Intelligent Motion Systems Welding System Integral Driver and Power Supply User Manual |
Integral Driver and Power Supply
Extremely Compact
(4.0 x 6.7 x 4.4 inches)
(101 X 171 X 112 mm)
High Output Current
(7 Amps RMS, 10 Amps Peak)
Advanced Surface Mount and
ASIC Technology
115/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Fault and Power Indicators
Up to a 10 MHz Step Clock Rate
Optically Isolated Inputs
Short Circuit and Over
Temperature Protection
Up to 51,200 Steps/Rev
Automatically Switches
Between Slow and Fast Decay
14 Selectable Resolutions, in
Both Decimal and Binary
Fault Output
Incorporated into the PANTHER
HD driver are proprietary circuits
The PANTHER HD is a high perfor- that minimize ripple current while
mance, low cost microstepping driv- maintaining a 20 kHz chopping
er with integral power supply that in-
rate. This prevents additional mo-
corporates advanced surface mount tor heating that is common with
and ASIC technology. The PANTHER drivers requiring higher chopping
HD is small, easy to interface and rates. Now low inductance stepper
use, yet powerful enough to handle motors can be used to improve high
Optional Rack Mounting
Number of Microsteps Per
Step Can Be Changed
the most demanding applications.
speed performance and system
On-The-Fly without Motor
The heart of the PANTHER HD is
Movement Interruption
our IM1007 OEM microstepping The PANTHER HD allows you to
driver which utilizes our highly in- change the number of microsteps
tegrated IM2000 microstepping per step at anytime. There is no
20 kHz Chopping Rate
Optional On-Board Indexer and
controller IC.
need to reset the driver. Built into
the driver are 14 different resolu-
tions in both binary and decimal, al-
lowing the user to rapidly move long
distances, yet precisely position the
motor at the end of travel without
the expense of high performance
Encoder Feedback
For many low and medium power
applications, the PANTHER HD pro-
vides a low cost, compact solution
along with innovative features found
only in IMS drivers.
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