Mustek Digital Camera GSmart 350 User Manual

Mustek GSmart 350  
Digital Still Camera  
GSmart 350 Digital Still Camera  
Users Guide  
Are you ready? .................................................................................. 3  
Power On ........................................................................................... 3  
Using the CompactFlashTM (CF) Memory Card Option................ 3  
Camera Features............................................................................... 4  
Capturing Image(s) and Short Movie(s) ........................................ 4  
Reviewing Image(s) or Movie(s) ..................................................... 5  
Summary of Camera’s On-Screen Display (OSD) .................... 5-7  
Software Installation ..................................................................... 7-8  
Getting Connected ........................................................................... 8  
Acquiring the TWAIN........................................................................ 8  
Application for the Mac................................................................... 9  
How to transfer your images .......................................................... 9  
Video Conference and Capture Applications ............................. 9  
Using the Viewer to Manage your images ............................. 10-11  
Specifications.................................................................................. 11  
Helpful Hints .................................................................................... 12  
Mustek GSmart 350 3  
Are you ready?  
Please make sure your package has all the following items:  
GSmart 350 camera  
3 AA batteries  
2 CDs (1 installation/ 1 application)  
Camera strap  
USB connection cable  
Users Guide  
Power On your Camera (Batteries or USB)  
Battery Installation:  
1. Press the release button at the bottom of the camera  
and swing open the front cover.  
2. Pull up the battery strip to release the batteries.  
3. Insert the batteries as indicated by the (+/-) marks in the  
battery compartment.  
The battery  
icon indicates low batteries.  
To save battery power, you can review your images while  
your camera is linked with a computer via the USB cable.  
Before linking with computer, install software to avoid “unknown device” message.  
Using a CompactFlashTM (CF) Memory Card (optional)  
1. Turn off the camera and open the CF Card panel.  
2. Slide the CF card into the slot to activate.  
3. To remove: Push the Eject button (located on the bottom of the card slot).  
CF Card acts as primary memory if inserted in the camera. You will be unable to save  
images to the cameras internal memory while card is inserted.  
4 Mustek GSmart 350  
Camera Features  
Before capturing images, please familiarize yourself with the following features.  
1. Lens Adjuster: Rotates to adjust Micro Display to your eyesight.  
2. Micro Display Viewfinder: Allows view of subject and review of image.  
3. PWR button: Powers the camera on/off.  
4. Up/Down Arrow keys: Navigate On-Screen Display (OSD).  
5. SEL(Select) button: Confirms the selection.  
6. Shutter button: Captures the image/movie.  
7. CF Card Panel: Slides back to open CF card slot.  
8. Battery button: Pushes in to open front battery cover.  
9. LED Indicator: Glows when power is on.  
10.USB port: Provides connection to computer/power.  
11.Lens: Allows fixed focus.  
12.Flash: Provides lighting in low-light environments. ( indicates flash recharging.)  
Capturing Image(s) and Short Movie(s)  
Capturing Image(s)  
1.Position the subject in the viewfinder.  
2.Gently press the Shutter button, holding the camera steady to obtain crisp image.  
3.After image capture, BUSY icon flashes while the camera processes image.  
Once this message disappears, you may capture another image or Review.  
Press the Arrow keys to change the exposure.  
Capturing a Short Movie  
1. Press SEL button to Select MOVIE from the OSD; MOVIE ON flashes on screen.  
2. Hold down Shutter button (camcorder icon  
appears). Release Shutter to end.  
Camera must have at least 400 KB available memory to select OSD MOVIE menu item.  
Mustek GSmart 350 5  
Reviewing Image(s) or Movie(s)  
Reviewing Images on the Camera  
1.Power on the camera and press the SEL button for the Main Menu.  
2.Press the SEL button on REVIEW.  
3.Use the Arrow keys to scroll through the options and press the SEL button to  
choose one of 4 functions. Now you may View or Delete images as you like.  
Please follow the OSD explanation summary below for more information.  
Press the Shutter button to return to image capture.  
Reviewing a Captured Movie on Windows 98 or the Mac  
1.First download your movie file with the transfer button on the Viewer application  
bundled with your cameras software.  
2.Use Apples QuickTimeTM to open and play your movie.  
User is unable to review movies on the camera.  
Summary of Camera’s On-Screen Display (OSD)  
Use Select (SEL) button to access 6 categories of OSD boxes on Micro Display.  
MAIN MENU: Lists topics of 6 main categories.  
REVIEW: Review/Delete images in memory.  
RECORD: Change camera settings for image capturing.  
TIMER: Select to activate self-timer image capture function.  
MOVIE: Select to activate movie capture function.  
INFO: Indicates camera status.  
SETUP: Allows for advanced camera functions.  
ESC: Returns user to image capture.  
Use Arrow keys and SEL button to navigate the OSD; use Shutter button for a quick exit.  
6 Mustek GSmart 350  
FULL SCREEN: Allows review and deletion of single images.  
THUMBNAIL: Allows 4 image review and image deletion.  
DIRECTORY: Lists fixed file names of images in memory.  
SLIDE SHOW: Review a slide show of images in memory.  
DELETE ALL: Allows user to delete all images in memory.  
ESC: Exit to MAIN MENU.  
FLASH: Select: AUTO or OFF.  
Connection with the USB line disables flash.  
EXP.: Select exposure as AUTO or choose: ( -2 to +2 ), +/- .5  
RES.: Select from 2 image resolutions: ( 640x480, 320x240 ).  
QUALITY:Select either HIGH or STANDARD.  
HIGH utilizes more memory than STANDARD.  
ZOOM: Select X2 for closeup capture; X1 is normal capture.  
X2 icon indicates camera is capturing closeup images.  
SAVE: Select SAVE to activate changes.  
ESC: Exit to MAIN MENU without saving changes.  
The TIMER menu item allows you to direct the camera to wait 10 seconds before  
you capture an image (setting the self-timer).  
1. Select TIMER and the TIMER ON message flashes on the screen.  
2. Next press the Shutter button to activate 10 second countdown, TIMER ACTIVE appears.  
3. After the image is captured, press the Shutter button once more to capture more images.  
After the Shutter is pressed, the user has a total of 10 seconds before the image is  
captured (7 second slow LED flash plus a final 3 second quick flash).  
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The MOVIE menu item allows you to capture video files with your camera.  
1.Once you have selected the MOVIE menu item from the OSD with the SEL button, simply  
press and hold Shutter button to capture. Then release the Shutter button to end.  
BATTERY: Indicates either FULL or LOW for power status.  
VERSION: Indicates model version (useful for future firmware  
MEMORY: Indicates current memory ( CF card OR internal ).  
USED: Occupied memory space.  
USED ---KB  
FREE ---KB  
SIZE ---KB  
FREE: Available memory space.  
SIZE: Total memory capability of the camera.  
ESC: Exit to MAIN MENU.  
TIME OUT: Select auto power off for 30/60/90/None(Seconds).  
RESTORE DEFAULTS: Restore factory settings.  
LANG.: Change language settings.  
SAVE: Select SAVE to activate changes.  
ESC: Exit to MAIN MENU without saving changes.  
FORMAT CARD: Reformat CF card to delete all CF Card data  
and re-initialize the directory structure.  
Software Installation for Windows 98  
1.Insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.  
2.Click on Start and select Run.  
3.In the Run dialog box, type drive:\run.exe where drive is  
the location of your CD-ROM drive.  
4.Follow on-screen instructions to install driver and included imaging software.  
8 Mustek GSmart 350  
Software Installation for the Mac  
1.Insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.  
2.Wait for the GSmart 350 CD icon to appear on your desktop.  
3.Double-click on the CD icon to open the folder.  
4.Double-click on the Installer icon.  
5.Continue to follow all on-screen instructions for installation.  
Getting Connected with the PC and the Mac  
1.Power off the camera and plug one end of the USB cable into the  
appropriate port at the back of your computer and the other end  
into the cameras USB port.  
2.Turn on the camera.  
Acquiring the TWAIN driver for Windows 98  
TWAIN is the industry standard protocol that allows external image devices to communi-  
cate with your imaging software.  
1.Launch the TWAIN-compliant program (e.g. Photo Express).  
2.Select Digital Camera from the File menu, OR Click the Camera icon.  
3.The Select data source box appears. Choose Mustek GSmart 350  
and click the Acquire button.  
4.The Viewers main window appears and you can select the source  
of your images (camera or CF card reader).  
5.Now you may transfer camera images directly into Photo Express for viewing/  
editing OR save images directly to disk.  
Mustek GSmart 350 9  
Application for the Mac  
The Installer will install the software in the Mustek GSmart 350 folder.  
1.Find GSmart 350 Viewer icon in the Mustek GSmart 350 folder and double click.  
2.The Viewers main window appears and automatically loads your captured images.  
3.Follow the instructions for transferring images in the section below.  
How to transfer your images for Windows 98 and the Mac  
For Windows 98 users, the user can also acquire the Viewer by clicking the  
GSmart 350 Viewer icon from the Windows’ Programs group.  
1.Once connected to the computer, follow the steps above to acquire the Viewer.  
2.After connecting the camera, open the Viewer and your images load automatically.  
3.To transfer images to the computer:  
Click on the thumbnail(s) you want, then click the Transfer icon or double-click  
the thumbnail for quick transfer.  
Click the Select All icon, then click the Transfer icon.  
Video Conference and Capture Applications (Windows 98 only)  
• Open your video conference program (e.g. Microsofts NetMeetingTM) after  
powering on camera to see your conferencing partner.  
Capture AVI files through the cameras Amcap© video capture program.  
1. Power on camera then click the Amcap© icon in the Windows’ Program group.  
2. Select File to set a file in which to save your video and select Capture to Start  
capturing video.  
10 Mustek GSmart 350  
Using the Viewer to manage your images  
The Viewer contains several functions as detailed below. See the on-line help for  
more details.  
Features and Functions:  
1.Download: Selects source of images/movies’ download.  
2.Total Memory: Represents megabytes (MB) of memory for all images/movies.  
3.Select All: Selects all images/movies.  
4.Delete: Deletes selected images/movies.  
5.Image Count: Represents total number  
of images/movies in the Viewer.  
6. Delete All: Causes the Viewer  
to delete all images/movies.  
7.Print: Offers 3 print options:  
all, selected, or single  
(Windows 98 only).  
8.Save to: Allows save of  
images/movies to disk or to  
an application (Windows  
98 only).  
9.Transfer: Transfers  
images/movies to a specific  
directory (First mark images).  
10.File Transfer: Total number of images/movies to be transferred.  
11.Page Down: Takes user to next page of images/movies.  
For further explanation of the Viewer functions, please see the tutorial and on-line help.  
Mustek GSmart 350 11  
12.GoTo: Quick access to specified page of images/movies.  
13.Page Up: Takes user to previous page of images/movies.  
14.Exit: Allows user to exit Viewer.  
15.Help: Lists help version information (Windows 98 only).  
16.Product Information: Lists camera version number.  
17.Web Link: Links user to the Web page (Windows 98 only).  
18.Mark: Flags individual images/movies for selection.  
1/3 inch 310K pixels HP CMOS sensor  
Digital camera/USB PC camera  
320 x 240, 24 bit color  
Micro Display LCD  
Image resolution  
640 x 480; 320 x 240  
Internal memory; capacity of up to 12 images (Standard resolution)  
CompactFlashTM (CF) card interface, (CF card optional)  
Computer Interface  
Digital Zoom  
10 second delay  
White Balance  
Shutter Speed  
Focus Range  
Automatic with 9 selectable Exposure Values (EV)  
1/5 to 1/2000 second  
Standard JPG file; YUV (4:1:1)  
50cm (approx. 20) to infinity  
Fixed lens F/2.0  
Lens Field of view  
55 degrees  
3 AA 1.5V alkaline  
11.8 x 5.3 x 6.9 cm (4.6” x 2.1” x 2.7)  
170 grams (5.6oz) (without batteries)  
12 Mustek GSmart 350  
Helpful Hints  
No power.  
1. Batteries not loaded correctly.  
2. Dead batteries.  
1. Re-install batteries.  
2. Replace batteries.  
Sudden power  
1. Low battery power.  
2. Auto Power Off function  
1. Replace batteries.  
2. Turn Power On.  
1. Camera not in View mode.  
2. BUSY icon appears.  
1. Set camera to View mode.  
2. Wait for camera to re-adjust.  
No capture when  
shutter is depressed. 3. Memory is full.  
4. Flash is charging.  
3. Delete images in cameras memory.  
4. Wait for flash icon to stop blinking on OSD.  
Flash does not work. 1. Flash is set to OFF.  
1. Set flash to AUTO in RECORD of OSD.  
2. USB is connected to the camera. 2. Disconnect the USB cable.  
3. Environment is bright enough.  
3. Continue capturing images.  
Image is too bright  
Or too dark.  
1.Exposure(EXP) setting is  
1. Adjust EXP(exposure) setting while capturing  
images with up/down arrows Or change EXP  
setting in RECORD category of OSD.  
1. Camera is not powered on.  
2. USB not connected properly.  
3. USB data transfer error.  
1. Power on the camera.  
2. Ensure USB cable is connected.  
3. Unplug and reconnect the USB cable.  
Device not ready  
Connection failure.  
4. Hardware compatibility problem. 4. Contact your computer vendor for help.  
5. Insufficient USB power  
5. Ensure USB connects directly to computer  
host port, NOT keyboard or other port.  
1. Reconnect the cables.  
1. Incorrect cable connection.  
Cannot transfer data. 2. Camera is not turned on.  
2. Turn on the camera.  
CF Card error.  
1. CF Card may not be formatted. 1. Format card through the OSD function.  
Note: You will delete all data on the CF Card if  
you reformat your CF Card.  
Mustek GSmart 350 13  

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