improving the capabilities of our products, we
cannot guarantee the accuracy of the contents of this
document. We disclaim liability for errors, omissions,
or future changes.
BayManager is a registered trademark of Softex, Inc.
The DVD player found in some models of the LifeBook
notebook incorporates copyright protection technology
that is protected by method claims of certain U.S.
patents and other intellectual property rights owned by
Macrovision Corporation and other rights users. Use of
this copyright protection technology must be authorized
by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home
and other limited viewing uses only unless authorized by
Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disas-
sembly is prohibited.
Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are registered trademarks
and LifeBook is a trademark of Fujitsu Limited.
First Cabin is a service mark of Fujitsu PC Corporation.
The following are registered trademarks of
IBM Corporation: IBM, IBM PC AT, IBM PS/2.
Dolby Headphone manufactured under license from
Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic”, and the
double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Copyrights 1992-1999 Dolby Laboratories. All rights
The following are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation: MS, MS-DOS, Windows.
PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association.
All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property
of their respective owners.
Earthlink is a registered trademark of EarthLink
Network, Inc.
© Copyright 2001 Fujitsu PC Corporation. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced, or translated, without prior written consent
of Fujitsu PC Corporation. No part of this publication
may be stored or transmitted in any electronic form
without the written consent of Fujitsu PC Corporation.
Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks and Intel
SpeedStep is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a registered trademark of
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Netscape 6.01 is a registered trademark of Netscape
Communications Corporation.
PowerQuest and Drive Image are registered trademarks
of PowerQuest Corporation.
according to FCC Part 15
Responsible Party Name:
Fujitsu PC Corporation
5200 Patrick Henry Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 982-9500
Declares that product:
Base Model Configurations:
LifeBook S-4572
Complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operations are subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device must not be allowed to cause harmful interference, (2) This device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
C o p y r i g h t
Avis Aux Utilisateurs Du Réseau
Téléphonique Canadien
DOC (Industry Canada) Notices
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
This Class B digital apparatus meets all
requirements of the Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment Regulations.
L’étiquette canadienne Industrie Canada identifie
l’équipement certifié. Cette certification signifie que
l’équipement satisfait certaines normes de protection,
d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de télécommu-
nications. Le département ne garantit pas le fonctionne-
ment de l’équipement à la satisfaction de l’utilisateur.
CET appareil numérique de la class B respecte toutes
les exigence du Réglement sur le matérial brouilleur
du Canada.
La série LifeBook notebook e possède un modem interne
conforme aux normes de certification d’Industrie
Canada pour protéger les réseaux de télécommunica-
tions et satisfaire aux normes de sécurité. Avant de
connecter cet équipement à une ligne téléphonique,
l’utilisateur doit vérifier s’il est permis de connecter cet
équipement aux installations de télécommunications
locales. L’utilisateur est averti que même la conformité
aux normes de certification ne peut dans certains cas
empêcher la dégradation du service.
Notice to Users of the Canadian Telephone Network
The Canadian Industry Canada label identifies certified
equipment. This certification means that the equipment
meets certain telecommunications network protective,
operational, and safety requirements. The Department
does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the
user’s satisfaction.
LifeBook notebook computers are supplied with an
internal modem which complies with the Industry
Canada certification standards for telecommunication
network protection and safety requirements. Before
connecting this equipment to a telephone line the user
should ensure that it is permissible to connect this
to the local telecommunication facilities. The user
should be aware that compliance with the certification
standards does not prevent service degradation in
some situations.
Les réparations de l’équipement de télécommunications
doivent être eVectuées par un service de maintenance
agréé au Canada. Toute réparation ou modification, qui
n’est pas expressément approuvée par Fujitsu PC Corp.,
ou toute défaillance de l’équipement peut entraîner la
compagnie de télécommunications à exiger que l’utili-
sateur déconnecte l’équipement de la ligne téléphonique.
Le code d’arrangement de connexion de cet équipement
est CA11A.
Le numéro de charge assigné à chaque terminal télépho-
nique indique le pourcentage de la charge totale pouvant
être connecté à une boucle ou à un circuit téléphonique,
utilisé par ce périphérique afin de prévenir toute
surcharge. La terminaison d’une boucle peut être consti-
tuée de n’importe quelle combinaison de périphériques
de sorte que le total de numéros de charge de tous les
périphériques n’excède pas 100.
Repairs to telecommunication equipment should be
made by a Canadian authorized maintenance facility.
Any repairs or alterations not expressly approved by
Fujitsu PC Corporation or any equipment failures
may give the telecommunication company cause to
request the user to disconnect the equipment from the
telephone line.
The connecting arrangement code for this equipment
is CA11A.
The Load Number assigned to each telephone terminal
device denotes the percentage of the total load to be
connected to a telephone loop or circuit which is used by
the device to prevent overloading. The termination on a
loop may consist of any combination of devices such
that the total of the load numbers of all devices does not
exceed 100.
Pour assurer la sécurité, les utilisateurs doivent véri?er
que la prise de terre du service d’électricité, les lignes
télphoniques et les conduites d’eau métalliques sont
connectées ensemble. Les utilisateurs NE doivent PAS
tenter d’établir ces connexions eux-mêmes, mais
doivent contacter les services d’inspection d’installa-
tions électriques appropriés ou un électricien. Ceci peut
être particulièrement important en régions rurales.
For safety, users should ensure that the electrical
ground of the power utility, the telephone lines and
the metallic water pipes are connected together.
Users should NOT attempt to make such connections
themselves but should contact the appropriate electric
inspection authority or electrician. This may be
particularly important in rural areas.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
UL Notice
This unit requires an AC adapter to operate. Use only UL
Listed Class 2 Adapters with an output rating of 16 Vdc,
with a current of 3.36A.
AC Adapter output polarity:
To reduce the risk of fire, use only #26AWG or larger
telecommunications line cord.
For Authorized Repair Technicians Only
For continued protection against risk of fire, replace
only with the same type and rating fuse.
Danger of explosion if Lithium (clock) battery is incor-
rectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equiva-
lent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose
of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Fujitsu LifeBook S Series
Volume Control
Locating the Controls
and Connectors
Status Indicator Panel
Hard Drive or Removable
BIOS Setup Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Booting the System with
Using the Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Numeric Keypad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
Booting the System with
Registering Your LifeBook Notebook . . . . . . . . . 35
Power Management
Lithium ion Battery
Media Player Drive
Loading a DVD, CD, CD-R,
Using the Media Player on Battery Power . . . . . 47
Auto Insert Notification Function . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Emergency DVD Tray Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Modem Result Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Restoring Your
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Softex BayManager (Windows 98 only) . . . . . . .86
Intel SpeedStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
P r e f a c e
Service and Support
You can contact FPC Service and Support in the
following ways:
The LifeBook S Series notebook from Fujitsu PC Corpo-
ration is a powerful computer. It is powered by an Intel®
Pentium® III microprocessor, has a built-in color
display, a number of possible configurations, and brings
the computing power of desktop personal computers
(PCs) to a portable environment.
Toll free: 1-800-8Fujitsu (1-800-838-5487)
Fax: 1-901-259-5700
E-mail: 8fujitsu@fujitsupc.com
Web site: http://www.fujitsupc.com
Before you place the call, you should have the
following information ready so that the customer
support representative can provide you with the
fastest possible solution:
This manual explains how to operate your LifeBook
notebook’s hardware and built-in system software. Your
notebook is compatible with the IBM® PC AT.
It comes with Microsoft Windows® 98 Second Edition
or Windows 2000 Professional pre-installed.
Product name
Product configuration number
Product serial number
Purchase date
Conditions under which the problem occurred
Any error messages that have occurred
Hardware configuration
Type of device connected, if any
The LifeBook S Series notebook is a completely self-
contained unit with an active-matrix (TFT) color LCD
display. It has a powerful interface that enables it to
support a variety of optional features.
Conventions Used in the Guide
Keyboard keys appear in brackets.
Example: [FN], [F1], [ESC], [ENTER] and [CTRL].
FPC Online
You can go directly to the online FPC Product catalog
for your LifeBook notebook by clicking on the LifeBook
Accessories Web site URL link, located in the Windows
Start menu.
Pages with additional information about a specific topic
are cross-referenced within the text.
Example: (See page xx.)
On screen buttons or menu items appear in bold
Example: Click OK to restart your LifeBook notebook.
You can also reach FPC Service and Support online by
clicking on the FPC Service and Support Web site URL
link, located in the Service and Support Software folder
of the Windows Start menu.
DOS commands you enter appear in Courier type.
Example: Shutdown the computer?
You must have an active internet connection to
use the online URL links.
The point icon highlights information that will enhance
your understanding of the subject material.
Your LifeBook notebook is backed by a one year Interna-
tional Limited Warranty. Check the service kit that came
with your notebook for warranty terms and conditions.
The caution icon highlights information that is
important to your safety, to the safe operation of your
computer, or to the integrity of your files. Please read
all caution information carefully.
The warning icon highlights information that can be
hazardous to you, your LifeBook notebook, or your
files. Please read all warning information carefully.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n O n e
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
Figure 2-1 Fujitsu LifeBook S Series notebook
Intervideo® WinDVD
Adaptec Easy CD Creator
This section describes the components of your Fujitsu
LifeBook S Series notebook. We strongly recommend
that you read it before using your notebook – even if you
are already familiar with notebook computers.
Once you have checked and confirmed that your Life-
Book system is complete, read through the following
pages to learn about all of your notebook’s components.
When you receive your LifeBook notebook, unpack it
carefully, and compare the parts you have received with
the items listed below.
LifeBook S Series notebook(Figure 2-1)
AC adapter with AC power cord (Figure 2-2)
Port Replicator (Figure 2-3)
External USB Floppy Disk Drive (Figure 2-4)
Lithium ion battery, pre-installed
Weight Saver
Phone/Modem (RJ-11) telephone cable
Driver and Application Restore CD
Getting Started Guide
User’s Guide (this document)
International Limited Warranty Brochure
Certification of Authenticity with operating system
Figure 2-2 AC Adapter
First Cabin Registration card and envelope
Fujitsu Service Assistant flier
Figure 2-3 Port Replicator (LAN model shown)
Depending on your configuration, one of the following
devices is installed in the Flexible Bay:
Modular CD-ROM drive
Modular DVD drive
Modular CD-RW drive
Modular DVD/CD-RW combo drive
Depending on your configuration, you may get the
following application CD:
Figure 2-4 External USB Floppy Disk Drive
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Display Panel
Closed Cover Switch
Stereo Speaker
Built-in Microphone
Status Indicator Panel
Pointing Device
LifeBook Security/
Application Panel
Suspend/Resume Button
Stereo Speaker
Scroll Button
Display Panel Latch
Figure 2-5 LifeBook notebook (LAN model) with display open
Status Indicator Panel
Locating the Controls
and Connectors
spond with a specific component of your LifeBook note-
book. (Figure 2-5) (See Status Indicator Panel on page 13
for more information)
The following is a brief description of your LifeBook
notebook’s top and front components.
Suspend/Resume Button
The Suspend/Resume button allows you to suspend
your notebook when it has been shut down from
Windows. (Figure 2-5) (See Suspend/Resume Button on
page 36 for more information)
Display Panel Latch
The display panel latch locks and releases the display
panel. (Figure 2-5)
Display Panel
The display panel is a color LCD panel with back
Stereo Speakers
The built-in dual speakers allow for stereo sound.
(Figure 2-5)
lighting for the display of text and graphics. (Figure 2-5)
Built-in Microphone
The built-in microphone allows mono audio input.
Closed Cover Switch
The closed cover switch turns off the LCD back
lighting when the display panel is closed. (Figure 2-5)
(Figure 2-5)
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
A full-size keyboard with dedicated Windows
keys. (Figure 2-5) (See Keyboard on page 16 for more
Touchpad Pointing Device
control with three buttons: two mouse-like buttons, and
a scroll button. (Figure 2-5) (See Touchpad Pointing
Device on page 19 for more information)
hardware security and one-touch application launch
capability. (Figure 2-5) (See LifeBook Security/Application
Panel on page 25 for more information)
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Anti-theft Lock Slot
Flexible Bay
(CD-ROM/DVD/CD-RW drive)
Flexible Bay Eject Lever
Emergency CD Tray Release
Figure 2-6 LifeBook notebook left-side panel
The following is a brief description of your LifeBook
notebook’s left-side components.
Flexible Bay
The Flexible Bay can accommodate one of the following
devices. (Figure 2-6) (See Flexible Bay Devices on page 22
for more information)
Modular DVD drive
Modular CD-RW drive
Modular CD-ROM drive
Modular DVD/CD-RW combo drive
Modular SuperDisk 120 drive
Modular Lithium ion battery
Modular Digital Bay Camera
Flexible Bay Eject Lever
The Flexible Bay eject lever releases the Flexible Bay
device. (Figure 2-6)
Emergency CD Tray Release
The Emergency CD Tray Release allows you to open
the CD tray without powering on your LifeBook note-
book. (Figure 2-6)
Anti-theft Lock Slot
The anti-theft lock slot allows you to attach an optional
physical lock down device. (Figure 2-6)
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
Microphone Jack
Stereo Line-in Jack
Air Vents
Headphone Jack
USB Connector
LAN (RJ-45)
PC Card Slot
PC Card Eject/Lock Button
Modem (RJ-11)
Telephone Port
Figure 2-7 LifeBook notebook right-side panel (LAN model)
Microphone Jack
USB Connector
Air Vents
Stereo Line-in Jack
Headphone Jack
IEEE 1394
PC Card Slot
S-Video Out Port
PC Card Eject/Lock Button
Modem (RJ-11)
Telephone Port
Figure 2-8 LifeBook notebook right-hand side (non-LAN model)
PC Card Slot
The PC Card Slot allows you to install one Type II PC
Card. (See PC Cards on page 49 for more information)
The following is a brief description of your LifeBook
notebook’s right-side components. Note that Figure 2-7
illustrates the LAN model, while Figure 2-8 illustrates
the non-LAN model. For details about your model, go to
the appropriate illustration.
LAN (RJ-45) Jack (for LAN models)
Fast Ethernet (10/100 Base-TX) connection.
(See Internal LAN (RJ-45) Jack (for LAN models only) on
page 55 for more information)
Headphone Jack
The headphone jack allows you to connect headphones
or powered external speakers. (See Headphone Jack on
page 57 for more information)
Modem (RJ-11) Telephone Port
a telephone line to the internal multinational 56K
modem. (See Modem (RJ-11) Telephone Jack on page 55
for more information)
Stereo Line-in Jack
The stereo line-in jack allows you to connect an external
audio source. (See Stereo Line-In Jack on page 56 for more
and a peripheral such as a digital video camera.(See IEEE
1394 Jack* (for non-LAN models only) on page 55 for
more information)
Microphone Jack
The microphone jack allows you to connect an external
mono microphone. (See Microphone Jack on page 57 for
more information)
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
S-Video Port (non-LAN model only)
The S-Video output is used to transmit the S-Video
signal. The S-Video port is used to connect to a compat-
ible TV or VCR.(See S-Video Out Port on page 52 for
more information)
USB Port
The USB port allows you to connect Universal Serial Bus
devices. (See Universal Serial Bus Port on page 56 for more
The internal modem is not intended for use with Digital
PBX systems. Do not connect the internal modem to a
Digital PBX as it may cause serious damage to the
internal modem or your entire notebook. Consult your
PBX manufacturer’s documentation for details. Some
hotels have Digital PBX systems. Be sure to find out
BEFORE you connect your modem.
The internal multinational modem is designed to the
ITU-T V.90 standard. Its maximum speed of 53000bps
is the highest allowed by FCC, and its actual connection
rate depends on the line conditions. The maximum
speed is 33600bps at upload.
For additional information about the multinational
modem, refer to the Fujitsu web site at:
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
Power Switch
Infrared Port
Air Vents
USB Port
External Monitor Port
DC Power Jack
Figure 2-9 LifeBook notebook back panel
Following is a brief description of your LifeBook note-
book’s back panel components.
Infrared Port
cate with another IrDA compatible infrared device
without a cable. (Figure 2-9) (See Infrared Port on
page 56 for more information)
External Monitor Port
The external monitor port allows you to connect an
external monitor. (Figure 2-9) (See External Monitor Port
on page 57 for more information)
DC Power Jack
or the optional Auto/Airline adapter to power your note-
book and charge the internal Lithium ion battery.
(Figure 2-9)
Power Switch
This switch is the main power switch for your LifeBook
notebook. (Figure 2-9)
USB Port
The USB port allows you to connect Universal Serial Bus
devices. (Figure 2-9) (See Universal Serial Bus Port on
page 56 for more information)
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Certificate of
Label (approximate
Port Replicator
Main Unit and
Memory Upgrade
Lithium ion
Battery Bay
Release Button
Lithium ion
Battery Bay
Lock Button
Lithium ion
Battery Bay
Hard Disk Drive
Figure 2-10 LifeBook notebook bottom panel
Slide the release button to release the internal battery.
The following is a brief description of your LifeBook
(Figure 2-10)
notebook’s bottom panel components.
Lithium ion Battery Bay
Port Replicator Connector
The battery bay contains the internal Lithium ion
a discharged battery with a charged Lithium ion battery.
(Figure 2-10) (See Lithium ion Battery on page 41 for
more information)
This connector allows you to connect the Port Replicator
to your notebook. (Figure 2-10)
Memory Upgrade Compartment
Your LifeBook notebook comes with high speed
Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM). The memory
improving overall performance. (Figure 2-10) (See
Memory Upgrade Module on page 51 for more informa-
Main Unit and Configuration Label
The configuration label shows the model number and
other information about your LifeBook notebook. In
addition, the configuration portion of the label has the
will need to give your support representative. It identi-
fies the exact version of various components of your
notebook. (Figure 2-10)
Slide this lock button to lock/unlock the internal battery.
(Figure 2-10)
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
PC Card
Hard Drive
(PC Card Slot)
Battery Charging
Drive Access
Media Player
Drive Access
AC Adapter
PC Card Access
(Flex Bay Slot)
Figure 2-11 Status Indicator Panel
states that can tell you what power source your LifeBook
notebook is using.
Status Indicator Panel
The Status Indicator displays symbols that correspond
with a specific component of your Fujitsu LifeBook
notebook. These symbols tell you how each of those
components are operating. (Figure 2-11)
On: This means that either of the adapters are
currently in use.
Off: Power is only coming from the batteries, and
you do not have an adapter connected.
The two Battery Level indicators state whether or not the
primary Lithium ion battery and/or the optional second
Lithium ion battery are installed (Battery 1 refers to the
primary Lithium ion battery, while Battery 2 refers to the
Flexible Bay optional second battery). In addition, this
installed battery. The symbol will only be displayed for a
battery that is currently installed in your LifeBook note-
book. (Figure 2-12)
The Power indicator symbol states whether your
system is operational. It has several different states,
each of which tells you what mode your notebook is
in at that time.
Steady On: This means that there is power to your
LifeBook notebook and that it is ready for use.
Flashing: This means that your LifeBook notebook is
in Suspend mode.
Steady Off: This means that your system is either in
Save-to-Disk mode, or that your LifeBook notebook
has been turned off with the power switch.
If you are charging your battery, the Power indicator
symbol will remain on even if your notebook is shut off.
The Power indicator symbol will also remain on if you
have either adapter connected and are shut down from
Windows, but have not turned off the power switch.
The AC Adapter indicator states whether your notebook
is operating from the AC adapter, the Auto/Airline
adapter or the batteries. This icon has two different
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
cation function active. (See Auto Insert Notification Func-
tion on page 47 for more information)
76%–100% Charging
The Windows 98 Second Edition DVD/CD-RW/CD-
ROM Auto Insert Notification function will periodically
check for a DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM installed in the
drive, causing the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Access
indicator to flash. The DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Auto
Insert Notification function allows your system to
automatically start a DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM as soon
as it is inserted in the drive and the tray is closed. It will
Auto Insert Notification Function on page 47 for more
Low Warning <11%
Critical Low or
Dead Battery
Shorted Battery
Figure 2-12 Battery Level Indicator
The Hard Drive Access indicator states whether your
internal hard drive or optional second hard drive is
being accessed.
A shorted battery is damaged and must be replaced.
(Figure 2-12)
If there is no battery activity, the power adapters are
not connected, and the power switch is Off, the Battery
Level indicators will also be off.
The Hard Drive Access indicator does not show which
hard drive is being accessed.
Located to the left of each of the Battery Level indicators
is a small arrow symbol. This symbol states whether that
specific battery is charging. This indicator operates
whether the power switch is in the On or Off position,
and will flash if the battery is too hot or cold to charge.
The Floppy/SuperDisk Drive Access indicator states
whether the floppy disk or SuperDisk drive is being
accessed. This indicator will flash if your software
installed. (See External USB Floppy Disk Drive on page 43
for more information)
Batteries subjected to shocks, vibration or extreme
temperatures can be permanently damaged.
The PC Card Access indicators state whether or not your
notebook is accessing a PC Card. The first icon repre-
sents the PC Card slot; the second icon represents a PC
flash if your software tries to access a PC Card even if
there is no card installed. (See PC Cards on page 49 for
more information)
The DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Access indicator tells you
that the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM drive is being accessed.
If the Auto Insert Notification function is active, the
indicator will flash periodically when your system is
checking the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM drive. If the Auto
Insert Notification function is not active, the indicator
will only flash when you access the DVD/CD-RW/CD-
ROM drive. The default setting is the Auto Insert Notifi-
The NumLk indicator states that the internal keyboard is
set in ten-key numeric keypad mode.
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
If you are using the optional external numerical keypad,
pressing the [NumLk] key will activate the external
keypad. The indicator will come on, however it will not
change any of the functionality of your keyboard keys.
The CapsLock indicator states that your keyboard is set
to type in all capital letters.
The ScrLk indicator states that your scroll lock is active.
The Security Indicator flashes (if a password was set)
when the system resumes from Off or Suspend modes.
You must enter the password that was set in the Security
Panel before your system will resume operation.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Function Keys
Fn Key
Start Key
Cursor Keys
Application Key
Numeric Keypad
Figure 2-13 Keyboard
onscreen Start menu button, or the right button
on your pointing device.
Certain keys on the keyboard perform dual functions as
both standard character keys and numeric keypad keys.
NumLk can be activated by pressing the [NumLk] keys.
Turning off the NumLk feature is done the same way.
Once this feature is activated you can enter numerals 0
through 9, perform addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ),
multiplication ( * ), or division ( / ), and enter decimal
keys. The keys in the numeric keypad are marked on the
front edge of the key to indicate their secondary functions.
(Figure 2-13)
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has an integral 82-key
a 101-key keyboard, including the Windows keys and
other special function keys. This section describes the
following keys. (Figure 2-13)
Numeric keypad: Your notebook allows certain keys to
serve dual purposes, both as standard characters and
as numeric and mathematical keys. The ability to tog-
gle between the standard character and numerical keys
is controlled through the [NumLk] key.
Cursor keys: Your keyboard contains four arrow
keys for moving the cursor or insertion point to the
right, left, up, or down within windows, applications
and documents.
If you are using the optional external numerical keypad,
pressing the [NumLk] key will activate the external key-
pad. The indicator will come on, however it will not
change any of the functionality of your keyboard keys.
Function keys: The keys labeled [F1] through [F12],
are used in conjunction with the [FN] key to produce
special actions that vary depending on what program
is running.
Windows keys: These keys work with your Windows
operating system and function the same as the
(Figure 2-13)
Your LifeBook notebook has two Windows keys,
consisting of a Start key and an Application key. The
Start key displays the Start menu. This button functions
the same as your onscreen Start menu button. The
Application key functions the same as your right mouse
item. (Please refer to your Windows documentation for
additional information regarding the Windows keys.)
(Figure 2-13)
The [FN] key provides extended functions for the
notebook and is always used in conjunction with
another key.
[FN+F3]: Pressing [F3] while holding [FN] will toggle
the Audio Mute on and off.
[FN+F4]: Pressing [F4] while holding [FN] will toggle
the Glide Point feature on and off.
[FN+F5]: Pressing [F5] while holding [FN] allows
you to toggle between video compensation and no
compensation. (Video compensation controls spacing
on the display. When it is enabled, displays with less
than 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600 pixel resolution will still
cover the entire screen.)
The cursor keys are the four arrow keys on the keyboard
right in applications. In programs such as Windows
Explorer, it moves the “focus” (selects the next item up,
down, left, or right). (Figure 2-13)
Your LifeBook notebook has 12 function keys, F1
through F12. The functions assigned to these keys differ
for each application. You should refer to your software
docu-mentation to find out how these keys are used.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
[FN+F6]: Pressing [F6] repeatedly while holding [FN]
will lower the brightness of your display.*
[FN+F7]: Pressing [F7] repeatedly while holding [FN]
will increase the brightness of the display.*
[FN+F8]: Pressing [F8] repeatedly while holding [FN]
will decrease the volume of your LifeBook note-
[FN+F9]: Pressing [F9] repeatedly while holding [FN]
will increase the volume of your LifeBook notebook.**
[FN+F10]: Pressing [F10] while holding [FN] allows
you to change your selection of where to send your
display video. Each time you press the combination
of keys you will step to the next choice. The choices,
in order, are: built-in display panel only, both built-in
display panel and external monitor or external
monitor only.
* There are eight brightness levels.
** There are 17 audio levels.
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
Cursor Control
Right Button
Left Button
Scroll Button
Figure 2-14 Touchpad pointing device
to perform the clicking operation by tapping lightly on
the Touchpad once. (Figure 2-15)
Touchpad Pointing Device
The Touchpad pointing device comes built into your
Fujitsu LifeBook notebook. It is used to control the
movement of the pointer to select items on your display
panel. The Touchpad is composed of a cursor control, a
left and right button, and a scrolling button. The cursor
control works the same way a mouse does, and moves
the cursor around the display. It only requires light pres-
sure with the tip of your finger. The left and right
buttons function the same as mouse buttons. The actual
functionality of the buttons may vary depending on the
application that is being used. The scrolling button
allows you to navigate quickly through pages, without
having to use the scroll bars. (Figure 2-14)
Figure 2-15 Clicking
Double-clicking means pushing and releasing the left
button twice in rapid succession. This procedure does
not function with the right button. To double-click,
move the cursor to the item you wish to select, press
operation by tapping lightly on the Touchpad twice.
(Figure 2-16)
An external mouse can be connected to either the USB
or PS/2 port on your LifeBook notebook or port replica-
tor, and used simultaneously with the Touchpad. How-
ever, if you boot the system with an external mouse
(See BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for more informa-
Clicking means pushing and releasing a button.
To left-click, move the cursor to the item you wish
to select, press the left button once, and then immedi-
ately release it. To right-click, move the mouse cursor to
the item you wish to select, press the right button once,
and then immediately release it. You also have the option
Figure 2-16 Double-clicking
If the interval between clicks is too long, the double-
click will not be executed.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
The Windows Control Panel allows you to customize your
Touchpad with selections made from within the Mouse
Properties dialog box.
Parameters for the Touchpad can be adjusted from the
Mouse Properties dialog box located in the Windows
Control Panel.
Using the Scrolling button allows you to navigate
through a document quickly without using the window’s
scroll bars. This is particularly useful when you are navi-
gating through on-line pages. To use the Scrolling
reached the desired section of the page, release the
button. (Figure 2-18)
Dragging means pressing and holding the left button,
while moving the cursor. To drag, move the cursor to
the item you wish to move. Press and hold the left
button while moving the item to its new location
and then release it. Dragging can also be done using the
Touchpad. First, tap the Touchpad twice over the item
you wish to move making sure to leave your finger on
the pad after the final tap. Next, move the object to its
new location by moving your finger across the
Touchpad, and then release your finger. (Figure 2-17)
Figure 2-18 Scrolling
Figure 2-17 Dragging
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
[FN] will decrease the volume of your notebook.
Pressing [F9] repeatedly while holding [FN] will
increase the volume of your notebook.
Volume Control
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has multiple volume
controls which interact with each other.
There are seventeen levels through which the function
keys cycle.
Any software that contains audio files will also contain
a volume control of its own. If you install an external
audio device that has an independent volume control,
the hardware volume control and the software volume
control will interact with each other. It should be noted
that if you set your software volume to Off, you will
override the external volume control setting.
Volume can be controlled by many volume controls
that are set within individual applications.
Certain external audio devices you might connect to
your system may have hardware volume controls.
Each source discussed above puts an upper limit on the
volume level that must then be followed by the other
The volume can be controlled in several different ways:
We recommend that you experiment with the various
volume controls to discover the optimal sound level.
Volume can be set from within the Volume Control on
the Taskbar.
Volume can be controlled with the F8 and F9 func-
tions keys. Pressing [F8] repeatedly while holding
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Flexible Bay
Flexible Bay Eject Lever
Figure 2-19 Flexible Bay
Flexible Bay Devices
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook contains a Flexible Bay.
The Flexible Bay can accommodate a modular DVD
modular Digital Bay Camera and weight saver.
(Figure 2-19)
SuperDisk 120 Drive
Combo Drive
installed. These devices are also optional and can be
purchased separately. (Figure 2-20)
Lithium ion Battery
Weight Saver
Modular DVD drive: This allows you to access movies,
software and audio DVD/CDs.
Modular CD-ROM drive: This allows you to access
both software and audio CDs.
Digital Bay Camera
The following are also Flexible Bay optional devices
which can be purchased separately. (Figure 2-20)
Figure 2-20 Flexible Bay Devices
Modular CD-RW drive: This allows you to access
both software and audio CDs as well as the ability
to write to CDs.
There are two ways to remove and install modular
devices in the Flexible Bay:
Modular DVD/CD-RW combo drive: This allows you
to access movies, software and audio DVD/CDs, as
well as the ability to write to CDs.
Cold-swapping: swapping devices while your
LifeBook notebook is powered off.
Modular SuperDisk drive: This is an optional
120MB floppy disk drive made by Imation, for use
with your notebook.
Hot-swapping: swapping devices while your
system is active using BayManager™ software
(Windows 98 only) or the Unplug/Eject icon from
your desktop (Windows 2000). Note that if the weight
saver is installed rather than a modular device, it is not
necessary to use BayManager when removing it.
Modular Lithium ion battery: This is a rechargeable
battery that can be used to power your LifeBook note-
book when an adapter is not connected.
Weight Saver: This is used to fill the bay when no
device is needed.
Modular Digital Bay Camera: This is a Digital Camera
You should never leave your Flexible Bay empty when
the notebook is in operation. If left empty, dust or for-
eign matter may accumulate inside the notebook.
that can be used to take digital stills or video.
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
To cold-swap modular devices in your Flexible Bay
follow these easy steps: (Figure 2-21)
can swap modular devices while your OS is running, this
is called hot-swapping.
Using BayManager
1. Close any open files.
It’s easy to swap modular devices on your LifeBook note-
book using BayManager. To hot-swap modular devices
follow these steps:
2. Shut down your LifeBook notebook.
3. Pull out the Flexible Bay eject lever. This will push
your device out slightly, allowing you to remove the
1. Point your mouse on the BayManager icon on the
Windows Taskbar in the lower right corner of
your screen.
4. Slide your device out until it is clear of the bay.
This will require light force.
2. Double click the left mouse button to bring up the
BayManager window.
Devices are protected from being removed while the
OS is using it. If the device is in use, an Error Message
window pops up and requests you to close any open files.
Close any open files and restart procedure at step 1.
Flexible Bay Eject Lever
3. Click Remove/Swap or Insert button to change a
device in the Flexible Bay.
4. A message appears telling you that it is safe to
swap devices.
5. Swap the modular devices.
6. Click OK button.
Figure 2-21 Removing/Installing a device in the Flexible Bay
7. You can access and use the device when the “System
Device change” message goes away.
Your notebook will automatically detect the new device
and activate it within your system. The drive letters
associated with the device will be created and listed
under My Computer and Windows Explorer.
Be careful when aligning and seating devices in the bay.
If the fit is incorrect, you may damage the bay or the
device. If the device does not move easily in the bay,
remove it, and check for dirt or foreign objects. It will
require a firm push to latch the device in place.
Key Information About BayManager
You can see the type of device present in the Flexible Bay
by pointing at the BayManager icon on the Taskbar or in
the Storage Device tab of BayManager Properties. Infor-
mation about the device appears as follows:
5. Slide the device you are installing into your
notebook until it clicks into place.
6. It is now safe to turn your notebook back on.
Built-in CD-ROM/CD-RW/DVD drive:
Identified as “CD-ROM”
7. You can now access and use the device.
Built-in SuperDisk or a second hard disk drive:
Your LifeBook notebook will automatically detect the
new device and activate it within your system. The drive
letters associated with the device will be created and
listed under My Computer and Windows Explorer.
Identified as “DiskDrive”
Built-in floppy disk drive (FDD), FDD connected via
specific connector on the connector box, or USB FDD:
Identified as “Floppy”
Hot-swapping with BayManager™ under Windows
98 Second Edition
BayManager™ provides a simple and powerful method
of switching modular devices on your notebook without
having to reboot. Windows 98 Second Edition does not
natively support hot-swapping. With BayManager, you
Tips About Using BayManager
If you have BayManager installed in your computer,
and want to enable Direct Memory Access (DMA) to a
bay device, click the device icon on the Storage Devices
tab of the BayManager dialogue box to check DMA.
Note that not all devices support DMA.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Before running the software to swap or remove the
current Flexible Bay device, be sure to close all the
other applications that could be using the current bay
If you swapped or inserted your Flexible Bay device
with My Computer or Windows Explorer opened,
click View, and then click Refresh.
The Copy Disk utility for the built-in SuperDisk
cannot be used if BayManager is installed. To work
around this limitation, perform the following steps:
(Note that in order to copy SuperDisk media, your
memory size must be greater than the size of the
SuperDisk media.)
If Windows is started on a LifeBook notebook with an
external USB FDD connected, an icon for the FDD
might not appear in My Computer or Windows
Explorer. If you encounter this problem, remove the
FDD from your computer, then reconnect it.
Wait about 30 seconds after Windows 98 Second
Edition boots up or resumes from Standby/Hiberna-
tion before using BayManager.
If the FDD (A:) is not shown in My Computer or
Windows Explorer even if the FDD is connected,
please execute [Insert] by using BayManager.
If you remove a CD-RW drive, you may hear a noise;
this phenomenon does not affect your operations
Create an empty folder on your C: drive to which
you will copy the files.
Open the SuperDisk files using My Computer or
If you have BayManager installed in your computer,
and want to use an ATA Flash or similar PC Card, do
the following:
1. In the Control Panel window, double-click the
System icon.
Windows Explorer.
Click Edit/Select All.
Copy all the files to the newly-created folder.
Swap the disk with an empty formatted disk.
2. From the Device Manager tab, select Computer,
then click Properties.
Copy all the files from the new folder to the
empty disk.
3. From the Reserve Resources tab, click Input/
Output (I/O).
If you have BayManager installed in your notebook,
and insert a SuperDisk into its drive on the Flexible
Bay, the disk will indicate Removable Disk on the
screen; this phenomenon does not affect your opera-
tions adversely.
4. Click Add.
5. Type 170in the Start Value box, and 177in the
End Value box. Click OK.
If you are running Adaptec Easy CD Creator, and
want to swap or remove the current multi-bay device,
close Adaptec Easy CD Creator, wait for about 30
seconds, then do the swapping or removal.
After you swap or insert your Flexible Bay device, the
CD-ROM or DVD Autorun might stop. To work
around this problem, go to My Computer and double-
click the icon for CD-ROM or DVD drive.
If a LifeBook notebook with a USB FDD connected is
put on Standby, the drive letter for the FDD might
change (from A) after the computer is brought out of
the power saving state. This phenomenon does not
affect operations adversely.
6. Click OK in the Computer Properties window.
7. Click OK in the System Properties window.
If you have BayManager installed in your computer,
and want to use a USB Audio device (e.g., USB
speakers), disconnect the USB Audio before you insert
a PCMCIA card.
Hot-swapping under Windows 2000 Professional
Under Windows 2000 Professional, hot-swapping is
provided through the Unplug or Eject Hardware utility.
The icon for the utility appears on the taskbar.
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
Security Indicator
Security/Application Launcher buttons (for entering password and launching applications)
Figure 2-22 LifeBook Security/Application Panel
LifeBook Security/
Application Panel
The user and supervisor password may be set on this
notebook. A supervisor password is typically the same
for all LifeBook notebooks in a working group, office, or
company to allow for system management. Individual
LifeBook notebooks in a group environment should not
use a common password. A password consists of one to
five button strokes plus the enter button. A valid stroke
consists of pushing one or up to four buttons simulta-
neously. The following are valid button strokes:
A unique feature of your LifeBook notebook is the Secu-
rity/Application Panel that allows you to secure your
LifeBook notebook from unauthorized use. The Secu-
rity/Application Panel also allows you to launch applica-
tions with a touch of a button when your system is on.
If the security system is activated, upon starting your
LifeBook notebook or resuming from suspend mode the
security system requires you to enter a password code
using the buttons on the Security/Application Panel.
After entering a correct password, your LifeBook note-
book resumes system operation. (Figure 2-22)
Pushing [4] by itself
Pushing [2] and [3] at the same time
Pushing [1], [2], and [4] at the same time
Pushing [1], [2], [3], and [4] at the same time
The following are valid passwords. The numbers
within braces ({ }) are button strokes using more
than one button.
When you receive your LifeBook notebook, the security
panel application is pre-installed without any passwords.
The following sections will provide detailed information
on your security panel, how to set, change or remove
{[2]+[3]}, [1], [enter]
[4], [enter]
{[1]+[3]}, {[2]+[3]+[4]}, [1], [4], [2], [enter]
Setting Passwords
When shipped from the factory, no passwords are set.
You have a choice of having no password or setting a
supervisor and user password. You must set the super-
visor password before the user password.
Numbered Buttons
Use these buttons to enter your password.(Figure 2-22)
Enter Button
enter the password into the LifeBook notebook.
(Figure 2-22)
The purpose of supervisor password is to be able to
bypass the user password in case the user password is
forgotten. The supervisor password alone will not lock
the system.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
Incorrect Password Entry
If an invalid supervisor or user password is entered three
times in succession, the system will “beep” for about one
minute. If a valid password is entered within a minute
(while system beeps), the beeping will stop and the Life-
Book notebook will resume normal operation. If no or
an invalid password is entered while the system beeps,
the system will return to its previous locked state
(suspend or off) and the Security Indicator will go off.
To reactivate the LifeBook notebook after a password
failure, you must press the Suspend/Resume button,
then enter a correct password.
You have to set both the supervisor and user passwords
for the security panel to work.
Setting Supervisor Password
You must have set a supervisor password before setting
any user passwords. The supervisor password can bypass
the user password.
1. Go to the Start menu.
2. Click on Run.
3. Type in FJSECS.EXE, then press [Enter]
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the
Supervisor password.
Remember the user password you specified on the
Security Panel Application. If you forget the password
you will not be able to use your computer. The super-
visor password can override the user password.
Setting User Password
Go to the Start menu.
2. Click on Programs.
3. Click on Security Panel Application and
Set User Password.
Opening and Closing the Cover
Closing the cover automatically places the LifeBook
notebook into suspend mode. Opening the cover does
not automatically place the notebook into normal oper-
ation. Instead, you must enter the proper security pass-
word after pushing the Suspend/Resume button.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the
user password.
You may change or remove the supervisor or user
password by repeating the steps defined above.
Low Battery Operations
If your LifeBook notebook has low battery, pushing the
suspend/resume button only turns on the Security Indi-
cator. Your LifeBook notebook does not unlock, the
Security Indicator turns off after one minute. To resume
normal operation, first attach a power supply to the Life-
Book notebook. Then you may unlock the notebook.
The security lock feature is in effect both when the system
resumes from Off or suspend state. You always need to
push the Suspend /Resume button to input the user pass-
word. Your system will not begin the boot sequence
without entering your supervisor/user password.
You have two options when uninstalling the security
panel application:
From Off State
1. Turn on your system.
2. When the Security Indicator flashes, enter the pass-
word and press Enter button.
Uninstall the security panel application software.
This will disable all security feature.
Uninstall the security panel application with password
still active. This will not allow any changes to the
For example, if the password is 22222,
Press Button Number 2 five times and press Enter
The notebook will boot to normal operation.
Uninstalling the Security Panel
Application Software
From Suspend State
Remove passwords when User wants no password
protection whatsoever and doesn’t want to give anybody
the utility to set a password on their computer. In this
case, if passwords (supervisor, user, or both) are set, the
passwords must first be cleared BEFORE removing the
application. To clear passwords, follow same procedure
in SETTING PASSWORD CODES except this time,
1. Press your Suspend/Resume button.
2. When the Security Indicator flashes, enter the pass-
word and press Enter button.
The notebook should resume normal operation.
G e t t i n g t o K n o w Yo u r L i f e B o o k
select REMOVE, enter current password then click Next.
When asked to confirm select Yes .
(1-800-838-5487). Fujitsu PC Corporation charges a
service fee for unlocking a password restricted notebook.
When calling please have a valid credit card and provide
proof of ownership. You will then be given instructions
on where to ship your LifeBook notebook.
Removing Security Panel Application with
Passwords Still Active
Using this feature will not allow any changes to
the password.
The security panel also enables you to launch applications
with the touch of a button when your system is on.
Pressing any of the buttons will launch a user-defined
application. Your LifeBook notebook is pre-installed with
software utilities that let you operate and configure your
LifeBook Security /Application Panel. These utilities are
found under the Start menu, under Programs, then under
LifeBook Application Panel. They include Application
Panel Setup, Application Panel Guide, Activate Panel and
Deactivate Panel. Reference Table 7-1 for a list of the
default applications associated with the Application Panel
Removing the applications does not remove the
password. It simply removes the utility to change/add/
remove passwords. To change your password you must
reinstall the application.
1. Go to Start Menu, Click on Control Panel.
2. Open Add/Remove Programs Properties in the
Control Panel.
3. Select the Security Panel Application in the list, and
click Add/Remove.
Configuring your LifeBook Application Panel
When you start Windows, the LifeBook Application
Panel is automatically activated. An icon resembling a
finger pressing a button will appear on the system tray
(the indented portion of the status bar where the clock is
displayed). When you see this icon you will know that
LifeBook Application Panel is active.
4. When the Confirm File Deletion box appears,
click Yes .
1. Go to Start Menu, Click on Control Panel.
2. Open Add/Remove Programs Properties in the
Control Panel.
3. Select the Security Panel Application for
Supervisor in the list, and click Add/Remove.
As an application launcher, the LifeBook Application
Panel is very flexible, giving you a variety of options. To
set up the Panel to best suit your needs, we have
provided the Application Panel Setup utility that quickly
and easily helps you make the most of this valuable
4. When the Confirm File Deletion box appears,
click Yes .
Reinstalling the Security/Application Panel
To reinstall supervisor or user security application, you
will need your Drivers and Utilities CD. The Secpanel
folder located in the Utilities\Security Panel contains
the setup files for supervisor and user security applica-
To configure your LifeBook Application Panel with
Application Panel Setup:
1. Click on Start.
2. Click on Programs.
3. Click on LifeBook Application Panel.
4. Click on Application Panel Setup.
1. Double-click the Setup FJSECS.EXE file. The
Installing Security Panel Application window will
appear. Follow the instructions on the screen.
The Application Panel Setup utility will appear. There
are tabs that correspond to the application buttons on
the LifeBook Application Panel. When you receive your
LifeBook notebook, these buttons are pre-configured to
launch specific programs, as referenced in Chapter 7 of
this document.
2. Double-click the Setup FJSECU.EXE file. The
Installing Security Panel Application window will
appear. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Supervisor and user passwords can be set by the
Windows Software which are FJSECS.EXE and
FJSECU.EXE respectively. FJSECU.EXE for user
password cannot run without supervisor password.
First you need to run FJSECS.EXE to set supervisor
password before setting user password. Follow
instructions under Setting Passwords.
The tabs in Application Panel Setup may not be in the
same order as the buttons on your LifeBook notebook,
please select the tab you wish to change carefully.
If you forget both passwords, please contact Fujitsu PC
Corporation Service and Support at 1-800-8FUJITSU
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T w o
To change an application associated with the Application
buttons, click on the tab for the button you would like to
reconfigure – for example, Application 1. Click on
Browse from Start Menu, scroll down the list of applica-
tions, click on the application you wish to launch with
this button, and then click OK. The button will now
launch the new application.
Deactivating and Activating the LifeBook
Application Panel
To deactivate the LifeBook Application Panel, follow
these easy steps:
1. Click on Start.
2. Click on Programs.
3. Click on LifeBook Application Panel.
4. Click on Deactivate Panel.
The Internet tab is different. It comes set to launch your
Windows default Internet browser (Internet Explorer),
unless you have changed this in Windows 98 Second
Edition or Windows 2000 Professional. In order to
reconfigure it to launch another program follow these
easy steps:
To reactivate, follow the same procedure, except for
step 4. Click on Activate Panel instead.
1. Click on Other from the Internet browser box.
2. Click on Browse from Start Menu.
Every time you start Windows 98 Second Edition or
Windows 2000 Professional the LifeBook Application
Panel is activated, even if you deactivated it before you
shut down.
3. Scroll down the list of applications, and then click
on the application you wish to launch with this
4. Click OK.
The button will now launch the new application. If you
want to return to launching your Windows default
Internet browser with this button, you need only click
on “Default Internet Browser” from the Internet browser
box. Be aware that you will erase the settings for the
“other application”. If you wish to go back to launching
the “other application” from this button, you will need
to reconfigure it as described above.
If your system has dedicated one of the application
launcher buttons to be an Internet launcher, the button
can still be configured to launch any application you
wish, not just an Internet browser.
When you have finished with Application Panel Setup
click OK, and the new settings will take effect. You can
reconfigure your LifeBook Application Panel as often as
you like.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T h r e e
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
DC Output Cable
DC Power Jack
AC Cable
AC Adapter
Figure 3-1 Connecting the AC Adapter
2. Plug the Auto/Airline adapter into the cigarette
lighter of an automobile with the ignition key in
the On or Accessories position.
Power Sources
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has three possible
power sources: a primary Lithium ion battery, an AC
adapter or an optional Auto/Airline adapter.
3. Plug the Auto/Airline adapter into the DC power
jack on an airplane seat.
The AC adapter or optional Auto/Airline adapter
provides power for operating your notebook and
charging the batteries.
Switching from AC Adapter Power or the
Auto/Airline Adapter to Battery Power
1. Be sure that you have at least one charged
battery installed.
Connecting the AC Adapter
2. Remove the AC adapter or the Auto/Airline adapter.
of your LifeBook notebook.
2. Plug the AC adapter into an AC electrical outlet.
(Figure 3-1)
The Lithium ion battery is not charged upon purchase.
Initially, you will need to connect either the AC adapter
or the Auto/Airline adapter to use your notebook.
Connecting the Optional Auto/Airline Adapter
1. Plug the DC output cable into the DC power jack
on your notebook.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Display Panel Latch
Figure 3-2 Opening the Display Panel
Using the Power Management Utility
Adjusting the brightness using the Power Management
changes the setting permanently.
Display Panel
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook contains a display panel
that is backlit for easier viewing in bright environments
and maintains top resolution through the use of active-
matrix technology.
1. Double-click the Battery icon in the lower right
corner of your display. This will open the BatteryAid
Properties dialog box.
2. Select the Power Control tab and adjust your
LCD Backlighting to the desired level.
1. Press the Display Panel latch. This releases the
3. Click OK or Apply to permanently change
the settings.
touch the screen, until it is at a comfortable
viewing angle. (Figure 3-2)
You may need to readjust the brightness level periodi-
cally depending on your operating environment.
Once you have turned on your LifeBook notebook, you
may want to adjust the brightness level of the screen to a
more comfortable viewing level. There are two ways to
adjust the brightness, by using the keyboard or the
power management utility.
The higher the brightness level, the more power the
notebook will consume and the faster your batteries
will discharge. For maximum battery life, make sure that
the brightness is set as low as possible.
Using the Keyboard
Adjusting the brightness using the keyboard changes the
setting only temporarily.
1. Holding the edge of your display panel, pull it
forward until it is flush with the body of your Life-
Book notebook.
[FN+F6]: Pressing repeatedly will lower the
brightness of your display.
2. Push down until you hear a click. This will
engage the locking mechanism and prevent
your display panel from opening unexpectedly.
[FN+F7]: Pressing repeatedly will increase the
brightness of the display.
If using AC power your brightness setting is set to its
highest level by default. If using battery power your
brightness settings is set to approximately mid-level by
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
Starting Your LifeBook
The procedure for starting-up your notebook is termed
the Bootup sequence and involves your notebook’s
BIOS. When your LifeBook notebook is first turned on,
the main system memory is empty, and it needs to find
instructions to start up your notebook. This information
is in the BIOS program. Each time you power up or
restart your notebook, it goes through a boot sequence
which displays a Fujitsu logo until your operating system
is loaded. During booting, your notebook is performing
a standard boot sequence including a Power On Self Test
(POST). When the boot sequence is completed without
a failure and without a request for the BIOS Setup
Utility, the system displays the operating system’s
opening screen.
Power Switch
The power switch is used to turn on your LifeBook note-
you can power on your notebook. (See figure 2-9 on
page 11 for location)
When you turn on your LifeBook notebook be sure you
have a power source. This means that at least one bat-
tery is installed and charged, or that the AC or Auto/
Airline adapter is connected and has power.
The boot sequence is executed when:
You turn on the power to your LifeBook notebook.
You restart your notebook from the Windows
Shut Down dialog box.
The software initiates a system restart. Example:
Facing the rear of your notebook, move the power
switch to the right, this is the On position. The power
switch moved to the left is the Off position. When you
page 36 for more information), or you can turn it off. (See
Power Off on page 38 for more information)
When you install a new application.
The BIOS Setup Utility is a program that sets up the
operating environment for your LifeBook notebook.
Your BIOS is set at the factory for normal operating
conditions, therefore there is no need to set or change
the BIOS’ environment to operate your notebook.
Do not carry your LifeBook notebook around with the
power on or subject it to shocks or vibration, as you risk
damaging your notebook.
The BIOS Setup Utility configures:
Device control feature parameters, such as changing
I/O addresses and boot devices.
System Data Security feature parameters, such
as passwords.
When you Power On your LifeBook notebook, it will
perform a Power On Self Test (POST) to check the
internal parts and configuration for correct functionality.
If a fault is found, your LifeBook notebook will emit an
(See Power On Self Test Messages on page 71 for more
information) Depending on the nature of the problem,
you may be able to continue by starting the operating
system or by entering the BIOS setup utility and revising
the settings.
Entering the BIOS Setup Utility
To enter the BIOS Setup Utility do the following:
1. Turn on or restart your LifeBook notebook.
2. Press the [F2] key once the Fujitsu logo appears
on the screen. This will open the main menu
of the BIOS Setup Utility with the current
settings displayed.
After satisfactory completion of the Power On Self Test
(POST), your notebook will load your operating system.
3. Press the [RIGHT ARROW] or [LEFT ARROW] key
to scroll through the other setup menus to review or
alter the current settings.
BIOS Guide
A guide to your notebook’s BIOS is available online.
www.fujitsupc.com. Once there, click on the Self Help
Center link, and select your LifeBook notebook series
from the pull-down menu. Once you have done that,
Never turn off your LifeBook notebook during the
sage to be displayed when you turn your LifeBook
notebook on the next time. (See Power On Self Test
Messages on page 71 for more information)
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T h r e e
select the heading BIOS Guides from the pull-down
menu and finally, select your specific unit’s BIOS
number. If you are unsure of your notebook’s BIOS
number, please
location information where you will be using your
LifeBook notebook. If you are not connected to a phone
line and plan to register at a later time, you may click the
Skip button, and you will go directly to the condition
of use page.
refer to your packing slip.
Once you have set up your notebook to dial out,
Windows 98 Second Edition will make a free telephone
call which will test these settings. If the call is unsuc-
cessful, you will be returned to the phone settings page
the settings please contact Fujitsu PC Service and
Support. (See Fujitsu PC Corporation Contact Informa-
tion on page 1 for more information) If you would simply
like to move on, and register at a later time, you may
click the Skip button, and you will go directly to the
Condition of Use page.
If your data security settings require it, you may be
asked for a password before the BIOS main menu
will appear.
We strongly recommend that you do not attach any
external devices and do not put a DVD/CD or floppy
disk in any drive until you have gone through the initial
power on sequence.
If your connection is successful, you will go to the
Registration Confirmation page. On this page simply
enter the requested information, and then check the
box at the bottom to register your copy of Windows 98
Second Edition with Microsoft. Once you have finished,
click the Next button to continue.
When you turn on your LifeBook notebook for the first
time, it will display a Fujitsu logo on the screen. If you
do nothing the system will read the hard drive for the
operating system software, flash the LifeBook notebook
configuration information on the screen, and then the
Windows 98 Second Edition Welcome will begin.
Designed to accommodate the needs of users in many
different countries, Windows 98 Second Edition needs
to be configured the first time you use it. Windows 98
Second Edition has three parts:
If you do not register at this time you can do it later
simply by double-clicking on the LifeBook Registration
icon on your desktop and following the instructions.
Getting Started: You have the opportunity to enter
custom information for your configuration file and
setup your modem so that your LifeBook notebook
will be prepared to dial out.
Registration: Easy online registration for Windows
98 Second Edition with Microsoft, and for your Life-
Book notebook with Fujitsu PC Corporation.
You will then go through the Fujitsu registration process.
Follow the instructions on the screens, and enter all of
the necessary information. Be as specific as possible so
that if you need help the service and support team will
be able to serve you better.
Windows License Agreement and Final Settings:
Final Settings
You have the opportunity to review the Windows 98
Second Edition License Agreement and then your
configuration file will be generated.
The first part of your final settings is the Windows End
User License Agreement. Read the agreement carefully.
When you finish reading you must accept or reject the
terms of the agreement and then click on the Next button.
You may click Cancel at any time within this process to
shutdown Windows 98 Second Edition. You may
restart this process at any time in the future, but you
must complete it in order to use your computer.
If you reject the terms of the license agreement you
will be asked to review the license agreement for
information on returning to Windows 98 or to shut
down your LifeBook notebook.
Getting Started
Read the instructions on the screens carefully and fill
in the information as directed. You will be asked for such
items as the language you wish to use, the country in
which you live, your first and last name, and about
how you dial out from where you will be using your
notebook. For the modem settings, enter your current
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
We strongly recommend that you not attach any external
devices and do not put a DVD/CD or floppy disk in
any drive until you have gone through the initial power
on sequence.
Make sure you have connected a phone line to your
modem before you use E-Registration.
You may also complete the pre-printed registration form
and either:
When you turn on your LifeBook notebook for the first
time, it will display a Fujitsu logo on the screen and then
the Windows 2000 Professional setup screen will appear.
The Windows 2000 Professional setup will prompt you
through a series of screens. You will be asked to enter
custom and computer information, user password,
date and time, workgroup or computer domain and
accept or reject the license agreement. Once you have
entered all the information you will be asked to restart
your computer.
Fax to 1-800-577-9989
Mail to:
Fujitsu PC Corporation
750 139th Ave.
San Leandro, CA 94578
You may also register on our Web site:
You will need to be set up with an Internet Service
Provider (ISP) to use this option.
What are the benefits of registering?
You will receive an identification label for your LifeBook
notebook, which, if your notebook is ever lost, may help
in getting it returned to you. You also receive technical
support access and useful product mailings. Proof of
purchase is not required if you register within 30 days of
your purchase.
The first time you boot up your system, you will see an
icon on the desktop called Click Me!. When you click the
Click Me! icon, your system will automatically build the
icon tray in the bottom right of the screen. These icons
provide links to utilities that you will frequently access.
Although the icon remains on the screen, you need
invoke it only once. When you click Click Me!, the
following pre-installed applications and utilities will be
activated and appear on the taskbar:
How do I register?
With Windows, it is a part of the Windows Welcome
process. If you do not register during the Welcome
process you can double-click on the LifeBook Registra-
tion icon on your desktop and then follow the instruc-
tions. The LifeBook Registration icon is the only way to
register Windows 2000 Professional.
McAfee ActiveShield
LifeBook Application Panel
ATI Display Properties
Alps Touchpad
Softex BayManager (Windows 98 only)
Fujitsu Service Assistant
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Timing out from lack of activity.
Allowing the battery to reach the Dead Battery
Warning condition.
Power Management
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has many options and
features for conserving battery power. Some of these
features are automatic and need no user intervention,
such as those for the internal modem. However, others
depend on the parameters you set to best suit your oper-
ating conditions, such as those for the display bright-
ness. Internal power management for your notebook
may be controlled from settings made in your operating
system, pre-bundled power management application, or
from settings made in BIOS setup utility.
Your LifeBook notebook’s system memory typically
stores the file(s) on which you are working, open applica-
tion(s) information, and any other data required to
support the operation(s) in progress. When you resume
operation from Suspend mode, your notebook will
return to the point where it left off. You must use the
Suspend/Resume button to resume operation, and there
must be an adequate power source available, or your
notebook will not resume.
Besides the options available for conserving battery
power, there are also some things that you can do to
prevent your battery from running down as quickly.
For example, you can create an appropriate power saving
profile, put your notebook into Suspend mode when it
is not performing an operation, and you can limit the
use of high power devices. As with all mobile, battery
powered computers, there is a trade-off between
performance and power savings.
If you are running your LifeBook notebook on battery
power, be aware that the battery continues to discharge
while your notebook is in Suspend mode, though not as
fast as when fully operational.
Disabling the Suspend/Resume button prevents it
from being used to put your LifeBook notebook in Sus-
pend or Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) mode. The resume
function of the button cannot be disabled.
When your LifeBook notebook is active, the Suspend/
Resume button can be used to manually put your note-
book into Suspend mode. Push the Suspend/Resume
button when your notebook is active, but not actively
accessing anything, and immediately release the button.
You will hear two short beeps and your system will enter
Suspend mode. (See figure 2-5 on page 6 for location)
The Suspend or Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) mode
should not be used with certain PC Cards. Check your
PC Card documentation for more information.
If your LifeBook notebook is suspended, pushing the
system is in Suspend mode by looking at the Power indi-
cator. (See figure 2-5 on page 6) If the indicator is visible
and not flashing, your notebook is fully operational. If
the indicator is both visible and flashing, your notebook
is in Suspend mode. If the indicator is not visible at all,
the power is off or your notebook is in Save-to-Disk
mode. (See Save-to-Disk Mode)
When PC Cards or external devices are in use, Hiberna-
tion (Save-to-Disk) mode cannot return to the exact
state prior to suspension, because all of the peripheral
devices will be re-initialized when the system restarts.
If your LifeBook notebook is actively accessing informa-
tion when you enter the Suspend or Hibernation (Save-
to-Disk) mode, changes to open files are not lost. The
files are left open and memory is kept active during Sus-
pend mode or the memory is transferred to the internal
hard drive during Hibernation mode.
Suspend or Standby mode in Windows saves the
contents of your LifeBook notebook’s system memory
during periods of inactivity by maintaining power to
critical parts. This mode will turn off the CPU, the
display, the hard drive, and all of the other internal
components except those necessary to maintain system
memory and allow for restarting. Your notebook can be
put in Suspend mode by:
Pressing the Suspend/Resume button when your
system is turned on.
Selecting Standby from the Windows Shut Down menu.
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
transmission or reception, etc.) on your notebook for
the user selected time-out period. Any activity will cause
your notebook to return to normal operation automati-
cally. This feature is independent of the Suspend/
Resume button.
The main advantage of using the Hibernation (Save-to-
Disk) function is that power is not required to maintain
your data. This is particularly important if you will be
leaving your LifeBook notebook in a suspended state
for a prolonged period of time. The drawback of using
Hibernation mode is that it lengthens the power down
and power up sequences and resets peripheral devices.
The Video Timeout is one of the power management
parameters. This feature saves power by turning off the
display if there is no keyboard or pointer activity for the
user selected timeout period. Any keyboard or pointer
activity will cause the display to restart automatically.
This feature is independent of the Suspend/Resume
BIOS setup utility. (See BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for
more information)
Windows 98 systems only: Hibernation (Save-to-Disk)
mode requires allocating a significant amount of hard
drive capacity for saving all system memory, which
reduces your usable disk space. When you purchase
your LifeBook notebook it will have space allocated for
the memory installed. If you upgrade the original
system by adding a memory upgrade module without
changing the size of your Save-to-Disk allocation you
will get an error message when you try to activate
Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) mode and it will not work.
In Windows 98 Second Edition, use the PHDISK Utility
to increase the size of the Save-to-Disk file,
The Hard Disk Timeout is another one of the power
management parameters. This feature saves power by
turning off the hard drive if there is no hard drive
activity for the user selected timeout period. Any
attempt to access the hard drive will cause it to restart
Suspend/Resume button and can be enabled and
disabled in Windows and BIOS setup utility. (See BIOS
Setup Utility on page 33 for more information)
SAVE2DSK.BIN. You can download the Save-to-Disk
File Allocation information from our Web site at
www.fujitsupc.com. If you need help, contact your
support representative.
The Hibernation feature saves the contents of your
LifeBook notebook’s system memory to the hard drive as
a part of the Suspend/Resume mode. You can enable or
disable this feature.
Power Management
The Power Management icon located in the Windows
Control Panel allows you to configure some of the power
management settings. For example, you can use the
Power Management to set the timeout values for turning
off the display and hard disks whether you are running
the notebook on battery power or one of the adapters.
The settings may also be changed in the BIOS. (See BIOS
Setup Utility on page 33 for more information)
Enable or Disable the Hibernation Feature
The default settings is not enabled. To enable or disable
the Hibernation feature follow these easy steps:
1. From the Start menu, select Settings, and then select
Control Panel.
2. From the Control Panel select Power Options.
If your system is on and you need to restart it, be sure
3. Select the Hibernation tab. Select the box to enable
or disable this feature.
that you use the following procedure.
1. Click the Start button, and then click Shut Down.
Using the Hibernation Feature
1. From the Start menu, select Settings, and then select
Control Panel.
2. Select the Restart option from within the Windows
Shut Down dialog box.
3. Click OK to restart your notebook. Your notebook
2. From the Control Panel select Power Options.
will shut down and then reboot.
3. Select the Advanced tab. Select Hibernate from the
pull down menu for Power buttons.
Turning off your LifeBook notebook without exiting
Windows or turning on your notebook within 10 sec-
onds of the notebook being shut off may cause an error
when you start the next time.
Standby mode is one of the power management parame-
ters. When Standby mode is activated, your LifeBook
notebook shuts off the display and turns off the hard
drive when there is no activity (keystroke, pointer
action, sound generation, video display change, modem
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Using the correct procedure to shut down from Windows
allows your notebook to complete its operations and turn
off power in the proper sequence to avoid errors. The
proper sequence is:
Before turning off the power by choosing Shut Down
from the Windows 98 Second Edition or 2000
Drive Access indicators are all Off. (See figure 2-5 on
page 6) If you turn off the power while accessing a disk
or PC Card there is a risk of data loss. To ensure that
your notebook shuts down without error, use the
Windows shut down procedure.
1. Click the Start button, and then click Shut Down.
2. Select the Shut Down option from within the
Windows Shut Down dialog box.
3. Click OK to shut down your notebook.
4. Move the power switch to the off position.
If you are going to store your notebook for a month or
more see Care and Maintenance Section.
Be sure to close all files, exit all applications, and shut
down your operating system prior to turning off the
power with the power switch. If files are open when
you turn the power off, you will lose any changes that
have not been saved, and may cause disk errors.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
battery make sure the battery that needs to be charged
is installed in your LifeBook notebook and connect the
AC or Auto/Airline adapter.
Lithium ion Battery
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has a Lithium ion
battery that provides power for operating your notebook
when no external power source is available. The battery
is durable and long lasting, but should not be exposed to
extreme temperatures, high voltages, chemicals or other
Make sure that the Battery Charging indicator and the
percentage charge is shown inside the Battery Level icon
on the Status Indicator Panel.
The Lithium ion battery operating time may become
shorter if it is used under the following conditions:
There is no memory effect on the Lithium ion battery
therefore you do not need to discharge the battery
completely before recharging. The charge times will be
significantly longer if your notebook is in use while the
or turn it off while the adapter is charging the battery.
(See Power Management on page 36 for more information
on Suspend mode and shutdown procedure)
When used at temperatures that exceeds a low of
5°C or a high of 35°C. Extreme temperatures not
only reduce charging efficiency, but can also cause
battery deterioration. The Charging icon on the
Status Indicator panel will flash when you try to
erature range. (See Battery Charging Indicators on
page 14 for more information)
When using a high current device such as a modem,
DVD, CD-ROM, CD-RW drive, or the hard drive,
using the AC adapter will conserve your battery life.
Using heavy current devices such as Modem or
frequent DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM accesses may
prevent charging completely.
Actual battery life will vary based on screen bright-
ness, applications, features, power management set-
tings, battery condition and other customer
Low Battery State
preferences.DVD, CD-RW, CD-ROM, or hard drive
usage may also have a significant impact on battery
life. The battery charging capacity is reduced as the
battery ages. If your battery is running low quickly,
you should replace it with a new one.
When the battery is running low, a low battery notifica-
tion message will appear. If you do not respond to the
low battery message, the batteries will continue to
discharge until they are too low to operate. When this
happens, your notebook will go into Suspend mode.
There is no guarantee that your data will be saved once
the notebook reaches this point.
Under federal, state, or local law it may be illegal to
dispose of batteries by putting them in the trash.
Please take care of our environment and dispose of
batteries properly. Check with your local government
authority for details regarding recycling or disposing
of old batteries. If you cannot find this information
elsewhere, contact your support representative at 1-
800-8FUJITSU (1-800-838-5487)
Once the low battery notification message appears,
you need to save all your active data and put your
LifeBook notebook into Suspend mode until you can
provide a new power source. You should provide a
charged battery, an AC power adapter, or Auto/Air-
line adapter as soon as possible.
Do not leave a faulty battery in your LifeBook note-
book. It may damage your AC adapter, optional
Auto/Airline adapter, another battery or your note-
book itself. It may also prevent operation of your
notebook by draining all available current into the
bad battery.
When you are in Suspend mode there must always
be at least one power source active. If you turn off
the power with the power switch, or remove all
power sources while your LifeBook notebook is in
Suspend mode, any data that has not been saved to
the hard drive will be lost.
If you want to know the condition of the primary
Lithium ion battery, check the Battery Level indicator
located on the Status Indicator panel. The indicator
changes as the battery level changes.
Dead Battery Suspend mode shows on the Status indi-
cator just like the normal Suspend mode. Once your
notebook goes into Dead Battery Suspend mode you
will be unable to resume operation until you provide
The Lithium ion battery is recharged internally using
the AC adapter or Auto/Airline adapter. To recharge the
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
a source of power either from an adapter, or a charged
battery. Once you have provided power, you will need to
press the Suspend/Resume button to resume operation.
In the Dead Battery Suspend mode, your data can be
maintained for some time, but if a power source is not
provided promptly, the Power indicator will stop
flashing and go out, meaning that you have lost the data
that was not stored. Once you provide power, you can
continue to use your notebook while an adapter is
charging the battery.
Battery Bay
Release Button
Battery Bay
Lock Button
Shorted Batteries
the operating level available in that battery. (See figure 2-
12 on page 14) If this display shows a Shorted Battery, it
means that the battery is damaged and must be replaced
so it does not damage any other parts of your LifeBook
Figure 4-1 Replacing the Battery
With the purchase of an additional battery, you can have
a fully charged spare to swap with one that is not
charged. There are two ways to swap batteries, cold-
swapping and warm-swapping:
Warm-swapping Batteries
To warm-swap batteries in your battery bay follow these
easy steps: (Figure 4-1)
Cold-swapping Batteries
To cold-swap batteries in your battery bay follow these
1. Close any open files.
2. Put your notebook into suspend mode
3. Unlock the battery bay using the lock button.
4. Slide the battery bay release button to open the bay.
5. Remove the battery from the bay.
easy steps: (Figure 4-1)
1. Have a charged battery ready to install.
2. Shut down your notebook and disconnect
the AC adapter.
6. Slide the new battery into the bay.
3. Unlock the battery bay using the lock button.
4. Slide the battery bay release button to open the bay.
5. Remove the battery from the bay.
7. Close the bay and slide the battery bay release
button back.
8. Press the Suspend/Resume button to return your
notebook to normal operation.
6. Slide the new battery into the bay.
7. Close the bay and slide the battery bay release
button back.
8. Plug in the AC adapter and turn the power on.
If the Lithium ion battery connector is not fully seated,
you may not be able to use your notebook or charge
your battery.
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
Eject Button
Figure 4-2 Loading/Ejecting a 3.5” Floppy Disk
External USB
Floppy Disk Drive
If you eject the disk while the Floppy Disk Drive Access
indicator is active, there is a risk of damaging the data
on the disk, the disk itself or even the disk drive.
Your LifeBook notebook has an external USB floppy disk
drive which can read and write information on remov-
able 1.44MB and 720KB floppy disks.
Before you can use a new disk, it needs to be prepared
so your LifeBook notebook knows where to store infor-
mation. This preparation is called formatting or initial-
izing a disk. You will need to format new disks, unless
they are preformatted. (Please refer to your operating
system manual for step-by-step instructions on formatting a
Your LifeBook notebook is preconfigured to boot from a
USB floppy drive. Reference the BIOS manual for fur-
ther information on changing the default boot drive.
To load a disk into your disk drive, follow these easy
To prevent accidental erasure of the data stored on a
disk, slide the “write protect” tab until a small hole is
exposed. This sets the disk into a protected state where
nothing can be added or removed. If you want to add or
remove data on a protected disk, slide the “write
protect” tab to close the small hole. (Figure 4-3)
and the shutter side is pointing towards the drive.
(Figure 4-2)
2. Push the disk into the drive until the Eject button
pops out and you hear a click.
Write Enabled
When there is no disk in the drive, the Eject button is
flush with your notebook.
To eject a disk from the disk drive, follow these easy
Write Protected
1. Check that the Floppy Disk Drive Access indicator
is inactive.
Figure 4-3 Floppy Disk Write Protect
2. Press the Eject button. This will push your disk
partially out of the drive.
3. Remove the disk.
Formatting a floppy disk that already contains data will
erase all of the information on the disk.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
Eject Button
Figure 4-4 Loading/Ejecting a SuperDisk or 3.5” Floppy Disk
SuperDisk™ 120 Drive
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has a SuperDisk drive,
which can use either standard floppy disks or Super
floppy disks (with a capacity of 120MB).
2. Right mouse click.
3. Select Eject.
If you eject the disk while the Floppy Disk Drive Access
indicator is active, there is a risk of damaging the data
on the disk, the disk itself or even the disk drive.
Your SuperDisk 120 drive does not support warm-, or
hot-swapping. You must cold-swap in order to use your
SuperDisk 120 drive.
Before you can use a new disk, it needs to be prepared
so your notebook knows where to store information.
This preparation is called formatting or initializing a
disk. You will need to format new disks, unless they are
preformatted. (Please refer to your operating system
manual for step-by-step instructions on formatting a disk)
To load a disk into your disk drive, follow these easy
and the shutter side is pointing towards the drive.
(Figure 4-4)
To prevent accidental erasure of the data stored on a
disk, slide the “write protect” tab until a small hole is
exposed. This sets the disk into a protected state where
nothing can be added or removed. If you want to add or
remove data on a protected disk, slide the “write
protect” tab to close the small hole. (Figure 4-5)
2. Push the disk into the drive until the Eject button
pops out and you hear a click.
When there is no disk in the drive, the Eject button is
flush with your LifeBook notebook.
SuperDisk Floppy
Floppy Disk
To eject a disk from the disk drive, follow these easy
Write Enabled
1. Check that the Floppy Disk Drive Access indicator
is inactive.
2. Press the Eject button. This will push your disk
partially out of the drive.
Write Protected
3. Remove the disk.
Figure 4-5 Floppy Disk Write Protect
(with Windows 98 Second Edition pre-installed
models only)
Formatting a floppy disk that already contains data will
erase all of the information on the disk.
1. Put the cursor on the SuperDisk 120 drive in
My Computer.
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
Media Holder Tray
Media Eject Button
Figure 4-6 Media Player Drive
Media Player Drive
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook contains a media player
drive which is either a CD, DVD, CD-RW, or DVD/CD-
RW combo player. A DVD player gives you access to
movie, software, and audio DVD/CDs. A CD-RW player
allows you to access software or audio CDs, and to write
data onto recordable CDs.
Prolonged use of the media player drive, such as
watching a DVD movie, will substantially reduce your
battery life.
To load a disc into your media player drive, follow these
DVD Model only: With the media player drive and Media
Player software you can play DVD movies on your note-
book. The media player includes controls which allow
you to take full advantage of the features of a DVD
movie, as well as standard features such as fast forward,
fast reverse, pause, etc.
CD-RW Model only: With the media player drive, you
can read audio CDs, and write data onto a recordable
CD-R or CD-RW disc.
1. Push and release the eject button on the front of the
media player drive to open the holder tray. The tray
will come out of the notebook a short distance.
2. Gently pull the tray out until a media disc can easily
be placed in the tray.
There may be a protective sheet in the tray from when it
was shipped; please make sure it is removed before
operating the drive.
Prior to using your Media Player, you must install
the Media Player software. Refer to the applicable
readme file on the Driver Applications CD-ROM for
instructions on installing you Media Player software.
You should periodically check the Fujitsu Web site at
www.fujitsupc.com for current updated drivers.
3. Place the media into the tray, label side up, with the
raised circle in the center of the tray.
4. Gently push the holder tray back in until you
hear a click. (Figure 4-7)
If you have disabled the Auto Insert Notification
Function, you will have to start the drive from
your desktop, since your notebook will not automati-
cally recognize that media has been loaded.
Do not operate your media player drive unless your
LifeBook notebook is sitting on a flat surface. Using a
drive when the system is not level may damage the
drive or prevent proper operation.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
3. Click OK to close the About DVD Player
Performance dialog box and the movie will begin.
Opening the Media Player Control Panel
With most DVD-ROMs, you have the option of altering
how the movie should play and what you wish to view.
You can do this by using the Media Player control panel
and the mouse.
1. Right-click on the movie screen to open a
dropdown menu for options.
2. Select View, then Player for all the controls available.
This will open the control panel into the bottom of
the screen.
Using the Media Player Control Panel
The Media Player software allows you to watch the
movie much like a VCR player. You have the option to
pause, rewind, fast-forward and stop the movie at any
Figure 4-7 Loading/Ejecting Media
1. To Pause the movie, click theꢀ button.
1. Push and release the eject button on the front of
the media player drive. This will stop the drive
and the holder tray will come out of the notebook a
short distance.
2. To Rewind the movie, click the ꢁ button to rewind
to a specific portion of the movie, or the ꢂ button
to return to the opening screen.
3. To Fast-forward the movie, click the ꢃ button to
forward to a specific portion of the movie, or theꢄ
button to jump to the ending credits.
2. Gently pull the tray out until the disc can easily be
removed from the tray.
3. Carefully remove the media disc from the holder
4. To Stop the movie, click the ꢅ button.
Exiting the Media Player
4. Gently push the holder tray back in until you
hear a click.
1. Click on the U located in the upper right corner of
the title bar. This will open a Media Player dialog
2. Click Yes to stop and exit the movie, or No to close the
Media Player dialog box and return to the movie.
Prior to using your Media Player, you must install
The Dolby Headphone utility lets you enjoy multi-
channel sound sources, such as movies, with realistic
surround sound using your conventional stereo head-
the Media Player software. Refer to the applicable
readme file on the Driver Applications CD-ROM for
instructions on installing you Media Player software.
For details on using your media player, go to the Start
menu and select Programs, InterVideo DVD, then
select either InterVideo DVD Help or InterVideo DVD
Dolby Headphone is a signal processing system that
enables your stereo headphones to realistically portray
the sound of a five-speaker playback system.
Starting a DVD Movie (DVD Models only)
1. Insert the DVD movie into the media player drive of
your notebook. If the CD AutoRun feature activates,
skip Step 2.
Media discs which do not have the Dolby Surround
5:1 symbol will not support Dolby Headphone.
After making changes to the Dolby Headphone
feature and clicking OK, wait at least ten seconds
before making another change in order to allow the
system to stabilize.
2. From the Start menu, select Programs, then select
InterVideo WINDVD and click InterVideo
WINDVD or double-click on the InterVideo
WINDVD icon on the desktop. This will launch
the DVD movie.
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
To use the Dolby Headphone feature, perform the
following steps:
3. When the low battery warning occurs, immediately
stop the movie and exit the media player.
1. Double click the InterVideo WinDVD icon on your
2. On the toolbar that appears, click the Properties
button (the fourth button from the left, with the
image of a wrench).
If you do not stop the media player quickly and the
LifeBook notebook attempts to auto-suspend (critical
battery low state) the notebook will shut down
improperly. If this occurs, you will need to perform a
hard reset and follow the instruction, if any, presented
to you before the system will reboot.
3. On the Properties window, select the Dolby Head-
phone tab.
4. To enable Dolby Headphone, check the Enable
Dolby Headphone box. To change the type of
surround sound, select one of the radio buttons
listed under Room Filter Setting.
4. Manually place your notebook into suspend mode
by depressing the Suspend button and replace the
discharged battery with an additional full-charged
battery. Or if you do not have an additional battery,
you may attach AC power as soon as you see the low
battery warning.
5. Click OK. The Dolby Headphone feature will now
be enabled until you disable it by unchecking Enable
Dolby Headphone.
5. Resume your notebook by pressing the Suspend
button again. This step is not required if you
attached AC power without entering suspend mode.
Since media player drives consume a lot of power, your
overall battery life will be shorter when operating the
media player drive continuously (such as watching a
DVD movie) than during standard operation. Many
movies run-times are longer than your LifeBook note-
book can support on a single battery. If you are watching
a DVD movie on battery power you may need to swap in
an additional, charged battery or attach AC power during
the movie to view it in its entirety.
6. Restart your media player, locate and skip to the
chapter of the movie you were last watching.
7. Continue watching your DVD movie.
Some shorter DVD movies may not require you to
swap batteries or attach AC power to complete them.
However, it is best to be prepared since actual battery life
while operating the media player drive cannot be
Prolonged use of the media player drive, such as
watching a DVD movie, will substantially reduce your
notebook’s battery life.
The Auto Insert Notification function allows your Life-
Book notebook to automatically start a DVD/CD as soon
as it is inserted in the media player drive and the tray is
closed. Your notebook will begin playing an audio DVD/
CD or will start an application if the DVD/CD includes an
auto run file.
Many movie run-times are longer than your system can
support on a single battery. If you are watching a DVD
movie on battery power you may need to swap in an
additional, charged battery or attach AC power during
the movie to view it in its entirety.
Disabling Auto Insert Notification Function
To disable the Auto Insert Notification function, follow
these easy steps:
An additional fully-charged battery is highly
recommended if you will be watching DVD movies on
battery power. If you don’t have an additional battery,
you may purchase one either on-line at
1. Save all data and close all open applications.
2. From the Start menu, select Settings, and then select
Control Panel.
www.fujitsupc.com or call 1-877-372-3473.
3. Double-click the System icon. This will open the
System Properties dialog box.
To Watch a Movie on Battery Power:
1. Have an additional full-charged battery or your
AC adapter ready for use.
4. Select the Device Manager tab to display the device
lists for your notebook.
2. Start watching your DVD movie.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
5. Click on the +to the left of the CD player drive icon.
The treeview will expand to show the media player
drive manufacturer’s name and model number.
6. Double-click on the media player drive manufac-
turer’s name and model number. This will open the
media player drive manufacturer’s name and model
number dialog box.
7. Select the Settings tab and then remove the check
mark in the Auto Insert Notification box to turn it
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close in the System Properties dialog box, then
click Yes in the System Settings Change pop-up
window when it asks you to restart your machine
and activate this change.
The Auto Insert Notification function can be re-activated
by repeating this process and placing a check mark in the
Auto Insert Notification box to turn it back on.
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
Eject Button
PC Card
PC Card Slot
Figure 4-8 Installing/Removing PC Cards
2. Make sure there is no PC Card currently in the slot.
PC Cards
If there is, see Removing PC Cards.
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook supports Type II PC
Cards, which can perform a variety of functions.
3. Insert your PC Card into the slot, with the product
label facing up.
4. Push the card into the slot firmly until it is seated
in the opening. You will hear a click and the Eject
button will pop away from your notebook.
Some available PC Cards:
Fax/data modem cards
Local area network (LAN) cards
IDE solid-state disk cards
SCSI cards
Smart Card holder
Other PC Cards that conform to PCMCIA 2.1 or
5. Flip the Eject button towards the rear of your
notebook to lock the PC Card.
To remove a PC Card, follow these easy steps:
CardBus standards
For further information, refer to the instructions
supplied with your PC Card.
Windows has a shutdown procedure for PC Cards that
must be followed before removing a card. (Please
review your operating system manual for the correct
procedure). Before removing a PC Card in Windows 98
Second Edition, shut down PC Card operation using PC
Card Properties in the Control Panel. Before removing a
PC Card in Windows 2000 Professional, shut down PC
Card operation using the Unplug/Eject Hardware icon
located on the taskbar.
PC Cards are installed in the PC Card slot. To install a
PC Card, follow these easy steps: (Figure 4-8)
Installing or removing a PC Card during your LifeBook
notebook’s shutdown or bootup process may damage
the card and/or your notebook.
1. See your PC Card manual for specific instructions
on removing your card. Some PC Cards may require
your notebook to be in Suspend Mode or Off while
removing them.
Do not insert a PC Card into a slot if there is water or
any other substance on the card as you may perma-
nently damage the card, your LifeBook notebook, or
If the dialog box states that the device cannot be
removed, you must save all of your open files, close
any open applications and shut down your notebook.
Once your notebook has been shut down, you must
turn Off the power using the power switch.
1. See your PC Card manual for specific instructions
on the installation of your card. Some PC Cards
may require your notebook to be Off while
installing them.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
2. Flip the Eject button towards the front of your note-
book until it is fully extended, and then push it in
until it is flush with the notebook. This will push the
PC Card slightly out of the slot allowing you to
remove the card.
If the PC Card has an external connector and cable, do
not pull the cable when removing the card.
An embedded Smart Card Reader is provided on your
LifeBook notebook. Smart Cards are the same size and
shape as credit cards, but they contain an integrated
microprocessor chip. The chip can hold a variety of
different information, and provides the user with many
possible options, such as allowing them to make secure
purchases, pay for phone calls, store security informa-
tion, and provide personal identification and informa-
In order to use the embedded Smart Card Reader, you
must purchase an optional Smart Card adapter and
third-party software for installation into an available
Type II PC Card slot.
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
8. Insert the memory upgrade module at a 45° angle.
retaining clip. You will hear a click when it is prop-
erly in place. (Figure 4-10)
Memory Upgrade
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook comes with 128MB or
256MB high speed Synchronous Dynamic RAM
(SDRAM) factory installed. To increase your notebook’s
memory capacity, you can replace the original memory
module with a higher capacity module. The memory
upgrade must be a dual-in-line (DIMM) SDRAM
module, and it can be up to 256MB capacity.
Do not remove any screws from the memory upgrade
module compartment except the ones specifically
shown in the directions for installing and removing
the memory upgrade module.
Figure 4-10 Installing a Memory Upgrade Module
The memory upgrade module can be severely dam-
aged by electro-static discharge (ESD). Be sure you
are properly grounded when handling and installing
the module.
9. Replace the cover.
10. Replace the screws.
1. Turn off power to your LifeBook notebook using the
power switch, and remove any power adapter
(AC or auto/airline).
The memory upgrade module is not something you
routinely remove from your notebook. Once it is
installed, you can leave it in place unless you want
to change system memory capacity.
2. Make sure that all the connector covers are closed.
panel toward you.
1. Perform steps 1 through 5 of Installing a Memory
Upgrade Module.
4. Remove the screws of the memory upgrade module
compartment. (Figure 4-9)
2. Pull the clips sideways away from each side of the
memory upgrade module at the same time.
5. Remove the cover.
from the slot by lifting it up and pulling towards the
rear of your notebook. (Figure 4-11)
Figure 4-9 Opening the Memory Upgrade Compartment
6. Remove the memory upgrade module from the
static guarded sleeve.
Figure 4-11 Removing a Memory Upgrade Module
7. Align the memory upgrade module with the part
side up. Align the connector edge of the memory
upgrade module with the connector slot in the
compartment. The connector will be pointing
toward the rear of the notebook.
4. Store the memory upgrade module in a static
guarded sleeve.
5. Replace the cover.
6. Replace the screws.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
current settings displayed. (See BIOS Setup Utility on
page 33 for more information)
The System Memory and the Extended Memory capacity,
as detected by your LifeBook notebook during the Power
main menu screen. The chart below shows you the
possible displays that can be shown on the main menu
After installing your memory module, you must com-
plete the Resetting the Save-to-Disk Parameters proce-
dure in order for the Save-to-Disk mode to operate
(Save-to-Disk) Feature on page 37 for more informa-
Once you have changed the system memory capacity by
either adding or removing a memory upgrade module,
be sure to check that your notebook has recognized the
If the total memory displayed is incorrect, check that
not correctly recognized, see Troubleshooting on
page 61.
You can check the memory capacity by looking at the
main menu of the BIOS setup:
1. Turn on the power to your LifeBook notebook using
the power switch.
Total RAM
Slot 1
2. Allow the system to start booting and press the [F2]
key once the Fujitsu logo appears on the screen. This
will open the main menu of the BIOS setup with the
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
PS/2 Keyboard Port
USB Port
Port Replicator Release Latch
Serial Port
LAN (RJ-45)
Pass-through Jack
(LAN models only)
DC Power Jack
PS/2 Mouse Port
External Monitor Port
Parallel Port
External Floppy Disk Drive Port
Figure 4-12 Port Replicator back panel (LAN model)
PS/2 Mouse Port
The PS/2 mouse port allows you to connect an external
PS/2 Mouse. (Figure 4-12)
Port Replicator
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook comes with a Port
Replicator. The Port Replicator extends the functionality
of your notebook by providing ports to connect PS/2
devices, a LAN (RJ-45) cable, a USB device, an external
rear panel of your notebook. (See Device Ports on page 55
for more information)
USB Port
The USB port allows you to connect Universal Serial
External Monitor Port
The external monitor port allows you to connect an
external VGA or SVGA CRT monitor. (Figure 4-12)
Parallel Port
(This is also sometimes referred to as an LPT port.)
(Figure 4-12)
The following is a brief description of your Port Repli-
cator’s back panel components.
LAN (RJ-45) Jack (LAN models only)
Serial Port
The LAN port allows you to connect a LAN (RJ-45)
cable. Note that when your notebook is connected to the
should be used when it as attached to the system.
(Figure 4-12). Note that for LifeBook notebooks that are
configured to use the IEEE 1394 port, the LAN port on
the Port Replicator cannot be used.
devices. (This is also sometimes referred to as a COM
port.) (Figure 4-12)
External Floppy Disk Drive Port
The external floppy disk drive port allows you to attach
an optional external floppy disk drive. (Figure 4-12)
DC Power Jack
PS/2 Keyboard Port
The PS/2 keyboard port allows you to connect an
external PS/2 keyboard. (Figure 4-12)
adapter or the optional Auto/Airline adapter to power
your notebook. (Figure 4-12)
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
Port Replicator Release Latch
Docking Port
Figure 4-13 Port Replicator front panel
The following is a brief description of your Port
Replicator’s front panel components.
The Port Replicator can be detached from your note-
book while the power is on, while in suspend mode, or
while the power is off. To detach the Port Replicator
follow these easy steps:
Docking Port
The docking port connects the Port Replicator to your
notebook. (Figure 4-13)
1. Slide the Port Replicator’s release button to the right
to release the lock. (Figure 4-15)
Port Replicator Release Latch
Slide the Port Replicator Release button to remove the
Port Replicator from your notebook. (Figure 4-13)
2. Lift up your notebook to detach it from the
Port Replicator.
The Port Replicator can be attached on your notebook
while the power is on, while in suspend mode, or while
the power is off. To attach the Port Replicator follow
these easy steps:
1. Align the Port Replicator connector on the lower
of the Port Replicator.
2. Push your notebook down to connect it to the Port
Figure 4-15 Detaching the Port Replicator
Replicator securely. (Figure 4-14)
Figure 4-14 Attaching the Port Replicator
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
your network administrator for information on your
network configuration.) To connect the LAN cable follow
these easy steps: (See figure 2-9 on page 11 for location)
Device Ports
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook and Port Replicator
come equipped with multiple ports to which you can
connect external devices including: disk drives,
keyboards, modems, printers, etc.
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
3. Plug the other end of the cable into a LAN outlet.
The modem (RJ-11) telephone jack is used for an
internal modem. To connect the telephone cable follow
these easy steps: (See figure 2-7 on page 9 for location)
The 1394 port allows you to connect devices that are
connect a 1394 device, follow these steps: (See figure 2-7
on page 9 for location)
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
3. Plug the other end of the telephone cable into a
telephone outlet.
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
The modem sound is deactivated by default, to activate
modem sound follow these easy steps:
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
* Some digital devices - such as digital cameras - use
IEEE 1394 ports for fast transfer of digital files and
1. Right click on the Speaker icon in your system tray.
2. Select Open Volume.
3. Select Option/Properties.
4. Under “Show the following volume controls”, click
on Phone and click OK.
The S-Video port allows you to connect and use directly
any S-Video device, such as a VCR or television. The
device, follow these easy steps: (See figure 2-8 on page 9
for location)
5. Uncheck the Mute box under Phone Balance.
The internal modem is not intended for use with Digital
PBX systems. Do not connect the internal modem to a
Digital PBX as it may cause serious damage to the inter-
nal modem or your entire LifeBook notebook. Consult
your PBX manufacturer’s documentation for details.
Some hotels have Digital PBX systems. Be sure to find
out BEFORE you connect your modem.
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
Due to the ongoing changes in USB technology
and standards, not all USB devices and/or drivers
are guaranteed to work.
The internal modem is designed to the ITU-T V.90
standard. Its maximum speed of 53000bps is the
highest allowed by FCC, and its actual connection
rate depends on the line conditions. The maximum
speed is 33600bps at upload.
The parallel port, or LPT port, located on the Port Repli-
interface device follow these easy steps: (See figure 4-12
on page 53 for location)
The internal modem on all Fujitsu LifeBook notebooks
from Fujitsu PC Corporation are certified for use in
the United States and Canada. The modem may be
certified in other countries.
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
The internal LAN (RJ-45) jack is used for an internal
Fast Ethernet (10/100 Base-T/Tx) connection. If your
notebook has been configured with internal LAN
capability you will need to configure your notebook
to work with your particular network. (Please refer to
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
3. Tighten the two hold-down screws, located on
each end of the connector.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
The serial port, or COMM port, located on the Port
face device follow these easy steps: (See figure 4-12 on
page 53 for location)
Due to the ongoing changes in USB technology
and standards, not all USB devices and/or drivers
are guaranteed to work.
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
The Infrared IrDA 1.1 (4Mbps) port allows for wireless
printer, without the use of a cable. (See figure 2-9 on
page 11 for location)
3. Tighten the two hold-down screws, located on each
end of the connector.
The PS/2 ports located on the Port Replicator allow
device follow these easy steps: (See figure 4-12 on page 53
for location)
It is important to keep in mind that while carrying out
this form of communication, both devices must be
placed so their infrared ports are directly facing each
other without obstruction. The devices must also be
separated by at least 6" but no more than 36" for
maximum performance.
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
The following conditions may interfere with infrared
A television, radio remote control unit, or a wireless
headphone is being used nearby.
Direct sunlight, fluorescent light, or incandescent light
shines directly on the port.
A mouse, keyboard, or keypad may be installed and
automatically recognized by your notebook without
restarting or changing setups.
The docking port is used for the connection of your
notebook to an optional port replicator or docking
station. In order to connect your notebook to one of
these devices follow the instructions that came with your
docking port. (See figure 2-10 on page 12 for location)
Do not move either device while communication is
active as it may interrupt data transmission.
Be careful not to scratch the infrared port lens. Dirt,
scratches, or other surface marks can degrade
The external floppy disk drive port is used for attaching
an optional external floppy disk drive or an optional
modular floppy disk drive with the optional floppy
cable. In order to connect an external floppy disk drive
your external floppy disk drive. Plug in an external
floppy disk drive only when the computer is turned off.
(See figure 4-12 on page 53 for location)
With Windows 98 Second Edition, you can use the
Infrared Recipient application for infrared file transfers.
LapLink 2000 software can also be used for infrared file
The Universal Serial Bus port (USB) allows you to
to connect a USB device follow these easy steps: (See
figure 4-12 on page 53 for location)
The stereo line-in jack allows you to connect an external
audio source to your notebook, such as an audio cassette
player. Your audio device must be equipped with a 1/8"
external audio source follow these easy steps: (See
figure 2-7 on page 9 for location)
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
Pressing the [FN] + [F10] keys allows you to change
your selection of where to send your display video. Each
time you press the key combination, you will
step to the next choice, starting with the built-in display
panel only, moving to the external monitor only, finally
moving to both the built-in display panel and an
external monitor.
The stereo line-in jack will not support an external
Turn down the audio volume when connecting
electronic devices to the line-in jack. The internal
speakers might break if unexpected large sounds
are inputted.
The headphone jack allows you to connect headphones
or powered external speakers to your notebook. Your
phones or speakers follow these easy steps: (See figure 2-
7 on page 9 for location)
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
If you plug headphones into the headphone jack, the
built-in stereo speakers will be disabled.
The microphone jack allows you to connect an external
mono microphone. Your microphone must be equipped
connect a microphone follow these easy steps: (See
figure on page 9 for location)
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
follow these easy steps: (See figure 2-9 on page 11 for loca-
1. Align the connector with the port opening.
2. Push the connector into the port until it is seated.
3. Tighten the two hold-down screws, located on
each end of the connector.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F o u r
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
8. If you have tried the solutions suggested in the Trou-
bleshooting Table without success, contact your
support representative:
Your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook is sturdy and subject to
few problems in the field. However, you may encounter
simple setup or operating problems that you can solve
on the spot, or problems with peripheral devices, that
you can solve by replacing the device. The information
in this section helps you isolate and resolve some of these
straightforward problems and identify failures that
require service.
Toll free: 1-800-8Fujitsu (1-800-838-5487)
Fax: 1-901-259-5700
E-mail: 8fujitsu@fujitsupc.com
Web site: http://www.fujitsupc.com.
Before you place the call, you should have the following
information ready so that the customer support represen-
tative can provide you with the fastest possible solution:
Product name
Product configuration number
Product serial number
Purchase date
If you encounter a problem, go through the following
procedure before pursuing complex troubleshooting:
1. Turn off your LifeBook notebook.
Conditions under which the problem occurred
Any error messages that have occurred
Hardware configuration
2. Make sure the AC adapter is plugged into your note-
book and to an active AC power source.
3. Make sure that any card installed in the PC Card slot
is seated properly. You can also remove the card
from the slot, thus eliminating it as a possible cause
of failure.
notebook for configuration and serial numbers. (See
figure 2-10 on page 12 for location)
4. Make sure that any devices connected to the external
connectors are plugged in properly. You can also
disconnect such devices, thus eliminating them as
possible causes of failure.
Using the Troubleshooting Table
When you have problems with your LifeBook notebook,
try to find the symptoms under the Problem column of
the troubleshooting table for the feature giving you
difficulty. You will find a description of common causes
for that symptom under the column Possible Cause and
what, if anything, you can do to correct the condition
under Possible Solutions. All possible causes or solutions
may not apply to your notebook.
5. Turn on your notebook. Make sure it has been off at
least 10 seconds before you turn it back on.
6. Go through the boot sequence.
7. If the problem has not been resolved, refer to the
Troubleshooting Table, that follows, for more
detailed troubleshooting information.
If you keep notes about what you have tried, your
support representative may be able to help you
more quickly by giving additional suggestions
over the phone.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
Modem Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 65
Parallel, Serial and USB Device Problems . . . . . page 65
PC Card Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 65
Shutdown and Startup Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . page 68
Video Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 69
Miscellaneous Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 70
Audio Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 62
DVD/CD-ROM Drive Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . page 62
Port Replicator Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63
Floppy Disk Drive Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63
Hard Drive Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 64
Keyboard or Mouse Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 64
Memory Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 64
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Audio Problems
There is no sound coming
from the built-in speakers.
The volume is turned too low. Adjust the volume control on your notebook.
The software volume control is Adjust the sound volume control settings in your
set too low.
software, operating system and applications.
Headphones are plugged into
your notebook.
Plugging in headphones disables the built-in
speakers, remove the headphones.
BIOS audio settings
are incorrect.
Set the BIOS setup utility to the default values within
the Multimedia Device Configuration menu. (See
BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for more information)
Software driver is not config-
ured correctly.
Refer to your application and operating system
documentation for help.
DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Drive Problems
LifeBook notebook fails to
recognize DVD/CD-RW/
Protective sheet is still in the
drive tray.
Replace DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM in tray.
not pushed down onto raised
center circle of
Open DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM tray and re-install
DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM properly.
the drive.
is not latched shut.
Push on the front of the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM
tray until it latches.
Incorrect DVD Player or no
DVD Player software is
Install DVD Player software. (See “Media Player
Software” on page 45 for more information.)
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
LifeBook notebook fails to
recognize DVD/CD-RW/
CD-ROM’s. (continued)
Wrong drive designator was
used for DVD/CD-RW/CD-
ROM in the application.
Verify the drive designator used by the application is
the same as the one used by the operating system.
When the operating system is booted from a DVD/
CD, drive designations are automatically adjusted.
Windows DVD/CD-RW/CD-
ROM auto insertion function
is disabled.
Start the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM from the desktop
or application software or re-enable the Windows
(See Auto Insert Notification Function on page 47 for
more information)
dirty or defective.
Wipe DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM with a non-abrasive
CD cleaning cloth and reinsert. It if still will not
work try another DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM in
the drive.
ROM Access indicator on
the Status Indicator Panel
blinks at regular intervals
when no DVD/CD-RW/
CD-ROM is in the tray or
ROM drive is not installed.
CD-ROM auto insertion func- feature. (See Auto Insert Notification Function on
tion is active and is checking to page 47 for more information)
see if a DVD/CD-RW/CD-
ROM is ready to run.
Port Replicator Problems
LifeBook notebook does
Port Replicator AC adapter is
Provide power to the Port Replicator.
not turn on when installed not plugged in.
in Port Replicator
Notebook is not properly
Remove and re-dock your LifeBook notebook.
seated in the Port Replicator.
Floppy Disk Drive Problems
You cannot access your
floppy disk.
You tried to write to a write
protected floppy disk.
Preparing a Disk for Use on page 44 for more informa-
Floppy disk is not
loaded correctly.
Eject floppy disk, check orientation and re-insert.
(See Ejecting a Disk on page 44 for more information)
BIOS setup utility states
Diskette Controller:
Revise the setup utility Main menu settings to
enable Diskette Controller. (See BIOS Setup Utility
on page 33 for more information)
The floppy disk drive may not Remove and re-install your floppy disk drive.
be properly installed.
Security is set to protect access Verify your password and security settings.
to floppy disk data.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Hard Drive Problems
You cannot access your
hard drive.
set for your internal (Primary and Primary Slave correctly. (See BIOS Setup Utility
Master) or optional second
hard drive (Primary Slave).
on page 33 for more information)
The wrong drive designator
was used by an application
Verify drive designator used by application is in
use by the operating system. When the operating
when a bootable CD-ROM was system is booted from a CD, drive designations
used to start the notebook.
are automatically adjusted.
Security is set so your oper-
ating system cannot be started
without a password.
Verify your password and security settings.
Keyboard or Mouse Problems
The built-in keyboard does The notebook has gone into
Push the Suspend/Resume button.
not seem to work.
Suspend mode.
Your application has locked
out your keyboard.
Try to use your intergrated pointing device to restart
your system. If this fails, turn your notebook off
using the power switch, wait 10 seconds or more,
and then turn it back on.
You have installed an
external keyboard or
mouse, and it does not
seem to work.
Your external device is not
properly installed.
Re-install your device. (See Device Ports on page 55
for more information)
Your operating system
software is not setup with
the correct software driver
for that device.
Check your device and operating system docu-
mentation and activate the proper driver.
Your mouse or keyboard is
connected to the wrong PS/2
port on the LANdock.
PS/2 Keyboard port. (See PS/2 Ports on page 56 for
more information)
You have connected an
external keyboard or a
mouse and it seems to be
locking up the system.
Your operating system
software is not setup with
the correct software driver
for that device.
Check your device and operating system
documentation and activate the proper driver.
Your system has crashed.
Try to restart your notebook. If that fails, turn off
the power using the power switch, wait at least 10
seconds, and then power on.
Memory Problems
Your Power On screen,
or Main menu of the
BIOS setup utility infor-
mation, does not show
the correct amount of
installed memory.
is not properly installed.
module. (See Memory Upgrade Module on page 51
for more information)
You have a memory failure.
(See Power On Self Test Messages on page 71 for more
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Modem Problems
Messages about modem
Messages about modem
operation are generated
by whichever modem
application is in use.
See your application software documentation for
additional information.
Parallel, Serial, and USB Device Problems
You have installed a parallel The device is not
Remove and re-install the device. (See Device Ports
port device, a serial port
device or a USB device.
Your LifeBook notebook
does not recognize the
device, or the device does
not seem to work properly.
properly installed.
on page 55 for more information)
The device may have been
Close the application and restart your notebook.
installed while an application
was running, so your notebook
is not aware of its installation.
Your software may not
have the correct software
driver active.
See your software documentation and activate the
correct driver.
You may have t he w rong
I/O address selected for
your device.
See your device documentation and software docu-
mentation to determine the required I/O address.
Change the settings in the BIOS setup utility. (See
BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for more information)
Your dev ice and another
device are assigned the same
I/O address.
Check all I/O addresses located within the BIOS
setup utility and any other installed hardware or
software to make sure there are no duplications.
Parallel port is set to
output only.
Check parallel port setting in the BIOS and set to
bi-directional or ECP.
PC Card Problems
A card inserted in the PC
The card is not
Remove and re-install the card. (See PC Cards on
Card slot does not work or properly installed.
page 49 for more information)
is locking up the system.
The card may have been
Close the application and restart your notebook.
installed while an application
was running, so your notebook
is not aware of its installation.
Your software may not
have the correct software
driver active.
See your software documentation and activate the
correct driver.
You may have t he w rong
I/O address selected for your
PC Card device.
See your PC Card documentation to determine
the BIOS. (See BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for
more information)
Your PC Card device and
Check all I/O addresses located within the BIOS
another device are assigned the setup utility and any other installed hardware or
same I/O address. software to make sure there are no duplications.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Power Failures
You turn on your
LifeBook notebook and
nothing seems to happen.
The installed primary
battery is completely
discharged, there is no
optional second battery
installed or there is no
Power adapter (AC or Auto/
Airline) installed.
Check the Status Indicator Panel to determine the
presence and condition of the batteries. (See Status
Indicator Panel on page 13 for more information)
Install a charged battery or a Power adapter.
The primary battery is
installed but is faulty.
Use the Status Indicator panel to verify the presence
and condition of the batteries. (See Status Indicator
Panel on page 13 for more information) If a battery is
indicating a short, remove that battery and operate
from another power source or replace that battery.
presence and condition of the batteries. (See Status
Indicator Panel on page 13 for more information) Use
a Power adapter to operate until a battery is charged
or install a charged battery.
The power adapter (AC or
auto/airline) is not plugged
in properly.
Verify that your adapter is connected correctly. (See
Power Sources on page 31 for more information)
The Power adapter (AC
or auto/airline) has no
power from the AC outlet,
airplane seat jack, or the car’s
cigarette lighter.
Move the AC cord to a different outlet, check for
a line switch or tripped circuit breaker for the AC
outlet. If you are using an auto/airline adapter in
a car make sure the ignition switch is in the On or
Accessories position.
The Power adapter (AC or
auto/airline) is faulty.
Try a different Power adapter or install a charged
optional second battery.
Power switch is not in the
On position.
Slide your power switch firmly to the Off position,
pause 10 seconds or more and then firmly to the
On position.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Your LifeBook notebook
turns off all by itself.
The power management
parameters are set for auto
timeouts which are too short
for your operating needs.
Press any button on the keyboard, or move the
mouse to restore operation. If that fails, push the
Suspend/Resume button. Check your power
management settings, or close your applications
and go to the Power Savings menu of the setup
utility to adjust the timeout values to better suit
your operation needs.
You are operating on battery
power only and have ignored a Resume button. (See Power Sources on page 31 for
low battery alarm until the
batteries are all at the dead
battery state and your machine
has gone into Dead Battery
Suspend mode.
more information)
You have a battery failure.
Status Indicator panel, and replace or remove
any batteries that are shorted. (See Status Indicator
Panel on page 13 for more information)
Your power adapter has failed Make sure the adapter is plugged in and the outlet
or lost its power source.
has power.
Your LifeBook notebook
will not work on battery
The installed batteries
are dead.
Replace the battery with a charged one or install
a Power adapter.
No batteries are installed.
Install a charged battery.
The batteries are
improperly installed.
Verify that the batteries are properly connected
by re-installing them.
Your installed batteries
are faulty.
Status Indicator panel and replace or remove
any batteries that are shorted. (See Status Indicator
Panel on page 13 for more information)
The batteries seem to
discharge too quickly.
You are running an application Use both the primary battery and an optional
that uses a great deal of power second battery and/or use a power adapter for this
due to frequent hard drive
access or DVD/CD-ROM
access, use of a modem card
or a LAN PC card.
application when at all possible.
The power savings features
may be disabled.
Check the power management and/or setup utility
settings in the Power Savings menu and adjust
according to your operating needs.
The brightness is turned all
the way up.
Turn down the brightness adjustment. The higher
the brightness the more power your display uses.
The batteries are very old.
Replace the batteries.
Replace the batteries.
The batteries have been
exposed to high temperatures.
The batteries are too hot
or too cold.
Restore the notebook to normal operating tempera-
ture. The Charging icon on the Status Indicator
panel will flash when the battery is outside its
operating range.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Shutdown and Startup Problems
The Suspend/Resume
button does not work.
The Suspend/Resume button
is disabled from the Advanced
submenu of the Power menu
of the setup utility.
Enable the button from the setup utility.
You did not hold the button
in long enough.
Hold the button longer. This may need to be a few
seconds if your application is preventing the CPU
from checking for button pushes.
There may be a conflict with
the application software.
Close all applications and try the button again.
The system powers up, and The boot sequence settings
displays power on informa- of the setup utility are not
Set the operating source by pressing the [ESC] key
while the Fujitsu logo is on screen or use the [F2]
settings from the Boot menu. (See BIOS Setup
Utility on page 33 for more information)
tion, but fails to load the
operating system.
compatible with your
You have a secured system
requiring a password to load
your operating system.
Make sure you have the right password. Enter the
setup utility and verify the Security settings and
modify them as accordingly. (See BIOS Setup Utility
on page 33 for more information)
Internal hard drive was
not detected.
Use the BIOS setup utility or Primary Master
submenu, located within the Main menu, to try to
auto detect the internal hard drive.
An error message is
displayed on the screen
during the notebook
(boot) sequence.
detected a problem.
determine the meaning and severity of the problem.
indicators. (See Power On Self Test Messages on
page 71 for more information)
Your notebook appears to
change setup parameters
when you start it.
BIOS setup changes were not
saved when you made them
and exited the BIOS setup
utility returning it to
Make sure you select Save Changes And Exit when
exiting the BIOS setup utility.
previous settings.
The BIOS CMOS hold-up
battery has failed.
Contact your support representative for repairs.
This is not a user serviceable part but has a normal
life of 3 to 5 years.
Your system display won’t
The system may be password- Check the status indicator panel to verify that the
turn on when the system is protected.
turned on or when the
Security icon is blinking. If it is blinking, enter your
system has resumed.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
Video Problems
The built-in display is
blank when you turn on
your LifeBook notebook.
Something is pushing on the
Closed Cover switch.
Clear the Closed Cover switch. (See figure 2-5 on
page 6 for location)
The notebook is set for an
external monitor only.
Pressing [F10] while holding down the [FN] key
allows you to change your selection of where to
send your display video. Each time you press the
combination of keys you will step to the next
choice. The choices, in order are: built-in display
only, external monitor only, both built-in display
and external monitor.
The angle of the display
and the brightness settings
are not adequate for your
lighting conditions.
Move the display and the brightness control until
you have adequate visibility.
The power management time- Press any button the keyboard, or move the mouse
outs may be set for very short
intervals and you failed to
notice the display come on
and go off again.
to restore operation. If that fails, push the Suspend/
Resume button. (The display may be shut off by
Standy mode, Auto Suspend or Video Timeout)
The LifeBook notebook
turned on with a series of
beeps and your built-in
display is blank.
Power On Self Test (POST)
has detected a failure which
does not allow the display
to operate.
Contact your support representative.
The display goes blank by
itself after you have been
using it.
The notebook has gone into
Video timeout, Standby mode, mouse to restore operation. If that fails, push the
Suspend mode or Save-to-Disk Suspend/Resume button. Check your power
Press any button on the keyboard, or move the
mode because you have not
used it for a period of time.
management settings, or close your applications
and go to the Power Savings menu of the setup
page 33 for more information)
Something is pushing on the
Closed Cover switch.
Check the Closed Cover switch. (See figure 2-5 on
page 6 for location)
The power management time- Press any button on the keyboard, or move the mouse
outs may be set for very short
intervals and you failed to
notice the display come on
and go off again.
to restore operation. If that fails, push the Suspend/
Resume button. (The display may be shut off by
Standby Mode, Auto Suspend or Video Timeout)
Your system display won’t
The system may be password- Check the status indicator panel to verify that the
turn on when the system is protected.
turned on or when the
Security icon is blinking. If it is blinking, enter your
system has resumed.
The Built-in Display does
not close.
A foreign object, such as a
paper clip, is stuck between the
display and the keyboard.
Remove all foreign objects from the keyboard.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
Possible Cause
Possible Solutions
The Built-in Display has
bright or dark spots.
If the spots are very tiny and
few in number, this is normal
for a large LCD display.
This is normal; do nothing.
If the spots are numerous or
large enough to interfere with
your operation needs.
Display is faulty; contact your support representative.
The application display
uses only a portion of your that does not support 800 x
screen and is surrounded
by a dark frame.
You are running an application Display compression gives a clearer but smaller
display for applications that do not support 800 x
600/1024 x 768 pixel resolution 600/1024 x 768 pixel resolution. You can fill the
display and display compres-
sion is enabled.
screen but have less resolution by changing your
display compression setting, (See the Video Features
BIOS. (See BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for more
The Display is dark when
on battery power.
The PMSet default is set
on low brightness to
conserve power.
Press [FN] + [F7] to increase brightness or double-
click on PMSet battery gauge and adjust Power
Control under battery settings.
You have connected an
external monitor and
it does not display
any information.
Your BIOS setup is not set to
Try toggling the video destination by pressing [FN]
enable your external monitor. (See the Video Features
Your external monitor is not
properly installed.
Reinstall your device. (See External Monitor Port on
page 57 for more information)
Your operating system soft-
ware is not setup with the
correct software driver for
that device.
Check your device and operating system
documentation and activate the proper driver.
You have connected an
external monitor and it
does not come on.
Your external monitor
is not compatible with
your LifeBook notebook.
See your monitor documentation and the
Specifications section. (See Specifications on page 83
for more information)
Miscellaneous Problems
An error message is
displayed on the screen
during the operation of
an application.
Application software often
has its own set of error
message displays.
See your application manual and help displays
screens for more information. Not all messages are
errors some may simply be status.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
your setup utility does not agree with the type detected
by the Power On Self Test. Run the setup utility to
correct the inconsistency.
The following is an alphabetic list of error-and-status
messages that Phoenix BIOS and/or your operating
system can generate and an explanation of each message.
Error messages are marked with an *. If an error message
is displayed that is not in this list, write it down and
check your operating system documentation both on
screen and in the manual. If you can find no reference
to the message and its meaning is not clear, contact
your support representative for assistance.
*Incorrect Drive B type – run SETUP
Type of floppy drive B: not correctly identified in Setup.
This means that the floppy disk drive type identified in
your setup utility does not agree with the type detected
by the Power On Self Test. Run the setup utility to
correct the inconsistency.
*Invalid NVRAM media type
nnnn Cache SRAM Passed
Problem with NVRAM access. In the unlikely case that
you see this message you may have some display prob-
lems. You can continue operating but should contact
your support representative for more information.
Where nnnn is the amount of system cache in kilobytes
success-fully tested by the Power On Self Test. (This can
only appear if you have an SRAM PC Card installed.)
*Diskette drive A error or Diskette drive B error
Drive A: or B: is present but fails the BIOS Power On Self
with the proper diskette type in the Setup Utility, (See
BIOS Setup Utility on page 33 for more information) and
that the diskette drive is installed correctly. If the disk
drive is properly defined and installed, avoid using it and
contact your support representative.
*Keyboard controller error
replace your keyboard or keyboard controller but may
be able to use an external keyboard until then. Contact
your support representative.
*Keyboard error
Keyboard not working. You may have to replace your
keyboard or keyboard controller but may be able to
use an external keyboard until then. Contact your
support representative.
*Extended RAM Failed at offset: nnnn
Extended memory not working or not configured prop-
erly. If you have an installed memory upgrade module,
verify that the module is properly installed. If it is prop-
erly installed, you may want to check your Windows
Setup to be sure it is not using unavailable memory
until you can contact your support representative.
*Keyboard error nn
BIOS discovered a stuck key and displays the scan code
for the stuck key. You may have to replace your keyboard
but may be able to use an external keyboard until then.
Contact your support representative.
nnnn Extended RAM Passed
Where nnnn is the amount of memory in kilobytes
successfully tested.
*Monitor type does not match CMOS – Run SETUP
Monitor type not correctly identified in Setup. This error
probably means your BIOS is corrupted, run the setup
utility and set all settings to the default conditions. If you
still get this error, contact your support representative.
*Failing Bits: nnnn The hex number nnnn
This is a map of the bits at the memory address (in
System, Extended, or Shadow memory) which failed the
memory test. Each 1 (one) in the map indicates a failed
bit. This is a serious fault that may cause you to lose data
if you continue. Contact your support representative.
*Operating system not found
Operating system cannot be located on either drive A: or
drive C: Enter the setup utility and see if both the fixed
disk, and drive A: are properly identified and that the
boot sequence is set correctly. Unless you have changed
your installation greatly, the operating system should be
on drive C:. If the setup utility is correctly set, your hard
drive may be corrupted and your system may have to be
re-installed from your back up media.
*Fixed Disk x Failure or Fixed Disk Controller
Failure (where x = 1-4)
The fixed disk is not working or not configured properly.
This may mean that the hard drive type identified in
your setup utility does not agree with the type detected
by the Power On Self Test. Run the setup utility to check
for the hard drive type settings and correct them if
necessary. If the settings are OK and the message appears
when you restart the system, there may be a serious fault
which might cause you to lose data if you continue.
Contact your support representative.
*Parity Check 1 nnnn
Parity error found in the system bus. BIOS attempts
to locate the address and display it on the screen. If it
cannot locate the address, it displays ????. This is a
potentially data destroying failure. Contact your
support representative.
*Incorrect Drive A type – run SETUP
Type of floppy drive A: not correctly identified in Setup.
This means that the floppy disk drive type identified in
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
*Parity Check 2 nnnn
nnnn System RAM Passed
Parity error found in the I/O bus. BIOS attempts to
locate the address and display it on the screen. If it
cannot locate the address, it displays ????. This is a
potentially data-destroying failure. Contact your
support representative.
Where nnnn is the amount of system memory in
kilobytes successfully tested.
*System timer error
The timer test failed. The main clock that operates the
computer is faulty. Requires repair of system board.
Contact your support representative for repairs.
*Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to SETUP
Displayed after any recoverable error message. Press
the [F1] key to continue the boot process or the [F2]
key to enter Setup and change any settings.
UMB upper limit segment address: nnnn
Displays the address of the upper limit of Upper
Memory Blocks, indicating released segments of the
BIOS memory which may be reclaimed by a virtual
memory manager.
*Previous boot incomplete –
Default configuration used
Previous Power On Self Test did not complete success-
fully. The Power On Self Test will load default values and
offer to run Setup. If the previous failure was caused by
incorrect values and they are not corrected, the next
boot will likely fail also. If using the default settings does
not allow you to complete a successful boot sequence,
you should turn off the power with the Power Switch
and contact your support representative.
Video BIOS shadowed
Video BIOS successfully copied to shadow RAM.
If for some reason the eject button fails, you can open
the DVD/CD-ROM tray with a paper clip or similar tool
inserted into the eject hole in the far right side of the
front of the tray. Straighten one side of a paper clip
and push it gently into the hole. The tray will pop out
a short distance.
*Real time clock error
Real-time clock fails BIOS test. May require board repair.
Contact your support representative.
*Shadow RAM Failed at offset: nnnn
The operating system and application software that is
factory installed detects the modem characteristics and
provides the necessary command strings to operate the
modem. The internal modem operation is controlled by
generic AT commands from the operating system and
application software. The standard long form result
codes may, in some cases, be displayed on your screen to
keep you informed of the actions of your modem. The
operating system and application software may suppress
display of the result codes.
Shadow RAM failed at offset nnnn of the 64k block at
which the error was detected. You are risking data corrup-
tion if you continue. Contact your support representative.
nnnn Shadow RAM Passed
Where nnnn is the amount of shadow RAM in kilobytes
successfully tested.
*System battery is dead – Replace and run SETUP
The BIOS CMOS RAM memory hold up battery is dead.
This is part of your BIOS and is a board mounted
battery which requires a support representative to
change. You can continue operating but you will have to
use setup utility default values or reconfigure your setup
utility every time you turn off your notebook. This
battery has an expected life of 2 to 3 years.
Examples of result codes are:
CONNECT 53000 (Connection complete
System BIOS shadowed
System BIOS copied to shadow RAM.
at 53,000 bps.)
RING (This means an incoming call.)
*System CMOS checksum bad – run SETUP
BIOS CMOS RAM has been corrupted or modified
incorrectly, perhaps by an application program that
changes data stored in BIOS memory. Run Setup and
reconfigure the system.
When using the internal modem with applications
that are not factory installed refer to the
application documentation.
*System RAM Failed at offset: nnnn
System memory failed at offset nnnn of in the 64k block
at which the error was detected. This means that there is
a fault in your built-in memory. If you continue to
operate, you risk corrupting your data. Contact your
support representative for repairs.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
partition, and it must be directly before the backup
partition on your hard disk.
Restoring Your
Pre-installed Software
1. At the Drive Image Special Edition main screen,
click Options> Create New Backup.
Your system has been loaded with a valuable utility that
allows you to restore your LifeBook notebook disk drive
contents as they were originally shipped from the
factory. Most often this is necessary if files or software
programs (only those files/programs that came pre-
installed) become corrupt or accidentally erased.
There is also a button on the main DISE screen that
performs the same function.
2. You will be prompted to type a password. Type a
password (or leave the password fields blank), then
click OK. DISE displays a warning that it must go to
DOS to create the image.
PowerQuest® Drive Image Special Edition (DISE)
provides a way to restore your computer if you experi-
ence a hard disk crash or other system failure. Fujitsu has
used DISE to create an image of everything that was
installed on the computer at the time you purchased it.
The image is saved on a separate partition on the hard
disk. You can use DISE to restore the factory image and
return your computer to the state in which it shipped
from Fujitsu.
3. Click Yes.
DISE creates an image file in the backup partition. If
you created a backup image previously, the new
image overwrites the old one.
Enlarging the Backup Partition
If there is not enough unused space in the backup parti-
tion on your hard disk, DISE will resize the partition.
DISE will display the minimum, maximum, and recom-
mended sizes for the backup partition. You choose the
size you want.
Although it is not necessary, you can use DISE to store
an additional image file that you create. For example, if
you install several applications and save data files on
your hard disk, you can create a new image file that
includes them and then save that image file on the hard
disk. Then, in the event of a hard disk failure, you can
restore the image that includes the applications and data
files you use.
DISE takes the space from the FAT, FAT32, or NTFS
partition that you are backing up. If there is not enough
unused space in that partition to take, you will not be
able to resize the backup partition and create an image
file. You can delete files from the FAT, FAT32, or NTFS
partition to create more unused space on the hard disk.
Restoring a Backup Image
Fujitsu recommends that you create a DISE disk as a
“rescue disk.” If your computer fails, you can boot and
You can restore either a factory image or a backup image
you created. Be aware that restoring a backup image will
replace the contents of the C:\ partition with the image
you restore.
run DISE from the rescue disk.
1. Disable virus protection software in the BIOS. If
virus protection software is enabled, DISE will hang.
Using the DISE feature will reduce the amount of usable
disk space on your hard disk drive.
2. From the DISE main window, click Options >
Restore Backup to restore an image you created, or
click Options > Restore Factory Backup to restore
the factory image.
Creating Drive Image SE Diskettes
Note: You can use a DISE disk to boot your machine and
run DISE if your machine is unbootable or if you do not
have access to Windows.
DISE shuts down to DOS and restores the image file.
Drivers and Applications Restore CD
The Drivers and Application CD can be used to selec-
tively re-install drivers and/or applications that may have
been un-installed or corrupted. Please refer to installa-
tion instructions located in the Drivers and Applications
Restore CD.
Insert a formatted floppy disk in your machine.
From the Drive Image Special Edition main window,
click Options > Create Drive Image SE Diskette.
Running DISE from Diskettes
1. Insert the Drive Image SE Disk 1 in the floppy drive.
2. Reboot your computer.
3. Insert Disk 2, type DISE, then press <Enter>.
Look for and open files with the extensions .DOC .PDF
and/or .TXT.
Creating a Backup Image
You can create a backup image of your C:\ drive at any
time. The C:\ partition must be a FAT, FAT32, or NTFS
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n F i v e
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n S i x
C a r e a n d M a i n t e n a n c e
Cleaning your LifeBook notebook
Always disconnect the power plug. (Pull the plug, not
the cord.)
Care and Maintenance
If you use your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook carefully, you
will increase its life and reliability. This section provides
some tips for looking after the notebook and its devices.
Clean your LifeBook notebook with a damp, lint-free
cloth. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
Use a soft cloth to remove dust from the screen.
Never use glass cleaners.
Electrical equipment may be hazardous if misused. Oper-
ations of this product or similar products, must always be
supervised by an adult. Do not allow children access to
the interior of any electrical products and do not permit
them to handle any cables.
Storing your LifeBook notebook
If storing your notebook for a month or longer, turn
your LifeBook notebook off and remove all Lithium
ion batteries.
Store your notebook and batteries separately. If you
store your LifeBook with a battery installed, the bat-
tery will discharge, and battery life will be reduced. In
addition, a faulty battery might damage your Life-
Caring for your LifeBook notebook
Your LifeBook notebook is a durable but sensitive
electronic device. Treat it with respect and care.
Make a habit of transporting it in a suitable carrying
Store your Fujitsu LifeBook in a cool, dry location.
Temperatures should remain between 13ºF (-25ºC)
and 140ºF (60ºC).
Do not attempt to service the computer yourself.
Always follow installation instructions closely.
Traveling with your LifeBook notebook
Do not transport your notebook while it is turned on.
Keep it away from food and beverages.
If you accidentally spill liquid on your LifeBook note-
1. Turn it off.
Do not check your notebook as baggage. Carry it with
2. Position it so that the liquid can run out.
3. Let it dry out for 24 hours, or longer if needed.
4. If your notebook will not boot after it has dried
out, call your support representative.
Always bring your System Recovery CD that came
with your notebook when you travel. If you experience
system software problems while traveling, you may
need it to correct any problems.
Never put your notebook through a metal detector.
Do not use your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook in a wet
Have your notebook hand-inspected by security per-
sonnel. You can however, put your notebook through a
properly tuned X-ray machine. To avoid problems,
place your notebook close to the entrance of the
machine and remove it as soon as possible or have your
notebook hand-inspected by security personnel. Secu-
rity officials may require you to turn your notebook
On. Make sure you have a charged battery on hand.
environment (near a bathtub, swimming pool).
Always use the AC adapter and batteries that are
approved for your notebook.
Avoid exposure to sand, dust and other
environmental hazards.
Do not expose your notebook to direct sunlight for
long periods of time as temperatures above 140° F (60°
C) may damage your notebook.
When traveling with the hard drive removed, wrap the
drive in a non-conducting materials (cloth or paper). If
you have the drive checked by hand, be ready to install
the drive if needed. Never put your hard drive through a
metal detector. Have your hard drive hand-inspected by
security personnel. You can however, put your hard
drive through a properly tuned X-ray machine.
Keep the covers closed on the connectors and slots
when they are not in use.
Do not put heavy or sharp objects on the computer.
If you are carrying your LifeBook notebook in a brief-
case, or any other carrying case, make sure that there
are no objects in the case pressing on the lid.
Take the necessary plug adapters if you're traveling
overseas. Check the following diagram to determine
which plug adapter you'll need or ask your travel agent.
Never position your notebook such that the media
player drive is supporting the weight of the notebook.
Do not drop your notebook.
Do not touch the screen with any sharp objects.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n S i x
Increasing Battery Life
Power your LifeBook notebook through the AC or
optional auto/airline adapter whenever possible.
Outlet Type
If your notebook is running on battery power all day,
connect it to the AC adapter overnight to recharge the
United States, Canada,
parts of Latin America,
Japan, Korea,
the Philippines, Taiwan
Keep brightness to the lowest level comfortable.
Set the power management for maximum battery life.
Russia and the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS),
most of Europe, parts of Latin
America, the Middle East, parts
of Africa, Hong Kong, India,
most of South Asia
Put your notebook in Suspend mode when it is turned
on and you are not actually using it.
Limit your media drive access.
Disable the Media Player auto insert notification func-
Mexico, United Kingdom,
Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore,
parts of Africa
Always use fully charged batteries.
Eject PCMCIATM cards when not in use.
Caring for your Floppy Disks
Avoid using the floppy disks in damp and
China, Australia,
New Zealand
dusty locations.
Never store a floppy disk near a magnet or
magnetic field.
Caring for your Batteries
Do not use a pencil or an eraser on a disk or
disk label.
Always handle batteries carefully.
Do not short-circuit the battery terminals (that is, do
not touch both terminals with a metal object). Do not
carry lose batteries in a pocket or purse where they
may mix with coins, keys, or other metal objects.
Doing so may cause an explosion or fire.
Avoid storing the floppy disks in extremely hot or cold
locations, or in locations subject to severe temperature
changes. Store at temperatures between 50º F (10ºC)
and 125ºF (52ºC).
Do not touch the exposed part of the disk
behind the metal shutter.
Do not drop, puncture, disassemble, mutilate or incin-
erate the battery.
Recharge batteries only as described in this manual
and only in ventilated areas.
Caring for your Floppy Disk Drive
To clean, wipe the floppy disk drive clean with a dry
soft cloth, or with a soft cloth dampened with water or
a solution of neutral detergent. Never use benzene,
paint thinner or other volatile material.
Do not leave batteries in hot locations for more than a
day or two. Intense heat can shorten battery life.
Do not leave a battery in storage for longer than 6
months without recharging it.
Avoid storing the floppy disk drive in extremely hot or
cold locations, or in locations subject to severe tem-
perature changes. Store at temperatures between 50º F
(10ºC) and 125ºF (52ºC).
Keep the floppy disk drive out of direct sunlight and
away from heating equipment.
Avoid storing the floppy disk drive in locations subject
to shock and vibration.
Never use the floppy disk drive with any liquid, metal,
or other foreign matter inside the floppy disk
drive or disk.
Never disassemble or dismantle your floppy disk drive.
C a r e a n d M a i n t e n a n c e
will provide specific information, but you should
pay attention to the following points:
Caring for your Media (DVD/CD/CD-R)
Media discs are precision devices and will function reli-
ably if given reasonable care.
To keep out dust and dirt, store PC Cards in their
protective sleeves when they are not installed in
your LifeBook notebook.
Always store your media disc in its case when it
is not in use.
Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or
excessive heat.
Always handle discs by the edges and avoid touching
the surface.
Keep the cards dry.
Avoid storing any media discs in extreme tempera-
Do not flex or bend the cards, and do not place heavy
objects on top of them.
Do not bend media discs or set heavy objects on them.
Do not force cards into the slot.
Do not spill liquids on media discs.
Avoid dropping cards, or subjecting them to
excessive vibration.
Do not scratch media discs.
Do not put a label on media discs.
Do not get dust on media discs.
Never write on the label surface with a ballpoint pen
or pencil. Always use a felt pen.
If a media disc is subjected to a sudden change in tem-
perature, cold to warm condensation may form on the
surface. Wipe the moisture off with a clean, soft, lint
free cloth and let it dry at room temperature. DO NOT
use a hair dryer or heater to dry media discs.
If a disc is dirty, use only a DVD/CD cleaner or wipe it
with a clean, soft, lint free cloth starting from the inner
edge and wiping to the outer edge.
Caring for your Media Player Drive
Your media player drive is durable but you must treat it
with care. Please pay attention to the following points:
The drive rotates the compact disc at a very high
speed. Do not carry it around or subject it to shock
or vibration with the power on.
Avoid using or storing the drive where it will be
exposed to extreme temperatures.
Avoid using or storing the drive where it is
damp or dusty.
Avoid using or storing the drive near magnets or
devices that generate strong magnetic fields.
Avoid using or storing the drive where it will be
subjected to shock or vibration.
Do not disassemble or dismantle the media player
Caring for your PC Cards
PC Cards are durable, but you must treat them with
care. The documentation supplied with your PC Card
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n S i x
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n S e v e n
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
your LifeBook notebook. (See figure 2-10 on page 12 for
location) This label contains specific information
regarding the options you’ve chosen for your notebook.
Following is an example label and information on how to
read your own configuration label.
This section provides the hardware and environmental
specifications for your Fujitsu LifeBook notebook. Spec-
ifications of particular configurations will vary.
Part Number
Configuration ID
S4572, PIII, 750, 12T, 2K, 20G, 256M
Model #
Operating System
Screen Size
Hard Drive
Figure 7-1 Configuration Label
Stereo headphone jack, 1 Vrms, or less, minimum
impedance 32 Ohms
Stereo line in jack, 880 mVrms or less, minimum
impedance 10K Ohms
Mono microphone jack, 125 mVp-p or less, minimum
impedance 10K Ohms
Two built-in stereo speakers, 28 mm diameter (Stereo)
One built-in monaural microphone
750MHz low-voltage Pentium III mobile processor with
Intel SpeedStep technology.
System Memory
128MB or 256MB SDRAM (one slot, no expansion slot)
Cache Memory
Single Flexible Bay devices:
256K on-die L2
BIOS Memory
512KB Flash ROM
USB Floppy Disk Drive
256 Bytes CMOS RAM with back-up battery
External 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive, which accommodates
1.44MB or 720KB floppy disks
Hard Drive
30GB, 20GB or 10GB fixed hard drive
Built-in color flat-panel TFT active matrix LCD display
with simultaneous display capability
Media Player
Video Color and Resolution
Depending upon the configuration of your system, one
of the following is installed.
12.1" TFT XGA
Internal: 1024 x 768 pixel resolution, 16M colors
External: 1600 x 1200 pixel resolution, 64K colors
DVD Drive
Modular 8x maximum DVD drive, or,
CD Drive
Simultaneous Video = Yes (1024 x 768, 16M colors)
XGA, SVGA and VGA compatible
Modular 24x maximum CD drive, or,
CD-RW Drive
Video RAM
ATI Rage Mobility-M with 4MB embedded Video RAM
Modular 4x maximum CDR
Modular 4x maximum CD-RW
Modular 8x maximum DVD/8x4x24 CD-RW
combo drive
Yamaha® AC97 codec YMF743
Sound Blaster Pro-compatible 32-bit stereo PCM/FM
sound chip
SuperDisk Drive
Modular SuperDisk 120 Drive for 120MB SuperDisks
Spatializer 3D-Stereo multiple speaker effect support
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n S e v e n
One 9-pin D-SUB connector for RS-232C serial
input/output devices
One USB (Universal Serial Bus) connector for
input/output devices
One 25-pin special connector for external floppy
disk drive connection
One LAN (RJ-45) connector (for LAN models only)
Integrated Pointing Device
Touchpad pointing device with scroll button
Modem: Internal V.90 standard 56K fax/modem
(ITU V.90, 56K data, 14.4K fax)
LAN: 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet (For LAN models)
IEEE 1394 and S-Video Out: (for non-LAN models)
Built-in keyboard with all functions of 101 key PS/2
compatible keyboards.
LifeBook Security/Application Panel
The Application Launcher buttons on your LifeBook
notebook default to the following applications:
Total number of keys: 82
Function keys: F1 through F12
Feature extension key: Fn
Two Windows keys: one Start keys and one
application key
Table 7-1 Application Launcher Defaults
Key pitch: 19 mm
Key stroke: 3 mm
Default Application
Built-in Touchpad pointing device with left and right
buttons and scroll button.
Built-in Palm Rest
Application A
Microsoft Works 2000
or Notepad
External Keyboard Support
Application B
Internet Explorer
Netscape Messenger
External Numeric Keypad Support
External Mouse Support
Theft Prevention Lock
Lock slot for use with physical restraining security
systems. The locking system by Kensington is
One 6-cell Lithium ion battery, rechargeable, 10.8V,
3100 mAh
On the LifeBook notebook:
PC Card slot for one Type II card: PCMCIA Standard
Optional Flexible Bay battery: 6-cell Lithium ion battery,
rechargeable, 10.8V, 2600 mAh
2.1 with CardBus support
One 15-pin D-SUB connector for VGA external
Bridge Battery
monitor (see Display specifications)
Two USB (Universal Serial Bus) connectors for
Your LifeBook notebook comes equipped with a bridge
battery. A bridge battery allows a charged Lithium ion
battery to be replaced without shutting down the system.
The bridge battery capacity is not large and can vary
with the condition of your notebook, so you will have 3
minutes at the most to make the change.
input/output devices
One modular modem (RJ-11) connector
One LAN (RJ-45) connector or IEEE 1394 connector
(depending upon system configuration)
One stereo headphone jack. (See Audio specifications)
One mono microphone jack. (See Audio specifications)
One stereo line-in jack. (See Audio specifications)
AC Adapter
Autosensing 100-240V AC, 40W, supplying 16V DC to
the LifeBook notebook, Fujitsu Model FPCAC14 which
includes an AC cable.
Embedded Smart Card Reader (requires third-party
On the Port Replicator:
Two 6-pin mini DIN PS/2 compatible connectors for
Power Management
Conforms to ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power
external keyboard, external mouse or external numeric
One 25-pin D-SUB connector for parallel input/
Overall Dimensions
Approximately 11.3"(w) x 8.9"(d) x 0.93"/1.3"(h)
output devices; Bi-directional, output only or ECP
One 15-pin D-SUB connector for VGA external
monitor (see Display specifications)
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Approximately 3.8 lbs with battery and weight saver.
Approximately 4.5 lbs with battery and DVD drive.
Port Replicator approximately 0.8 lbs.
Presentation Audio System
TeleAdapt 16' TeleCord
Notebook Guardian Lock
IBM Modem Saver
Operating: 41° to 95° F (5° to 35° C)
Non-operating: 5° to 140° F (–15° to 60° C)
Carrying Cases
ProPack Backpack
Executive Plus
Operating: 20% to 85%, relative, non-condensing
Non-operating; 8% to 85%, relative, non-condensing
Depending on your pre-installed operating system, your
Fujitsu LifeBook notebook comes with pre-installed
software for playing audio and video files of various
formats. In addition there is file transfer software, virus
protection software and Power Management software.
Operating: 10,000 feet (3,048 m) maximum
For ordering or additional information on
Fujitsu accessories please visit our Web site at
www.fujitsupc.com or call 1-800-733-0884.
All operating systems and most application software
have tutorials built into them upon installation. We
highly recommend that you step through the tutorial
before you use an application.
Memory Upgrades
Original pre-installed memory must be removed prior
to installing new memory module.
Included with your notebook you will find manuals for
your installed operating system and other pre-installed
software. Any manuals that are not included, are avail-
able online through the help system of the software. We
recommend that you review these manuals for general
information on the use of these applications.
Port Replicators
Universal LAN Hub
External floppy drive
External USB floppy drive
LapLink® Gold by LapLink.com Inc., allows
you to transfer files directly to other computers via an
internal modem, a PC Card modem, the infrared port,
the USB port, or a serial or parallel cable (cables not
included). (See your LapLink online help for proper
operating procedures)
Main Lithium ion battery
Battery Charger
Auto/Airline Adapter
AC Adapter
Flexible Bay Devices
Modular SuperDisk 120 drive
Modular CD-RW drive
Modular 8x DVD drive
Modular CD-ROM drive
Modular DVD/CD-RW combo drive
Modular 2nd Lithium ion Battery
Modular Digital Camera
Microsoft Works is a suite of software containing the
basic tools to write letters and reports, track family and
friends address books, manage home finances, and
create a home inventory.
ActiveShield, by McAfee.com, is an antivirus program
that can be run after loading data or programs onto your
LifeBook notebook. It assist in the protection of the data
currently residing on your hard disk from contamina-
tion and destruction. (See your ActiveShield online help
or manual for more information on how and when
to run this program)
PC Cards
Xircom Global Access Modem56
Additional Accessories
USB Digital Camera
Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
Numeric Keypad
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n S e v e n
particular test. Please consult your network adminis-
trator for further assistance with this issue.
Your LifeBook notebook is pre-installed with software
utilities that let you operate and configure your LifeBook
Security/Application Panel.
For further information about the Fujitsu Service Assis-
tant, call 1-800-Fujitsu, or visit the FPC support website
at: www.fujitsupc.com/support.
The Security Panel portion allows for password protec-
tion while the system is off or in Suspend mode. The
Security Panel utilities are found under the Start menu,
under Programs, then under LifeBook Security Panel.
BatteryAid allows you to control the display brightness
of your notebook in order to maximize battery life. (See
your BatteryAid online help for more information on the
correct way to use this program)
The Application Panel utilities are found under the Start
menu, under Programs, then under LifeBook Application
Panel. The utilities include a CD Player, Application Panel
Setup, Application Panel Guide, Activate Panel and Deac-
tivate Panel.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader, located in the Service and
Support Software folder, allows you to view, navigate,
and print PDF files from across all of the major
computing platforms.
As your notebook does not support the CPU Clock
control, the option is not active within the Power
Control menu of BatteryAid.
BayManager provides a simple and powerful method
of switching drives of a LifeBook notebook computer
without having to reboot the notebook computer.
Windows 98 Second Edition does not natively support
hot swapping. With BayManager, you can swap bay
devices while your OS is running, this is called hot-
DISE is used to restore the factory image and restore the
system to its original state. For future backup, a section
of your hard drive contains an image of the original
installed software and utilities. If necessary, you can
restore your system to the state in which it was shipped
from Fujitsu. (See Drive Image Special Edition (DISE) on
page 72 for more information)
BayManager Features
Allows hot-swapping of devices on LifeBook note-
books. You do not need to shut down the system to
exchange devices.
Works under Windows 98 Second Edition.
Works under ACPI and APM.
Provides power management integrity for devices that
The Fujitsu Service Assistant is an interactive support
tool that provides automated diagnosis and solutions for
your hardware and software problems. The Fujitsu
Service Assistant has the ability to automatically detect
new messages when online. To use this tool, click on the
Fujitsu Service Assistant icon located on the left side of
your desktop.
enter and leave the system.
Intel SpeedStep allows your Lifebook to operate in
dual mode. When connected to AC source, the system
operates in Maximum Performance mode. When
powered by battery, the system switches to Battery
Optimized mode to conserve battery life. SpeedStep
software is automatically loaded when you start your
system and appears on the system tray as one of the
two flags. A checker flag indicates that the system is set
for Maximum Performance mode. A blue flag with a
green center square indicates that the system is set for
Battery Optimized mode. You can change the setting
or disable the software by double-clicking the flag icon
and changing the settings in the Intel SpeedStep
Technology window.
New support information for the Fujitsu Service Assis-
tant tool may be available after the purchase of your
notebook. To receive the most up-to-date information,
please connect to the Internet prior to using the Fujitsu
Service Assistant tool for the first time. We recommend
that you periodically connect to the Internet while using
the Fujitsu Service Assistant tool.
You may occasionally receive an "Administrative Rights"
message. The network test is designed to test the config-
uration of your network card and determine your
network connection status. Due to the security features
built into the Windows 2000 operating system, only
users with Administrator level access are able to run this
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n E i g h t
G l o s s a r y
in specially structured ways to make your overall data
handling time faster.
AC Adapter
A device which converts the AC voltage from a
wall outlet to the DC voltage needed to power
your LifeBook notebook.
A faster, 32-bit version of the PC Card interface
which offers performance similar to the 32-bit
PCI architecture.
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
An industry specification for the efficient handling of
power consumption in mobile computers. ACPI deter-
mines how a computer’s BIOS, operating system, and
peripherals communicate with each other about power
Compact disc read only memory. This is a form of
digital data storage which is read optically with a laser
rather than a magnetic head. A typical CD-ROM can
contain about 600MB of data and is not subject to heads
crashing into the surface and destroying the data when
there is a failure nor to wear from reading.
Active-Matrix Display
A type of technology for making flat-panel displays
which has a transistor or similar device for every pixel
on the screen.
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor random
access memory. This is a technology for manufacturing
random access memory which requires very low levels of
power to operate.
Advanced Power Management.
Auto/Airline Adapter
Abbreviation for communication port. This is your
A device which converts the DC voltage from an auto-
mobile cigarette lighter or aircraft DC power outlet to
the DC voltage needed to power your LifeBook note-
serial interface connection.
An instruction which you give your operating
system. Example: run a particular application or
format a floppy disk.
Basic Input-Output System. A program and set of
default parameters stored in ROM which tests and
operates your LifeBook notebook when you turn it on
until it loads your installed operating system from disk.
Information from the BIOS is transferred to the installed
operating system to provide it with information on
the configuration and status of the hardware.
The combination of hardware and software that makes
up your system and how it is allocated for use.
Cathode Ray Tube. A display device which uses a beam
of electronic particles striking a luminescent screen. It
produces a visual image by varying the position and
intensity of the beam.
An abbreviation for binary digit. A single piece of
information which is either a one (1) or a zero (0).
The information a system stores and processes.
An abbreviation for bits per second. Used to describe
data transfer rates.
Direct current. A voltage or current that does not
fluctuate periodically with time.
To start-up a computer and load its operating system
Default Value
from disk, ROM or other storage media into RAM.
A pre programmed value to be used if you fail to
set your own.
An electrical circuit which passes data between the CPU
and the sub-assemblies inside your LifeBook notebook.
Dual-in-line memory module.
8 bits of parallel binary information.
A spinning platter of magnetic data storage media. If the
platter is very stiff it is a hard drive, if it is highly flexible
it is a floppy disk, if it is a floppy disk in a hard housing
with a shutter it is commonly called a diskette.
Cache Memory
A block of memory built into the micro-processor which
is much faster to access than your system RAM and used
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n E i g h t
Disk Drive
The hardware which spins the disk and has the heads
and control circuitry for reading and writing the data
on the disk.
A decimal notation for the value of a 4 bit binary
number. (0-9, A, B, C, D, E, F) Example: 2F in hexa-
decimal = 00101111 in binary = 47 in decimal.
A floppy disk in a hard housing with a shutter.
Input/Output. Data entering and leaving your LifeBook
notebook in electronic form.
Direct Memory Access. Special circuitry for memory
to memory transfers of data which do not require
CPU action.
I/O Port
The connector and associated control circuits for data
entering and leaving your LifeBook notebook in elec-
tronic form.
Desktop Management Interface. A standard that
provides PC management applications with a common
method of locally or remotely querying and configuring
PC computer systems, hardware and software compo-
nents, and peripherals.
Intelligent Drive Electronics. A type of control interface
for a hard drive which is inside the hard drive unit.
IEEE 1394
A type of data transfer protocol that allows for fast
transfer of digital files and data with devices such as
digital cameras.
Disk Operating System (MS-DOS is a Microsoft Disk
Operating System).
Light just beyond the red portion of the visible light
A computer program which converts application and
operating system commands to external devices into the
exact form required by a specific brand and model of
device in order to produce the desired results from that
particular equipment.
spectrum which is invisible to humans.
An abbreviation for infrared.
Infrared Data Association. An organization which
produces standards for communication using infrared
as the carrier.
Extended Capability Port. A set of standards for high
speed data communication and interconnection
between electronic devices.
Interrupt Request. An acronym for the hardware signal
to the CPU that an external event has occurred which
needs to be processed.
Electro-Static Discharge. The sudden discharge of elec-
tricity from a static charge which has built-up slowly.
Example: the shock you get from a doorknob on a dry day
or the sparks you get from brushing hair on a dry day.
Extended Memory
All memory more than the 640KB recognized by
Local Area Network. An interconnection of computers
and peripherals within a single limited geographic
location which can pass programs and data amongst
MS-DOS as system memory.
Federal Communication Commission.
Floppy Disk
Liquid Crystal Display. A type of display which makes
images by controlling the orientation of crystals in a
crystalline liquid.
A spinning platter of magnetic data storage media which
is highly flexible.
Lithium ion Battery
A type of rechargeable battery which has a high power-
time life for its size and is not subject to the memory
effect as Nickel Cadmium batteries.
Hard drive
A spinning platter of magnetic data storage media where
the platter is very stiff.
G l o s s a r y
LPT Port
Line Printer Port. A way of referring to parallel
interface ports because historically line printers were
the first and latter the most common device connected
to parallel ports.
PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association. The Personal
Computer Memory Card International Association is an
organization that sets standards for add-in cards for
personal computers.
Peripheral Device
A piece of equipment which performs a specific
function associated with but not integral to a computer.
Examples: a printer, a modem, a CD-ROM.
1,000,000 cycles per second.
Pitch (keyboard)
The distance between the centers of the letter keys
of a keyboard.
A repository for data and applications which is readily
accessible to your LifeBook notebook CPU.
The smallest element of a display, a dot of color on your
display screen. The more pixels per area the clearer your
image will appear.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A standard
communication protocol for exchange of information
between computers and sound producers such
as synthesizers.
Power On Self Test. A program which is part of the BIOS
which checks the configuration and operating condition
of your hardware whenever power is applied to your
LifeBook notebook. Status and error messages may be
displayed before the operating system is loaded. If the
self test detects failures that are so serious that operation
can not continue, the operating system will not be
A contraction for MOdulator-DEModulator. The
equipment which connects a computer or other data
terminal to a communication line.
A system using one channel to process sound
from all sources.
An integrated set of coded commands to your
computers telling your hardware what to do and how
and when to do it.
A standard for MIDI interfaces and connectors.
National TV Standards Commission. The standard for
An IBM series of personal computers which established
a number of standards for connecting external devices
such as keyboards and monitors.
TV broadcast and reception for the USA.
Operating System
A group of control programs that convert application
commands, including driver programs, into the exact
form required by a specific brand and model of micro-
processor in order to produce the desired results from
that particular equipment.
Random Access Memory. A hardware component of
your LifeBook notebook that holds binary information
(both program and data) as long as it has the proper
power applied to it.
Parallel Port
RAM Module
A connection to another device through which data is
transferred as a block of bits simultaneously with a wire
for each bit in the block and with other wires only for
control of the device not for transfer of data.
A printed circuit card with memory and associated
circuitry which allows the user to add additional
memory to the computer without special tools.
The act of reloading the operating system. A reset erases
all information stored in RAM.
A block of space on a hard drive which is set aside
and made to appear to the operating system as if it
were a separate disk, and addressed by the operating
system accordingly.
See Reset.
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n E i g h t
Stroke (keyboard)
To proceed after interruption. In your LifeBook note-
book, this refers to returning to active operation after
having been in one of the suspension states.
The amount of travel of a key when it is pressed from
resting to fully depressed.
To make inoperative for a period of time. Your LifeBook
notebook uses various suspension states to reduce power
consumption and prolong the charge of your battery.
Read Only Memory. A form of memory in which infor-
mation is stored by physically altering the material. Data
stored in this way can not be changed by your LifeBook
notebook and does not require power to maintain it.
Super VGA.
Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
Super Video. A component video system for driving a
Serial Port
TV or computer monitor.
A connection to another device through which data is
transferred one bit at a time on a single wire with any
other wires only for control of the device not for transfer
of data.
System Clock
An oscillator of fixed precise frequency which synchro-
nizes the operation of the system and is counted to
provide time of day and date.
Shadow RAM
A technique of copying data or applications stored in
ROM (Read Only Memory) into RAM (Random Access
Memory) for access during actual operation. RAM is
much faster to access than ROM, however ROM
contents are not lost when power is removed.
Shadowing allows permanently stored information
to be rapidly accessed.
Thin Film Transistor – A technology for flat display
panels which uses a thin film matrix of transistors to
control each pixel of the display screen individually.
Underwriters Laboratories – An independent organiza-
tion that tests and certifies the electrical safety of devices.
Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
(SMART) is an emerging technology that provides near-
term failure predictions for hard drives. When SMART is
enabled the hard drive monitors pre-determined drive
attributes that are susceptible to degradation over time.
If a failure is likely to occur, SMART makes a status
report available so that the LifeBook notebook can
prompt the user to back up the data on the drive. Natu-
rally not all failures are predictable. SMART predict-
ability is limited to those attributes which the drive can
self-monitor. In those cases where SMART can give
advance warning, a considerable amount of precious
data can be saved.
Universal Serial Bus. An external bus standard that
allows for fast data transfer. A single USB port can be
used to connect up to 127 peripheral devices, such as
mice, modems, and scanners.
Video Graphics Array. A video display standard
originally introduced by IBM with the PS/2 series of
personal computers.
Video Random Access Memory. A memory dedicated to
video display data and control.
Wired for Management is Intel’s broad-based initiative
to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of business
computing without sacrificing power and flexibility.
Static random access memory. A specific technology
of making RAM which does not require periodic
data refreshing.
Write Protect
Status Indicator
Prevent alteration of the binary state of all bits in a
storage media. Example: all information on a device
such as a floppy diskette; a block of space in a storage
media such as a partition of a hard drive; a file or direc-
tory of floppy diskette or hard drive.
A display which reports the condition of some portion
of your hardware. On your LifeBook notebook this is an
LCD screen just above the keyboard.
Stereo (audio)
A system using two channels to process sound from two
different sources.
Extended VGA.
G l o s s a r y
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
S e c t i o n E i g h t
I n d e x
Cursor Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Auto Insert Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Auto/Airline Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 89
DIMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Built-in Microphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Built-in Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
DVD drive
access indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Cache Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
Internal LAN Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
External Monitor Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 57
installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Floppy Disk
preparing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Floppy Disk Drive
Fujitsu LifeBook
storing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Media Player
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Function Key
F7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 21
FN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Media player
Hard Disk Drive
disable/enabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Mini-Serial Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Hot-swap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
PS/2 Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
RJ-45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Numeric Keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
NumLk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Parallel Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 91
PC Card
removing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Pointing Device
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
S-Video Out Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Pre-Installed Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Adobe Acrobat Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
L i f e B o o k
S e r i e s
Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
volume control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Application key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Start keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
EdgeStar Beverage Dispenser TWR481 User Manual
Eiki Projector EIP 3000NA User Manual
Electro Voice Musical Instrument Amplifier GS 1000 User Manual
Extron electronic Switch GB 190F User Manual
Fisher Price Motorized Toy Car 73517 User Manual
Fluke Battery Charger BP130 User Manual
Gaggenau Microwave Oven EB 270 271 User Manual
Gefen Switch EXT DVI 16416 User Manual
GE Freezer FUF21SVRWW User Manual
GE Washer Dryer WNCD2050 User Manual