GE Microcassette Recorder 3 5375 User Manual

3-5375 US En  
12/22/00, 11:35 AM  
Usin g t h e Re co rd e r  
Usin g t h e Re co rd e r  
In se rt o r Re m o ve a Micro ca sse t t e  
Mic Se n sit ivit y Sw it ch  
1. Press the STOP EJECT button to stop recorder or to open cassette carry  
door and remove microcassette. Note that when in play or record  
mode you must press STOP EJECT once to turn player off and again to  
open the cassette carry door.  
This two-position switch enables selection between two microphone  
sensitivity levels:  
HI —for maximum sensitivity for conferences or general use.  
LO —for a lower sensitivity level for dictation purposes.  
2. Insert microcassette into the cassette carry door with the side to be  
used visible through cassette door window. Face exposed tape outward  
and close door. Note that Rim drive and capstan drive tapes look alike,  
but only CAPSTAN DRIVE MICROCASSETTE tapes will work in this  
Re co rd  
Records continuously when the recorder is in the RECORD mode.  
1. Press RECORD button (PLAY button will depress also). Note that your  
recorder is equipped with a microcassette sensing mechanism. This  
mechanism prevents the RECORD button from being pressed when  
cassette is not in the recorder. (See Erase Protection.)  
2. Select HI or LO with the MIC sensitivity switch. Recording level may be  
fine tuned with the volume control.  
TIP: Always push STOP EJECT button before storing.  
This will relieve pressure on certain parts in the  
recorder that might deform after long periods of time.  
3. Speak normally into the microphone. To obtain optimum recording  
quality, place the recorder with the microphone freely exposed to  
sound source and as close as convenient. A built-in automatic record  
level control will set record level for optimum recordings. Avoid  
recording near unwanted noise sources, such as air conditioners or  
Tape buttons  
4. Push STOP EJECT button when finished recording.  
TIP: For conferences, to obtain optimum recording quality,  
place the recorder with the microphone freely exposed to the  
sound source and as close as convenient. A built-in automatic  
recording level control will set record level for optimum  
recordings. Avoid recording near unwanted noise sources, such  
as air conditioners or fans.  
AVR sw it ch  
Tape speed sw itch  
Headphone jack  
External MIC Jack  
Mic sensitivity sw itch  
Re co rd w it h a n Ext e rn a l Micro p h o n e  
To record with external m icrophone, plug the m icrophone  
into the MIC J ACK. The built-in m icrophone is disconnected.  
He a d p h o n e Ja ck  
Plugging in an optional headphone the speaker is automatically silenced  
for private listening. When recording with the built-in microphone, you  
can use the optional headphone to listen to what is being recorded. Note  
that the headphone jack is designed to permit use of stereo headphones  
with your mono recorder. Playback will be heard in mono only.  
Vo lu m e Co n t ro l  
Adjust the volume when in the PLAY mode to your preferred listening  
Adjust the volume when in the RECORD mode to fine tune the  
sensitivity of the built-in microphone for record operations.  
3-5375 US En  
12/22/00, 11:36 AM  
Usin g t h e Re co rd e r  
Usin g t h e Re co rd e r  
Au t o m a t ic Vo ice Act iva t e d Re co rd in g Sw it ch (a vr)  
Ta p e Pla y  
The AVR feature allows the recorder to sense sound and to record only  
when you are speaking into the microphone. When dictation stops for  
approximately 6 seconds, tape operation will stop. Recording will start  
again when you resume dictation.  
To listen to your recorded microcassette, rewind to the starting point and  
press STOP/ EJECT button. Press PLAY and adjust the VOLUME to desired  
listening level.  
On p o sit io n —a tape saver. Ideal feature to allow for hands-free  
operation during dictation.  
Off p o sit io n —The AVR circuit is disconnected and recording is  
continuous when unit is in RECORD mode.  
IMPORTANT: Tapes must be played back at the same speed in w hich  
they w ere recorded.  
Re co rd w it h AVR On  
1. Place the AVR switch in ON position.  
Pla yb a ck Sw it ch  
During the PLAY mode, you can speed up the playback of recording tapes  
by placing the PLAYBACK switch in:  
2. Press RECORD button (PLAY button will depress also). Note that your  
recorder is equipped with a microcassette sensing mechanism. This  
mechanism prevents the RECORD button from being pressed when  
cassette is not in the recorder. (See Erase Protection.)  
FAST—Speed up Playback, 15% -25% faster than normal playback.  
NORMAL—Playback at normal speed.  
3. Select HI or LO with the MIC sensitivity switch.  
4. Adjust the VOLUME control so that the sensitivity of the built-in mic is  
at the point where your voice level will just activate the AVR feature and  
automatically start recording. The first syllable or two may be lost when  
you start recording, because this “sound” is used to turn on the AVR  
feature. It is a good practice to make some “sound or say a short word to  
activate the AVR before you begin actual dictation. Recorder will  
automatically stop recording when you cease dictation for a period of  
approximately 6 seconds.  
Playback Sw itch  
5. Push STOP EJECT button when finished recording.  
Re w in d (REW)/ FAST FORWARD (FFWD)  
REW—Slide switch to REW to rewind to beginning or any point of your  
recording. Press STOP/EJECT button after you have rewound the  
desired amount.  
FFWD—Slide switch to FFWD to advance the tape. Press STOP/EJECT  
button after you have reached the desired location on the tape.  
Pa u se Bu t t o n  
This convenient PAUSE feature is most helpful while recording because  
you can stop the recorder momentarily without resetting the control  
buttons. Depress the PAUSE button to stop operation in PLAY, RECORD,  
FFWD, and REW modes. Press button again to resume operation. Note  
that if the PAUSE button is activated (depressed) it can also be  
deactivated by pressing the STOP button.  
Re vie w (REV)/ CUE  
This feature is helpful in finding the beginning or the end of the recorded  
segment on the tape. While in PLAY mode, Slide and hold REV or CUE  
switch and listen for change from noise to silence (end of recording) or  
from silence to noise (beginning of recording).  
When desired portion has been reached, release REV or CUE switch.  
Use the same procedure if you want to skip a portion or listen to the same  
segment again.  
Ta p e Sp e e d  
No rm a l—is the tape speed which is compatible with most single-speed  
microcassette recorders.  
1/2doubles the record time and will allow up to 2 hours of recording  
time when using both sides of a 60 minute (MC-60) microcassette tape.  
IMPORTANT: Do not change speed w hile recording.  
Tape Speed Sw itch  
3-5375 US En  
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Lim it e d Wa rra n t y  
Ca re & Ma in t e n a n ce  
Wh a t yo u r w a rra n t y co ve rs:  
• Any defect in materials or workmanship.  
Ta p e Era se  
To erase a tape simply record over the unwanted recording.  
Fo r h o w lo n g a ft e r yo u r p u rch a se :  
• One year (The warranty period for rental units begins with the first rental or 45 days  
from date of shipment to the rental firm, whichever comes first.)  
Era se Pro t e ct io n  
When you record new material, the cassette deck records over whatever is  
on a tape. To protect a tape from accidental erasure, break off one or  
both plastic tabs (one for each tape side) on the side of the cassette tape.  
If you decide later to record on the tape, seal the hole with a piece of  
cellophane tape.  
Wh a t w e w ill d o :  
• Provide you with a new, or at our option, a refurbished unit.  
• The exchange unit is under warranty for the remainder of the original products  
warranty period.  
Ho w t o m a ke  
w a rra n t y cla im :  
• Properly pack your unit. Include any cables, etc., which were originally provided with  
the product. We recommend using the original carton and packing materials.  
• Include in the package evidence of purchase date such as the bill of sale. Also print  
your name and address and a description of the defect. Send standard UPS or its  
equivalent to:  
Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.  
Product Exchange Centre,  
11721 B Alameda Ave,  
Socorro, TX 79927  
Qu it Sla ckin g  
• Pay any charges billed to you by the Exchange Center for service not covered by the  
• Insure your shipment in case of loss of damage. Thomson accepts no liability in case  
of damage or loss.  
• A new or refurbished unit will be shipped to you prepaid freight.  
What your warranty does not cover:  
A little bit of slack in your tapes can cause scratches on  
the tape, or worse yet, the tape could break. If you  
notice some slack in the tape, use a pencil to tighten it  
up before you insert it.  
• Customer instruction. (Your Owners Manual provides information regarding  
operating instructions and user controls. For additional information, ask your dealer.)  
• Installation and set-up service adjustments.  
• Batteries.  
• Damage from misuse or neglect.  
• Products which have been modified or incorporated into other products.  
• Products purchased or serviced outside the USA.  
• Acts of God, such as but not limited to lightning damage.  
Cle a n in g t h e Ta p e He a d s  
Over time, iron oxide particles from the magnetic tape build up on the  
parts that come in contact with the tape. These deposits can cause  
incomplete erasure, a muffled sound during playback.  
To clean the heads, open the compartment door, push the PLAY button  
and gently clean the heads, capstan and pinch wheel with a head cleaner.  
Allow 30 minutes drying time when using a liquid cleaner.  
Pro d u ct Re g ist ra t io n :  
• Please complete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your unit. It will  
make it easier to contact you should it ever be necessary. The return of the card is not  
required for warranty coverage.  
Ho w st a t e la w re la t e s t o t h is w a rra n t y:  
• This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which  
vary from state to state.  
If yo u p u rch a se d yo u r p ro d u ct o u t sid e t h e USA:  
• This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.  
Pinch w heel  
Erase head  
Play/Record head  
10330 N. meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46290  
© 2000 Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.  
Trademark(s) ® Registered  
The descriptions and characteristics given in this document are given as a general indication and not  
as a guarantee. In order to provide the highest quality product possible, we reserve the right to  
make any improvement or modification without prior notice. The English version serves as the final  
reference on all product and operational details should any discrepancies arise in other languages.  
Marca(s) Registrada(s)  
Model 3-5375  
55129910 (EN/E)  
3-5375 US En  
12/22/00, 11:36 AM  

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